Last Day of JuneLast Day of June

Game Details:  Fantasy, 2017

Steam Achievements:  Completed (21/21)

Links:  Moby Games, Steam, Adventure Gamers

Walkthrough Updated:  4/12/2018

Suggested Listening:  Give Up Now (Ash 25)

Last Day of June is a surreal story about Carl and his love June. It takes place through a series of wordless flashbacks, with Carl desperately wishing he could change the past.

The Lake


Stand up from the jetty and walk to the left. Pick the flower from the shore, then go back and give it to June Flower in Her Hair. Return to the shore and pick a second flower, then pull off all of its petals She Loves Me, She Loves Me Not.

The House


Open the door and receive the present from the old man. Go upstairs and down the hall into the bedroom, and try placing the present on the nightstand Never Too Old. Head back downstairs and try to place it on the entry hall table and the dining table. Finally go back upstairs and put it on the desk in the spare room.


Examine the 4 paintings in the living room, the drawing on the fridge, and the 5 paintings in the downstairs painting room (which used to be a garage) Art Afficionado. Now head upstairs and look at the picture of the lake on the desk in the spare room. As you leave the room, you will head out on a picnic with June.

Back on the jetty, try to open the present. When the thunderstorm starts, head back to the car with June and drive off.

Wake up back in the house A Bad Dream. Go to the kitchen and look in the fridge, but it is empty. Take a can of food off the shelf, then go and open the door in the next room. Search through the boxes on the floor to find a can opener. Look at the bright picture of June and choose to Remember (as the kid, run down and pick up your ball). Try to remember the ball 3 more times and you will give up, but the other pictures in the room will start to glow. Look at another painting, and you will notice that outside 4 pictures of other people descend into the yard.

Go outside and unlatch the gate. A number of dioramas will now be accessible, and you should examine each of these - currently you can reach the following 7 (out of a total of 16):

  • June watching Carl standing on a stool making a scarecrow
  • Carl and June holding hands on the edge of the well
  • Carl watching June paint a picture of the Kid
  • Carl reaching up to pick a flower for June
  • June painting Carl flexing his muscles
  • Carl and June dancing under a tree
  • Carl and June sitting and talking on a bench

Backtrack towards the houses and examine the floating picture of the Kid. Return to your house and examine the glowing painting inside, and it will transform into a painting of the Kid. Now examine this painting and choose to Save Her.

The Kid

Grab the rope and tie it to the hook so you can climb down out of the tree-house. Go around the back of your house to find the first Kid Memory (1/5) and collect your ball. Come back to the side of the house and try to throw your ball through the basketball hoop 4 times Not Great at Basketball. Knock over the 2 green vases in your yard, then go out to the road and turn left; find 2 more vases to knock over nearby Menace. Find the bridge crossing over the main highway and go towards the other end of it to find another Kid Memory (2/5).

Play ball with the dog, and keep chasing the ball to end the day - play out the rest of the tragedy.


Examine the Kid's painting again and choose to Rewind.

The Kid

Go back past your house and take the steps up towards the Old Man, who is outside the church. Knock over the vase to the left, then while he is distracted go and take the rope and tie it to the hook so you can climb down. Drop down to the level below and you will find a tree with a kite. Go out towards the water and use the binoculars to see Carl and June on their jetty Explorer. Unlatch the gate so you can go and get your ball from near the Old Man. Come back to the tree with the kite and use the ball on it to retrieve the kite. Go up and play with the Old Man I'm Still Here.


Go to the painting room and examine the picture of the Best Friend, then choose to Remember - you will see a new version of the car crash. Go outside and find another 4 dioramas to examine:

  • June and Carl examining some baby clothes
  • Carl feeling June's belly next to a crib
  • Carl rushing towards June, who has fallen
  • the Best Friend comforting June, who is in a wheelchair

Examine the nearby floating picture of the Best Friend. Return to your house and examine the glowing painting inside, and it will transform into a painting of the Best Friend. Now examine this painting and choose to Save Her.

The Best Friend

Leave the box on the floor for now. Open your front door, then pick up the box and carry it outside - although you can open the gate, you can't carry the box to your truck because of the leaves on the ground. Drop the box in your yard and head out to the street. Turn left and go to the Kid's front yard, where you can find the first Best Friend Memory (1/5).

Go back to your house and open the front gate from the outside. Now go into your yard and pick up the box again. Bring it out and use it to way down the boom gate. Go through and pick up the rake from the big pile of leaves, and use this to clear the leaves throughout your yard and around your house. Return the rake to where you picked it up. Make sure you go to the back of this area and open up 2 more latched gates. Go and pick up the box again and put it on the back of your truck. It looks like you need a rope to secure everything in place. Drive the truck to end the day - play out the rest of the tragedy.


Examine the Kid's painting again and choose to Rewind.

The Kid

Run around to Carl and June's backyard to find a Kid Memory (3/5), then go to the side of the Best Friend's house. Use your soccer ball to knock down a vase, then you can find another Kid Memory (4/5). Go to the dog to end the day.


Examine the Best Friend's painting again and choose to Rewind.

Best Friend

Put the box on the back of your truck. Go to the church and borrow the rope (now that he and the Kid aren't using it). Use this to secure the boxes back on your truck. Drive the truck to end the day It Wasn't Enough?.


Go to the painting room and examine the picture of June, then choose to Remember - you will see another new version of the car crash. Go outside and find the final 5 dioramas to examine:

  • June and Carl crying next to the crib
  • Carl offering June a present
  • June opening her present
  • the Hunter showing Carl and June where to go painting
  • Carl watching and helping June painting

There is an achievement for viewing all 16 of these In Sickness and in Health. Examine the nearby floating picture of the Hunter. Return to your house and examine the glowing painting inside, and it will transform into a painting of the Hunter. Now examine this painting and choose to Save Her.

The Hunter

Leave your house and try calling your dog, but he is playing with the Kid at this stage. Go to the far right, to the end of a wooden bridge to find the first Hunter Memory (1/5). Shoot at the bird 3 times to get it to fly further away.

Now head towards the church. Grab a Hunter Memory (2/5) from the front yard of a house on the right, then continue to the tree where the kite is stuck and find another Hunter Memory (3/5).

Go back to your house and follow the paths to find the bird again and shoot at it once more. Make sure you open the gate here. Shoot at the bird once more. After the bird drops the medal into the nest, go towards it and climb over the log to end the day - play out the rest of the tragedy.


Examine the Kid's painting again and choose to Rewind.

The Kid

Go to the Hunter's house and look under the gazebo to find the final Kid Memory (5/5) The Boy Who Lost His Friend. Go to church and knock over the vase near the Old Man to end the day.


Examine the Hunter's painting again and choose to Rewind.


Go outside and you will see that your dog will now be in your front yard (since the Kid is playing with the Old Man instead). The bird will be in the tree just outside to the left - go to the tree just outside to the right and call the dog there. Now when you shoot at the bird it will fly the other direction. Go out to the street and call the dog to the tree with the sign towards the jetty. Shoot at the bird again until it starts just going between 2 trees. Call your dog to one of them to make the bird continue further away. Keep doing this and eventually the medal will be dropped in a nest with some baby birds.

Unfortunately you can't get to the nest, as there is a vase blocking you from opening a gate nearby. While you are here, find a golden gate that you can open, and then unlatch the gate next to it. Go back to the gate you couldn't open, and you will see a rope nearby. Ignore this and find a small side passage to go through, then walk out on to an unsteady platform. You will fall into some hay and not be able to cause trouble from here.


Examine the Kid's painting again and choose to Rewind.

The Kid

Go past the boom gate that the Hunter has opened for you. Turn left up a hill just before the pink field and knock over the 2 vases at the top. Go back to the main path and all the way to the end. Knock over a vase on the left, then go through a small gap and knock over the next one as well (this was blocking the Hunter's path earlier). Backtrack a bit and look on the right to find a vase blocking the base of some stairs - knock this one over too.

Head all the way back to the Old Man and knock over the church vase to end the day.


Examine the Best Friend's painting again and choose to Rewind.

The Best Friend

Load your box on the back of your truck. Now go forward from your truck and right on to the Hunter's property to find the next Best Friend Memory (2/5). Next go back past the boom gate that the Hunter has opened for you. Go up the hill on the left where the Kid just knocked over 2 vases to get a Best Friend Memory (3/5). Next go to the base of the stairs where he just knocked over another vase for another Best Friend Memory (4/5). Finally, go through a gate on the opposite side of the main path to find the final Best Friend Memory (5/5) Time For a New Start.

Pick up the rope just next to this last one. Run back to your truck and use the rope to secure your load.


Examine the Hunter's painting again and choose to Rewind.


Go outside and call your dog to the tree on the right, then shoot at the bird - it will now automatically deposit the medal in the nest beyond the boom gate. Go up the stairs near the end on the right and collect a Hunter Memory (4/5). Go back down and then through the gates towards the nest. Collect the final Hunter Memory (5/5) Under the Shadow of My Father then go to the nest to get the medal to end the day Why Won't This Work?!.


Go to the painting room and examine the picture of June, then choose to Remember - you will see yet another new version of the car crash. Go outside and examine the floating picture of the Old Man. Return to your house and examine the glowing painting inside, and it will transform into a painting of the Old Man. Now examine this painting and choose to Save Her.

The Old Man

After you regain control, don't deliver the present again. Go up the steps to the church to collect the first Old Man Memory (1/5). Open the gate to the right of the church Those Who Are Gone, then head through. Just to the right you will find an Old Man Memory (2/5), then go further into the graveyard and look to the right to find another Old Man Memory (3/5). Turn left and go to the end of the path to find an Old Man Memory (4/5).

Leave the graveyard and go back down the church steps. Head 2 houses to the right to find the Old Man's house. Go through the house and out to the backyard to find the last Old Man Memory (5/5) They Say We Die Twice. Now go and deliver the gift. You will restart again - deliver the gift once more, but this time you will find it more difficult as some of your paths are blocked. This will repeat again, and this time you will have to go back through your house to do it, and several parts of the town will collapse Some Things Cannot Be Changed.

The End

Go around and change the 3 characters to these positions:

  • Kid with ball
  • Best Friend on bicycle
  • Hunter shooting confetti gun

Go to the Old Man and select Try Again You Could Not Stop This. Get in your wheelchair and enter the painting room. Choose to Forget all of the paintings. Use the device to go upstairs. Enter the nursery and read June's book.

Back on the Jetty, go up to the car and get in the passenger seat. Choose to try to tell her if you want. After the crash, walk towards June Wait For It. Watch the epilogue after the credits for the final achievement The End.