Majestic Part 1Majestic Part 1

Alien Encounter

Game Details:  Sci-Fi, 1995

Links:  Moby Games

Walkthrough Updated:  7/20/2024

Suggested Listening:  Wild Hearts Meet (Ash 25)

Majestic Part 1: Alien Encounter is a science fiction adventure involving a luxury space liner that goes missing and is finally discovered years later. You play as an archaeologist investigating the ship using a series of probes that are gradually upgraded to provide increasing capabilities. The next game from the same developer is Zero Critical.

Node 1

Captain's Quarters

Link to the data storage unit on the desk and read the message, paying attention to the first letter of each word. Reverse your view and go back to the shuttle.


Use your torch on the hull to cut a hole, then head inside. Link to the data storage unit on the left side of the far wall and read through the 5 pages of information. Next link to the helm control station to the right of this, and enter the code from the first letter of each word in the message you read earlier: HABAHADHEA. Click on the red circle and note the coordinates. Now link to the weapons control system in the middle of the room and enter the coordinates of the unknown vessel: 16011212. Press the E button, then press Fire. Reverse your view and go back to the shuttle.

Probe Room

Use your torch on the hull to cut a hole, then head inside to the probe launch station. Go through the doors on the left to the shuttle bay, then continue up to the crane control pod. Link to the crane control unit and press the Activate button. From here, go through the doors on the left into the lobby and listen to the message from the alien.

Reverse your view and enter the shuttle (through the round entrance on its right side), then link to the portable data unit on the floor. Read both messages and click the Download button to add a Phase Viewer to your interface.

Reverse your view and head out to the lobby again. Go through the left door to the promenade, then continue forward to the main hall. From here, go to the restaurant foyer, then turn around and enter the security foyer, and continue left to the library. Link to the database computer terminal and read through the messages, then click the Download button to add a Communication Link to your interface.

Reverse your view and go out to the main hall, then continue left to the swimming pool. Go up into the utility ducts in the ceiling. From here, look down towards the swimming pool again, then reverse your view and go left towards the quarters and down. From your view of a chess board, continue forward to the hallway, then right towards the cargo bay. Look at the cargo bay doors to the right and you will be shown a riddle. Answer this with the word MIRROR. Now you can proceed through the door on the right into the cargo hold. Link to the multi-purpose utility drone on the floor and click the Activate button. Head forward to the ladder then climb down to the airlock. Reverse your view, then click on the maintenance bulletin on the far wall and take note of the word written at the bottom.

Back out and climb up the ladder, then go through the door to the hallway. Go around to the left, then forward to the elevator. Link to the elevator control unit and click the Level 3 button, then enter the code HEADACHE. On this floor, go left to the hallway, then left into Professor Norma Miller's quarters. Link to the data storage unit on the table and read through the messages, then click the Download button to add a Translation Program to your interface.

Reverse your view and go right to the hallway, then right into the elevator. Link to the elevator control unit and click the Level 1 button. Head forward to the hallway, then reverse your view. Go through the left door into the Baron of Sombury's quarters. Scan the fireplace (above the fire), and keep scanning the bricks near the bottom right until you find one with a hidden device, then link to it. You will see the message "The hand of the dead man has five fingers, only one points to the artifact".

Reverse your view and go out towards the hallway. Reverse your view again, then go through the fireplace into the utility ducts. Continue left, then down to the swimming pool and left to the main hall. Go towards the doors ahead and answer the riddle with the word ZERO. Continue forward to the night club, then left to the poker room. Scan the table on the left and look at each of the hands - one of them is a "dead man's hand":

  • King of clubs
  • Ace of clubs
  • Ace of spades
  • 8 of clubs
  • 8 of diamonds

Reverse your view and go out to the main hall, then head left to the security foyer. Continue right into the bank. Link to the data storage unit on the bench and click Panel Access. Link to the code keypad that was behind the picture of the King and enter the code for CLUBS:

  1. Press ABC 3 times
  2. Press JKL 3 times
  3. Press STU 3 times
  4. Press ABC 2 times
  5. Press STU 1 time
  6. Press E

Reverse your view and go left to the main hall, then continue straight ahead to the restaurant foyer, and left to the kitchen. Use your torch on the cups on the counter.

Node 2

Probe Room

Enter the probe launch station, then continue left to the shuttle bay. Go right into the lobby, then right into engineering. Click on the doors to the engineering foyer on the left, and answer the riddle with BOTTLE. Link to the computer core door on the left and enter the code from earlier: HABAHADHEA. Link to the portable computer device and take the unit.

Reverse your camera and go left to the lifeboat launch station. Continue forward to the lobby, and across to the promenade. Reverse your camera again, then head right to the shuttle bay. Go up to the crane control platform, then down to the probe launch station. Go out to space and return to the shuttle.

Node 3

Probe Room

Enter the probe launch station, then continue left to the shuttle bay. Go right into the lobby, then left into the promenade. Head forward to the main hall and left to the swimming pool. Go up into the utility ducts, then right twice to reach the kitchen. Go down into the kitchen and use your torch on the alien. Link to the Artifact on the dead alien. Reverse your camera and return to the utility ducts.

Node 4

Probe Room

Enter the probe launch station, then continue left to the shuttle bay. Go right into the lobby, then left into the promenade. Head forward to the main hall and left to the swimming pool. Go up into the utility ducts. Reverse your camera and go left through the ducts towards the quarters, then right towards engineering. When you find the damaged node, link to the Artifact.

Reverse your camera and head towards the quarters, then go down. Head forward to the hallway and left to the elevator. Link to the elevator control unit and click the Level 3 button, then enter the code HEADACHE. Walk forward into the smoking lounge and use your Translator Program and Phase Viewer - the alien here will leave. Reverse your camera and go left towards the ballroom, then reverse your camera again. Link to the control for the emergency force-field on the left, and click the On button.

Reverse your camera and head up to the chandelier. Use your torch on the chandelier to kill another alien. Continue forward into the next hallway and use the Artifact to phase shift. Reverse your camera again and go over to the hallway - you will see an alien trapped here by the emergency force-field. Head right into the smoking lounge and use your torch on the alien explosive device.