Where Angels Cry: Tears of the FallenWhere Angels Cry: Tears of the Fallen

Game Details:  Fantasy, 2015

Steam Achievements:  Completed (16/16)

Links:  Moby Games, Steam, Adventure Gamers

Walkthrough Updated:  4/17/2024

Suggested Listening:  Where There's Smoke (Ash 25)

Where Angels Cry: Tears of the Fallen is a hidden object, puzzle adventure game, and is the sequel to Where Angels Cry. This time you travel to Spain to investigate Augustine, and inquisitor who appears to have gone mad and obsessed with witch-hunting.

Chapter 1

The Cardinal's Mission

Take a burning candle and the Maltese cross from the base of the candelabra. Examine the door and insert your Maltese cross, then examine the puzzle. You need to rearrange the crosses to match the size and color markers around the edges. The door will open when you complete the minigame (1/20) Minigame Player.

Walk through the door and pull the chain to get some more light. Find a holy dove (1/15) on the right Holy Dove Symbol. Click on the raven to gain access to the flashback videos, although they are all locked for now. Look in the collection of items on the far shelf - play the hidden object game and you will end up with 2 rocks and a dagger. Use the dagger to open the small box. Take out the cage key and use it on the small cage, then open the cage and take the 3rd rock. Use the rocks in the catapult, then fire it and take an iron key.

Back out from here and collect the shield, boots and tunic. Look at the table on the right and pick up the helm and a large nail. Use this large nail on the loose brick in the floor, then move the brick so you can take another iron key. Use both iron keys on the chest, then open the chest and take out the gloves and the cardinal's permission. Put the helm, shield, gloves, tunic, boots and cardinal's permission on the dummy. Take all of the equipment.

After reaching the gates, click on the raven to get the first flashback (1/6). Talk to the soldier and give him the cardinal's permission. Walk left and you will be attacked by a wolf. Pick up the sealing ring from the ground. Take the axe from the right and throw it to knock down the bag from the tree. Open the bag and take out a map and a cabin key. Look at the door to the cabin and insert the key, then head inside.

Open the window to let in some light. Find a holy dove (2/15) next to the bed. Move the deer head, then examine the puzzle behind it. Swap and rotate the pieces to complete the minigame (2/20). Look in the recess and play a hidden object game. Open the box and take out a small iron key, then use this on the wooden cabinet to the right. Pick up a dog whistle from here. Back out of the cabin, then go forward along the path.

Use the dog whistle on the wolf to get it to leave. Talk to Sheriff Jeraldo. Take his triangle medallion and lit lantern, then open the pouch and take out the bandage. Look in the cave on the right and use your lit lantern here so you can see. Now play a hidden object game and you will end up with a bone. Use the bone on the animal skull to keep it open, so you can grab the uncertified permission.

Return back and enter the cabin again. Look at the lock on the chest to the left, and insert the triangle medallion so that it unlocks. Open the chest and move some items so you can take the red wax stick. Next look at the table. Place the uncertified permission here, then add the wax stick and sealing ring. Now pick up the Sheriff's entrance permission.

Back out twice and give the Sheriff's entrance permission to the soldier, then go through the gates.

Chapter 2

Portonero Village

As soon as you enter, you will be under attack - follow the instructions and click in the shield while the target is over it multiple times to complete the minigame (3/20). Talk to Ramon, then enter his house. Click on the holy dove (3/15) on the right wall near the stove. Talk to Ramon again to receive some healing herbs.

Leave the village and return to the wolf's den. Get water from the waterfall, then use the bandage, healing herbs and water on your hand. Go to the village square again, then walk along the path to the left. Open the gate and continue to the right. Click on the raven on the roof for a flashback (2/6). Talk to Dolores to get a trapdoor key. Examine the pile of objects next to the house and play a hidden object game to get some raw meat.

Return to the Sheriff's cabin and go inside. Use your trapdoor key on the large padlock, then open the trapdoor and climb down into the basement. Collect another holy dove (4/15) from a pot on the right. Take the red cloth and the string, then return to the path leading to Dolores' house. Give the raw meat to the wolf. Look at the top of the statue and take the wire that is hanging in the tree branch. Remove the cloth from the cart and pick up a moon symbol. Open the nearby crate and take some oil from inside. Head right to Dolores' house again.

Examine the wooden chest on the ground. Open it with your moon symbol. Take the honey from inside, then open the right panel to find the next holy dove (5/15). Now look at the long stick next to the chest. Use your string, honey and cloth on it, then take the honey dipper.

Go back to the village square and head right to the front of the church. Talk to the soldier, who wants some of Ramon's soup. Grab the torch from the right, then go back. Examine the well and use your torch on it. Use your honey dipper to retrieve the iron dove from the bottom of the well. Enter Ramon's house and look at the bench on the left. Pick up the knife, then examine the box. Arrange the pieces into the correct shapes 3 times to complete the minigame (4/20). Take the iron wings. Also collect the letter.

Return to the basement of the Sheriff's cabin. Examine the large book on the right and insert the iron dove and iron wings into the cover. Turn the pages of the book and take the locked house spare key. Go to the village square again and use this on the locked door to the left. Open the door and enter Jokin's house. Take the pliers that are hanging near the ceiling, then look at the table. Play a hidden object game to get a bowl.

Go to the basement of the Sheriff's cabin again. Look at the barrel on the left, and remove the nails using your pliers. Use the knife to pry open the barrel, then take the figurine from inside. Go back to Jokin's house and look at the box in the window. Insert the missing figurine. Now rearrange them in this order from left to right:

  • White/red shield, green fur on shoulders
  • Green fur on shoulders, silver lion on shield
  • Silver lion on shield, brown cape with lions
  • Brown cape with lions, empty hands
  • Empty hands, dark grey helmet
  • Dark grey helmet, dark grey legs
  • Dark grey legs, silver cape
  • Silver cape, white/black shield

Once you complete this minigame (5/20) you can take the cabinet key from inside the box. Use this to open the cabinet along the back wall. Take the letter, bolt and ladle from inside. Head to Ramon's house and use the ladle and bowl on the soup pot. Back out and go right to the church front, then give the warm soup to the soldier. Now you can enter the church.

Go right to Ramon's chambers and find a holy dove (6/15) over the window. Take the wooden wedge from the chair, then talk to Ramon. Examine the items in the shelves on the left and play a hidden object game to get a crossbow part. Take a small round mirror from the right. Back out of this room, then go forward to the altar. Find another holy dove (7/15) high up over the altar, and click on the raven next to it for the next flashback (3/6). Take the rope ladder, and the iron wedge from next to the stuck panel in the middle.

Back out to the main part of the church. Examine the wooden wheel on the right, and use your wooden wedge and iron wedge to be able to turn the mechanism. Examine the board to the right to see a minigame. You need to move the sliders to the top positions. Move each of them individually to the top in this order:


Once you complete the minigame (6/20), the chandelier will fall to the ground Minigame Solver. Examine the fallen chandelier and take the hook. Return to Jokin's house. Look at the table and play the hidden object game to get a sweeper. Go back to Ramon's house. Examine the broom handle leaning against the stove. Use your sweeper and wire here, then pick up the broom. Go to the inside of the Sheriff's cabin. Use the broom in the dirty fireplace, then pick up the crossbow trigger. Go down to the basement and examine the crossbow - add the crossbow part, crossbow trigger and oil, then take the crossbow.

Go back outside, then walk forward to the wolf's den. Look up at the top of the outpost tower. Use your rope ladder, hook and crossbow here, then you can climb up. Pick up the mace and a fleur de lis. Next go to Dolores' house and examine the objects next to the house. Play a hidden object game to get some shears. Go back along the path and use the shears on the overgrown obelisk, then take the second fleur de lis.

Enter the church again. Look at the pillar near the sconce on the left and attach your 2 fleur de lis. Open the panel, then attach your small mirror. Examine the mirrors. Turn them so the light goes in these directions, starting at the red mirror:

  • Right
  • Down left
  • Up
  • Down right
  • Left
  • Down right
  • Up
  • Down

Once you have completed the minigame (7/20), the light will point to a wooden panel on the right. Break this with your mace, then turn the left inside. Step forward towards the altar and examine the new puzzle. From the starting position, make the following moves:

  1. Press the central gem 3 times
  2. Turn the top and bottom dials
  3. Press the central gem 3 times
  4. Turn the left and right dials
  5. Press the central gem 3 times

Upon solving the minigame (8/20) a new doorway will open. Go through.

Chapter 3

The Dungeons

Look at the spiked wheel, then click on the nearest skull and take the iron medallion. Also collect the wooden rims from the right. Return out to the village gates. Look at a box at the top of the steps on the left. Attach your new medallion, then examine the box. You will then have to solve a series of 3 puzzles, which have these layouts:


Based on the layouts above, make the following moves:

  • Puzzle 1: DA, HB, AD, DJ, CI, IK
  • Puzzle 2: AC, CJ, FD, DK, IL, LG
  • Puzzle 3: EA, NI, ID, FB, AD, OJ, LH, DM

After solving this minigame (9/20), take the skull dagger from inside the box. Return to the dungeons and look at the spiked wheel again. Insert the skull dagger in the small opening. Turn the dagger, then look at the puzzle that is revealed. Follow these steps:

  1. Put 2 wolves on the boat, then go right
  2. Take 1 wolf off the boat, then go left
  3. Place 1 sheep on the boat, then go right
  4. Take 1 sheep off the boat, then go left
  5. Place 1 sheep on the boat, then go right
  6. Take 1 sheep off the boat, then go left
  7. Place 1 sheep on the boat, then go right
  8. Take 1 sheep off the boat, then go left
  9. Place 1 wolf on the boat, then go right
  10. Take 2 wolves off the boat

After completing the minigame (10/20), you can take the skull. Go back to the basement of the Sheriff's cabin. Place the skull in the empty slot, then move them up to reveal the next puzzle. Label the positions as follows:


Click on the statues in these positions: C, E, F, D, B, A, C, E, G, F, D, B, C, E, D to solve the minigame (11/20). Take the silver coin. Go back to the dungeons. Knock on the large wooden door, then slide the silver coin beneath the door to talk to Ignacio. Go through the door into a dungeon room.

Pick up the wooden hammer from the left, and the chisel from the sharpening stone on the right. Examine the table on the left and pick up a carrot. Go back to Ramon's house. Look at the shelves on the left. Move a jar out of the way, then use your wooden hammer and chisel to remove the loose brick. Travel to Ramon's chambers in the cathedral and pick up the outpost chest key from the compartment that just opened. Now head to the wolf's den.

Look up in the outpost tower and use the key on the chest here. Open the chest, then take out th bucket and the golden coin. Fill the bucket from the waterfall. Go to Ramon's house again. Open the door on the oven. Pour the water into the oven, then turn the handle. Grab the combination from the wooden board on the right, and you will add it to your journal. Head to Ramon's chambers again and look at the puzzle on the right. Solve it as follows:

After solving the minigame (12/20) Minigame Expert, take the copper coin. Back out of this room, then walk forward to the altar. Look on the table and play a hidden object game to get a bone coin. Continue forward and left into the dungeon room. Open the chest to the right. Insert your 3 coins, then listen to Ignacio. Examine the table on the left and press the buttons according to his code (red, red, green, blue). Grab the dungeon key and back out of this room. Use your dungeon key on the gate, then push open the gate. Grab the axle, and Ramon will talk to you.

Walk back 3 times. Look at the horse and give it the carrot. After it walks away, go back to the village square. Use the rims, nails, bolt and axle on the cart, then push on the wheel to attach it properly. Go back again and talk to the soldier. Go left and talk to him again - you will get 2 arrows and 2 incomplete arrows. Use the incomplete arrows on the target, then grab them again and you will have 4 arrows. Walk forward and look inside the wolf's den. Play the hidden object game to get a bow. Walk back and use the bow and arrows on the target. Click at the correct times to shoot the arrows and complete the minigame (13/20). There is an achievement for getting a perfect score of 100 with your 10 arrows Marksman.

Walk back and take the horse harness. Go forward through the gates and use the harness on the horse. Click on the horse so that it walks to Dolores' House. Click on the cart and it will collapse, dumping the stones. Now you can walk forward to the swamp entrance.

Chapter 4

The Wolf Queen

Find a holy dove (8/15) over the archway on the left Dove Enthusiast, and click on the raven next to it for the next flashback (4/6). Pick up the blunt sickle from the wheelbarrow at the base of the steps. Go forward towards a boat. Take the burning arrow. Look at the pile of treasure and play a hidden object game to find a paddle.

Look in the boat. Pick up the brush and use it, then use the boards, nails and hammer to fix the boat. Use the paddle on the boat, then play a minigame (14/20) to steer it between the rocks. Once you reach the other side, look half way up the stairs and pick up a shovel.

Travel back to the dungeon room. Use the blunt sickle on the sharpening stone to get a sharp sickle. Go back to the swamp entrance. Move the wheelbarrow, then use the shovel in the ground here. Use the sharp sickle to cut the string on the package, then open the package and take out the iron heart. While you are here, use your sharp sickle on the statue, and you will get some ivy. Tie this around the statue.

Head to the altar again. Look at the stone platform on the left and insert your iron heart in the depression in the top. Move the top of the platform and take out Celio's family tree and Celio's family seal. Go to Dolores' house and give Celio's family tree to Dolores, in exchange for a letter for Celio. Go forward 3 times to return to Celio. Put the letter for Celio in the bucket, then push the bucket back to him. Walk forward and talk to Celio - Diego will return to Dolores.

Collect another holy dove (9/15) from the floor on the right. Look at the pile of objects on the right and play a hidden object game to get an emerald. Go back to Dolores' house and use the other end of the ivy on the horse, then touch the horse and it will leave. Go forward to see the statue has been pulled over, so you can head down into the tomb.

Find a holy dove (10/15) on the stone pad in front of the coffin. Look at the book on the right. Attach Celio's family seal to the front, then take the ruby from inside. Look at the front of the coffin and insert the 2 missing gems, then examine the puzzle that is revealed.

  1. Blue: Down, left, up, right, down

  2. Blue: Right, down, left
    Green: Right, down, left
    Blue: Up, right, down, left, down, right, up

  3. Blue: Down, right
    Yellow: Right, down
    Green: Right, Up
    Blue: Left, up
    Yellow: Left, Down, Right
    Green: Left, down
    Blue: Right, down
    Yellow: Left
    Blue: Left, down

  4. Green: Down, right
    Blue: Right, down
    Yellow: Down
    Green: Left, up
    Yellow: Right
    Green: Down
    Red: Right, down, left
    Yellow: Left, up
    Blue: Left
    Red: Right, down, left
    Green: Up

Upon solving this minigame (15/20), the coffin lid will move. Look inside and move some dirt so you can pick up the music notes (1/3). Head back to the dungeons, then go out through the gate to a passage. Find a holy dove (11/15) behind a bush on the left, and click on the raven on the right for another flashback (5/6). Look in the pavilion on the right to find a stinky root. Try to walk forward, but a mechanism beneath the large head causes a rock fall.

Head back to the boat. Use your burning arrow and stinky root to get rid of the mosquitoes. Now you can take the pickaxe. Return to the passage and use the pickaxe on the rocks on the left, and you will be able to pick up 4 rocks. Look at the path on the ground in front of the large head, and place your 4 rocks here. Now you can go forward.

After the bridge is destroyed, pick up the tree symbol coin from the base of the tree, and find a holy dove (12/15) in the tree fork above. Go back to Celio's hut. Use your tree symbol coin on the chest, then open it and take out the Wolf Queen talisman. Go to the lake again and use the Wolf Queen talisman on the wolf. Now you can continue past the wolf to an abandoned chapel.

Collect the holy dove (13/15) from on top of the small bell tower to the right. Pick up the bell from the fence, then look at the rock on the ground to the right of the entrance. Move the sticks and pick up the armored glove. Now continue forward into the chapel. Find another holy dove (14/15). Take the lasso rope hanging from the roof beams. Walk back twice and look at the broken bridge. Use the lasso rope to get the plank, then use it on the bridge and go across to reach the Demon Tree.

Click on the raven for the final flashback (6/6). You can now watch all 6 flashbacks Story Watcher. Zoom in and move 2 fruits on the left so you find a needle. Return to the dungeon room. Use this to pick the lock on the weapon rack so you can open it and take the axe. Now head back to Celio's hut. Look at the barrel on the left. Move the net and bag out of the way, then use the axe on the barrel lid so you can take the music notes (2/3). Go back once and look at the bags half way up the stairs. Use your armored glove to move the spiders, then move the bags as well so you can take a small vial of acid.

Travel to the passage. Look in the small pavilion on the right and use your acid to clean the stone surface. Examine the surface and solve a tile puzzle. On completing the minigame (16/20), a drawer will open and you can take a sun symbol. Head to the chapel's interior. Look at the device on the far wall. Press the right button until you see a sun, then attach the sun symbol. Now press the left button, then examine the puzzle. This is a tile-matching game with 3 rounds, and the solution is random each time. Once you complete this minigame (17/20), you can talk to Miguela. Look at the items on the left and play a hidden object game to get an iron pot.

Walk back twice and fill the iron pot with water from the lake. Return into the chapel and give the fresh water to Miguela in exchange for the final music notes (3/3). Go to the Demon Tree and examine the organ on the right side. Use the music notes here, then use the organ. Repeat the sequences that are played. Once you complete the minigame (18/20), the iron gates will open. Head inside.

Grab the final holy dove (15/15) from the right Dove Collector. Take the bell rope from the stairs, then head back to the abandoned chapel. Look at the small bell tower. Use your bell and bell rope here, then pull the rope. Once the bees have moved up to the hive in the tree, you can take the saw and use it on the hive. Pick up the hive.

Go back to Augustine in the underground and use the hive on him to make him retreat behind the door. Pick up the sword. Look in the archway on the left and take the block from here. Look at the other blocks on the wall and insert the missing one. Rotate the blocks so their symbols match the notches next to them. Pull the lever to complete the minigame (19/20). The door will open, but then close again. Pull the lever again, then quickly put the iron pot beneath the door to keep it open. Head through the opening into the final chamber.

At this stage, make sure you read through all of the diary entries. Now talk to Augustine, and block his attacks in the final minigame (20/20) Minigame Genius.

Final Achievements

There are several additional achievements depending on your settings and actions during the game:

  • Finish the game on Novice, Adventure or Custom mode Adventurer
  • Finish the game on Challenge mode (hardest difficulty) Hero
  • Don't use any hints throughout the game Chosen One
  • Don't skip any dialog throughout the game Story Follower
  • Read all diary entries during the game Bookworm

Bonus Story

Click on the shell pieces to put the shell back together. Pick up the plank from the base of the left tree, and the hair net from the base of the right tree. Look at the raven and take the message from its leg. Now head forward to find the Nature Shrine. Pick up another plank and a y-shaped branch from the steps, then go back to the lake. Look in the water and use the hair net and y-shaped branch to catch a fish. Walk forward and give the fish to the bear.

After the bear leaves, look at the bridge ahead and pick up a trapdoor lock part. Return to the lake and look at the bottom of the tree-house. Insert the trapdoor lock part here, then examine the trapdoor. You need to align all the notches in the various rings. From the starting position turn the rings these amounts:

  • Outer Ring: 3 times
  • Second Ring: 5 times
  • Third Ring: 0 times
  • Inner Ring: 6 times

Now press the button in the middle to complete the minigame (1/10). Climb up into the tree-house ("hiding place"). Look at the objects in the chest and play a hidden object game to get a rope and a walking stick. Open the curtain and take the final plank. Also pick up an empty canteen from beneath the bench.

Go to the Nature Shrine. Look at the bridge and use your rope and planks. To solve this minigame (2/10), just click on the knots in the same order as you are shown. Look in the cave and move the bear's paw so you can take the explosive recipe. Move the dirt next to the other paw and take a triangle shape. Back out of the cave and look at the rocks in the middle of the screen. Move the ivy and pick up an oval decoration.

Return to the hiding place. Move the cage and insert your triangle shape, then open the cover and take a golden decoration. Look at the book standing up on the bench. Insert the oval decoration, then open the book and take out a knife. Climb down out of the tree. Move the rock at the base of the right tree, then use your knife on the sulfur and pick it up. Look in the lake and fill up your canteen with water.

Walk forward to the Nature Shrine again. Look at the brazier above the shrine and use your knife to cut it down. Look at it again and pick up the charcoal and string. Head forward to the mountain pass. Look at the rocks on the right. Use your canteen of water here, then scrape off the saltpeter with your knife so you can pick it up. Look inside the cave again. Use your golden decoration on the box, then open the box. Take out the flint and steel.

Go back to the hiding place. Look at the bench on the right. Put the sulfur, charcoal and saltpeter into the mortar, then use the pestle to grind them together. Pick up the powder and you will put it on the paper. Use your string on the paper, then roll it up and pick up the explosive stick. Go back to the mountain pass. Use the explosive stick on the large rocks blocking the mountain pass. Use your flint and steel on it.

Once the bear attacks, defend yourself in a minigame (3/10) like you did with Augustine. Go forward to the cliffside. Look at the dead monk and take his diary and a small stone. Look at the raven, then use your walking stick to get the bag. Open the bag and take out the carrot. Turn the mechanism to the left of the door. Try to turn the right mechanism but it will break. Insert your walking stick and turn it to open the door. Pick up the machine tail that washes outside.

Go through the door to find the Earth Shrine. Look at the torch on the right and use your flint and steel here to generate some light. Take the rag hanging on the right side of the shrine. Look in the stone archway on the left. Break the stalagmites and stalactites so you can take the nature shrine piece.

Return to the Nature Shrine and look at the pedestal in the middle of it. Insert the nature shrine piece, then pick up the earth shrine piece. Go back to the Earth Shrine. Look at the pedestal in the middle and insert the earth shrine piece. Now examine the pedestal. From the starting position click:

  • Bottom-right (3 times)
  • Bottom-left, top-left, bottom-left, top-left, bottom-left, top-left
  • Top-right, top-left, top-right, top-left, top-right, top-left

Once you complete this minigame (4/10), look up at the new panel at the top right. Take the medallion from here. Go back twice, then insert the medallion in the round slot to the left of the cave. Press it, then take the stone lock. Go back to the Earth Shrine again and look at the new panel. Insert the missing stone lock, then examine the panel. From the starting position, make these moves:

  1. Move the second row left
  2. Move the second column up
  3. Move the fourth (bottom) row right
  4. Move the first (top) row left
  5. Move the first (left) column down

After finishing this minigame (5/10) head through the doorway to the mountaintop. Take the yoke from right of the tent, and the rope from the front of the tent. Look at the campfire site and take the empty bowl. Now enter the tent.

Take the burning oil lamp that is hanging over the monk. Also grab the rope from the top right. Open the sack on the floor to the left. Move the blanket, then take the straw and the axe. Look at the barrel, then break it open using the axe. Move the objects out of the way so you can pick up a blanket. Give the blanket to the monk, and he will give you a healing potion recipe (this will appear in your diary).

Leave the tent, then follow the raven down the path to the left. Grab another rope from the lamp post. Look at the start of the bridge. Open the crate here and take the oil from inside, then break the crate and take a climbing nail. Pick up an empty bag from the ground on the left. Look at the base of the tree and take the pot. Attach the rope to the tree and pull it, then pick up the branch. Attach the yoke to the donkey, then click on the donkey to attach the rope to it, and click it again - use the walking stick and carrot, and the donkey will uproot the tree.

Pick up a branch from the fallen tree. Look at the mushrooms at the base of the tree and play a hidden object game to get a mushroom. Behind the mushrooms, pick up a drawing. Walk back to the mountaintop. Look at the mountain behind the tent, and use your climbing nail to get some mountain ice. Head back to the Earth Shrine. Look to the left and take the healing flower.

Travel back to the lake. Look at the water, and take the healing leaf from the bottom right. Head up into the hiding place and look in the chest. Play a hidden object game to get a slingshot. Climb down then go forward to the Nature Shrine. Examine the hollow tree stump on the right. Use your empty bag here, then click on the moss 3 times to fill the bag and create a pillow.

Go up to the cliffside. Use your axe on the log on the left, then take the dry firewood. Place the pillow on the ground beneath the nest. Use the slingshot and small stone on the nest. Complete the minigame (6/10), then pick up the egg that has fallen onto the pillow.

Head to the mountaintop. Look at the campfire site. Use your straw, burning oil lamp and dry firewood here to start a fire. Place the pot over the fire, then add the mountain ice. Now add the mushroom, healing flower, healing leaf and egg. Use your empty bowl on the pot to collect the healing potion. Now enter the tent and give this to the monk, to receive a lens.

Leave the tent and examine the mountain where you got the ice earlier. Use the branch, rag and oil here. Use the torch and complete the next minigame (7/10). You will reach the Sun Shrine.

Pick up the ladder part and 2 drawings from the ground. Look at the table on the right and pick up another ladder part. Look in the shrine and pick up a piece of leather and another drawing, then look at the base of the telescope to find the final drawing. Still at the telescope, use the lens and piece of leather.

Go back to the way down (the path down from the tent). Look at the mushrooms at the base of the fallen tree. Play another hidden object game to get a sun shrine piece. Go back up to the Sun Shrine and insert the sun shrine piece. Play a match-3 minigame (8/10), then take the telescope grid. Look at the telescope and insert the telescope grid, then use the telescope. To solve this puzzle, you must move the following 3 objects to the correct positions:

  • Lion: Top row, 4th column
  • Hammer: Middle row, 1st column
  • Flower: Bottom row, 2nd column

Turn the wheel on the right, then move the same 3 objects to the same positions to solve the minigame (9/10). Look at the table on the right. Use your flint and steel on the candle. Place your 5 drawings here, then examine them and solve the jigsaw to complete the final minigame (10/10) Sky's The Limit!. Pick up the completed diagram.

Use your 2 ladder parts to repair the ladder on the right. Add the machine tail to the flying machine, then use it Mark My Words.