Roots of the WoodsRoots of the Woods

Game Details:  Adventure, 2019

Steam Achievements:  Completed (4/4)

Links:  Moby Games, Steam

Walkthrough Updated:  4/21/2023

Suggested Listening:  Help Me Out (Ash 25)

Roots of the Woods is a short post-apocalyptic adventure game. You control two characters, Harland and Trisha as they explore and try to survive in a Forest far from civilization.



Try to open the door, then use your lockpick on it. Inside the apartment, search the women's jacket and the bag to get some money. Continue left and take the crayons from on top of the boxes. Go through the door to the right of the boxes to find a bathroom. Look carefully to the left side of the bath and pick up the rubber duck Why not?.

Leave the bathroom and go through the door to the left of the boxes to find a kitchen. Take the key that is hanging just left of the fridge.

Head back out to the corridor and use the key to open the door to the far left - you will head through to a bedroom. Open the curtains to let some light into the room. Go over and examine the mother, then Trisha will call out. Now you have two ways of proceeding

Good Harland

Choose these options:

  • Just be a good girl, and I'll make you no harm
  • Bribe

Give the crayons to Trisha. Return to the kitchen and search the bottom cupboards to find 3 bottles of syrup. Go the bedroom and give the bottle of chocolate syrup to Trisha, then you will pick her up.

Evil Harland

Choose these options:

  • Don't answer
  • Take by force

Leave the apartment and go up the stairs.


Go right first and put Trisha in the car, then head to the left and around the corner of the building. Head into the store. Look at the costume in the shopping trolley, then talk to the girl on the right, choosing from the following two paths:

Good Harland

  • Apologize Lovelace
  • Food (for girl)
  • Album for drawing (for girl)

Evil Harland

  • Give her 20 dollars
  • Cigarettes (for me)

Go back outside and look at the box of berries on the ground. Return right and enter the car.

Episode 1

Driving Together

While you are talking to Trisha, you again have two ways of proceeding:

Good Harland

  • Ask about her speech

Evil Harland

  • Ask nothing

If you have selected every evil option, you will get an achievement Be scum.

After the Accident

Go right and look at the berries and books. Read the separate page and notice the picture attached to it. Now follow the footprints.

Go through the door into the small building and pick up the axe. Read the newspaper articles, then look in the box on the ground to get some nails. Go back outside and continue right, following the footprints along another path. Enter the house to find the truck driver on the floor, trapped by roots.

Back outside, go right and look at the tree with berries, then keep following the footprints. After the plank over the hole disappears, return left.

Just to the left, head towards the building in the distance. Search the trampled snow at the position indicated by the picture earlier, then pick up the child's skull. Also take the spare tyre and wooden prop on the right. Return left and into the house with the truck driver. Use your axe on the cocoon, then search the jacket to get some emerald earrings. Also use your axe on the loose plank on the left to get it.

Go outside and head left, then right to find a playground. Take the plank from the ground here. Return all the way to the hole. Put your 3 planks on the ground and use the nails to fasten them, then place them over the hole. Enter the house.

Search the bag on the ground, looking at the photo and taking the glue. Show the child's skull to the monster, then return outside and go left. Place the emerald earrings on the tree stump, then hit them with the axe and pick up the emeralds. Next put the child's skull on the tree stump. Add the glue and the emeralds, then pick it up again. Return to the monster and show the completed skull to it.

Head back to your car and you will travel again Spring.