Gemini Rue
Game Details: Sci-Fi, 2011
Steam Achievements: Completed (15/15)
Links: Moby Games, Steam, Adventure Gamers
Walkthrough Updated: 3/9/2022
Suggested Listening: Caught Up in the Panic (Ash 25)
Game Setup
Start by turning on the Developer Commentary from the main menu of the game. Leaving this turned on for the entire game will get you an achievement at the end Rue the Commentary.
Find Matthius
Azriel Odin
Head right and talk to the vendor. Return left and try to use the terminal, then kick it and try to use it again. Go to the right and talk to the vendor to get his ID card. Go left once more and use the ID card on the terminal. Search for "Matthius Howard", then read the entry that is found. Next search for "Hibiscus Highrise" and look at both entries. Click on the map in the terminal screen to see 4390 Brookview is to the east. Leave the terminal and walk right. Return the ID card to the vendor.
Continue right several screens and open the door to number 4390. Talk to the receptionist about Matthius Howard, say you are with the Boryokudan, and that you don't have to prove it - you will end up with Matthius' room number. Ignore the elevator, and instead go through the door to the right. Climb up top the top floor and go through Stair master.
Walk to the left and use the elevator control then head inside. Press button 4 on the controls in the elevator, then exit on the 4th floor. Knock on door 4E but there is no answer. Try to use a lock pick on door 4E, but it has an electronic lock. Go back to door 4C and use your lock pick on it, then open the door and go inside. Try to open the balcony door, then pick up the stick blocking it and try again. Head outside. Climb the ladder, climb over the railing, walk along the ledge, then climb over the other railing and down the ladder. Try to open the balcony door but it is locked. Use your stick on the door, then kick the stick and reach through the crack. Now open the door and go inside.
Walk over towards the console, but then the Boryokudan will arrive. Quickly head back out to the balcony and all the way back to room 4C. Go out to the corridor to see the Boryokudan leave.
Leave the apartment building via the stairs or elevator. Go all the way to the left where you started the game and talk to the Cowboy Bebop character (1/4). Now go all the way back to number 4390. Head up to the 4th floor and enter apartment 4E. Use the console and go to the profile to get Matthius' phone number. Use your communicator to call him.
Test Facility
When prompted, talk to the speaker in the corner of the room, then walk through the open door. Pick up the gun and go through the training exercise on combat. Return the gun to the pedestal, then go and take the food ticket from the wall printer. Go back into the first room, then wait until the other door opens, and go through.
Continue down the ramp to the left and through another door; after the woman takes some cloth from you, go left and through the door at the end. Use the right elevator control, but it won't work. Try the other control, then use the box on the floor - move it to the far right by holding D, then stand on it by pressing W. Use the wire hanging above you to fix the elevator. Climb down from the box and head inside. Use the controls to go to level 4, then exit the elevator.
After getting beaten up, go through the door on the right, then walk down and sit at the table next to the girl. Talk to her, then walk down again and leave the mess hall. Go to the elevator, use the controls and get inside again. This time use the controls to go to level 2. Exit the elevator and look at the eye scanner next to the left door. Go through and use the scanner next to room D-6. Go into the room and use the bed.
Escort Matthius
Azriel Odin
Kill two men without taking any damage in your first gun fight (1/6), then have Matthius climb on the box and over the wall. Now use the box yourself, dragging it to the left then climbing on. Use the drain pipe to get over the wall. Use your gun on the lock, then open the gate and head right. Quickly head into the back alley when you can, then continue right Diplomacy. Continue right twice more to reach Hibiscus Highrise.
Open the door and go inside. Now select either one of the characters to move first. As soon as the guard leaves to the right, head across to be behind the far right wall. Repeat this with your other character. Open the door here and go through to the stairwell. Head upstairs to the next door, then open it and go through. Head left, use the elevator control and head up to level 6.
Go right and kill the guy without taking any damage in another gun fight (2/6). Once in the next stairwell, close the door and use the lock. Use Matthias on the door at the top, getting him to push against it. Now kick it yourself to open it and head through.
The Gun
As you get out of bed, you will gain the ability to switch characters, although you don't need to use it yet Geminis.
Leave your room and go right, then use the left elevator. Pick up the note (1/4) from the floor, then use the control to reach level 4. Enter the mess hall on the right and go to the other end of the room, then sit down and talk to Balder. Leave the mess hall and take either elevator up to level 5. Head right and look at the eye scanner next to the third (blue) door, then go through. Go all the way to the right and pick up another note (2/4). Look at the eye scanner next to door 2 and go through. Wait here to be scanned, then continue through the door on the right.
Save your game. Go and pick up the gun and go through a slightly more complex training exercise in 2 segments. There is an achievement for completing both segments perfectly Grade A Student.
Replace the gun and collect your food ticket before going back through the door. Wait to be scanned, then continue left, and then down the slope and left again. After talking to Epsilon-Five again, head left, then enter either elevator and go to level 4. Exit the elevator and go right to the mess hall. Walk down and use your food ticket on one of the dispensers (you will get a meal). Talk to Epsilon-Five about everything, then leave the mess hall. Return to the elevators and go to level 3.
Grab the next note (3/4) near the left door. Head right into the gym, and head down to talk to Balder. Pick up a 4 LB weight, then return to the left elevator. Pick up the final note (4/4) Mementos, then go to level 1.
Talk to the door on the right, calling out for Giselle, then ask her about escaping and go through the door. Talk to Giselle about everything. Try to open the tool shed door on the right, then give your meal to Giselle. Take a screwdriver from the tool shed, then leave and take the elevator up to level 2.
Look at the eye scanner on the left and head through the door, then enter room D-6 again. Kick your toilet, then use the tank interior and take the metal pipe. Return to the elevator and go to level 5. Once again go right, then look at the eye scanners to get through the third (blue) door and then door 2. Wait to be scanned, then go through to the exercise room. Pick up the gun, then exit the training sequence. Put your 4 LB weight on the pedestal to fool the system. Next use your screwdriver on the grate in the floor and drop the pistol down the drain. Return left, through the scanning area, down to the left and to the elevator, then go down to level 4.
Enter the mess hall and go to the dispensers. Use your screwdriver on the grating beneath the left dispenser, and use the metal pipe on the opening and then the flap to dislodge the gun. Use the elevator to go to level 3 and enter the gym. Get Balder to move the shelf unit on the left, then open the grate here with your screwdriver and dislodge the gun with your metal pipe again. Get Balder to move the shelf unit back again.
Go back up to level 4 and enter the mess hall. Talk to Epsilon-Five and ask her for help. Take her back to the elevator and down to level 2, then use her on the eye scanner on the right. Head through the door, all the way to the right. Use the screwdriver and metal pipe on the left grate again to release the gun once more. Return to the elevator and head down to level 1.
Talk to the door on the right to get back inside. Next use the machine next to Giselle and solve her puzzle by clicking Reset, then 2-4-8-10 and Power. Now turn either of the two wheels on the left, then use the box and move it to the right until it is beneath the pipe coming from the ceiling. Use your metal pipe on the grating in that pipe and the gun will fall to the floor. Move the box again, then pick up the pistol and give it to Giselle. Choose any option when talking to Giselle.
The Boryokudan
Azriel Odin
Walk right twice, pick up a magazine (1/3) from under the edge of the dumpster. Kick the boards on the door over to the right. Go through the opening. Inside, try to get over to the crates, but you don't fit through the hole beneath the fallen beam. Return outside and left to the screen with the vendor, then go down the back alley. Talk to the girl at the dumpster and ask her for a favor, but she won't help until you get her security card. From here go right and then down. Look in the dumpster and use it to see there is a hole at the bottom. Follow the water to the right until you are outside 4388. Kick the muck at the drain and pick up the security card. Kick the muck 3 more times, then pick up another magazine (2/3).
Return left, up and left again and give the security card to the girl. Ask her for a favor again and she will follow you. Go back through the boarded door and use the girl on the hole. Search all the boxes until she gives you a hand-held device, and she will leave. Use the Carbon Ray Stabilizer in your inventory to fix your lock picks.
Use your phone to contact Kane Harris and ask for help on getting into the Boryokudan HQ. Head outside and go left 3 times, then climb down the ladder. On the right side, pick up the magazine (3/3) Scavenger. Kick the left corpse, then search it to get an ID card. Look at this in your inventory to get his name. Climb back up the ladder and leave this screen.
Head right 4 times and enter the Hibiscus Highrise again. Enter the stairwell and climb to the top so you can speak to the Cowboy Bebop character (2/4). Climb back down and go outside again. Head left and talk to the doorman - say you need information and were sent by Winston Lucas. Give him any name for yourself, then give him your pistol and head inside. Say you are an assassin, then knock on the door, open it and go through. Answer any way you want here and you will end up out of the room again.
Use your phone to call Kenneth; keep calling until you get the option to offer him a job as a pilot, and offer to pay enough to buy him transport here and back to Taurus. After he agrees, go outside, then head right and through the door to Hibiscus Highrise. Use the elevator to go up to level 3, then knock on the door at the far end of the corridor. After the conversation, pick up the photo from the floor, then get into the elevator and head back down to the lobby. Go outside and head left twice, then use the photo on the terminal. Zoom in on the ship at the top right until you can read the red serial number on it Give me a Hard Copy. Now use the mafia ID card on the terminal and search for "32635", then click on the match on the left. Next search for "Paul Erickson" and click on the entry.
Use your phone to call Paul Erickson, but there is no answer. Head down the street and go left into the back alley. Move the crate to the right so it is under the fire escape ladder. Climb on to it, then stand on the horizontal pipe (use the foot icon) and climb up to the ladder above. Kick out the window and climb inside. Go left and through the door to the stairwell, then head downstairs to the lobby. Read the paper on the front desk and the note in mailbox 2A. Head back to the stairwell and go all the way to the top floor. Go to the far right and talk to the Cowboy Bebop character (3/4).
Go back to the stairwell and down to the second floor. Pick the lock on door 2A (just to the left) and go inside. Use the console and read the two journal entries. Leave the room and exit through the window at the far right, then climb back down to the ground. Go right and down, then read the note on the boarded doorway to the right. Head left and talk to the door next to the beggar.
Next walk right 3 times and enter Hibiscus Highrise again. Take the elevator to level 2 and try to talk your way past the guards, but you won't succeed. Instead go back down to the lobby and enter the stairwell. Walk up one flight and then walk to the far right. Step in the hole in the wall, then use your lock picks on the conduit above. Head left and talk to the agent to knock him out - you will end up receiving the meds. Go back to the stairwell, and go downstairs and back outside.
Walk left 3 times and give some meds to the beggar Good Samaritan. Head into the back alley, climb up the fire escape and go through the window. Walk through the open door over to the left and give Paul the rest of the meds. After talking to him, go and use the console on the right. Keep talking to Paul until you learn the name "Barry Adama". Leave the building through the window, then go right and down the street. Use the terminal to search for "Barry Adama". At this point, you should make sure you have searched for all of the following terms and clicked on the results, as doing so gets an achievement Research Paper:
- Codes
- People
Gerard Branier
Matthias Howard
Paul Erickson
Winston Lucas
- Places
District 6
District 7
Hibiscus Highrise
Med Station
- Planets/Systems
Colony 2
Colony 3
Colony 4
New Earth
New Jupiter
Taurus - Other Items
Carbon Ray
Gemini War
- Unauthorized Files
Center 7
Go through the opening where you broke the wooden boards earlier. Talk to the Cowboy Bebop character (4/4) Space Cowboy.
Go back outside, then head right twice and enter the Hibiscus Highrise. Ask the receptionist about Barry Adama, then use the elevator to get to level 4. Pick the lock on door 4A and head inside. Use the console and read all 6 journal entries, then leave.
Maintenance Duty
Take the card and exit your room. Head to the far right, then take the elevator to level 1. Use your card on the right door to enter maintenance. Turn the wheel near the door, then go to the machine and use it. Click Reset, then 1-3-5-9-10 and Power. Open the tool shed on the right and take the wrench and pipes from inside. Go back to the right of the door and use the wrench on each of the two broken pipes, then remove them. Insert your two new pipes and tighten them with the wrench. Turn the wheel back on to test the pipes, then turn it off again and use the machine once more.
After you are tied up, wait for Balder to be walking towards the door, then use your foot on a shard on the floor to the left (keep trying until you get it). Wait for him to walk away again and use the shard on the ropes around your hands. Now wait for him to be in line with the jet of steam from before and talk to him; while he is still standing there, quickly use the wheel next to you to disable him.
Weather Station
Azriel Odin
Open the door to the right, then head inside. Try to take the pipe from between the gears, then kick it and pick it up. Climb the ladder to reach the upper level. Use your pistol to shoot the chains off the cabinet on the right, then open it and take an extension cord from inside. Go back down the ladder.
Head right and climb on the box, then use your pipe to hit the hinge of the ladder. Get off the box, then climb up the ladder. Use your extension cord on the conduit, then pick up the plug on the end of the cord and drop it through the opening to the left. Climb down and move the box over beneath the hanging plug. Stand on the box, then use the plug on the ground and connect it to the hanging one. Return left and climb up the ladder here. Pull the switch to turn on the power, then climb back down and go right. Flip switches 1 and 3 from the left. Return left and use the conveyor belt to reach the top floor.
Go left and try to examine the juice cases. After the conversation, kill the two agents without taking any damage in another gun fight (3/6). Return to the right and try to pick up the data packet, but it will fall down. Climb down the ladders and put the metal pipe back in the gears. Now use the conveyor to get over to the left so you can pick up the data packet. Use the conveyor again to climb back out, then go through the main doors.
Breaking Out
Go right and pick up the weight from the pedestal, then replace it again and leave. Wait to be scanned, then continue left, down the slope and left to meet up with Epsilon-Five. Continue left and use the elevator to go to level 4. Enter the mess hall and sit down next to Giselle to talk to her. Leave the mess hall and return to the elevator, this time going to level 2. Look at the eye scanner on the left and go back to your cell. Pick up the note from the floor, then leave again.
After talking to Balder, return to the elevator and go down to level 1. Head into the maintenance room when the door opens. Go and use the panel on the left door, entering code 63821. When you get the chance, shoot the door, then kick it and go through. In the next room, walk under the stompers as soon as they start rising. Flip the switch on the far left to stop them when they are both raised, then go back towards the girls and they will follow you.
Continue left twice, then kill the two guards without taking any damage in a gun fight (4/6). Continue left 3 times and use Epsilon-Five on the door. Use her on the next door as well, and while she is working, kill another two guards without taking any damage in the next gun fight (5/6).
There is an achievement for not taking any damage in these two specific gun fights The Great Escape.
Breaking In
Azriel Odin
Follow Kane back to the left and use the radar. Keep heading up and left until the picture shows static. Kick the console, then use it again and get the dot in the middle of the cross-hairs. Once you have docked, go right out of the cockpit and continue right to the hatch.
Inside, continue right and shoot the light above the electrified puddle. Head right twice more. Search the corpse to get a keycard, then use this on the door and go through. Use Sayuri on the computer, then head left. Use Sayuri on the computer here as well, then go left once more. Walk to the middle of the room.
Take the grate off the side wall near the floor, then reach inside the opening and shout into it to talk to Kane. Now have Kane take the grate off his left wall, open the lid of the toilet, feel inside the toilet interior to get a pipe, and use the opening behind the grate to push the pipe through to Sayuri. Pick up the pipe, then kick the panel on the back wall of your cell. Use the pipe on the bent panel here, then pull the panel off the wall.
After the cutscene, walk left under the two stompers, then flip the switch when they are both raised. Walk back to the right stomper and use your pipe on Kane's cell to free him. Head left twice and through the door to the computer room again. Use the computer, then go left. Pick up the security card from the right console in this room, then return right twice to meet up with Kane. Go down the ramp at the bottom left of this area and use the security card on the door.
Use Kane on Azriel, then go right, up the ramp and left 3 times. Use your security card on the door and head through, and repeat this again in the next room. Head towards the doorway here and the doors will all lock. Open the locker and take the gas mask from inside. Next walk left, then right 3 times. Use your security card on the right console and go through all the options until the station is in an emergency. Head right and through the door to the computer room, then go left twice and through the next door. Use your security card on the computer to the right.
Azriel Odin
Walk left, then right 4 times. Shoot Balder without taking any damage in the final gun fight (6/6). There is an achievement for not taking any damage in any gunfight throughout the game Golden Gun.
Now go through the door and go left twice and through the final door. Shoot the director, then use the computer to the right Memories. Now you will automatically help Sayuri Rue the Day.