AER: Memories of OldAER: Memories of Old

Game Details:  Fantasy, 2017

Steam Achievements:  Completed (20/20)

Links:  Moby Games, Steam, Adventure Gamers

Walkthrough Updated:  4/20/2018

Suggested Listening:  Where There's Smoke (Ash 25)

AER: Memories of Old is a fantasy open-world adventure game. You play as Auk, a pilgrim girl who can transform into a bird, and must explore and repair your world, which has been shattered into many small floating islands in the sky.


Follow the cavern and read 3 stone tablets, then approach the shrine - you will receive a lantern and the cavern will turn dark. Start running out of the cavern, following the lit lanterns that have been put there to guide you. You will eventually be able to follow a more narrow tunnel and escape out to the outside world Light at the end of the tunnel.

Talk to the old man, then transform into a bird and start flying.

The Settlement

Look at your map to see that The Settlement is made up of a number of smaller islands. Go to the small island furthest to the east and land next to the big deer statue Antlers of Stone. Now use your map to get to the west side of the largest island (the one with the lighthouse on it). Find a small group of baby lambs and walk over to them Mama?. Next go to the main settlement on this island, where you will see tents and a campfire. Talk to Daina, who is standing next to the fire, then also talk to John and their daughter Erin.

Find the well next to the fire and stand in the water Ripples on the surface. Take off again and fly to the island closest to the northeast of the lighthouse island. Enter the lake here, and approach the small crab island in the middle An uninvited guest. Now fly directly east to discover a new area.

Lifla's Grove

Go to the largest island here with the large tree. Find a glowing blue platform surounding by 3 small pillars. Stand on the middle and use your lantern, then use the small cube that is revealed - this will open up 3 air gates on surrounding islands. Transform to a bird and fly through all 3 of these air gates. Fly back to the main island with the tree and go to the glowing blue platform again. Use your lantern and use the cube, then a doorway will open in the base of the tree. Go inside.

The Heartwood

Run down the curved path and talk to the Deer, who needs you to close the rift up ahead. Run forward and jump to one of the lowest moving platforms, then jump off at the other side. Run up the hill there, and jump on to one of the highest moving platforms. Jump down to the middle moving platform, then on to the raised square. Use your lantern, then use the cube to close the rift in the ceiling. Go back and talk to the Spirit Deer (1/3), and you will receive a Temple Key (1/3). Now head to the exit to the cave, talking to the Fox on the way out.

Once outside again, fly directly west to return to The Settlement.

The Settlement

Drop down to the campfire on the large island with the lighthouse. Talk to Daina, John and Erin again. As suggested by John, take off and fly directly north to find a new area.

Windsong Falls

You will see 2 glowing columns in the air. Drop down and use your lantern and cube on both of the platforms beneath these columns. Once you have used both platforms, a doorway will open in the waterfall on the largest island here. Fly there and go inside.

The Vault

Jump down and you will see two consoles up ahead. Go to the right one first and use it, then turn the shapes once to the right (so the concentric half-octagons are pointing to the left). Now go to the left console and use it, then turn the shapes twice to the right (so the half-sun is pointing to the right). The large doorway in the back will now open. Go through and take the Temple Key (2/3). Now exit the cave, talking to the Fox again on the way out.

Outside, fly to the southwest to find a new region.

Twilight Lake

Fly to the largest island and drop down on to the platform with the symbol of one of your keys. Here you can select to open the temple. Either head down the stairs or just jump down.

Eventide Sanctuary

Make your way forward through the temple. When you reach the stream with the flying fish, turn left and follow the water into a mushroom-filled cavern. After going down some stairs here, jump up over 8 progressively higher columns. Find a niche on the right where you can use your lantern and a cube to open a passage back to the main temple area, but then keep exploring the mushroom cavern for now. Jump over the broken bridge segments. Read both parts of the large stone monolith ahead (near a very large closed gate), then continue down a relatively narrow area just to its left. Take the stairs down to the right and keep going until you reach a massive column surrounded by 4 consoles. You need to use the consoles to rotate the column so that its beam of light hits the lit octagon on one of the walls (use the console to the left to turn it 1 space to the left, then the next console to the left to turn it 3 spaces to the right).

Go back up to the very large closed gate, and you will see your beam of light nearby. Turn are 2 consoles here - use them both to highlight the complete symbols on the walls in front of them, then a large bridge will rotate. Cross over the bridge, then jump up to the left and follow the platforms around to a watery tunnel. Follow this back out to the cavern, then make a large jump off to the left. Use your lantern and cube on the square platform here to rotate the bridge again. Cross over, then find another square platform to use - this will lower a large ramp. Climb down here and read the 2 parchments.

Continue down the steps on the left, then go to the right. In this section you need to find a total of 5 square platforms to use - each of this will activate a light around the border of the large door in the room. Once the door is opened, head through and find another square platform to use - this will lower another large ramp. Go down towards those parchments again.

Now cross over the new bridge towards the large spinning structure in the background. Go out to the new area and talk to the Twilight Guardian to receive your first Tablet Fragment (1/3). After the being disappears, walk forward into the light to leave the temple People's Haven.

Once back outside, fly southeast to return to The Settlement.

The Settlement

Drop down to the campfire on the large island with the lighthouse. Talk to Daina, John and Erin again (Erin should now be lying on a nearby tree stump). As suggested by Daina, take off and fly to the far east of the map, northeast from Lifla's Grove.

Eastern Steps

Head first to the low island just left of the largest island, and stand near the huge bird shrine Condor condo. Now fly to the east of the largest island, again to a relatively low island and you will find a large stone map standing vertically - make sure you are looking at the side with the pictures Written in stone. Next fly to the northern-most island of the Eastern Steps and drop down to stand next to the big fox statue Tails of Stone. Now finally head to the largest island and drop down to another large platform with the symbol of your other key. Open the temple here. Now head into the temple.


In order to successfully complete the next achievement, the safest course of action is to immediately leave the temple again. Fly back to The Settlement.

The Settlement

Drop down to the campfire and talk to Daina and John. Go and find Erin hiding behind a small dark green tree up on a ledge above the campfire and talk to her. Now use your map to fly to another area to the far southeast.

Ruins of Onn

Go to the small island at the northwest tip of the larger crescent island. Walk next to the big crane statue Wings of Stone.

Eastern Steps

Go straight to the temple and head inside.


Head forward then around to the left until you reach a very higher chamber, and drop all the way down to the bottom to find a glowing platform. Use this one, and you will see two others higher in the room become activated. Run up the ramps and use the nearest platform, which opens the doors to an elevator. Use the platform in here to go up in the elevator. Run through to the next area with 2 consoles. Use them both in quick succession to lower 2 gates, then quickly run forward and jump up to get over them into the area behind.

Jump forward over the broken bridge and read the mural on the far wall, then go to the left and find some stairs down to a broken driller machine. Jump down on to a piece of grating, then walk over the pipe and jump down to a square platform - when you activate this, the first of 3 diamonds (orange) will light up on the major door you need to open.

From here, go up along the grated walkways, then down to another square platform to use. Go through the large door that opens, then head around to the left and down the stairs. Follow this around and use the platform to open another large door, then go through to yet another platform. Use this, and a set of very large gears will start turning. Jump over these and use a platform on the other side, then jump back to a higher platform - when you activate this, the second of 3 diamonds (blue) will light up on the major door you need to open.

Turn around and look back across the room with the spinning gears, and you will see a large blue parchment against the opposite wall. Go all the way over there and examine this. Turn left and drop down the big hole to be right in front of the major door. Turn right and enter a new cavern. Jump up to the only available square platform here and use it - the third of 3 diamonds (yellow) will light up on the major door. Go back and stand on the platform directly in front of the door and use it to make it open.

Go through the doorway and talk to the Keeper of Dreams to receive your next Tablet Fragment (2/3). After the being disappears, walk forward into the light to leave the temple Knowledge for Power.

Once back outside, fly back to The Settlement.

The Settlement

Drop down to the campfire and talk to Daina and John - John should now ask you to find Erin, who has gone missing. Head to the opposite side of the island and you should find Erin standing by herself. Go down and talk to her Hide and Seek.

Now head to the far east of the map and go north from the Eastern Steps to reach a new area.

Split Mountain

Head to the north side of the east half of Split Mountain, and enter the cave you find here.

Iquili's Den

Once inside, take the path to the right and follow it all the way to the top. Talk to the Spirit Fox (2/3), then jump all the way back down and leave the cave.

Fly across to the island directly north of head and land hear a stone skeleton of a fallen bird Memorial. Now continue to the northwest to discover a new area.

Howling Peaks

Drop down to the second island from the southeast, and you will see glowing from several small fire columns. Enter the cave near here that has icicles positioned like fangs.

The Tear

Walk forward into the darkened cave Gaze into the abyss. Read the small manuscript near the altar on the right, then leave again.

Fly to the northern part of the island at the southwest of this region and you will find another area glowing from several small fire columns. Enter another cave here.

Beartooth Cave

Head along the narrow passages and read the stone tablet, then keep going to meet the Spirit Bear (3/3). You will get an achievement for visiting all 3 Spirit Animals Talk to all the spirit animals. Drop back down and leave the cave.

Next fly northeasst to the largest island in this region. Head straight into the large cave entrance.

Cave of Harmony

There are 4 raised pedestals that you need to jump on - when you land on them, the bells beneath them will start ringing. Once all 4 bells are ringing, you will be able to run and jump over the broken ice bridge in the middle of the cave. Go to the end and take the Temple Key (3/3). Now turn around and leave the cave again, talking to the Fox on the way out.

Fly far to the northwest to find another new region.

Roof of the World

Go to the far northern end of the largest island up here and find an ancient animal frozen in a block of blue-green ice Baa from the past. Fly back to the middle part of the island and stop at the glowing column of light. Go to the large platform with the symbol of the key you just collected, and open the temple. Fly up to the open doors and head inside.


Go straight up the stairs on the right, then turn right again at the next option - you will eventually reach a platform to activate with your lantern. This will open 2 large doors below. Jump down and go through the door on your right. Looking ahead, there are 6 raised platforms, and there are 3 sets of 6 lights on the far wall. Start by jumping on the near-left platform, then look at the lights again. Jump to the near-middle platform, then look at the lights once more. Jump to the far-middle platform, and the next door ahead will open, so go through.

Follow this passage around to a long room with lots of stairs. Use the nearest platform, and you will see some balls of light being transmitted up the room. Follow these and use the next square platform to keep the lights going further. Keep doing this until you end up shooting the lights through a side window. Go up the opposite stairs and slide all the way back down to the bottom of this room. Go back out to the room with the 6 raised platforms.

Climb up the stairs towards the platforms and look up to the left to see 3 more sets of lights higher up on the wall. Use these lights to guide which 3 platforms you should jump on (near-right, near-left, far-left) then go through the next open door.

Head through the doorway on the right and up the stairs to see 3 consoles. You need to use these to display 4 sets of symbols that go together; as you do this, smaller pillars will rise from the ground around you. When all 4 pillars have been raised, you will see 2 symbols light up on doors elsewhere within this temple.

Head back down the stairs, then straight across to the illuminated door. It will open as you approach, so head through. Use the platform here, and you will see a bridge form above you. Leave this room again and turn right to return to the room with the 6 raised platforms. Go all the way through the doorway on the opposite end of this room. At the end, turn left and climb up along the snowy path, then jump into the side passage and follow this up to the left, over some holes in the path. You will eventually come out to a massive hall with large statues along the opposite wall. Go right along this hall and through a partially opened door. Use the platform in the next room to create a shortcut back, but don't use it for now. Keep going straight and you will end up crossing the bridge you just formed before.

Go up a lot of stairs at the end, and you will end up seeing the balls of light that you sent through the window earlier. Follow this and use another square platform here - this will open the large door below you, and a golden sphere will rise out of the ground. Drop down there and go through the doorway.

Head outside and talk to the Watcher of the Veil to receive your final Tablet Fragment (3/3). After the being disappears, walk forward into the light to leave the temple Mausoleum of Ice.

Fly southeast to reach Howling Peaks, then turn directly south and you will find another new area.

King's Pass

Drop down to the northeast island in this region to find a huge skeleton In the belly of the beast. From here, head back to The Settlement.

The Settlement

Go to the campfire and talk to Daina, John, Eric and Medvin. Now fly up to the base of the lighthouse and use your tablet. Talk to Medvin again, then fly in the direction of the light beam.

The Creator's Shrine

When you reach this area, if not before, you will have discovered every region on the map Cartographer. Once inside the Shrine, just head forward. After you collapse and get up again, follow the light, then go through the doors. Just keep going through the next darker area to reach the game's conclusion Equilibrium.