Vera Blanc Episode 2Vera Blanc Episode 2

Ghost in the Castle

Game Details:  Mystery, 2010

Links:  Moby Games, Steam

Walkthrough Updated:  2/5/2011

Suggested Listening:  Caught Up in the Panic (Ash 25)

Vera Blanc Episode 2: Ghost in the Castle is the second game to feature Vera Blanc, a girl who received psychic powers during an experimental treatment for an inoperable brain tumour. This game involves an investigation into ghost sightings in a small Italian village. This continues from the first game in the series, Vera Blanc Episode 1.

Day 1

Town Square

Approach the teenagers and you will end up talking with Berni. Read his mind ("Ah, Vera. Perhaps I should have asked..."), then after Brandon storms off, try looking for adults. Talk to Nassi about the ghost, castle, Anastasi and himself. Now wait for Anastasi. After he arrives, ask if he is married, then ask about the ghost and where you are going.

Villa Anastasi

When you are alone with Brandon, ask about Roberto, ask if he's jealous, and then examine the garden. Once inside, examine the room and you will read Roberto's mind ("That bastard of a father. How could he..."). Ask about his wealth and if he saw the ghost. Ask all the other questions available and you will leave the villa.

Your House

Talk to Paolo, asking if he is the owner, and about the ghost. Now get ready for dinner. After dinner play the memory game. Ask Massimo about Riccardo and Lucia, then read his mind ("This guy is really lucky! I should..."). Ask for permission to look around, then spot the four differences.

Day 2

Police Station

Ask Lucia about Paolo and disagree with her. Next ask her about Riccardo, then read her mind ("I cannot believe that Paolo...").

Guido's Coffee

Ask Guido what happened. Tell him about the ghost, then ask about Paolo and Nassi, and he will tell you about an abandoned building.

Town Square

Talk to the teenagers and you will meet up with Berni again. Leave and come back a second time, and talk to Nassi about everything.


Leoni won't let you look around here today. Read his mind ("I hope Anastasi knows what...") and he will suggest visiting the cemetery.


Identify the four differences.

Day 3


Read Leoni's mind ("Eva... She hypnotized me! I didn't want to..."), then ask him all the questions about her. You will find some white hairs on your tour of the castle.

Souvenir Shop

Read Marco's mind ("Those two annoying detectives are..."), then talk to him about the ghost and the murder.

Police Station

Learn about the current theory on the assisted suicide.


Talk to the priest and you will also talk to Father Mattia by telephone.

Your House

You will automatically go home for dinner and bump into Francesco. Read his mind ("Wow, I've seen many beautiful women in..."), then ask what he does. Tell him the truth about who you are and he will leave.

Day 4

Souvenir Shop

Ask the policeman all the questions, then find the five differences. You will find more hairs and hand them over to the policeman.

Police Station

Talk to Bandiera about Berni, Nassi and Eva.

Town Square

Talk to Nassi about Berni and the teenagers, then read his mind ("I knew that the ghost would speak again..."). Beg him for help.

Police Station

Read Berni's mind ("Help me! I can't control..."), and Bandiera will contain Father Mattia.

Villa Anastasi

Talk to Roberto about his guests and why he is sad. Read his mind ("I hope these two detectives won't interfere too much..."). Now talk about Nassi.

Day 5


After a quick trip to the police station you will go to the castle for a failed exorcism. Play the memory game, then talk to Eva. Ask Brandon to shoot her, then ask why she tried to kill you, and accuse her of being the ghost. Read her mind ("Let's see if I am right about Vera. I'll kill..."), then she will talk to you and leave.

Police Station

After talking to Bandiera you will get some information from Anna.


Talk to Father Mattia.

White Corner

Get a drink to make Gnocchi talk a bit more, then ask him about himself, Anastasi and the ghost. Get another drink and dance a couple of times, then ask him about Anastasi again. Ask his friends about Gnocchi, Anastasi and the murders. Ask about Anastasi Senior's second wife, and you will read his mind ("That Elena, I remember her. She was..."). Next ask about Roberto's business, and you will read his mind again ("Roberto connected to Mafia? I wonder..."). Ask about the ghost and you will read his mind yet again ("Vera is terrifying. She is beautiful, but..."). Finally ask about Eva ("Cool, an identikit! First time I've seen...").

Day 6

Police Station

Talk to Bandiera about Anastasi.


You will find a piece of fabric as a possible clue.

Police Station

Give the piece of fabric to Bandiera, who says the analysis will take a few hours.

Abandoned Building

Head inside and play the matching game to find a diary as another clue.

Police Station

Give the diary to Bandiera, who isn't really interested.

Day 7

Police Station

Talk to Bandiera about the clues you found yesterday.


Talk to the priest, who suggests you visit Father Mattia.


Talk to Father Mattia about everything.

Guido's Coffee

You will talk to Guido and then hear a scream. Play the memory game. Ask about Riccardo, then ask why he is holding Lucia. Listen to Brandon next, then talk about Riccardo again, and tell him you want to help.

Police Station

Start by talking to Lucia ("I don't understand. Why is this detective...") but you won't learn anything new. Next talk to Berni ("Should I tell her about Roberto..."). Finally go and talk to Paolo ("I remember it well. But they will...").

Your House

Talk to your father about everything

Disco Pub

Gnocchi isn't here, and apparently was not seen yesterday either.

Guido's Coffee

Guide will tell you about Nassi's shack in the woods.


You will discover an important link between the diary and Roberto.

Villa Anastasi

Talk to Roberto about his business, then read his mind ("This Vera is too nosy! I need to take..."). Ask to use the bathroom, and hack the network with the password "MariaLuisa". Talk to him about his family, then show him the diary. You will get a hair sample from his car and give it to the police automatically. When given the option, don't arrest Roberto yet - just wait.


Give the ghost any answer, then leave when prompted.


Talk to the priest, who gives you instructions on how to find Nassi's shack.

Shack in the Woods

Identify the differences, then stay still when the boar charges. Read Nassi's mind ("I won't betray you again, my love..."). Tell him you are sorry for his loss.

Villa Anastasi

You will tell Roberto everything, then read his mind ("I feel such shame! Mother, what I..."). Ask the ghost about everything.