Chronique des SilencieuxChronique des Silencieux

Game Details:  Mystery, 2024

Steam Achievements:  Completed (13/13)

Links:  Moby Games, Steam, Adventure Gamers

Walkthrough Updated:  5/18/2024

Suggested Listening:  Wild Hearts Meet (Ash 25)

Chronique des Silencieux is a challenging deductive reasoning game. You play as a young man who travels to stay with his uncle after the death of his mother. Upon arriving, he finds his uncle is in prison for a crime he didn't commit. He must team up with the local inspector to prove his worth as a budding detective and solve a series of mysteries.


After reading Mum's Letter, you will exit the train. Talk to the man on the platform, who will give you some directions to follow. Leave the station by heading southwest. Go directly west across the square. In the next street, go through the blue door next to Le Pays de Galles.

Inside, look at the blue door in the entry hall, and you will end up looking through the keyhole. Knock 3 times and you will meet Madame Solange. Follow her upstairs - after a cutscene you will end up in a room with her and can ask her about everything. After the inspector arrives and interrupts the conversation, go back downstairs and leave the building.

Return southeast to the square, which now contains a lot of people and open stalls. Leave the square to the south. Head through the green gates here, then inside the police station. Talk to the officer at the desk. Inspector Maleski will give you a Police Report then take you to see your uncle. After talking to Uncle Flavio about everything, make this connection:

Connection 1

  • What Uncle Flavio said on One-Armed Herve
    Small world, huh? I met him in the market. He started mouthing off about Blanche.


  • Police Report
    On Friday May 3rd 1965, an altercation took place in front of the "Pays de Galles" furniture shop.

You will receive an Information Sheet regarding One-Armed Herve. Now you can make your first hypothesis:

Hypothesis 1

  • The Man Behind Uncle
    One-Armed Herve + Threaten + Madame Solange

Inspector Maleski will leave again. Visit Uncle Flavio and ask him some more questions. Return to the brothel. Go upstairs and through the first door to see Madame Solange - unfortunately she will end up refusing to talk to you. Inspector Maleski will give you a Newspaper Front Page.

Go back out to the square. Talk to 3 older men that are scattered throughout the square, and you will learn about Reynaud. Now head back into the police station and talk to Inspector Maleski about everything. While you are here, go and talk to Uncle Flavio about everything as well. Look on the chair to the left of your uncle's cell and take the Magazine.

Return to the brothel and enter the first blue door on the left. Look at the jackets on the right and search the pockets to find a key. Still in this room go over and use your recorder on the music player to record some music ("Funkey Music"). Leave this room and go through the double doors at the end of the hallway. Look at the papers on the desk to the left and pick up the Lesson Notes. Now you can make another connection:

Connection 2

  • What Madame Solange said on Lessons
    My ladies need to be able to help them forget that pile of paperwork, that terrible boss.


  • Lesson Notes
    Who knows? He looked at me, furious, and proudly announced that he "came here to be listened to and not receive lessons from an ignorant girl".

Talk to Victor Dousvalon about everything. Leave this room and go downstairs into the kitchen to talk to Admiral. Look at the nearby table and pick up a Flyer. Leave the kitchen and go all the way upstairs to the top floor, then head through the final green door. Search through the drawers and take the Share Certificate, then talk to Blanche about everything.

Go back out to the street, then enter Le Pays de Galles (the furniture shop next door). Examine the tall wooden cabinet in the far corner of the room. Open both doors, then slide the top left panel to the side and grab the drug bag. Return out to the square and talk to the man in the red jacket outside L'Heure Bleue. You will receive the Testimony from Meriadeck's Elders. While you are here, you can use your recorder on the man whistling to record some more music ("I dreamt of a flower"). Make the following connection:

Connection 3

  • What Yves Maleski said on Jojo Mandolina
    From that operetta stuff people liked before the war. What was it again? Oh yeah. "J'ai reve d'une fleur".


  • Testimony from Meriadeck's Elders
    Edmund: What was it he used to sing. Got it! "J'ai reve d'une fleur".

You need to make another connection to be able to reach your next destination:

Connection 4

  • What Uncle Flavio said on Jojo Mandolina
    What was it called? The Silver Mermaid? The Copper Compass? The Rusty Barrel?


  • Flyer
    Golden Anchor

Leave the square to the north and enter the Golden Anchor. Talk to the barman, but he won't help you if you don't know any of the regulars. Talk to him again and say you know Reynaud. He still won't believe you, so use your recorder to play back the song "I dreamt of a flower". You will end up getting Testimony from the Golden Anchor's Barman. Now you can make the following hypotheses:

Hypothesis 2

  • The Oldest One
    Madame Solange + Liquidate + Pays de Galles

Hypothesis 3

  • Bad Company
    Jojo's Drugs + Finance + Pays de Galles

Make sure you talk to everyone about everything again. Once you take the next step you cannot get back to exploring and asking questions any more. All of your leads should be crossed out, indicating they are complete. From the leads page, you can now choose to confront Madame Solange by turning the door handle.


You will have a conversation with Madame Solange, including multiple flashbacks. You must catch her lying multiple times, by using evidence and conversations that contradict her statements:

  • And that's the last I saw of him.
    Testimony from the Golden Anchor's Barman: "Apart from his Thursday rendezvous with that older woman, that don't sound like..."

  • But I turned him down again and again. Drugs? No thanks!
    Drug Bag

You will now have to prove the innocence of two potential suspects in planting drugs:

  • What proves Blanche is innocent?
    What Blanche said on Jojo's Drugs: "A nasty addiction, no thanks to Tony the Eel, her ex-pimp. But we didn't give up on her."

  • What proves Uncle Flavio is innocent?
    What Uncle Flavio said on Jojo's Drugs: "I don't touch the stuff any more."

Now playing as Madame Solange, walk forward several times and talk to Clarisse each time she is there. You will eventually return to the interrogation.

  • Would never have happened if we still had the classy places that used to be the pride of the area, the city, the country even!
    What Uncle Flavio said on Pays de Galles: "Round here was a right state before the war, let me tell you. Practically falling apart, no class at all. An absolute disgrace to the profession."

  • Where do my girls go if Pays de Galles closes, hmm?
    Share Certificate: Shares of 70 Francs, fully paid up

  • All those stocks are Blanche's nest egg, when she's past the age when...
    What Uncle Flavio said on Blanche: "Recently she's been going on about what she calls food poisoning."

Now you must answer a series of direct questions about the case:

  • Who would be the father of Blanche's child?
    Yves Maleski

  • Who prevents Solange from closing down the Pays de Galles?
    Jojo's Partner

You will receive some achievements at this stage based on how you went during the confrontation:

  • Finishing the confrontation Prologue Iron
  • Finishing with multiple mistakes Prologue Bronze
  • Finishing with a few mistakes Prologue Silver
  • Finishing with no mistakes Prologue Gold

During the following cutscenes you will receive an Old Bank Note, then 5 years will pass.

Chapter 1

You will start this chapter holding your Mum's letter and an Old Bank Note, with one song in your recorder.

Leave the square and enter the brothel, which is now your detective agency. Continue through the first door on the left to meet Justine. Go all the way upstairs and through the first door to talk to Yves. Go back downstairs and leave the building, then head to the square. Leave via the north.

Go through the large doors, then continue through the doors to the right. Talk to Victor, then leave the room again. Head upstairs and go through the second white door. Search the desk drawer here to get a Hospital Report. Continue upstairs and speak to the first door but you won't get a response. Go through the second door and examine the safe here. Leave the room and go all the way downstairs, then out the back door to the garden. Talk to Victor about everything, then go back inside and up one flight of stairs. Stand outside Catherine's door and use your recorder to play back the song "Catherine's Lullaby". After she closes the door on you, make a hypothesis:

Hypothesis 1

  • The Professional
    Catherine + Worry + Victor's Accident

Open Catherine's door and you will continue your conversation with her. During the conversation, make this links:

  • How could you possibly understand how that feels?
    Mum's Letter: "Don't think I can't see how this will go down between you and your father."

Catherine will now join you. After briefly talking to Victor you will head outside. Go to the northeast and you will end up outside the university. Go through the large doors here to head inside. Continue through the large door on the left into a classroom. Talk to the man here to learn about a forger. Leave the classroom, then go up the stairs. Continue up the stairs to the left, then go through the first door to meet Bernard.

After a long conversation you will be back out in the hallway. Go through the door at the end of the hallway and talk to the woman in here, but she can't give you a duplicate key without a signed request from Bernard. Go back to Bernard's office and Catherine will end up faking his signature and getting a duplicate key. Return right, then continue up the right stairs. Go through the far door into Victor's office. Search the drawer and get the Answer to Bernard's Invitation. You will now meet Martin Gallino. Leave this office and go through the door to the left to find the staff room. Here you can talk to Martin about everything.

Go back down to the ground floor and head through the doors to the southeast. After talking to the security guard in the Archaeology wing, leave this room. Go through the door to the northeast to find the cafeteria. Talk to Bernard about everything. While you are here, talk to Admiral behind the counter.

Leave the university and head back through the square to your detective agency. Go through the double doors at the end of the hallway. After the meeting concludes, talk to Madame Solange about everything.

Return to the university and go upstairs and into the staff room. Talk to Martin about Hypotenuse, and he will mention the name Nicolas Barbon. Go back down one set of stairs, then go through the blue door on the stair landing to find the library. Talk to the man at the end of the room to learn more about the forger and get an Envelope for the Forger. Now use the computer in the middle of the room and search for "Barbon" to see one entry:

  • Title: 2560 Years of Geometry, From Pythagoras to Today
  • Author: Nicolas Barbon and Claude Mannier
  • Year: 1938

Leave the university and go back to Victor's house. Head up to the top floor, then enter the left room. Examine the safe again and open it with the combination 2560. Take out the Message for Hypotenuse. Make sure you talk to everyone about everything again.

Go back to the Archaeology wing through the southeast door in the university. Look at the grate at the far end. Twist out each of the 4 screws. Put your envelope (and old bank note) in the opened grate. Back out and examine the statues along the southern wall. Based on what Martin said about the forger ("Freedom points to four o'clock, tyranny to eight"), rotate the leaf so that it points to the 4 o'clock position. Leave the room and you should see the lights go out and Bernard enter the room. Follow him through the blue door on the right. Continue following him to the left, then to the right. Go through the final door to confront Bernard, who will now lock himself away from you.

The next day, enter the university, then head upstairs and to the left. Talk to Madame Peyrot to get the Testimony from Bernard's Wife. Go back through the Archaeology wing towards Bernard's den. The door is locked. Examine the rubbish bags to find a key, then enter the den. Examine the desk on the left to find Victor's Passport. Look at the notice board to get the Front Page of the Nouvelle Gironde. Look at the portrait on the wall to get the Portrait of a Lady. Finally, examine the bottles on the shelf. Leave this area and you will end up moving boxes for a while. You will end up receiving your Old Bank Note once again.

Once you are free, leave the university and cross the square to leave to the south. Enter the police station and talk to the policeman behind the desk - he will not let you see Vogel. Return to the detective agency and go upstairs to speak to Yves. You will end up in the cells at the police station. Talk to the guard here, then go over and talk to Vogel about everything.

Return to the detective agency and talk to Madame Solange about everything. Also go back to the university staff room and talk to Martin about everything. Now you can make a whole series of connections:

Connection 1

  • What Martin said on Forger
    It was in the Archaeology wing; it even had a nickname: the Archaean.


  • Message for Hypothenuse
    Everything is arranged with Aristide to take care of Bernard. Stonne, his lieutenant, is now determined and will take care of it with me. The protocol will be placed in the Archaean.

Connection 2

  • What Vogel said on Bernard
    Bernard was Grandsermand's terrorist name, before he got back on the straight and narrow.


  • Message for Hypothenuse
    Everything is arranged with Aristide to take care of Bernard. Stonne, his lieutenant, is now determined and will take care of it with me. The protocol will be placed in the Archaean.

Connection 3

  • What Vogel said on Bernard
    I always suspected one of Grandsermand's lieutenants was a forger.


  • Message for Hypothenuse
    Everything is arranged with Aristide to take care of Bernard. Stonne, his lieutenant, is now determined and will take care of it with me. The protocol will be placed in the Archaean.

Connection 4

  • What Martin said on Bernard
    He'd be the first to say you've got to live in the now and stop looking to the past.


  • Answer to Bernard's Invitation
    I can only thank you for this invitation that you send me a few days ago and that I accept with pleasure.

Connection 5

  • What Solange said on Victor's Past
    Lefebvre? Is that... Was that my father's codename?


  • Answer to Bernard's Invitation
    It is with a certain embarrassment that I have to admit I only have a few souvenirs of Lefebvre.

Connection 6

  • What Bernard said on Victor's Past
    I could write a novel about his exploits in the region, but he wanted to be incognito all these years so I'm not about to go shouting about it.


  • Front Page of the Nouvelle Gironde
    Lefebvre, the now famous alias within war veteran circles thanks to the efforts of the Pr. Peyrot whom spoke in our column last month.

Connection 7

  • What Solange said on Francois Grandsermand
    He and his wife Lucette made a handsome couple, him with his tousled hair, her with her three beauty spots in a triangle just above her lip.


  • Portrait of a Lady
    The three beauty spots over her lip.

Make sure you talk to Martin, then return to Madame Solange and Vogel and talk to them completely. It is time to make some hypotheses:

Hypothesis 2

  • Enigma
    Bernard + Kill + Lucette Grandsermand

Hypothesis 3

  • War and Peace
    Bernard + Falsify + Victor's Past

Hypothesis 4

  • One Angry Man
    Bernard + Kill + Aristide

Make sure you talk to everyone about everything again. Once you take the next step you cannot get back to exploring and asking questions any more. All of your leads should be crossed out, indicating they are complete. From the leads page, you can now choose to confront Bernard by turning the door handle.


You will have a conversation with Bernard. You must catch him lying multiple times, by using evidence and conversations that contradict his statements:

  • I'm past the age where I can stay up all night.
    Testimony from Bernard's Wife: "But all this worry and coming home late. I think I know what it is..."

  • So, I got back into counterfeiting, it pays well.
    Old Bank Note

  • That's all finished now.
    Portrait of a Lady (any feature will do)

  • I didn't take a particularly big risk, sitting there messing with false papers in my warm little cave.
    Message for Hypothenuse

  • The medal, the awards, I've earned them and I will have them, no matter what!
    What Martin said on Bernard: "He avoids the limelight. No commemorations, no medals, no mentioning his past in the Resistance."

After some flashbacks, you will be playing as Bernard. Run outside the university building. Now you must answer a series of direct questions about the case:

  • Bernard had received a message from whom?

  • Who can prevent Bernard from killing Aristide?
    Lucette Grandsermand

Now you need to contradict another of Bernard's statements:

  • Lucette would want me to avenge them all, to right this injustice, to make someone pay!
    What Solange said on Lucette Grandsermand: "As a devout Catholic, she was always talking about forgiveness."

There is one final direct question to answer:

  • Who Bernard needs to forgive?

You will receive some achievements at this stage based on how you went during the confrontation:

  • Finishing the confrontation Chapter 1 Iron
  • Finishing with multiple mistakes Chapter 1 Bronze
  • Finishing with a few mistakes Chapter 1 Silver
  • Finishing with no mistakes Chapter 1 Gold

During the following cutscenes you will receive Bernard's Bottle.

Chapter 2

You will start this chapter holding Bernard's Bottle, with one song in your recorder.

After leaving the train, head around the left side of the building. Continue west and enter the Grand Cafe Marcadieu. After the cutscene, follow Catherine outside, along the street to the northwest, then through the gates into the park. Continue between the trucks, then through the doors into a brewery. Go between the barrels and through a corridor to catch up with Catherine and her family.

The next day, enter the church. Go around through the door on the left to meet Father Hubert. You will end up back at the brewery. Go all the way inside, then up the stairs on the left to meet Andre. In town, head slightly northeast and talk to the man in the green sweater. Back at the brewery again, leave your room and go through the opposite door into Catherine's room.

The next day again, leave your room. Look at the closet against the wall here - you can see some stairs through the keyhole. Go downstairs to the ground floor and head through the door to the southeast. Continue through the next door to the southeast into the archives, but the archivist won't let you access any information. Return all the way up to Catherine's room and pick up the Finthener's Share from her bed. Return all the way down to the archives, and you will now be allowed to access the files. Search the drawers to find a Shareholder Letter and Finthener Financial Report.

Leave here and go back to the main part of the building, then up one flight of stairs. Examine the large painting on the right wall. Turn this around and look towards the bottom to find to find a Letter Addressed to Henry. Now go through the white door and pick up the Finthener Family Photo Album. Return out to the balcony, then go through the other door on this level. Search the tray on the desk and pick up a key. Now go back upstairs and you can go through the closet to reach the attic. Search the drawers to get a Letter from Henry to his Mother, and a Report on Henry Finthener.

Leave the attic and go downstairs to the ground floor of the building. Continue through the double doors to the southwest to head outside.

Go southeast to return to the town, then enter the Grand Cafe Marcadieu again. From the nearby pole, take Father Hubert Jauzion's Report. Now talk to Yves. Return outside and head along the street to the northeast, talking to Gabriel Tremon at his market stall. After the initial introduction, ask him about everything. You can now make a connection:

Connection 1

  • What Gabriel Tremon said on Henry Finthener
    Before the war, Henry was a royalist from a good family and everything that went with it. Action Francaise monarchism, "Down with the Republic", and all that.


  • Report on Henry Finthener
    Given the late hour and the volume of the disturbance, we ordered the individuals to immediately cease. To which an individual named Henry Finthener responded "Oh come on! It's the International! live in a free country!"

Leave via the northeast exit. Enter the small house with the green doors and talk to Ramounet about everything. You can now make some more connections:

Connection 2

  • What Ramounet said on Father Hubert
    He can be a bit of a sad drunk, he always wants us to sing this song, some nostalgic ballad.


  • Father Hubert Jauzion's Report
    Father Hubert didn't want to stop repeating a song on the jukebox, saying that it reminded him of his youth.

Go back outside and north over the bridge. Enter the church again. Continue through the left door and talk to Father Hubert about everything. Leave the church and head northeast, then talk to Marie about everything - Catherine will leave. Follow her to the northwest and talk to the brewery staff here, then go inside. Continue through the corridor, then talk to Simone about everything. Just beneath the stairs here, pick up the Minutes of the Harack Trial. Talk to the other brewery staff here.

Leave this room and go back through the corridor. As long as you have spoken to all the brewery staff, there should be a group of them near the loading bay. Talk to them to get the Testimony from the Brewery Staff. Head outside and make your way past Marie at her table, Father Hubert in the church, Ramounet in his house, and Gabriel Tremon at his market stall - complete your conversations with all of them.

Enter the Grand Cafe Marcadieu again, and examine the jukebox in the corner. Press the A3 button, which is covered by red tape, then answer the question from the bartender:

  • Who would like to listen to the forbidden song?
    Father Hubert

Examine the jukebox again and unscrew the panel to the right of the buttons. Select your recorder at the bottom left and press the Record button, then plug your cable into the socket on the right. Press the A3 button once more and you will record the music ("Forbidden Song"). Head back to the church and into the priest's room. Play this song and you will end the day.

When you awaken the next day, you will have Father Hubert's Testimony. You can now make some more connections:

Connection 3

  • What Simone Finthener said on Henry's Departure
    That's when I saw Dad carrying Catherine in his arms. She was crying and rubbing her cheek, saying "It hurts Daddy".


  • Father Hubert's Testimony
    Marie confessed she had slapped Catherine.

Connection 4

  • What Simone Finthener said on Jean's Death
    Mum must have picked me up and got me away while they broke the windows with their rifle butts.


  • Finthener Family Photo Album
    Caption beneath photo with a broken window: "March 1996 - Baby Catherine her mother's arms".

Connection 5

  • What Marie Finthener said on Henry Finthener
    A few years before the war he left to study at the top brewery school in Germany.


  • Testimony from the Brewery Staff
    For a guy who studied the art of brewing with the Jerries... Making beer really wasn't his thing...

Connection 6

  • What Marie Finthener said on Finthener Brewery
    It wasn't really a problem, because Henry was all set to take over the brewery from his father.


  • Testimony from the Brewery Staff
    For a guy who studied the art of brewing with the Jerries... Making beer really wasn't his thing...

Return downstairs to the ground floor and through the southeastern door. You will automatically talk to Simone some more. Go back and visit Father Hubert in the church to talk to him about Catherine again. It is time to make your hypotheses:

Hypothesis 1

  • Prodigal Daughter
    Henry's Departure + Protect + Catherine Finthener

Hypothesis 2

  • Ballad of a Captain
    Russian Friend + Imitate + Henry Finthener

Hypothesis 3

  • Atlas
    Andre + Cause + Jean's Death

Make sure you talk to everyone about everything again. Once you take the next step you cannot get back to exploring and asking questions any more. All of your leads should be crossed out, indicating they are complete. From the leads page, you can now choose to confront Andre by turning the door handle.


Andre will not come out to talk, so you end up answering this question from Yves instead:

  • Who could help me force Andre to sit and listen?
    Father Hubert

You will now end up in the church with Andre. You must catch him lying multiple times, by using evidence and conversations that contradict his statements:

  • That day when a father cursed his son...
    Minutes of the Harack Trial: "Harack: He eventually admitted that he knew. And that he was even proud of him."

  • My father died for nothing.
    What Ramounet said on Jean's Death: "Luckily, the Germand reinforcements never made it. They must've been sent elsewhere."

After some cutscenes you will receive a Letter from Henry to Andre. Now you can continue with the cross-examination:

  • I thought that constant care and food would quickly set him right.
    Letter from Henry to Andre: "Little brother, you must see where I'm going with this. He'll make a better Henry than I when he comes to you."

  • What about the brewery? You think I've been a good caretaker letting it go to rack and ruin?
    Testimony from the Brewery Staff: "There's no denyin' it, we do pretty well with Mr Andre."

Now you will have one last direct question:

  • Who's the main accomplice in the lie concerning Henry and Victor?

Once Marie is in danger, use your recorder to play the song "Catherine's Lullaby". You will receive some achievements at this stage based on how you went during the confrontation:

  • Finishing the confrontation Chapter 2 Iron
  • Finishing with multiple mistakes Chapter 2 Bronze
  • Finishing with a few mistakes Chapter 2 Silver
  • Finishing with no mistakes Chapter 2 Gold

Watch the final cutscene.


Head downstairs and leave the building. Go through the square and into the detective agency. Head through the double doors at the end of the corridor. You will end up at one final scene in the square La Fin ?.