Maniac MansionManiac Mansion

Game Details:  Mystery, 1987

Links:  Moby Games, Steam, Adventure Gamers

Walkthrough Updated:  12/15/2001

Suggested Listening:  Help Me Out (Ash 25)

Maniac Mansion is a classic adventure from LucasArts, and the first to use the SCUMM engine, used in the majority of the company's subsequent games. You play the game as Dave and select two of your friends to accompany you into the Edison Mansion, after the creepy Dr Fred Edison kidnaps your girlfriend. The different characters have slightly different ways to achieve the same goals within the game. The story continues in the sequel, Day of the Tentacle.


You get to select 2 players to accompany Dave through this adventure. This walkthrough assumes you have chosen Syd and Michael.

The Mansion


Walk left and pick up the doormat, then pick up the key. Use the key to unlock the front door, then head inside. Go through the first door into the kitchen. Pick up the flashlight from the bench, then inch your way right until nurse Edna sees you; quickly return left and out of the room. Go back into the kitchen and Edna will have left. Open the fridge and take the can of Pepsi. Continue right twice more and pick up the glass jar and fruit drinks.


Walk left and stand next to the mailbox. Switch back to Dave and keep playing, but as soon as you hear the doorbell and see Weird Ed leaving his room to go to the front door, switch back to Syd and pick up the package.


Return left 3 times to reach the main hall, then go through the far right door and continue right to find a dark room. Walk right and turn on the lamp. Now open the right bottom panel of the bookcase and pick up the cassette from within. Return to the main hall and climb the stairs, then go through the door on the left. Pick up the bowl of wax fruit and the paint remover. Leave this room and go through the steel security door. Head to the far right and up another staircase to meet Green Tentacle. Give him the bowl of wax fruit and the fruit drinks and he will let you pass.

Climb the next set of stairs and go through the first door. Pick up the dime from the floor, then climb the ladder. Take the record from the shelf and the yellow key from the far wall, then go back down the ladder and out of the bedroom. Back in the hall, walk right past two doors and enter the next one, and use the Hunk-O-Matic machine. Leave this room and go to the far left and down the stairs, then down one more set of stairs. Head through the door on the left to return to the top of the main staircase, then go through the door on the right.

Use the cassette tape in the cassette player and the record on the Victrola. Turn on the cassette player to start recording, then turn on the record and let it play until the vase on the piano shatters. Now turn off the cassette player and Victrola, and pick up the cassette again. Turn on the TV, then leave the room. Go downstairs and right, and open the small cabinet door. Use the cassette tape in the cassette player, then turn it on. After the chandelier breaks, turn off the player and pick up the cassette again, then pick up the old rusty key. Go all the way outside to the mailbox, and give the key, cassette tape and old rusty key to Syd.


Give the package to Dave.


Open the package and you will get some stamps. Now pull the bushes to the left of the stairs leading into the house, then pull the grating to remove it. Head inside and stand in front of the blank door just right of the main staircase.


Go inside and push the gargoyle on the right of the stairs.


Go through the open door and down the stairs, then turn on the light switch just to the left. Walk left and take the silver key from the wall, then go back upstairs and into the kitchen. Go right twice and use your silver key on the door, then head outside. Use your glass jar with the swimming pool to fill it with water.


Return out the front of the house and go through the grating. Walk right and turn on the water valve.


Climb down the ladder, pick up the radio and glowing key, then climb back up again.


Turn off the water valve.


Open the gate and go through, then open the garage door. Use your yellow key on the trunk and pick up the tools. Return inside and all the way up to the room with the Hunk-O-Matic. Stand inside this room, but next to the door leading out to the hallway.


Go back through the gate and up to the front door. Press the doorbell, then quickly go inside and into the kitchen before Weird Ed sees you.


Go out to the hall and enter the first door to the left. Pick up the hamster and the card key. Ope the piggy bank and pick up a dime. Leave this room and go through the door on the far right. This room contains a man-eating plant. Use your paint remover on the paint blotch, then go inside. Find the light switch and turn it on. Open the radio to get some batteries, and use these in the flashlight.


Go back out to the main hall, then up the stairs and through the door on the right. Use the cassette tape on the cassette player, then turn on the cassette player to start recording. Use the piano to play a tune, then turn off the cassette player and pick up the cassette. Return left then through the steel security door, up the 2 staircases, left and up the ladder to see Green Tentacle. Give him your cassette, then pick up his demo tape from the bed. Head all the way downstairs and stand in front of the blank door.


Go inside (if the front door is locked, get Syd to go and open it) and push the gargoyle on the right side of the stairs.


Go through the open door and down the stairs, then turn on the light switch just to the left.


Go back outside the front of the house (you will get caught if you stand around here).


Open the fuse box on the left. Save your game. Turn off the circuit breakers.


Quickly turn on your flashlight and use the tools on the wires.


Quickly turn on the circuit breakers before Purple tentacle comes to investigate.


Turn off your flashlight and go out to the hallway, then into the first door on the left (the room with the ladder).


Go upstairs to meet up with Dave and give him the demo tape. Leave this room and go through the next door to the right to get caught by Edna.


Quickly go into Edna's room while she is gone, and walk right then climb the ladder. Turn on the light up here, then open the painting to find a wall safe. Climb back down and get caught by Edna.


Open the door with your old rusty key.


Go through the door, and back up to the room with the man-eating plant. Give it your can of Pepsi and jar of water. Climb up through the hatch in the ceiling. Use 2 dimes in the coin slot, then press the right button twice and use the telescope to see a code (write this down it can be a number of different 4-digit numbers). Go back down and stand outside Edna's room.


Use your old rusty key to escape the dungeon and go up and get caught in Edna's room again.


While Edna is busy, go into her room and up the ladder. Use the code you just saw to open the safe. Pick up the sealed envelope and go back down to get caught by Edna.


Open the door with your old rusty key.


Go up to the kitchen. Turn on the faucet and use it to fill your glass jar with water, then turn it off again. Open the microwave and put both the jar of water and sealed envelope inside. Close the microwave, turn it on, then open it again. Take the envelope and open it to get a quarter. Go up to the room with the man-eating plant. Use the envelope with the typewriter, then put the demo tape inside. Put the stamps on the envelope. Head outside and open the mailbox. Put the envelope in the mailbox and close it, then pull up the flag.


Go and stand over next to the mailbox. Switch back to Dave and keep playing, but as soon as you hear the doorbell, switch back to Michael, open the mailbox and take the contract.


Go inside, up the main stairs and through the steel security door. In the next hallway go through the 3rd door from the left to find an arcade room. Use your quarter in the Meteor Mess game and read the highscore to get another 4-digit code. Now you may as well go and wait near the mailbox if the contract hasn't come yet. Once it arrives, make sure Dave has it. Head all the way up to Green Tentacle and give him the contract.


Go inside and push the gargoyle on the right side of the stairs.


Use your old rusty key to open the dungeon door but don't go through it.


Go down into the dungeon and use your glowing key to unlock the 2 padlocks. Open the outer door. Now enter the code from the computer game into the keypad on the inner door and head through. Walk over to the right and open the locker, then use the radiation suit. Use your card key in the slot on the right to open the door and head through. Pull the switch here, then go right and pick up the meteor. Open the door and go through. Put the meteor in the trunk of the car, then close the trunk. Use the yellow key to start the rocket car.