Who Did It?
Game Details: Puzzle, 2024
Steam Achievements: Completed (28/28)
Links: Moby Games, Steam
Walkthrough Updated: 11/28/2024
Suggested Listening: Where There's Smoke (Ash 25)
Cases 1-5
Case #0 (Tutorial)
There is no penalty for using hints in the tutorial, so take this opportunity to read all of the hints.
- Kitchen: (empty)
- Lounge: Person 5
- Library: Person 2
- Ballroom: Person 4
- Dining Room: Person 1, Person 3
- Conservatory: Person 6
This will complete your first case And So It Begins. You will also get an achievement for solving the case on your first try I Knew It Was the Right Answer, and another achievement for reading all of the hints I Need Some Help Here!
Case #65
You will now get to select a game mode and a difficulty. Certain achievements are only available with specific combinations of these options. For this walkthrough it is assumed that you will be playing in the Default game mode and Normal difficulty.
- Living Room: Gino
- Kitchen: Jeron
- Nursery: (empty)
- Study Room: Debria
- Dining Room: Xaiver, Nattalie
- Bathroom: Agnes
Case #78
- Dining Room: Aubrey
- Billiard Room: Coy
- Lounge: Ambrosia
- Kitchen: Tylor
- Conservatory: Stefen
- Garden: Deyna
Case #124
- Living Room: Ronald, Juanita
- Kitchen: (empty)
- Dining Room: Patty, John
- Bathroom: Oscar
- Bedroom: Tracy
- Wine Cellar: Graham
Case #156
- Attic: Megan, Denise
- Ballroom: Timothy, Wayne
- Utility Room: Mark
- Nursery: (empty)
- Living Room: (empty)
- Kitchen: David, Desiree
You will get a new cutscene and an achievement for completing 5 cases Just Starting Out.
Cases 6-10
Case #179
- Living Room: (empty)
- Bedroom: Tiana, Laurie
- Ballroom: Kelly, Olivia
- Conservatory: Mike
- Wine Cellar: Dennis
- Kitchen: John, Brendan
Case #198
- Study Room: Hubert, Janice
- Bedroom: Katie
- Dining Room: Doug, Sara
- Green House: Andrew
- Kitchen: (empty)
- Living Room: Edward, Heather
Case #254
- Bathroom: Mary
- Dining Room: Darren
- Kitchen: Gregory
- Wine Cellar: Sylvia, Doris
- Living Room: Derrick, David
- Garage: Eula
Case #269
- Green House: Robert
- Nursery: Tracy, Amy
- Bathroom: William, Michelle
- Living Room: Frank
- Basement: Jesse, John
- Garden: Mary
Case #344
- Living Room: Thomas, Evan
- Dining Room: Robert
- Kitchen: (empty)
- Conservatory: Jennifer, Mary
- Study Room: Amy, Kelly
- Garden: Marvin, James
You will get a new cutscene and an achievement for completing 10 cases Getting the Hang of It.
Cases 11-15
Case #512
- Conservatory: Kenneth
- Lounge: Leonard
- Ballroom: Terri, Olivia
- Nursery: Joshua, John
- Kitchen: Robert
- Living Room: Betty, Patty
Case #554
- Study Room: Robert, Victoria
- Bathroom: (empty)
- Nursery: Erin
- Bedroom: Charles, Marilyn
- Kitchen: Hollie, James
- Living Room: Glenn, Harold
Case #578
- Bedroom: Kenneth, Arthur
- Bathroom: Andre, Kathryn
- Living Room: Jennifer, John
- Green House: Lisa
- Kitchen: Sheila
- Garage: Aaron, James
Case #632
- Tree House: Patrick, Sharon
- Attic: Lani, Wayne
- Green House: Russell
- Lounge: Leona, Juan
- Kitchen: Vincent, Emma
- Wine Cellar: Christopher
Case #645
- Ballroom: Patricia
- Kitchen: Ray, Lee
- Library: Andrew, Alfred
- Utility Room: Daniel, Betty
- Study Room: Rita, Gary
- Basement: Lena
You will get a new cutscene and an achievement for completing 15 cases Intern Detective.
Cases 16-20
Case #671
- Nursery: Sheri, Karen
- Attic: Chris, Phil
- Bathroom: Shirley, Margie
- Ballroom: Thomas
- Conservatory: Scott
- Living Room: Charles, Jerome
Case #698
- Study Room: Ronald, Patricia
- Tree House: Arthur
- Attic: Daniel, Lenora
- Dining Room: Kelsey, Amanda
- Library: Alice, Gerard
- Bathroom: James, David
Case #752
- Library: Veronika, Kevin
- Bathroom: Rosa, Alvaro
- Dining Room: Harold, Frances
- Kitchen: Brent, Hallie
- Lounge: Duncan, Teresa
- Basement: Robert
Case #772
- Wine Cellar: Lewis
- Library: Roy, Nicholas
- Dining Room: Barbara, George
- Bedroom: Bradley, Mary
- Lounge: Angella, Brittney
- Kitchen: David, Arlene
Case #811
- Bedroom: Nicole, Ronald
- Green House: Jennie, Kathleen
- Bathroom: David, Della
- Wine Cellar: Louis, Robert
- Lounge: Sean
- Kitchen: Shannon, Joseph
You will get a new cutscene and an achievement for completing 20 cases Junior Detective.
Cases 21-25
Case #832
- Library: Sherry, Charles
- Bedroom: Arthur, Aaron
- Bathroom: Carl, Ella
- Dining Room: Karen
- Green House: Steven, Cora
- Garage: James, Roberta
Case #862
- Study Room: John, Stephen
- Dining Room: Diane, Susanne
- Bedroom: Jessie
- Bathroom: Mark, Willard
- Wine Cellar: Kelley, Bessie
- Living Room: Henry, Daniel
Case #877
- Bedroom: David, Kirk
- Kitchen: Harold, Louis
- Ballroom: Kevin, Estella
- Wine Cellar: Marianne, Amy
- Nursery: Larry
- Garage: Emma, Rose
Case #901
- Kitchen: Allan, Kristine
- Library: Melba
- Dining Room: Oliver, Yoshie
- Bathroom: Brenda, Randy
- Bedroom: Steve, Olivia
- Utility Room: Russell, Jerry
Case #934
- Attic: Jeffery, Mike
- Dining Room: Noah, Elias
- Bedroom: Brian, Charles
- Library: Colleen
- Living Room: Stephanie, Krystal
- Utility Room: Patricia, Sharon
You will get a new cutscene and an achievement for completing 25 cases Medior Detective.
Cases 26-30
Case #947
- Tree House: George, Ray
- Bedroom: Thomas, Jennifer
- Ballroom: Mary, John
- Library: Frances, Lorraine
- Study Room: Angela
- Kitchen: Jaime, Garrett
Case #969
- Green House: Clyde, Alta
- Tree House: Linda, Leanne
- Lounge: Thomas
- Nursery: Michael, Justin
- Living Room: James, Lori
- Kitchen: Reed, Sandra
Case #981
- Bathroom: Jordan
- Kitchen: Robby, Lillie
- Lounge: Rebecca, Joseph
- Basement: William, Kimberly
- Living Room: Leo, Donna
- Nursery: Nannie, Marcos
Case #991
- Nursery: David, Hazel
- Attic: Dawn, Jerry
- Kitchen: Ronald, Tracy
- Bedroom: Herman, Patty
- Dining Room: Timothy, Michelle
- Utility Room: Thomas
You will get a new cutscene and an achievement for completing 29 cases.
Case #999
- Dining Room: Jessie, Jason
- Ballroom: Emily
- Lounge: Gary, Stephanie
- Kitchen: Denise, Vivian
- Conservatory: Jordan, Scott
- Library: Robert, Joseph
You will get a new cutscene and an achievement for completing all cases Graduate Detective.
Final Achievements
During the game you may well have received these achievements, but you can use this as a checklist for things you may have missed:
- Solve a case without using any hints I Don't Need Your Help!
- Solve a case in Default game mode within 1 minute Minute Mastermind
- Fail a case by taking too many mistakes Guessing Is What I'm Good At!
There are several achievements for playing in Detective difficulty:
- Solve a case on Detective difficulty Give Me a Challenge!
- Solve 10 cases on Detective difficulty Is That All You Got?
- Solve all cases on Detective difficulty Master Detective
- Fail a case on Detective difficulty by running out of time Time Went by So Quick!
There are additional achievements for playing in one of the additional game modes:
- Solve a case in Crime Room Only game mode Go Easy on Me!
- Solve a case in Crime Room Only game mode and Easy difficulty Certified Noob
- Solve a case in Guess-Lock game mode One Try Is All I Need
- Solve a case in Guess-Lock game mode and Detective difficulty I'm Insane
- Solve 15 cases in any mode other than Default game mode Master of the Modes
There are achievements for reaching different detective levels by completing cases:
- Reach detective level 30 Case Specialist
- Reach detective level 50 The Detective's Prime
- Reach detective level 100 The Grandmaster Detective
There are several other achievements you can obtain from the main screen:
- Click on the video background multiple times ?
- View the statistics page This Is What I've Accomplished!
- View the credits page I Love This Game!
- View the cutscenes page What Did You Say Again?