
Game Details:  Mystery, 2022

Links:  Moby Games, Steam

Walkthrough Updated:  6/2/2024

Suggested Listening:  Caught Up in the Panic (Ash 25)

CaseCracker is a detective game that involves you using a computer interface to investigate a series of interlinked crimes. You must deduce information from the case background, examine police records and interrogate suspects to piece together enough information to close each case. There are 27 Steam Achievements, all documented in the walkthrough below. The series continues with CaseCracker 2.

Case 1

Case ID: CC200729

View the Background clue.

Search for the clue Shipping label, taking note of the shipping label number. Search for the clue Zip Express. Use the remote access feature for this clue, searching for the shipping label CF94758. This will give you a customer name. Search for the clue Zhu Ran, then interrogate this person. Examine the Shipping label clue again to see some extra testimony from Zhu Ran.

Search for the clue Raceway and you will see two new names are mentioned. Search for the clue Jiao Bin, then interrogate this person. Examine the Raceway clue again for some new testimony. Search for the clue Sun Guoqiang, then examine this clue to automatically get a search warrant as the person is deceased. This should give you multiple potential further clues.

Search for Warding sigil, making sure to read Jiao Bin's testimony about this. Search for Accident, reading both Zhu Ran and Jiao Bin's testimony. Search for Moon pendant, which leads onto Crescent pendant.

Search for the clue Anonymous letters, which prompts you to compare it with another item - drag Jiao Bin here and you will find a fingerprint match. Examine the Anonymous letters clue again for more testimony. Search for Fake medicine, reading all of the testimony. Also search for Mercy Hospital.

Drag the Fake medicine onto Jiao Bin to get another search warrant, then search for Delsa. From this, search for Shared Ride, reading all the associated testimony.

From the Fake medicine clue, search for RevitaLiver and then Prison. This prompts you to examine the map, which is the background of the computer interface. Here you can see the name Inkspot Here is Waldo. You can also find the name Ever Rest.

Also from the Fake medicine clue, search for Zhang Yanhong, then search for Zhang Feixiang. Re-examine all of your previous clues to get extra testimony from Zhang Feixiang. Based on his profile, search for Lana Del Rey Find the singer, and based on his comment about Shared Ride, search for Uber (which comes up as Yoober) Take a ride.

Drag the Fake medicine clue onto Zhang Feixiang to get a search warrant. Search for Test result and Notebook based on this. From the Test result clue you will see a date. On the Mercy Hospital clue, search for Zhang Yanhong, 2013-Nov-12 to see the results of a liver donor pairing performed on this date. From the Notebook clue, search for Civil lawsuit. Also search for Infiltration and Hair. In the Hair clue, drag Zhu Ran's name to find a DNA match. Now drag the Civil lawsuit clue onto Zhu Ran to get a search warrant. Check for updates on the Hair and Crescent pendant clues, and also search for Investigation report.

On the Shared Ride clue, search for Zhang Feixiang, 2020-Jul-21. Also search for Zhu Ran, 2020-Jul-22. Look for an update on the Delsa clue.

From the Mercy Hospital clue, search for Storage room. This will give you a puzzle card. Follow the instructions to get this pattern:

Search for Mt. Urn The mysterious explosion. You can now close the case.

Core Mysteries

  • Please drag and drop the victim's name into the box below.
    Sun Guoqiang

  • Who's the culprit?
    Zhang Feixiang

  • What's the motive?
    Fake medicine

  • What did the culprit kill with?

  • Based on what are you pressing charge?
    Shared Ride

  • Who wrote the second anonymous letter?
    Zhang Feixiang

  • Who's the relative of the woman who died in accident 15 years ago?
    Zhang Feixiang

  • How do you prove their relationship?
    Crescent pendant

Extended Mysteries

  • Zhang Feixiang is a fan of whom?
    Lana Del Rey

  • Jiao Bin mentioned he enjoys using an app. What's it?

  • Where did Sun Guoqiang get his tattoo?

  • There was an explosion in 2019. Where did it happen?
    Mt. Urn

Submit the core mysteries and verify the extended mysteries, then click the button to see the perpetrator's statement. Now select to continue.

Case 2

Case ID: CC200512

View the Background clue, then the Liu Junyan clue.

Search for the clue Liu Junting, then interrogate this person. Search for the clues Romanse, Corozine and Infiltration. Based on Infiltration, search for the clue Dots. Search for the clue Dog, then drag Liu Junting here to see the dog does not bark. Also search for Pacemaker and Diary. Still using the starting information, search for BC Gardens and YT Central, then Beeline Radio. Next search for Sphinx, followed by Gemini Zodiac Sign.

The diary clue will give you your next case number, as well as the clues Fans and Xin Youwei. Interrogate Xin Youwei and look back over your older clues to get new testimony from him. Search for Surveillance center and check the footage for the dates 2020-May-10 and 2020-May-11. Search for the clue Email, followed by Photographs. Drag BC Gardens here and select 7F, then search for Zhang Kai. Interrogate this new person of interest and look through your older clues again. This will prompt you to search for the clue Chicheng Library and Huo Yan. Once again, go through your older clues to get new testimony from this suspect.

Based on what Zhang Kai says about Fans, search for PewDiePie Streamer. Also based on what Zhang Kai says about Dog, go back to the Surveillance center clue and check the footage for the date 2019-Sep-13 Wagie Cagie. Based on the description of the anime, search for Naruto.

Search for the clue Peninsula. Drag Peninsula onto Huo Yan to get a search warrant. Look at the Corozine clue for some updated information. Search for the clue Blackout, then combine this with Pacemaker. Also search for the clue Scented seal.

Go back to the Sphinx clue, and you should now have enough information to solve this puzzle:

  • Dog: 6
    Number of black spots from Dog clue

  • Pill: 9
    Printed on pill from Corozine clue

  • Wine: 7
    Number 3 etched on bottle in Huo Yan's search warrant
    Number 4 etched on bottle in Romanse clue

  • Dots: 6
    Using the information from the Peninsula clue and the Dots clue
    Octo Plus Cinco Minus Seven = 6

Watch the video, and you will be left with a code afterwards. Go to the Chicheng Library clue. Enter the password EC20200721 for Locker 16. Search for the clues Thumb drive and Contract. Drag Zhang Kai onto the Thumb drive clue to get a match, then examine the Thumb drive clue again for updated testimony.

Drag the Contract onto Liu Junting to get a search warrant. Based on this information, search for the clues Ring and CaseCracker. The CaseCracker clue gives you the code E01014250, which will allow you to reset a single case within the game (after searching for it as a clue).

Drag the Ring onto Zhang Kai to get a search warrant. Search for the clue Mounted Camera. Check the footage from 2020-May-11. Drag the Thumb drive onto Xin Youwei to get a search warrant. Now search for the clues Profile and Wax Sculpture. Search for more footage from the Mounted Camera, from 2020-May-08 Alcoholic dog. For completeness, drag all other suspects onto the Dog clue to see if they are recognized. Also drag the Mounted Camera onto Blackout.

Based on Xin Youwei's testimony about Chicheng Library, search for the clue Kitchen. This will give you a puzzle based on the QWERTY keyboard layout. Convert the coordinates to keys on the keyboard:


Now search for the clue Kepler The interference. Also look at the map in the background of the computer interface, and search for Gradient. You can now close the case.

Core Mysteries

  • Please drag and drop the victim's name into the box below.
    Liu Junyan

  • Who's the murderer?
    Xin Youwei

  • What's the motive?
    Thumb drive

  • What did the culprit kill with?

  • Based on what are you pressing charge?
    Scented seal

  • How did the murderer learn about the victim's pacemaker?

  • Why did Zhang Kai's camera blackout for a while?

  • How did Xin Youwei create an alibi?
    Wax sculpture

Extended Mysteries

  • Huo Yan used to work at a pub. What's its name?

  • Where was the camera, branded "FindMe", discovered?
    YT Central

  • Where was the gambling den located?
    BC Gardens

  • Who drank half the bottle of Romanse at Liu Junyan's residence?

  • Zhang Kai is a huge fan of an anime series. What's it called?

  • What appeared on all TV screens northeast of Chicheng in 2019?

Submit the core mysteries and verify the extended mysteries, then click the button to see the perpetrator's statement. Now select to continue.

Case 3

Case ID: CC200618

View the Background clue, then the Wang Yang and Blood clues.

Search for the clues Quartz wall clock, Fabric and Wishing pouch. Next search for Photograph and Financial report. Now search for the clue Peco Therapeutical. From here, you can search for the CEO of the company, Gao Jingwei. Interrogate him to get testimony on your other clues.

Drag the Financial report onto Gao Jingwei to get a search warrant. Now search for the clue Sphinx, which leads onto Shiva. Also search for the clue Suspicious messages. From here you can search for the clue Wrecker statue and the new suspect Chen Liang, then revisit all of your previous clues for extra testimony.

Based on what Chen Liang says about Wang Yang, search for the clue Hive Mind and then Infiltration.

Based on the Wrecker statue clue, search for Central Park and Kitchen knife. Next search for the clue Classy Cutter. You can now find a new suspect Li Yiying. Go back over your previous clues for more testimony. From this you can find the clues Reading Room and Mercy Hospital. This leads to the next clue Surgery. From here you can search for the name Li Jianjun.

Drag the Surgery onto Li Yiying to get a search warrant. Get some updated information on the Suspicious messages clue. Now search for the clue Blue jeans, Safe Box and Necklace with twin hearts. Based this you can search for the clue Break Up. Drag the Necklace with twin hearts onto Chen Liang to get a search warrant, then search for the clue Parking receipt.

Examine the Sphinx clue again. Based on Li Yiying's testimony about it, each of the words is associated with a number, and there is red writing "Flipside". You can find 3 red numbers in other clues:

  • Third Number: 6
    From the Blue Jeans clue, the 6 in "16:27" is in red

  • First Number: 9
    From the Wrecker statue clue, the 9 in "08:09" is in red

  • Second Number: 7
    From the Quartz wall clock clue, the 7 in "07:00" is in red

Gao Jingwei suggests that "Flipside" refers to "Flipside time", meaning the clues should be considered in reverse time order. Press the buttons 6, 9, 7 which correspond with the phrase "Come Find Me". Based on the message that is revealed, search for the clue Trash yard. Now you can search for the clue Plaid shirt, and also find Wang Feng as a new suspect. Go back over all of your previous clues to get new testimony. Drag the Plaid shirt onto the Fabric to find a match.

Based on the description of Wang Feng, search for the clue Cut. Next search for Chiling River, followed by Fishing. Also note Wang Feng's testimony about Gao Jingwei. From the people back in Case 1, search for Jiao Bin Unfaithful wife.

Go back to the Blood clue and get a match with Wang Yang Duh. Now get another match with Wang Feng. Look at some new testimony related to the Blood and Kitchen knife clues. Review Li Yiying's testimony about Wang Feng, then search for the clue Joyous Court. Check the surveillance footage from 2020-Jun-17, which shows Wang Feng arriving home at 23:47.

Drag the Financial report onto Wang Feng to get another search warrant. Now search for the clue Thumb drive. Use the Trash yard clue to search for footage from 2020-Jun-19 to see Chen Liang leaving the plaid shirt. Use the Joyous Court clue to check for more surveillance footage from 2020-Jun-19 to see Li Yiying leaving the thumb drive. Review extra testimony about the Plaid shirt and Thumb drive clues. This will allow you to search for the clue Recording.

View the Mercy Hospital clue again, and search for Wang Feng on 2010-May-30. Now search for the clue BMT. Revisit the Reading Room clue and review the puzzle card. The numbers in this puzzle refer to atomic numbers:

  • (38-r) = Strontium (Sr) - r = S
  • (27-C) = Cobalt (Co) - C = o
  • (13-A) = Aluminium (Al) - A = l

Search for the clue Sol The mysterious man.

Revisit the Safe box clue, which mentions taking a taxi on a specific date. Go back to Case 1 and use the Shared Ride clue. Search for Li Yiying, 2020-May-21. You will find the license plate XM07151. Convert 151 from decimal to binary to get the code 10010111 and enter this to open the Safe box. Now search for the clue Public letter An open letter.

Read Wang Feng's testimony about Li Jianjun, which mentions a mathematician who died in a duel. Search for this person online, then search for the clue Evariste Galois. Look at the map in the background of the computer interface, and search for Swallow. You can now close the case.

Core Mysteries

  • Please drag and drop the victim's name into the box below.
    Wang Yang

  • Who's the murderer?
    Chen Liang

  • What's the motive?
    Break up

  • What did the culprit kill with?
    Kitchen knife

  • Based on what are you pressing charge?
    Plaid shirt

  • How did the murderer build an alibi?

  • Why did the police pick up Wang Feng's DNA at the murder scene?

Extended Mysteries

  • Where was Li Yiying's blue jeans jacket bought?

  • What's the most identifying feature of the one who put the picture into the plaid shirt?
    Blue jeans

  • Which mathematician died in a duel?
    Evariste Galois

  • Gao Jingwei's ex-girlfriend used to be someone's wife. Who is it?
    Jiao Bin

  • What's in the safe?
    Public letter

  • The man appeared out of nowhere in 2019. What did he call himself?

Submit the core mysteries and verify the extended mysteries, then click the button to see the perpetrator's statement.

Go back to the case again. Take note of the serial number on the Kitchen knife, and the information on Classy Cutter that suggests the numbers used to be preceded by CC. This gives you the code CC200505, which leads to the next case. Now select to continue.

Case 4

Case ID: CC200505

View the Background clue, then the Adcypermethrin clue.

From the Background, search for the clues Chiling River and Medallion. Also search for Work uniform. Now search for the clue Municipal Demolition. You can now find Wang Buer as a suspect, and go back over your previous clues for testimony. From what he says about the Medallion, search for another person of interest, Yu Meng. Interrogate him and review all previous clues again.

Based on what Yu Meng says, you can search for Qi Ming Good Ethos Younglings. This reveals two more names, so search for both Li Jianguo and Li Weicai. Revisit your previous clues for additional testimony.

Review what Yu Meng says about the Medallion, then search for Zhu Lei and Jiang Fu. Review both of these clues, and in particular the search warrant information until Zhu Lei's record. From this, you can search for Blood, Calendar and Cigarette Butt. Also search for Group photo, Prescription lenses and Phone. From the Phone, you can now search for Huo Tiantian - interrogate her, then review all of your previous clues for additional testimony. Notice that she mentions an online shopping site in her testimony about the Medallion. Search for Amazon Shopping site.

At this stage you can also piece together an additional word from several clues:

  • "__efbe_" from the Prescription lenses description
  • "al-something-bet" from Yu Meng's testimony about the Group photo

Search for Alefbet. Also from the Phone clue, search for the clue Diagnosis Report. From the Cigarette Butt clue, you can search for YT Development as well as Zhu Xixiang. Go back over your previous clues to get further testimony from this new suspect. Based on what he says about Alefbet, search for Atbash Cipher. Enter QMGEY (from the Medallion) here to get the code JNTVB.

From Li Weicai's testimony about Prescription Lenses, search for the clue Buzz Kill. From what Wang Buer says about this, search for Warehouse. Enter 2020-Mar-30 here to check the surveillance footage. Based on the Calendar clue, also search for Warehouse surveillance footage from 2020-Apr-2.

Based on Zhu Xixiang's testimony about Yu Meng, search for the clue Debt. Yu Meng mentions a gambling den in a condo building. This was mentioned previously in Case 2, so search for BC Gardens Gambling place. This also mentions Bincheng Neighboring city.

Drag Debt onto Yu Meng to get a search warrant, then from the information revealed, search for the clue Orphan profiles. Next use the Orphan profiles clue to get a search warrant for Wang Buer. You can now search for the clues Soreno and Accounting book.

Drag the Accounting book onto Li Weicai to get a search warrant. This should make you search for the clue VAM agreement. Drag this onto Zhu Xixiang for another search warrant. Now search for the clues Sphinx, Activity Report and Revealing pen. Use the Group photo on the Revealing pen clue to see a sycamore tree. From the Sphinx clue, search for Golden toad.

Back at the Soreno clue, search for Garage 13, then enter the license plate of the Soreno, which is XM53255. Also search for the clues Employee ID and Cheer Cake. The stinky fruit mentioned in the description of the cake is a Durian Smelly fruit.

Examine the Sphinx clue again, and enter the code JNTVB. Review the new testimony about Buzz Kill. Look at Zhu Xixiang's testimony about Qi Ming Good Ethos Younglings, then search for the clue Balcony. There is a puzzle here that should lead you to search for RoboCop Martyr.

From Zhu Xixiang's testimony about Alefbet, he mentions a popular detective story, so search for the clue Infiltration Infiltration.

Read Zhu Xixiang's testimony about the Work uniform, then search for Fired, followed by Chen Liang. Also look at the map in the background of the computer interface, and search for Doggie Cafe. You can now close the case.

Core Mysteries

  • Please drag and drop the victim's name into the box below.
    Jiang Fu

  • How did you identify the victim?
    Blood and Accounting book

  • Who's the murderer?
    Li Weicai

  • What's the motive?
    Accounting book

  • How was the poison administered?
    Cheer Cake

  • Where did the murderer acquire the poison from?
    Garage 13

  • Whose employee ID did the murderer use to start the car?
    Yu Meng

  • How did the murderer know the victim liked Cheer Cakes?
    Huo Tiantian

  • Who moved Buzz Kill from the warehouse to Garage 13?
    Yu Meng

  • Who made the donation for Huo Tiantian's medical treatment?
    Zhu Lei

Extended Mysteries

  • Which fruit does Yu Meng Like?

  • Which website did Zhu Lei often spend hours on?

  • Which city is Huo Tiantian based?

  • Why did Yu Meng get a warning?

  • Yu Meng used to patron a gambling den. Where is it located?
    BC Gardens

  • Who was fired by YT Development?
    Chen Liang

  • Which officer died in the siege of the prison in 2019?

Submit the core mysteries and verify the extended mysteries, then click the button to see the perpetrator's statement.

Go back to the case again. Take note of the serial number on the Work uniform, which is mentioned in Yu Meng's testimony. Enter 799079 into the Atbash Cipher clue, which gives you 200920. This gives you the code CC200920, which leads to the next case. Now select to continue.

Case 5

Case ID: CC200920

View the Background clue, then the Song Jianye clue.

Start by searching for Liu Jian. Next search for the clue Black Robe Inc., which leads onto CaseCracker. Also search for Whispering Creek, Corozine, Amitriptyline, Safe box and Coronary artery disease.

From Liu Jian's testimony about Corozine, find the next suspect Li Xue. Review previous clues for additional testimony, then also search for Mercy Hospital. On the Whispering Creek clue, search for surveillance footage from 2020-Sep-13 to see Li Xue's visit, then search for footage from 2020-Sep-20 to find out about a Power outage, as well as a new suspect, Hao Ran. Review all past clues for additional testimony.

From Hao Ran's profile, search for the clue Central Park. From the Power outage clue, search for Sky Power, which leads on to the clues Perfume orchids and Liu Wei. This provides more information in the original Background clue.

From Liu Wei's search warrant, you can find the clue Converter. From the additional Background information, you can search for Roster Schedule and Dumbbells. From the Roster Schedule, you will find the name Zhang Zhen. Review your previous clues for extra testimony.

From Zhang Zhen's testimony about the Power outage, you can search for Control board. From his testimony about Liu Wei, you can find Glow Festival and Photographs. From the Photographs clue, you can search for the clues Moon shrine and Wishing pouch. The Perfume orchids clue also leads to the clue Revealing pen.

From Zhang Zhen's testimony about Converter, he mentions the biggest search engine. Search for the clue Google Search engine.

From Zhang Zhen's testimony about Liu Jian, search for the clue Property. Drag Property onto Liu Jian to get a search warrant. This will lead to Receipt and Renovation plan as new clues. The Renovation plan clue gives you the clues Bunny Hare and Sky HVAC, as well as a new suspect Nie Ping. Review past clues for additional testimony. Nie Ping's comments about Renovation plan lead to the clue Beneath the Stars.

On the Bunny Hare clue, search for the serial number TJ66688 (from the Sky HVAC clue). You can also search for the serial number TY201098 (from the Mounted Camera clue in Case 2) Day of purchase.

Beneath the Stars will also lead you to search for Sun Zhi. This provides more information in the original Background clue. Based on his profile, you can search for Spy camera, Domestic violence and Shen Yongliang. Based on the new Background information, you can search for Combination lock. Make sure you review previous clues for additional testimony from Shen Yongliang. You can also search for the serial number MM3872 on the Bunny Hare clue (from the Combination lock clue).

Examine the Safe box and in particular Li Xue's testimony which mentions a wondrous sight. According to Song Jianye's search warrant this is what he called Beneath the Stars, which was taken on October 10, 2019. Open the Safe box with the combination 20191010. Now you can search for Will, Letter and Journal. From the journal, search for Project K.

Drag the Will onto Zhang Zhen to get a search warrant. This lets you search for the clues Insulin and Email. From Li Xue's testimony about Shen Yongliang, search for the clue Fired. Drag Fired onto Shen Yongliang to get another search warrant. This leads you once again to the clue Sphinx, which in turn leads to the clue Mouse.

Drag Domestic violence onto Li Xue to get a search warrant, which leads to the clue Home Care Guide. Drag the Spy camera onto Nie Ping to get another search warrant, which leads to the clue Staff Performance Review. Drag the Letter onto Hao Ran to get a search warrant.

Drag each person onto the Dumbbells clue to find matches for the fingerprints. Within the Black Robe Inc. clue, search for the name of the game designer from the beginning of the trailer for this game on Steam, which is Li Shuo Chill out B. Also search for Song Jianye and Liu Jian within this clue.

Use the Revealing pen on Beneath the Stars to see some hidden text that mentions the library. Search for the clue Chicheng Library. Open the Combination lock with the combination 112811 (from Li Xue's testimony). Shen Yongliang's testimony suggests that the same password might be used for other things. The information in the Journal clue mentions the number 12. Go to Chicheng Library and enter the password 112811 for Locker 12. The note inside will suggest trying CC200618.

Sticking with the Chicheng Library, Nie Ping's testimony mentions two guys fighting over a locker, one a journalist called Zhang. Back in Case 2, Huo Yan's testimony mentions fighting over Locker 7. Back in Case 1, the Notebook belonging to Zhang Feixiang mentions 2 passwords. Come back to Case 5 and go to Chicheng Library, entering the password yaoyu521 for Locker 7 Locker 7. Now you can search for the clue Notebook.

Li Xue's testimony on Bunny Hare leads to the clue Game room. The puzzle card this time refers to a Caesar cipher:

  • x -1 = w
  • c - 2 = a
  • o + 3 = r

Search for the clue war Messages in the rye. Also read the description of the picture in the Game room clue. This matches the description of a location in Case 3 and Case 4, which is Chiling River. Drag Chiling River onto Beneath the Stars, then search for the clue Lock box. Go back to Case 1 and search in Zip Express for the shipping label CF41706, to see it was ordered by Wang Buer on 10/17/2010. Return to Case 5 and open the Lock box with the code 20101017 TwoPiece. From the contents, search for Porn and VHS tape.

Now pay attention to the Sphinx clue. You can work out the code as follows:

  • "Behold the moon god", review the Moon shrine clue which shows 4 fingers
  • "Beneath the stars", review the Beneath the Stars clue which mentions the number 1
  • Convert 41 to binary, which is 101001
  • Enter the code On, Off, On, Off, Off, On

Search for the clues Audio Recording and Log file. Enter the code TJ66688 into the Log file (from the Sky HVAC clue).

Just because it has been mentioned in every other case, search for the clue Infiltration. Examine the background image for CaseCracker in your Steam library to find Black Tower Best spot. Also look at the map in the background of the computer interface, and search for Crossing Avenue. You can now close the case.

Core Mysteries

  • Who killed Song Jianye?
    Shen Yongliang

  • What's the motive of Song Jianye's murderer?

  • How did the murderer induce a heart attack in Song Jianye?
    Sky HVAC

  • How did you identify Song Jianye's murderer?
    Log file, CaseCracker and Black Robe Inc.

  • Who killed Sun Zhi?
    Hao Ran

  • What's the motive of Sun Zhi's murderer?
    Domestic violence

  • How did the murderer kill Sun Zhi?

  • How did the murderer find out the combination for Sun Zhi's home lock?
    Audio recording

  • The voice recording is about a conversation between whom?
    Hao Ran and Li Xue

  • Who killed Liu Wei?
    Zhang Zhen

  • What's the motive of Liu Wei's murderer?
    Staff Performance Review

  • How did the murderer kill Liu Wei?

  • How did the murderer build an alibi?

Extended Mysteries

  • Where did Li Xue find her first love?

  • Liu Jian spends an hour a day before bed time doing what?

  • 404's father used to assume the identify of?

  • Who runs the gambling den at BC Gardens?
    Hao Ran

  • What's the picture in the game room about?
    Chiling River

  • What pattern appeared in crop fields overnight in 2019?

Submit the core mysteries and verify the extended mysteries, then click the button to see the perpetrator's statement.

The Final Truth

You now have one last question within the game, which involves identifying 404. Return to Case 5 and enter each of the 5 case numbers into the Project K clue:

  • CC200505: Pay
  • CC200512: Attention
  • CC200618: To
  • CC200729: The
  • CC200920: Logo

Review the Sphinx clue within each case to find the different logos:

  • CC200505: Golden toad (someone who is wealthy)
  • CC200512: Gemini (someone born between May 21 and June 21)
  • CC200618: Shiva (someone who is male)
  • CC200920: Mouse (someone who is sneaky)

The message inside Locker 12 at Chicheng Library makes reference to Case 3. Putting all of these features together and looking at the people in Case 3, the only logical suspect is Gao Jingwei Crack the final case. You will be shown a yellow number 4, and the game will close after some final messages.


Browse within the game files on your computer, and you will find another program you can run. This will prompt you for a 4-digit code, with the numbers to be entered below colored letters.

  • Green T: From the Blue Jeans clue in Case 3 (7)
  • Yellow I: From the final message from 404 in The Final Truth (4)
  • Blue M: From the Wrecker statue clue in Case 3 (8)
  • Green E: From the Blue Jeans clue in Case 3 (1)

After entering this code, you will be shown a screen with the word Alive and a series of codes and characters. Visit the website Search for information on each of the codes provided:

  • E01014191
  • E01014250

Based on the information from the second entry, go back to Case 3 and search for 17492732 Chance of Survival.