
Game Details:  Fantasy, 2017

Steam Achievements:  Completed (11/11)

Links:  Moby Games, Steam, Adventure Gamers

Walkthrough Updated:  10/7/2018

Suggested Listening:  Caught Up in the Panic (Ash 25)

Memoranda is a surreal adventure game about a young woman who is gradually losing her memories. You must guide Mizuki through a tough journey including into her dreams to rediscover her identity.


Start by picking up both pieces of the map, then put them together in your inventory. Also pick up the scissors from the right, and the orange juice from the coffee table. Make sure you look at Vicky's photo (1/5). Now leave your apartment. Take the kidney-shaped stone that is floating near your doorway, then head up stairs to the 4th floor. Look at the movie poster (2/5), then pick up the old photo from beneath the rug. Make sure you also look at the closed screening room door.

Go downstairs twice to reach the 2nd floor. Try talking to the little girl, then continue downstairs to the 1st floor. Look at the knock system on the door here, but you don't have enough information to solve the puzzle yet. Enter the elevator and look at Qardash's poster - the clue for the knock system is here: "Quartet, Duet, Solo". Exit at the 1st floor and examine the knock system again, then click on cards 4, 2 and 1.

Talk to Qardash, then take the machine diagram next to him. Leave here and go down to the lobby. Look at Arash's photo (3/5) on the wall. Talk to Jack twice and he will give you the location of his friend's apartment for your map (if he doesn't go back and look at the door on the 4th floor). Head outside and go to the town square.

The Climbing Stars Square

Enter the bakery and take a doughnut from the counter. Leave the store and return home.


Go up to the 2nd floor and give the doughnut to the little girl. Look at the film box she gives you and you will take a film reel from inside. Go up to the 3rd floor and take the kidney stone again, then put it in your film box to capture it. Use your map to travel to a new location.

Lexington Street

Talk to the old sailor, then enter the Puppeteer's house. Enter the dark corridor, then continue into the living room and talk to the doll maker. Go back to the foyer and take the bradawl that is hanging on the right. Look at the puzzle box, but you need more clues to open it. Enter the bright room on the left and notice which shelves contain books. Examine the puppet show, but again you need more information. Return right and examine the puzzle box, highlighting the squares that correspond with shelves that contained books:

Take the golden key that is revealed. Enter the dark corridor again and look at the family painting, noting the clothing of the boy on the left. Go back to the puppet show and click on the 3 pieces corresponding to the boy, then a teddy bear will be revealed. Examine this, then use your bradawl on its belly to reveal a keypad. Use the key on this to activate it, then click on the 2 letters you can see in the teddy bear's eyes: CO. Go to the living room and talk to the doll maker once more. Return to the bright room and take the film reel storage box The Doll Maker.


Go inside and give the film reel storage box to Jack - you will get 2 new locations on your map. Go outside and back in again, then head up to the 4th floor. Enter the screening room and load your film reel into the projector to see a movie about kittens.

Dark Alleyway

Pick up the liquid propane from the right, then leave this area.

Opera Singer

Talk to the opera singer, then show him the machine diagram and he will start coughing. Give him some orange juice, then he will sing but the frequencies will float up into the air. Combine the liquid propane and orange juice in your inventory, then give this to the opera singer. Now you can pick up the frequency pack from the ground.


Go up to the 1st floor and into Qardash's flat. Give him the frequency pack Frequent Visitor. Leave and re-enter the flat, then pick up the DTMF machine. Go up to the 2nd floor and use the DTMF machine on the door.

Dark Alleyway

Look at the missing elephant poster, and you will learn a new location from the nark.

The Climbing Stars Square

Enter the bakery and talk to Mr Doughnut to receive a bag of flour.


Look at the walkway, then use your bag of flour on it. Pick up the potato from the road.

The Climbing Stars Square

There will now be 3 people near the fountain. Talk to each of them and you will learn 2 new locations.


Outside the building, you will remember about the elephant's footprints.


Try pressing the doorbell, but you decide there must be another way.


Pick up the sand-filled seashell and talk to Fischermann. Go to the pier and take a flag from above the lighthouse doorway, then enter the lighthouse.


Go upstairs and pick up the condenser from the floor, and the lens and vinyl record from the shelves on the left. Use the DTMF machine on the telephone and you will end up talking to Mr Spaghetti. Look at Michael's photo (4/5) on the left.


Go up to your apartment on the 3rd floor and use the vinyl record on the gramophone New Tunes.


Enter the cottage Spaghetti!. Take the matchbox from above the fireplace, then talk to Phil the Elephant and Mr Spaghetti - he will give you a Dabchick card.

Dark Alleyway

Enter the underground office and go through the door. Talk to the Clerk, but he won't let you past. Use your captured kidney stone in the china pots, and also take note of the relative heights of the 3 pots. Examine the panel on the left and adjust the sliders to heights 6, 3 and 5. Go through the door and talk to Dabchick.


Enter the cottage. Use your scissors on your photo, and you will end up with a cut photo and Phil's signature. Combine the signature with the potato. Talk to Mr Spaghetti, but he will refuse to help.

Dark Alleyway

Give the signature and potato to the nark, and he will carve the potato into a potato stamp.


Use your potato stamp on the oil can, then use your oily stamp on the Dabchick card "Signed".

Dark Alleyway

Go back to Dabchick's office and give him the stamped card. Take the Humanimal potion and the instant camera. Use the camera to take a photo of Dabchick (1/7).


Enter the cottage and use your camera to take a photo of Phil the Element (2/7). Try giving the Humanimal potion to Phil, but he won't drink it. Talk to Mr Spaghetti. Examine the photo frame on the fireplace to learn about a new counselor in town.

Old Tree

Pick up some dried grass from the left. Use your camera to take a photo of the Scarecrow (3/7). Head right to the swamp. Pick up some bamboo and an empty bucket, then use the bucket on the bamboo clock to fill it with water.


Put your dried grass on the fire. Use your camera to take a photo of Fischermann (4/7), then give him the Humanimal potion Fischermann. Now you can take the funnel and hunting knife. Go to the pier and use the hunting knife on the rope, then examine this in your inventory to get a rope and a tobacco sack.

Opera Singer

Use your camera to take a photo of the Opera Singer (5/7).

Lexington Street

Use your camera to take a photo of the Old Sailor (6/7), then give him the tobacco sack.


Go up to the 3rd floor and enter your apartment, then examine your bed Sweet Dreams!. Talk to Moriko, then pick up the strange device before heading left into the forest. Combine your rope and strange device, then attach this to the tree on the left. Now examine each of the cats and the device will convert their noises into numbers - make a note of each of the 8 cats' numbers, then use the gong to wake up.

Opera Singer

Enter the counselor's office to the right. Talk to the counselor twice, then leave again.


Go up to the 4th floor and into the screening room. Watch the video and note that the kittens that are talking correspond to those with numbers 1, 4 and 3 in the dream. Go to your apartment and examine the safe, entering code 143 to get it open.

Opera Singer

Return to the counselor and talk to her to learn about 2 new locations.


Move the car door 3 times, then take the antique watch. Pick up the rare flower from near the dragon on the right.

Barbara's Flowershop

Look at Gabor's photo (5/5) Met the Backers. Talk to Barbara, then look at the rare flower in your inventory.


Talk to Tiso Spencer, who is standing outside your apartment building, and he will give you some CooLiquid - use this on your rare flower to create an ice flower.

Barbara's Flowershop

Give the ice flower to Barbara, then take the odor analyzer from the left, and a seed pack from the counter.

Vanya's Cafe

Talk to Peter, who wants a peanut punch. Talk to Vanya, then give her the antique watch. Pick up the peanut punch and give it to Peter, then clean up his vomit using your flag. Talk to Lake Kubilius, who will mention some translator devices around town.

Old Tree

Take the translator device from the tree.


Examine the rat hole next to the post box. Use your seed pack on the hole in the ground, then back out. Use your odor analyzer on the rat hole, then use your dirty flag on it. Now examine the odor analyzer, and turn the dial to number 2 so that the display shows "Peanut". Look into the rat hole again to see that the rat has come out. Combine your funnel and bamboo, then use this on the empty watering can next to the rat. Use your bucket of water on the funnel, then after the rat waters his garden, take some bloody mint. Enter the cottage and use the translator on Phil the Elephant. Give him your sand-filled seashell and he will return a clean seashell.


Talk to the soldier, then give him the clean seashell Sail Away. Now pick up his baseball bat.

Old Tree

Talk to the scarecrow and the owls. Put your empty packet on the scarecrow's head, then light it with your matchbox. Take the shovel that remains.


Use your shovel to dig in the soft dirt, then pick up the jar and the soldier tags. Climb down the hole into the sewers below. Talk to Matt Hawkins, then go left. Try to pick up the stool, but you won't be able to get that far. Look at the carved painting on the wall here, then return right. Talk to the guy on the right, but he won't respond to you. Use the shovel on the mud over his head, then take the pot.


Enter the cottage and use your bloody mint on the talking moose in the corner, then pick up the chewed bloody mint. Put this in your pot, then add the water from your bucket. Combine the pot with your condenser to create an alambique.

Old Tree

Head right to the swamp and talk to the army of frogs, then pick up the magic bottle. Look at the sign here before going right.


Catch some flies in your empty bottle.

Dark Alleyway

Try talking to the trash can, then use your bottle of flies on it, and Superfrog will reveal himself. Use your camera to take a photo of Superfrog (7/7) Artsy Photos. Talk to him, then look at the magic menu. The top line is the number of frogs remaining (200 originally, 30 retired, 20 hiding, 40 dead) which is 110. The middle line should just have the symbol of a frog. The bottom line should have a sword and a worm. Click on the tick symbol once you have this, then use your magic bottle to collect the magic words.

Old Tree

Go right to the swamp and use the frog magic on the army of frogs. Head right again.


Climb down the hole into the sewers. Go left and now you can pick up the stool. Continue left once more. Walk towards the monkey, and he will escape into the tent.

Old Tree

Use the baseball bat on the tiny hole in the ground. Combine your stool and lens, then use this on the big hole.


Use y our alambique on the fire, then use your jar on the alambique to get some anesthetic.


Climb down to the sewers and go left twice to return to the monkey. Talk to the monkey until your memoranda gets updated, then use the anesthetic on him. Give him the soldier tags Located the Name.