The Revenge of Johnny Bonasera Episode 2The Revenge of Johnny Bonasera Episode 2

Game Details:  Comedy, 2018

Steam Achievements:  Completed (9/9)

Links:  Moby Games, Steam, Adventure Gamers

Walkthrough Updated:  7/1/2020

Suggested Listening:  Where There's Smoke (Ash 25)

The Revenge of Johnny Bonasera Episode 2 is the second in a series of games starring Johnny Bonasera, coming after The Revenge of Johnny Bonasera Episode 1. This game starts with Johnny's mother having been abducted by aliens, and Johnny being apprehended and questioned by the police. The series continues with The Revenge of Johnny Bonasera Episode 3.

Alien Headquarters

Use your stunning beans on the alien spaceship 3 times. Use your wachi-chillis on the alien spaceship, then head through the hole. Use the machine, then pick up the alien drink. Try drinking this from your inventory, and a cleaning robot will appear. Use the alien drink on the cleaning robot. Now kick the cleaning robot 5 times, so you can go through the door to the left.

Try to grab the floating robot, but it escapes even higher. Throw the alien drink at the lever, then pick up the alien screwdriver. Return right and use the alien screwdriver on the alien hand-print scanner to the right. Examine the cables. Use your intercom and ask Pepe for help with the door, then pull out the cables. After the alien and robot arrive, use your stunning beans on the alien and you will be captured.

Hit the light thing with your head, then kick the nearby table to knock the intercom to the ground. Now use the intercom. Talk to the alien and select these options:

  • I feel unwell...
  • I think I'm having a heart attack.
  • My chest is aching.
  • My arm, neck and jaw are aching.
  • I can't breathe.

While the alien is close to you, kick him Coordinates sent.

Police Station

Interrogation Room

Talk to the agents until they leave. Grab the lamp from the table. Open the top drawer and look inside it 3 times to get 2 matches. Open the top drawer fully, then close it. Pull open the middle drawer once and the bottom drawer twice. Use the lamp on the air duct, then head inside. Go through the first opening and use a match on one of the fans. Immediately return through the opening and then go through the second opening. Quickly use your lit match on your other match, then go right and use the lit match on the spider web. If your lit match goes out, return to the top drawer to get some more and try again. After you are successful, you will be chased out of the ducts by more spiders Escape from agents.

Ground Floor

In the locker room, talk to the sad police officer about everything, and he will give you a letter. Take the toothpaste before heading out to the corridor. Continue right and enter the chief's office. Pick up the fish food, then talk to the police chief about everything. Leave his office, then go left 3 times to see that the agents are blocking the exit. Return right and use the lift.

First Floor

When prompted, select these dialog options:

  • I'm looking for detective Malone.
  • The police chief is looking for him.

You will end up back in the chief's office.

Ground Floor

Once the talking is finished, leave the chief's office and return left twice and into the lift.

First Floor

Grab the comic book from the left desk.

Ground Floor

Enter the evidence room and listen to the TV until it repeats itself. Talk to Betty Sue and give her the letter. Also give her the comic book in exchange for a different one. Return to the locker room and talk to Aioli, who agrees to help you if you also help him.

First Floor

Give your new comic book to the detective in exchange for the one from his desk. Now you can search the bin on the left to find a locker password. Head through the left door to find a kitchen. Pick up the cat food, open the microwave, and then close the microwave once the cat is inside. Now take the salt shaker, sugar bowl, and 3 coins from the jar on the left. In your inventory, use the salt shaker on the sugar bowl. Return right and use the sugar bowl on the detective's coffee mug, then you will end up taking the mug.

Ground Floor

In the evidence room, swap your coffee mug for Betty Sue's. Talk to her again, then leave and return to the locker room. Use your locker password on locker 02, and you will discover Roberta and a taser. Go back to the chief's office and talk to him about Aioli. Now use the lift to reach a new area.


Give your comic book to the guard in exchange for the one from his desk. Now head through the door on the left. Talk to Robie about everything, then give him the coffee. Leave to the right, then return left and there will be human feces on the ground here. Open the box of fish food in your inventory, then use the fish food on the human feces. Head right and give the "chocolate?" to the guard. Now you can take the keys. Go left and use the keys on the lock - Robie will give you the diamond ring and then leave.

Ground Floor

Enter the locker room and give Roberta to Aioli. You will automatically visit the chief, then end up on the roof.


Talk to the detective about everything, then return inside.

Ground Floor

Enter the evidence room and talk to Betty Sue to get an invoice.


Show the invoice to the detective, then use your taser on him.

Ground Floor

Aioli will receive the medal and will go and show it to Betty Sue Medal. Back in the locker room, give the diamond ring to Aioli and he will go and show it to Betty Ring. Talk to Aioli and say "You have to flatter her with words" - you will end up accompanying him to the evidence room, where you should select these dialog options:

  • Just seeing you gives meaning to my days.
  • I'm crazy, crazy about you.
  • I'll devote body and soul.
  • Betty Sue, there is no other woman in this world to me.
  • I am a man of honor. I'll never let you down.

Aioli will now leave with Betty Sue into the warehouse Soap opera lover. Grab the figurine and the bat, then open the warehouse door and Aioli will help you. Leave the evidence room and go left until you exit the police station Escape from the police station.


Use your bat on the police car, then get inside and take the flask. Back outside, talk to the loony about everything. Return into the police station.


Go to the far left cell and talk to the detective, who tells you to get some evidence from locker 01.

Ground Floor

Use your bat on locker 01 twice, then open it to get the recorder.

First Floor

Give the flask to the detective. Put the recorder into the bin. Go down to the ground floor and come straight back, then take the recorder back out of the bin.

Ground Floor

Go to the chief's office and give the recorder to the chief. McLaren will be free and will meet you out by his car Transport. Go back inside and enter the near right door to the right of the lift, which leads to a two-way mirror outside the interrogation room. Watch the conversation between the agents, then head out to the reception area. Ring the desk bell until the receptionist arrives, then say "I've been robbed" to receive a business card. Go and look into Inspector Fabrice's office and look at the picture on his desk. Return to the chief's office and look at the picture here, then talk to the chief about it. Just outside the chief's office, use a coin on the telephone, then use Fabrice's business card on it and select these dialog options:

  • Detective Fabrice, your wife has gone into labour.
  • Yes.
  • (any option)

Talk to the chief and ask about the obstetrician. Look at the new business card in your inventory. Use another coin on the telephone, then use Fabrice's business card on it and select these dialog options:

  • Detective Fabrice, your wife has gone into labour.
  • Yes.
  • Dr Gregory Flat.
  • (any option)

Use another coin on the telephone, then use the obstetrician's business card on it and ask him where he works.

First Floor

Go into the room on the left and take another coin from the jar.

Ground Floor

Use another coin on the telephone, then use Fabrice's business card on it and select these dialog options:

  • Detective Fabrice, your wife has gone into labour.
  • Yes.
  • Dr Gregory Flat.
  • King Snow Hospital.

Enter Inspector Fabrice's office and talk to Raven, who needs proof about the existence of aliens.


Talk to the loony to get a picture, then return inside.

Ground Floor

Go back to Raven and show her the picture from the loony. She will follow you to the two-way mirror outside the interrogation room. Talk to Raven and ask her to distract the agents by pretending to have a seizure. When she returns, give her the toothpaste. Go and enter the interrogation room and grab the report Alien report.


Give the report to the loony Hangar-19.