Vera Blanc Episode 1Vera Blanc Episode 1

Full Moon

Game Details:  Mystery, 2010

Links:  Moby Games, Steam

Walkthrough Updated:  2/2/2011

Suggested Listening:  Help Me Out (Ash 25)

Vera Blanc Episode 1: Full Moon is the first game to feature Vera Blanc, a girl who received psychic powers during an experimental treatment for an inoperable brain tumour. This game involves an investigation into apparent werewolf sightings. The series continues with Vera Blanc Episode 2.

Day 1


Before you get on the train, read Brandon's mind ("Better not tell Vera what I know about the..."). Once you are on the train, look at the bald man and read his mind ("As soon as I get home...") or look at the brunette and read her mind ("I wonder if they are..."). After Brandon drops his business card, introduce yourself to Eva, then read her mind again ("Private Detective? He must be...").

When Brandon starts talking about the werewolf, take the opportunity to change the subject. Go for a walk, then after you bump into the bald man, read his mind ("I need to hurry up..."). You can try opening the window when you get back to your seat. When Eva goes to leave, read her mind ("Karl has probably finished..."). Ask the bald man his name, then ask how long there is left on your journey. Ask Brandon about his past, then get off the train.


Take a shower, use your notebook, then watch television. Watch the local news, then go to Brandon's room. Ask to stay there, and then read his mind ("Falling asleep's gonna be rough..."). Ask him to share the bed, and insist. Read his mind again ("I can't believe that I...").

Follow Brandon to your room when you hear the noise. Once outside, examine the window, the exterior and then the ground. Read Lucas' mind ("Those two must be...") then talk to him.

Day 2

Police Station

Ask about Tobias Bremen then about the lab results. Read the officer's mind ("I don't know why they...") and you will leave.

Public Gardens

Follow the wooden path to briefly meet a young soccer player with a broken leg.

Big Wooden Bridge

Go here just to notice the strong current in the water.

Path in the Woods

Enter the woods and spot the four differences.

Our House

Have a sleep and the lab results will be phoned through to Brandon.

Day 3

Police Station

Talk to Claudia Unger about her missing husband.


Talk to the man here to learn about Mathias and his hut in the middle of the woods.


Ask the priest about Mathias, but he hasn't been seen for a few days.

Town Hall

Ask to meet the mayor, then about Mathias Unger, and finally about places of interest in town.

Souvenir Shop

In the shop you will see Mrs Unger again and find out about Joseph Locke's workshop. You will then be called away and will automatically go to the hut.

Unger's Hut

After the quick conversation with Lucas, read his mind ("There is something odd...") then examine the hut. Back in town, after Brandon chases after Eva, run away from the bald man and play the memory game. When you reach the coffee shop, run to the stalls then examine the room and you will escape.

Police Station

Read Lucas' mind ("There's something strange going on...").

Day 4

Woodworking Shop

Talk to Joseph Locke briefly about the werewolf carvings.

Our House

You will talk to your father on the phone.


Look at the science books to find a book on hypnosis.


Check to see if Karl has any past medical history, then ask for Uwe Lang. When you meet his friend Thom, read his mind ("I won't tell them anything. I don't want to get in...") then bluff. You will end up meeting Lang and getting his help.

Police Station

After Lang breaks Karl's hypnosis, ask him why he tried to kill you ("I cannot believe that I really tried to..."), if he's ever met Dr Lang before ("I am really terrible at remembering faces..."), and if he's ever killed anyone before ("Is this really happening to me..."). Next ask if he works for Eva Baum ("I remember she came to my..."). After one last question you will be called away again.

Unger's Hut

Read Lucas' mind ("It's really odd. An expert hunter..."), then examine the body and the hut thoroughly. Don't waste time talking to Lucas; instead just end your investigations. After everyone leaves, spot the six differences to follow the van tracks.


Don't try to go inside yet, just go back to town.

Police Station

Read Lucas' mind ("I must be very careful when speaking to..."). Tell him about the warehouse, but disagree with his plan to visit the morgue.

Day 5


Decide that you need more clues before approaching the warehouse, and you will head back to town.


Look through some old newspapers to find an article about the mayor's ancestor.

Police Station

Ask about Lucas to find out he is at Town Hall.

Town Hall

Ask to speak to the Mayor and you will be allowed inside. Ask why he is so sure, then ask about Bremen, the letters, the werewolf, and other targets. After you leave, ask Lucas about the warehouse, the werewolf and the police corruption.

Souvenir Shop

Go inside to see Mrs Unger is back at work already.

Woodworking Shop

The sign says closed, but go inside anyway to talk to Locke.

Day 6

Big Wooden Bridge

After reaching the crash site, ask Lucas for more info then talk to the policeman. Check the terrain. Examine the car, then the interior to realize the werewolf was in the car with Moro.

Our House

Brandon will leave to go to the airport.

Police Station

Ask about Lucas to find out he is with the Mayor again.

Town Hall

Talk to Lucas, then read the employee's mind ("Mayor Tom Hertz deserves..."). Ask the employee what Tom has done, then ask if he has any proof. Ask him about the werewolf, then you will leave.

Woodworking Shop

Talk to Lucas about Koln, then he will be called away again.

Police Station

Ask about Lucas, Locke, Lang and Koln.


Look around to notice a family tree on the wall.


Talk to the priest, then to Koln. Read his mind ("Should I trust her? She looks different...") and you will end up with some photographic evidence.

Day 7


The FBI will raid the warehouse.

Woodworking Shop

Head inside to see that Locke is missing.

Town Hall

Head inside to see the Mayor being taken away. Ask Lucas who else was involved.

Souvenir Shop

Talk to Mrs Unger, and you will notice the series of werewolf statues again.

Woodworking Shop

Head inside and this time you will switch on the light. Look at the sculptures and notice 4 differences. You will then realize Locke is the werewolf.