The White Door
Game Details: Mystery, 2020
Steam Achievements: Completed (16/16)
Links: Moby Games, Steam, Adventure Gamers
Walkthrough Updated: 5/11/2020
Suggested Listening: Where There's Smoke (Ash 25)
Day 1
7:00 Get Up
Drag the blanket down to get out of bed.
8:00 Breakfast
Click on the schedule beneath the clock on the wall, then also examine the calendar on the side table next to your bed to see today's date (August 14) and the symbol of a door (August 20). Examine the breakfast table. Look at the sugar packet and receipt. Drink both drinks, then eat the donut.
9:00 Self-Care
Click on the toilet, then press the button to flush it. Go to the sink and use the toothbrush, dragging left and right, then use the towel, also dragging left and right.
11:00 Checkup
Examine the chest of drawers at the bottom right. Drag open the bottom drawer and look at the ID card to see your name, employee number and date of birth. Next go over to the window. Drag the blinds up, then click on the bird to make it fly away. Back away from the window. Press the red button next to the door to call the nurse, then talk to her, answering as follows:
- Robert
- 1972
- 14
15:00 Memory Training
Go to the computer and press the X button. Select "Maybe" to answer the first question DAY 1. Try again and select "Yes" this time. Now answer the picture identification questions:
- Donut
- Box
- Plant
- Frame
- Speaker
- Coin
- Bird
18:00 Dinner
Examine the dinner cart that has rolled in through the door. Take the pill, eat the spaghetti and drink the soda.
20:00 Recreation
Examine the box next to the chest of drawers at the bottom of the screen. Open it and take the dumbbell from inside, then lift it up and down 10 times.
22:00 Sleep
Go to bed and pull up the blanket.
The Break-Up
Click on the Owl Nest cafe, then scroll to the far right. Click on the curtains (1/4). Click on the table, then turn the coffee cup, spoon and matches clockwise so that are all vertically aligned. Lift the coffee cup up, then click on the donut until it is all gone. Turn the hands on your watch clockwise to pass the time.
After the woman arrives, click on the curtains (2/4) again, then on her. Drag her chair closer to the table, then drag her eyes either to the right or the left. Click on the curtains (3/4), then click on her and lift the coffee cup up again. Drag your hand towards hers, then click on the curtains (4/4). Drag the curtains open, then click and hold the singer's mouth DREAM 1. Lift the coffee cup up one last time. After it cracks, click on it.
Day 2
7:00 Get Up
Drag the blanket down to get out of bed.
8:00 Breakfast
Examine the breakfast table. Drink both drinks, then eat the donut.
9:00 Self-Care
Click on the toilet, then press the button to flush it. Go to the sink and use the toothbrush, dragging left and right, then use the towel, also dragging left and right.
11:00 Checkup
Go over to the window. Drag the blinds up, then click on the bird to make it fly away. Click on the silhouette in the distance and watch the man walk away. Back away from the window. Press the red button next to the door to call the nurse, then talk to her, answering as follows:
- 41
- Owl Nest
- Johnsson
- (any option)
15:00 Memory Training
Go over to the window and click on the man DAY 2. Go to the computer and press the X button, then select "Yes". Now highlight the picture that is different from the others:
- Top right
- Bottom middle
- Top left
- Bottom right
- Top right
- Bottom left
- Top middle
18:00 Dinner
Examine the dinner cart that has rolled in through the door. Eat whatever food arrives.
20:00 Recreation
Examine the box next to the chest of drawers at the bottom of the screen. Open it and take the paddle and ball from inside, then bounce the ball up and down 10 times in a row.
22:00 Sleep
Go to bed and pull up the blanket.
Bird Food
Turn the dial on the radio to stop the music. After driving for a while, you will be stopped by a beggar. Drag the window down and drag the coin into the beggar's hand. Click on the traffic lights to start driving again. If you pay attention you will see a billboard with 3982 written on it. Now follow the signs to reach the Johnsson Bird Food factory. Drag the black smoke up into the air, then approach the front door. Examine the keypad and enter the code from the billboard: 3982. Open the doors, then walk left and click on the parrot DREAM 2.
Keep clicking on the birds until you back away. Walk right to meet your boss. Tighten the tie, then continue right to find Station 1. Insert the ticket, then start sorting the items as they come down the conveyor belt:
- Potato: top bin
- Bird seed: middle bin
- Corn: bottom bin
After getting 6 correct, drag the hand into any bin to continue. Walk right to Station 2. This time pay attention to the symbols on the containers, which will contain any combination of square, triangle and circle. Drag the tubes with these symbols down and release objects into the containers (you may need more than one per container). After getting 3 correct, walk right to Station 3 and push the button. Return left to your boss and pull his helmet down. Walk left to the lockers. Open the locker and click on all of the items to put them in the box. Examine the photos and drag them both downwards. Continue left to the doors and you will leave.
Day 3
7:00 Get Up
Drag the blanket down to get out of bed.
8:00 Breakfast
Examine the breakfast table. Drink both drinks, then click on the mouse. Go over to the sink and click on it again, then go to the computer and click on it. Go to the locked cabinet on the left and click on the mouse, then finally return to the breakfast table. Click on the dead mouse.
9:00 Self-Care
Click on the toilet, then press the button to flush it. Go to the sink and use the toothbrush, dragging left and right, then use the shaver, dragging up and down to get rid of your beard.
11:00 Checkup
Go over to the window. Drag the blinds up, then click on the bird to make it fly away. Go to the plant in the bottom right corner of the room and examine the card. Now click on the caterpillar (1/4) and it will crawl away. Go to the computer and click on the caterpillar (2/4) again, then head to the breakfast table to find the caterpillar (3/4) once more. Return to the plant and click on the moth (4/4) DAY 3. Next open the box on the table - drag the tape up then open the flaps. Look at the photographs in the envelope. Drag the map around to identify the location of the Johnsson Bird Food factory and the Owl Nest cafe. Shake the bird food packet until it is empty and note how much of each ingredient comes out. Examine the pager. Open it and insert the battery, then rotate the connectors so they all turn white. Replace the cover, then press each of the 4 buttons on top to hear different messages. Back out from the box. Press the red button next to the door to call the nurse, then talk to her, answering as follows:
- (any option)
- Canary Grass
- 30 Lake St
- 16 Park Rd
- 827
- (any option)
15:00 Memory Training
Go to the computer and press the X button, then select "Yes". Now move the shape to where an object in the room appears to be missing:
- Window (top left)
- Breakfast table (middle)
- Plant (bottom right)
- Computer (left)
- Door (top right)
18:00 Dinner
Examine the dinner cart that has rolled in through the door. Eat whatever food arrives.
20:00 Recreation
Examine the box next to the chest of drawers at the bottom of the screen. Open it and take the box of dominoes out, then assemble them as follows:
22:00 Sleep
Go to bed and pull up the blanket.
Watch as cars go by - when you see one with a sign above it, click and hold so the passenger can get out. Click on the highlighted window, then pull up the curtain. Drag the scene to the right so you can see the test pattern on the TV. Keep clicking on the TV until you wake up in hospital. Drag the blanket down, then click on each of the doctors and the nurse so they move closer. Pull the blanket back up. Keep clicking on the TV once you are back in your apartment - if you let the passenger out earlier you will get an achievement now DREAM 3.
Click on your face, then on both tears until they fall. Answer the buzzer and press the talk button then the unlock button. Open the door and take the plant, then click on the leaves to make them move. Now take the survey and answer it any way you want. Take the card.
Day 4
7:00 Get Up
Drag the blanket down to get out of bed.
8:00 Breakfast
Examine the breakfast table. Drink the drink, then eat the donut.
9:00 Self-Care
Click on the toilet, then press the button to flush it. Go to the sink and use the toothbrush, dragging left and right, then use the towel, also dragging left and right.
11:00 Checkup
Examine the chest of drawers at the bottom right. Drag open the top drawer and look through the documents in your file. Examine the plant and note the symbol on the pot. Open the box on the computer table and note the symbol inside. Next go over to the window. Drag the blinds up, then click on the bird to make it fly away. Back away from the window. Press the red button next to the door to call the nurse, then talk to her, answering as follows:
- H1931RL
- 12
- (any option)
15:00 Memory Training
Go to the computer and press the X button, then select "Yes". Now cycle left/right through the symbols to indicate what belongs in the flashing locations:
- Donut
- Box
- Plant
- Picture frame
- Bird
18:00 Dinner
Examine the dinner cart that has rolled in through the door. Eat the pill and drink the cocktail (also eat the garnishes).
20:00 Recreation
Examine the box next to the chest of drawers at the bottom of the screen. Open it and examine the instructions. Flush the toilet 4 times, then remove the cover and turn the red valve several times to flood the floor. Walk over towards the door and talk to the doctor until he leaves.
Next examine the red button next to the door. Turn the top left, bottom left and bottom right screws to remove its cover, then turn all the connectors so they are vertical (you have to do this in the order of the wire connections). This time, don't talk to the doctor. Go to the instructions in the recreation box and you will see 4 numbers in red. Go to these locations around the room to see some letters:
- Picture frame on the wall: F
- Top left corner of the calendar: A
- Your file in the chest of drawers: T
- Business card at the plant: E
Return to the computer and press the symbols indicated on the other page of the instructions: up, down, left, right, X, enter. Press enter until you get to choose to log in as "O" with password FATE. Read both of the messages here DAY 4.
Now go and talk to the doctor until he leaves. Examine the card he drops, then return to the computer. Press X and then log in as "J Grant" with password LOCK. Read the messages. Now log in as "C Adams" with password HOPE. Read the message and go and look at the cover of your file again. Now log in as "H Lee" with password LAKE. Read the messages, paying special attention to the 4 symbols in the final message.
Go to the locked cabinet on the left and open it with these symbols. Examine the cables at the top - you need to drag the plugs to the matching sockets that when paired together would make complete squares or circles. Next examine the pipes at the bottom - you need to rotate the panels so that all of the pipes are connected to those adjacent. Now examine the TV and keep changing the channel using the dial at the bottom right until the alarm starts again. Walk over towards the door and talk to the doctor, saying 123. Click on yourself.
The Lady of the Lake
Scroll to the left, then click on yourself at the bar and drag your arm upwards. When you next see yourself, drag your wallet out to the left. Once you are asked for change, click on the coaster (1/3) at the top left, then drag the $7 up to the barman's hand. Drag the cocktail to the left, then raise it to your mouth. Drag the photo up, then unfold it. Put your drink down again. When you are asked for money again, click on the coaster (2/3), then drag $18 up to the barman's hand. Click on the coaster (3/3), then take the gun. Click on the man and talk to him, then give him your matches and talk to him again DREAM 4.
Drag the curtains open, then lift up the microphone so it is directly in front of the singer's mouth. Click on the matching pairs of notes, then pull the trigger.
Day 5
Drag the blanket down to get out of bed - you are in a different room today. Examine the door to see a word and a symbol, then slide open the little window in the door. Back away from the door and examine the wall safe. Enter the code YOUR, then click on the pink drink until it spills. Look at the pink liquid on the floor and note that it has a lighter wiggly path running through it. Pop the bubbles starting at the top of this path and going to the bottom. You will see another word and a symbol.
Return to the wall safe and enter the code DARK. Now you will see 3 loudspeakers and a musical sequence. Click the middle speaker, then click it again to stop the musical notes near the left of the screen. Repeat this with the bottom speaker and then with the top one, to recreate the musical sequence. Walk over to it, then drag the notes up and down until you see another word and symbol.
Go to the wall safe once more and enter the code FACE. Spin the disco ball until you find some lights matching up with the positions of the door window, picture frame and safe. Examine the picture frame, then solve the simple jigsaw puzzle to reveal yet another word and symbol.
Before heading to the wall safe, go to the door again. Slide open the little window to see another word. Now go to the wall safe and enter the code CUBE. Drag the black cube up over the face DAY 5.
Back out from the safe, then approach it again and enter the code SOUL. Drag open the capsule, then click on the figure repeatedly until it enters your room. Go over to it and click on it, then tap the symbols corresponding with the words it says:
- Face: Top left
- Your: Bottom left
- Dark: Top right
- Soul: Bottom right
Now click on its hand. Drag your hand over it and spread the fingers to match its position perfectly. Go to bed and pull up the blanket.
The Lost Soul
When the car starts driving, click on the police car (1/4) and it will follow you to the club. Click on the bouncer, and open his eyes wider. Now open the doors and you will end up going inside the club. Click and hold to walk through the club, making sure to click on the police officer (2/4) and the deer man (3/4). When you stop at the DJ, click on the police officer (4/4) again. Now click on the DJ, put the record on the record player, move the needle, then spin the record.
Drag the deer man to the right so he talks to you. Drag your hand up to your face, then your finger up to the hole. You will need to feel the hole several times.
At the police interrogation, raise your arms, then scroll so you can see yourself over to the right. Open the blinds, then close them again. Click on the police officer, then drag his face down. Click on the light, then drag the officer's face up. Drag down over yourself to become corrupted, then click on yourself DREAM 5. Click on the glass repeatedly to break it.
Click and hold to walk through the club again. Open the woman's eyes, then spin her head upside down. Click on all of the flowers to turn them into moths. Drag the two moths into the the woman's eyes. Drag the woman upwards.
Day 6
7:00 Get Up
Drag the blanket down to get out of bed.
8:00 Breakfast
Examine the breakfast table. Drink both drinks, then get rid of the flies and eat the donut.
9:00 Self-Care
Click on the toilet, then press the button to flush it. Go to the sink and rotate all 3 parts of your reflection so they are upright.
11:00 Checkup
Press the red button next to the door to call the nurse, then talk to her, and complete a series of patterns:
- 4 pictures of a slider moving from top to bottom
- 4 pictures where a symbol rotates 90 degrees clockwise each time
- 4 pictures where a vertical line moves right and a diagonal line turns clockwise
- 4 pictures of a progressively wavy line with a circle switching sides
- 4 pictures of a circle getting divided into smaller segments
- 4 pictures where a horizontal line moves down and a corner turns clockwise
Select to have egg for dinner.
15:00 Memory Training
Go over to the window and drag the blinds up. Go to the computer and press the X button, then select "Yes". Go to the breakfast table and click repeatedly on the left cup until the small man breaks free. Go back to the computer, then open the cardboard box. Use the left flap to encourage the small man to stand on the circle, then click on him and he will disappear. Return to the computer again, then approach the plant in the corner of the room. Click on the branches in order from least leaves to most leaves (1-5), then click on the small man and he will run away.
Go to the computer once more, then look at the picture frame on the wall. Click and hold on it until the woman's eyes turn black. View the computer, then approach the speaker, which is to the left of the recreation box. Click on the biggest speaker to create a note. Click on the middle speaker until it is above the small man, then click on the biggest speaker again to drop it and scare the small man away.
Go back to the computer, then head to the chest of drawers. Read the document in the middle drawer. Open the bottom drawer, then open the small box on the right. Drag the coin upwards, then release it to squash the small man. Go to the computer and press Enter to complete the test.
18:00 Dinner
Examine the dinner cart that has rolled in through the door. Click on the egg repeatedly to crack it, then click on the bird inside until it flies away. Go over to the window and click on the bird again. Click on each of the stars to make them disappear, then click on the moon. Look at the window on the moon. Drag the blinds up, then click on the corrupted soul twice DAY 6.
Go back to the dinner cart and eat the pill.
20:00 Recreation
Examine the box next to the chest of drawers at the bottom of the screen. Open it to see a small model of your room. Click on the recreation box inside, keep clicking on the small man until a large shadow appears over your own room. You will see a floating symbol in your room - just click on the same object in the small model. Once the symbols stop coming, click on the small man until he goes to bed, then close the box.
22:00 Sleep
Go to bed and pull up the blanket.
The White Door
Click on the crow (1/3). Click on yourself, then drag the clouds to the right and pull the shadow down over your face. Hit yourself in the head with the stick 3 times, then click on the coin before grabbing it with your hand.
Click on the crow (2/3) on the telephone booth, then open the booth and approach the phone. Insert the coin, then pick up the receiver. Rotate the dial clockwise starting from each of the numbers indicated (1, 3, 2). Lift the receiver up to your ear to listen, then put it back down again. Open the car door, then get inside. Scroll the view in the mirror until you can see yourself and the driver.
In the car, click and hold so you stop outside the building with the sign for "The White Door". Click on the crow (3/3) outside the building. Scroll the view to see the sign, then climb the stairs. Sit down at the table and drag the paper down. Draw a signature, then check the box at the bottom. Drag all 7 items to the right when they are presented.
Go right down the hallway and tap on the lights to turn them on. Make sure you open the door with the star and click on the crow man DREAM 6. Keep going right and turning on the lights, then talk to the nurse at the end.
Day 7
Turn the handle and slide open the door - today you are visiting the corrupt soul's room and must bring color to it. Go over to the window and drag the blinds up, noting the color of the bird.
Head to the dinner cart and drag the tomato, cherries, meat and strawberry to the left, then the pickle, pear and broccoli to the right. Click on each of the foods. Next, press the red button next to the door. Examine the breakfast table. Drink both drinks, then eat the donut.
Go to the computer and press the X button, then select "Yes". Now you need to trace a path through the blank spaces in a single continuous line. There are 5 levels to complete:
Click on the toilet, then press the button to flush it. Go to the sink and use the sponge to clean the mirror. Examine the box next to the chest of drawers at the bottom of the screen. Open it and color in the bird as you saw it at the window (red breast, gray body, brown wings). Now open the bottom drawer of the dresser and examine your ID. Color it in by clicking on it repeatedly DAY 7.
Go back to the window - it should now be fully colored. Click on the bird to make it fly away. Click on the corrupted soul outside, and the one in your room will get up. Keep clicking on it until it raises it hand, then click on its hand. Drag your hand over it and spread the fingers to match its position perfectly. Go to bed and pull up the blanket.
The Bird
Click and hold to move right, making sure you click on all of the trees (1/2). Click on the woman, who is sitting on the bench. Click on the parrot (2/2) before clicking on the robin twice. Drag the woman's hand down, then drag her eyes down and move her hand away. Close the book DREAM 7. Keep talking, then close her eyes.
Turn the handle and slide open the door. Examine the breakfast table. Drink both drinks, then get rid of the flies and eat the donut. Notice the symbol on the glass, and look at the ID card to see an access code.
Go to the computer and press the X button, then press Enter a few times. Log in as "S White" with password FREE. Read the messages, paying special attention to the 4 symbols in the final message. Go to the locked cabinet on the left and open it with these symbols. Click on the pipes puzzle at the bottom and a series of cables will extend out through the room from the bottom right. If you watch the television here, you will be able to cycle through a series of 7 different images. You must look around the room for the areas indicated by these images, find a symbol, and then enter this in the panel at the bottom right of the cabinet. The following list gives the location of each symbol, and the number of times you must click from the starting symbol (T) to reach the correct one:
- Breakfast table, symbol on the glass (1)
- Computer table, inside the cardboard box (6)
- Plant, on the side of the pot (0)
- Picture frame, in the top corner of the picture (5)
- Speaker, in the bottom corner of the speaker box (3)
- Chest of drawers, in the small box in the bottom drawer (2)
- Window, drag the blinds up and click on the bird (4)
Once you have them all correct, back out and examine the television screen again. This time you have to do something while watching each different channel:
- Completely erase the woman by clicking and dragging.
- Draw over the woman, and the photograph will fall down.
- Click on 5 different parts of the test pattern in this order: top left of circle, bottom of circle, top of left bar, bottom of left bar, top right of circle. After each one, click on the scene that appears to return to the test pattern.
- Click on the photograph to break it, then drag each piece to its matching outline.
- Drag the 3 beams of light so they cover all of the butterflies.
- Drag Robert's items to the right and the woman's items to the left (for a hint, watch the man's eyebrows).
- Move the white shapes over the woman to gradually make her disappear.
Now back out from the television and press the yellow square. Go to the bed and pull up the blanket.
She's Not There
Click and hold to move right. Click on the bench to approach. Click on the robin twice to make it fly away. Click and hold to keep moving right, then click on the white door. Turn the handle and slide open the door The Alternative.
During the Day 3 dream you will see a telephone number +31202443854. If you phone this you will hear a message telling you to visit The White Door Website. There is a mental health test on the site that you need to complete a specific way, and there are hints scattered throughout the website.
Mental Health Test
1: How satisfied are you with your life so far?
Go to the Test page. The image here is "/images/photo_report(1).png" and shows the first box being crossed. The correct selection for the first question is the first box.
2: How do you feel in your dreams?
Go to the Contact page. The image here is "/images/photo_caring(2).png" and shows the first box crossed on the doctor's uniform. The correct selection for the second question is the first box.
3: Do you like fishing?
Go to the About Us page. The image for Dr J Gonzales is "/images/doctors/gonzales3_5.jpg" and he has a large crossed box on his pocket. The correct selection for the third question is the fifth box.
4: Do you have a clear memory of your past life?
Go to the Research page. The second image here is "/images/figure(4).png" and the captain mentions not crossing the line. The two lines on the graph cross at a positivity value of 3. The correct selection for the fourth question is the third box.
5: How do you feel about reincarnation?
Go to the Research page. The first image here is "/images/photo_research(5).png" and it shows the fourth box crossed on the blackboard. The correct selection for the fifth question is the fourth box.
6: What do you see when you close your eyes?
Go to the Research page. The third image here is "/images/figure(6).png" and it shows a series of Braille characters. This gives you the correct answer for the sixth question, which is A BLACK CUBE.
7: What do you think of when imagining your future?
Go to the Research page. The fourth image here is "/images/figure(7).png" and it shows a bar chart. You must convert each of the values from its numerical value to a letter (A=1, Z=26). This gives you the correct answer for the seventh question, which is ENLIGHTENMENT.
8: What would be your ideal holiday destination?
Go to the Services page and look at the source code. There are hidden comments after each item in the list which tell you which letter to select from each item. This gives you the correct answer for the eighth question, which is A CABIN AT A LAKE.
9: Who do you see in your dreams?
Go to the Testimonials page and read the entry by Ursule Lasnick (9). Just concentrate on the capital letters from this, including their name. This gives you the correct answer for the ninth question, which is MY CORRUPTED SOUL.
10: What is the past?
Go to the Home page and read the second paragraph. This gives you the correct answer for the tenth question, which is NEVER DEAD.
Submit the form with these answers to reach the second part of the website.
The Hack
Try to login as "T Hoorn" by selecting option 4, then enter anything as the password. When this fails, select option S, and then answer the series of security questions. The answers can all be found on The White Door Website, Kirsten Hoorn's YouTube Channel, and Kirsten Hoorn's Instagram Account.
1: What is the name of your daughter?
Find the Interview with Dr Hoorn on the website, where he mentions the name of his daughter is KIRSTEN.
2: What is your secret ingredient for the beet soup?
Find the picture of beet soup on the Instagram page, and send a message to find out the ingredient is VODKA.
3: What is the name of your dog?
Find the picture of Theo with his dog on the Instagram page, and read the captain to find out the dog's name is PACO.
4: What is your favorite painting?
Find the Interview with Dr Hoorn on the website, and highlight the blank text to see the name of the painting is BEDROOM IN ARLES.
5: Which tree do you like the most?
Find the picture of a large tree on the Instagram page, which is a CHESTNUT.
6: What is your favorite family game called?
Find the picture of a Dutch game on the Instagram page, which is called SJOELEN.
7: What your high score with ping pong?
Watch the YouTube video and count the number of times Theo bounces the ball, which is 53.
You will now receive Dr Hoorn's password, which is TWDH!.
The Cubes
You can now login to the Doctor Login section of the website. Here you will find Documents relating to the 11 patients of The White Door facility. These were clues required to locate a series of cubes hidden in the real world, which have all been successfully found. There is also a Cube Locator page, which gives the information found in each of the cubes:
- Cube A: Giulio Trentino (87524)
- Cube B: Tobiasz Olszewski (37582)
- Cube C: Leonie Poisson (12763)
- Cube D: Yuliana Kazantseva (87263)
- Cube E: Linda Kirkland (11276)
- Cube F: Bart Leeghwater (98723)
- Cube G: Jin-ho Kim (76382)
- Cube H: Susan Fisher (98374)
- Cube I: Rio Kobayashi (12367)
- Cube J: Zhang Yong Li (63866)
The Basement
Back in the game start Sarah's chapter again. Turn the handle and slide open the door. Go to the computer and press the X button, then press Enter a few times. Log in as "T Hoorn" with password TWDH. Read the messages, repeatedly pressing down while viewing the last one. Climb down the ladder.
The Escape
Walk right and use the security panel. Drag the slider to each letter and enter the 5-digit codes found with each of the cubes, listed above. Walk to the elevator at the far right, where all of the patients will be waiting for you. Press the button. Once the elevator reaches the top, click on the open doors The Basement.