Letter C
Cabinets of Doctor Arcana, The (3467)
Callahan's Crosstime Saloon (4032)
Calm Waters (862)
Candle (6305)
Cardboard Castle (1180)
Carte Blanche (1459)
Case of the Golden Idol, The (5932)
Casebook Episode 0 (727)
Casebook Episode 1 (1341)
Casebook Episode 2 (1195)
Casebook Episode 3 (1161)
CaseCracker (4972)
CaseCracker 2 (5258)
Castle Dracula (714)
Castle of Dr Brain (1495)
CastleAbra (3659)
Cat and Ghostly Road (2459)
CAT Interstellar (1105)
CAT Interstellar: Recast (1073)
Cat Lady, The (3851)
Cat Museum (2493)
Cats in Time (7824)
CAYNE (1365)
Chamber of the Sci-Mutant Priestess (606)
CHAOS Continuum, The (1082)
Charnel House Trilogy, The (1038)
Chewy: Esc from F5 (3176)
Chook and Sosig: Walk the Plank (1936)
Chronicles of Mystery: Secret of the Lost Kingdom (1614)
Chronicles of Mystery: The Legend of the Sacred Treasure (1699)
Chronique des Silencieux (4682)
Chuchel (1638)
Cinema Rosa, The (1437)
Circle of Blood (3618)
Circuit's Edge (3265)
Clandestiny (2411)
Class Escape (4360)
CLeM (3555)
Code-Name: ICEMAN (2161)
Colonel's Bequest, The (2128)
Come Back: Chapter 1 (863)
Companions of Xanth (1658)
Conquests of Camelot (2096)
Conquests of the Longbow (1128)
Conquistadorio (2127)
Conspiracies (4129)
Conspiracies 2 (8009)
Conspiracy (3494)
Contradiction (1714)
Corruption Within, The (1601)
Corto Maltese (2410)
Countdown (2323)
Creaks (8535)
Creature Crunch (799)
Creepy Tale (2158)
Crime Time (698)
Criminal Expert (3001)
Crimson Diamond, The (4488)
Crimson Room Decade (1361)
Critical Path (480)
Cross Formula, The (1836)
Cruise for a Corpse (1187)
Cryptologist Room, The (623)
CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (2994)
Cube Escape: Paradox (6288)
Curious Cases (1515)
Curse of Enchantia (2495)
Curse of Monkey Island, The (2485)
Cursed Legacy, The (1784)
Cursed Roots (2375)
Cutthroats (1106)
Cypher (4168)
Letter D
Da New Guys (2864)
Da Vinci Cryptex 2, The (1924)
Da Vinci Cryptex 3, The (1604)
Da Vinci Cryptex, The (1646)
Daedalus Encounter, The (1382)
Dagger of Amon Ra, The (2786)
Dangeresque: The Roomisode Triungulate (2291)
Dare to Dream (423)
Dare to Dream 2 (642)
Dare to Dream 3 (535)
Dark Eye, The (2926)
Dark Eye: Memoria, The (3777)
Dark Grim Mariupolis (1442)
Dark Half, The (1586)
Dark Hill Museum of Death (788)
Dark Hope (3018)
Dark Inside Me: Chapter 1, The (1736)
Dark Room (4426)
Dark Seed (1904)
Dark Seed 2 (2016)
Darkestville Castle (2773)
Darkness Ahead (1070)
Darkstone (3683)
Day of the Tentacle (2229)
Day of the Tentacle Remastered (3050)
Dead Space (7903)
Dead Synchronicity (2553)
Deadline (450)
Death Gate (2620)
Decay: The Mare (3243)
Deep Sleep Trilogy (2486)
Deja Vu (1158)
Deja Vu 2 (1141)
Demons Never Lie (2575)
Detective Grimoire (1748)
Detective Jackie: Mystic Case (2393)
Detective Max: Double Clues (3361)
Devil Inside, The (2296)
Devil's Hideout (1599)
Diabolik (3458)
Diamon Jones (3110)
Die O'Clock (3021)
Dig, The (2373)
Dinotopia (1095)
Discworld (4454)
Discworld 2 (2244)
Discworld Noir (2724)
Distraint (2480)
Dominic Crane (1650)
Dominic Crane 2 (1930)
Domino House (2712)
Don't Escape Trilogy (3196)
Doors and Rooms (7451)
Dorian Morris Adventure (1350)
Down in Bermuda (4009)
Downfall (1803)
Downfall Redux (3247)
Dr Livingstone, I Presume? (3760)
Dragonsphere (2116)
Drascula (1060)
Draugen (2001)
Drawn (3735)
Drawn 2 (3417)
Drawn 3 (2962)
Drawn Down (1383)
Dream Chronicles (1343)
Dream Chronicles 2 (2280)
Dream Chronicles 3 (2443)
Dream Chronicles 4 (2598)
Dream Chronicles 5 (2653)
Dreamlands: Aisling's Quest, The (1706)
DreamWeb (1674)
Duck Detective: The Secret Salami (1471)
Duckman (836)
Dude, Where Is My Beer? (2297)
Dum-Dum (2971)
Dungeon Lords (9360)
Dungeon Siege (5530)
Dungeon Siege: Legends of Aranna (3919)
DYING: Reborn (3632)
Letter L
LA Noire (15376)
Labyrinth of Time, The (1580)
Land of Lamia, The (550)
Land of Screens (938)
Larry the Unlucky Part 1 (1102)
Larry the Unlucky Part 2 (1146)
Larry the Unlucky Part 3 (3700)
Last Crown, The (1658)
Last Day of June (2501)
Last Door, The (3447)
Late Shift (1158)
Laura Bow (2128)
Laura Bow 2 (2786)
Leather Goddesses of Phobos (1912)
Leather Goddesses of Phobos 2 (1741)
Leaves: The Journey (3152)
Leaves: The Return (3009)
Legend of Crystal Valley, The (3633)
Legend of Kyrandia 2, The (2306)
Legend of Kyrandia 3, The (4227)
Legend of Kyrandia, The (1597)
Legend of Lotus Spring, The (2174)
Legend of the Prophet and the Assassin, The (2134)
Leisure Suit Larry (949)
Leisure Suit Larry 1 Remake (944)
Leisure Suit Larry 2 (1189)
Leisure Suit Larry 3 (1287)
Leisure Suit Larry 5 (1729)
Leisure Suit Larry 6 (1655)
Leisure Suit Larry 7 (3526)
Leisure Suit Larry: Box Office Bust (3053)
Leisure Suit Larry: Magna Cum Laude (3066)
Leisure Suit Larry: Reloaded (3437)
Les Manley (997)
Les Manley 2 (903)
Let Me Die (Inside) (1222)
Librarian, The (642)
Lifestream: A Haunting Text Adventure (3305)
Lighthouse: The Dark Being (7711)
Like No Other (1599)
Lilly Looking Through (1818)
Limbo of the Lost (3040)
Little Acre, The (1891)
Little Big Adventure (3988)
Little Inferno (3238)
Little Kite (2728)
Little Locked Rooms (831)
Loco Motive (2587)
Longest Journey, The (5783)
Loom (1289)
Lost Eden (2366)
Lost Files of Sherlock Holmes, The (1862)
Lost Horizon (5862)
Lost Horizon 2 (4101)
Lost in Time (2379)
Louisiana Adventure (3174)
Low Road, The (2384)
Lucid Dream (5131)
Lula 3D (2584)
Lume (433)
Lumino City (2545)
Lure of the Temptress (1260)
Lurking Horror, The (1225)
Letter R
Radiant One (865)
Rain City (3209)
Rainswept (2175)
Rainyday (911)
Rama (7153)
Randal's Monday (5747)
Rauniot (3236)
Red Comrades (2854)
Red Comrades 2 (1395)
Red Comrades 3 (3488)
Red Strings Club, The (1936)
Regular Factory (3027)
Relentless: Twinsen's Adventure (3988)
Remedy (1982)
Rendezvous (4277)
Repentant (854)
Resonance (4862)
Restricted Area (4095)
Return of the Obra Dinn (4806)
Return of the Phantom (1353)
Return to Monkey Island (6948)
Return to Ringworld (2440)
Return to Zork (2315)
Returner 77 (2775)
Revenge of Johnny Bonasera Episode 1, The (985)
Revenge of Johnny Bonasera Episode 2, The (1554)
Revenge of Johnny Bonasera Episode 3, The (1568)
Revenge of Johnny Bonasera Episode 4, The (1850)
Reversion Chapter 1 (620)
Reversion Chapter 2 (1122)
Reversion Chapter 3 (2330)
Rewinder, The (5375)
Rex Nebular (1386)
Rhiannon (5038)
Riana Rouge (1381)
Richard and Alice (1358)
Riddle of Master Lu, The (3341)
Riddlord: The Consequence (2524)
Ringworld (770)
Ripley's Believe It Or Not (3341)
Ripper (4157)
Rise of the Dragon (1122)
Rise of the Golden Idol, The (8000)
Rituals (1128)
Rivers of Alice, The (1775)
Robot City (1905)
Room 2, The (5449)
Room, The (3554)
Roots of the Woods (707)
Runaway: A Road Adventure (3477)
Rusty Lake Hotel (3552)
Rusty Lake Paradise (6772)
Rusty Lake: Roots (7364)
Letter S
Sacrificial Lighthouse (718)
Safecracker: The Ultimate Puzzle Adventure (2885)
Salammbo (4106)
Sam and Max Hit the Road (1571)
Sam and Max: Season 1 (5170)
Samorost (541)
Samorost 2 (1344)
Samorost 3 (3875)
Samsara Room (2257)
Sanitarium (5377)
Sanity: Aiken's Artifact (9062)
Santa Fe Mysteries: Sacred Ground (1188)
Santa Fe Mysteries: The Elk Moon Murder (735)
Santo Island Incident (4806)
Scott Whiskers (2201)
Scratches (3219)
Scribblenauts Unlimited (8888)
Search for the Golden Dolphin (1345)
Search, The (1536)
Seastalker (921)
Secret Files (6189)
Secret of Hutton Grammar School, The (418)
Secret of Monkey Island Special Edition, The (2440)
Secret of Monkey Island, The (2470)
Secrets of Alamut, The (2573)
Sentient Box, The (2568)
Seven Doors (2508)
Shaban (1751)
Shadow of the Comet (2999)
Shadowgate (1545)
Shannara (2076)
Shapeshifting Detective, The (1392)
Shapik: The Moon Quest (3257)
Shapik: The Quest (2540)
Shardlight (3530)
She and the Light Bearer (1266)
She Sees Red (1375)
Sherlock: The Riddle of the Crown Jewels (1882)
Shivah, The (693)
Shiver (796)
Shivers (4396)
Shopkeeper, The (498)
Shut In (2617)
Silent Age, The (3451)
Silver Chains (3154)
Silver Lining Episode 1, The (323)
Silver Lining Episode 2, The (628)
Silver Lining Episode 3, The (1609)
Silver Lining Episode 4, The (1641)
Silverload (1980)
Simon the Sorcerer (2307)
Simon the Sorcerer 2 (2759)
Simon the Sorcerer 2: 25th Anniversary (2743)
Simon the Sorcerer 3D (6953)
Simon the Sorcerer: 25th Anniversary (2294)
Sink Gods, The (1581)
Sinking Island (2973)
Sinless (1425)
Small Town Robot (617)
Snafu (2870)
Snail Trek Chapter 1 (319)
Snail Trek Chapter 2 (535)
Snail Trek Chapter 3 (778)
Snail Trek Chapter 4 (817)
So Blonde (5079)
Softporn Adventure (752)
Sol 705 (1526)
Solaria Moon (1838)
Solas and the White Winter (1180)
Soltys (835)
Sophia the Traveler (2428)
Sorcerer (983)
SOTANO (1455)
Space Quest (959)
Space Quest 0 (1569)
Space Quest 1 Remake (940)
Space Quest 2 (1059)
Space Quest 3 (1036)
Space Quest 4 (1054)
Space Quest 5 (2063)
Space Quest 6 (3047)
Space Quest: The Lost Chapter (1839)
Spava (1086)
Spellbreaker (1910)
Spellcasting 101 (1286)
Spellcasting 201 (1851)
Spellcasting 301 (2064)
Spirits of Kelley Family, The (1222)
Spycraft: The Great Game (2320)
Stacking (7515)
Star Seeker in the Secret of the Sorcerous Standoff (514)
Star Trek: 25th Anniversary (1918)
Star Trek: Borg (885)
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine - Harbinger (3423)
Star Trek: Judgment Rites (3315)
Star Trek: TNG - A Final Unity (3489)
Star Trek: TNG - The Transinium Challenge (521)
Starcross (983)
STASIS (3359)
Stationfall (1347)
Stellar Mess Chapter 1 (1639)
Still Life (4343)
STONE (871)
Stories Untold (1886)
Story of Barker, The (987)
Strange Telephone (1361)
Stupid Invaders (2670)
Subject 13 (3072)
Submachine: Legacy (10531)
SUBNET (2355)
Suite 776 (1813)
Sunflower Code (1162)
Superhero League of Hoboken (1865)
Supper, The (482)
Suspect (493)
Suspended (848)
SWAT 3 (3935)
Syberia (4706)
Syberia 2 (5000)
Synnergist (2002)