In the Space
Escape Room
Game Details: Puzzle, 2022
Steam Achievements: Completed (5/5)
Links: Moby Games, Steam, Adventure Gamers
Walkthrough Updated: 9/5/2022
Suggested Listening: Wild Hearts Meet (Ash 25)
After leaving the hibernation capsule, go forward to the desk and examine the orange sliding tile puzzle. Slide the pieces around until all 9 of the letters are visible (the open square should end up at the bottom right, and the letters will spell "Hi Howard"). Pick up an orange button from the cupboard that opens nearby.
Next head over to the Picross puzzle on the main console and you will automatically use your new orange button. You now need to place these buttons according to the numbers around the edge:
Go back to the desk and look at the keypad with a series of cards over it. Look around the room to work out what the various card suits mean:
- Clubs values are halved (therefore 8 = 4)
- Diamonds values are normal (therefore 6 = 6)
- Hearts values are doubled (therefore 10 = 20)
You can activate this keypad with the code 4620. Take out the fox painting. Go over to the other paintings on the wall and you will automatically add the fox painting. Now drag the 4 paintings down in food chain order (tree, rabbit, fox, panther). Go over to the opened safe and take out Note 001. Using the "Pigpen cipher" displayed on the computer monitor, you can decode this to read ABIGAIL. Go and enter this name into the keypad near the door, then head through.
Look at the 2 triangular symbols on the walls here, then examine the locked chest on the floor. You need to pair up the symbols so they resemble numbers on a digital display, then enter the matching code of 9856. Pick up Note 002, and notice that 4 rotated clock displays are now active around the room. Look at the other keypad here, which mentions a time of 03:00. You need to look at each of the 4 clock displays, and work out where the 3 o'clock hour hand would point - 4 on the first clock, 3 on the second, 9 on the third, and 6 on the fourth. Enter the code 4396, then go through the next door.
Look at another triangular symbol on the wall. Examine the desk and read the note, then pick up diary entry 01. Look at the black combination lock on the box on the desk. Using the information from Note 002, the number on the right is the number of segments used to draw the number on the left. 4978 therefore becomes 4637, so enter this into the black combination lock. Take the cross out of the box, then examine the puzzle up on the wall to the right. After automatically inserting the cross, rotate them to create a path from top left to bottom right:
Look at the list of numbers displayed on the wall. Each number is created by reading the line above aloud:
- 1
- 11
- 21
- 1211
- 111221
- 312211
- 13112221
Enter this final number into the computer keyboard. Take the lever button from the cabinet that now opens. Look at the dice puzzle on the console to the left. You need to continue the patterns:
Enter the code 451416. Now take Note 003 from the printer on the desk. Go out to the previous room and use your lever button in the panel of levers to automatically add it. Now you need to use the levers to turn on all of the switches. Number them as follows:
Flip switches 2, 3, 5, 6, 7 and 8. Look in the opened box on the wall. You now need to go around and count the number of individual triangles within the triangular symbols on the walls:
- Triangle symbol 1 contains 8 triangles
- Triangle symbol 2 contains 9 triangles
- Triangle symbol 3 contains 5 triangles
Enter the code 895, then go through the door HIBERNATION ROOM.
Space Hall
Look at the locked chest on the floor straight ahead. The numbers here resemble the numbers on Note 003, so examine this - you need to count the number of letters used to make up each digit, so 9152 equates to the number of letters in each word of "nine one five two". Enter the code 4343 into the chest, then take out the pyramid.
Go along the hallway to a blue bench on the left. Read the note here, then examine the wooden block puzzle - you need to rearrange the pieces so they all slope upwards toward the pyramid block in the middle. Take diary entry 03 from the opened yellow container just to the right. Examine the white bench further along on the left, where you need to use the information from this diary entry:
Take the paintwork from the opened blue container just to the left. Go back and look at the tiled puzzle on the opposite wall. After automatically inserting the paintwork, solve this sliding puzzle (which shows the numbers 385967), then proceed further into the hallway and grab the lever note from the opened compartment on the right wall. Continue to the orange airlock door and enter the code 385967 into the keypad here, then go through.
Orange Airlock
Look at the bank of 8 levers on the right wall. You need to see the lever positions according to the lever note in your inventory:
Continue through the other orange airlock door into the next area SPACE HALL.
Find 4 short pillars to the right with colored buttons on the tops. You need to press these buttons to match the colored light flashing pattern in front of you: red, cyan, red, blue, yellow, yellow. Now you can go and take the dice from the opened cabinet. Listen to the audio recording in front of the big blank computer screen, and read the logs on the small tablet in the medical scanner. Look at the wall next to the scanner to find a puzzle requiring the dice you just picked up. After automatically inserting the missing one, rotate them to create a path just using matching fives from top left to bottom right:
Turn left from here and switch on the small desk lamp. Look at the numbers at the tips of each of the shadows created - 3, 8, 2 and 15. Look at the locked cabinet on the desk here and open it with the code 38215, then take the sliding paint from inside.
Go back over to the large computer screen and look at the sliding puzzle on the desk just to the left. After automatically adding the sliding paint you collected, you need to slide the tile outlines so they match the inner aspects of the backgrounds. Now you can collect diary entry 04 from the other opened cabinet. Using this information, look at the board on the nearby desk with 4 colored discs and arrange them as follows:
This will reveal a code on the wall: A5.C2.A3.F4.E5.F3. Go back over the large computer screen to see that this corresponds with the letters WESTER. Enter this code into the keypad here and take out the Level 1 Card. Go and look at the other screen that has activated to see 4 numbers - these correspond with 4 shapes on a similar star display on a nearby wall. Based on these you can enter the code 8359 into the small safe on the opposite desk and take out a small pipe. Return to the previous area.
Orange Airlock
Insert your pipe on the wall here and rotate the pipe segments to connect the top left to the bottom left:
Turn around and grab Note 004 from the opposite wall. Now go forward into the lab again.
Approach the far doors and look at the keypad, which shows the same four symbols as on the recent note. Solve the maths puzzle and enter the code 2638 into the keypad. Read the logs on the small tablet on the bench to the left. Now use your Level 1 Card on the access panel to the right of the next door and head through.
Command Center
Head up the ramp and find a locked chest with 4 creature symbols. Just count the legs of the creatures and enter the code 6284. Take out the Uranus model. Go back down the ramp again.
Find a diary entry on the desk to the left. Make your way around to the far right control panel, which shows 3 colored buttons and some matching lights. You again need to press the buttons to match the pattern: yellow, red, blue, blue, yellow, red. This will reveal a numbered keyboard layout just to the right.
Turn right and look at the red map drawn on the next desk. Based on the diary entry you just found, you need to trace a path from the entrance, to the knife, then to the exit, without being spotted:
If you keep track of the numbers passed, you get a code of 743251586. Go back to the desk where you found the diary entry, and enter this code into the keypad, then take the screw from the open cabinet. Return to the red map and look at the device just to the left. After automatically adding your new screw, place the screws as follows to solve the Picross puzzle:
Go around to the other side of this device and take out the ID note that says "35-16-5-23". Based on the numbered keyboard layout you saw earlier, this corresponds to the name MARK. Now look at the planets puzzle to the right, and you will automatically add the Uranus model. Insert the models in the correct order from left to right:
- Mercury
- Venus
- Earth
- Mars
- Jupiter
- Saturn
- Uranus
- Neptune
- Pluto
Now head back to the desk once more and use the computer. Type the name MARK. Grab the Level 2 Card from the right. Now backtrack all the way through the orange airlock again.
Space Hall
Use your Level 2 Card on the access panel to the right of the closed door here, then head through the door and down the stairs LABORATORY ROOM.
Look at the grid of symbols on the left wall ahead. You need to drag symbols up from the bottom section so that each row contains a group of symbols formed by the same number of straight lines (3 in the top row, 1 in the middle row, 2 in the bottom row). Take the number card that appears, then look at the benches just to the left. After adding your number card, drag the others to create two complete shapes. The numbers should read as follows:
Go to the locked chest to the left and open it with code 582246. Take out the Level 3 Card. Find a puzzle on the wall ahead with moon symbols and rotating discs. Rotate all the discs so the full moons all line up on the right. Head to the opened cabinet and take out the symbol note. Now go to the next closed door. Use your Level 3 Card on the access panel to the left of the door, then head through.
Find a set of round switches on the wall to the left - you need to turn all the lights green. From the starting position, click on the switches this number of times:
This will activate a screen elsewhere in the room. Look at the ABIGAIL panel next to the woman floating in the clear vat. Now go and look at the active screen, which shows the locations of 6 active projects. On the desk just left of here, move pins to these 6 locations - this will open a small centrifuge machine on a nearby desk. Ignore this for now, and find a set of 5 rotating discs on a set of drawers at the far end of the room. You need to rotate these to show the symbols from your symbol note:
- Solid bar
- Triangles and circles
- Circles
- Squares
- Squares and circles
This will open a closed drawer beneath the puzzle. You will find a keypad on top of another set of drawers near to the ABIGAIL vat. The hint shows 4 sketches of objects, and you must go around and room and count these objects (including within closed drawers):
- Bottles: 9
- Syringes: 4
- Aspirin Jars: 7
- Cups: 6
Take the safety lever from the drawer that opens beneath the puzzle. Go to a wall near where you entered here and examine the set of safety levers on the wall - you need to rotate them all to the left. From the starting position, click on the levers this number of times:
This will activate another screen in the room. Find a large locked freezer next to the vat, with a hint about "Weight". Go to a small set of scales near the centrifuge that opened earlier, and use it to weigh each of the 6 pill bottles here:
- Green: 10
- Red: 22
- White: 35
- Orange: 47
- Yellow: 60
- Blue: 68
Go back to the locked freezer and press the buttons in order from lightest to heaviest: green, red, white, orange, yellow, blue. Inside the freezer is an orange pill bottle, as well as a series of symbols and numbers on the back wall. They follow this pattern:
- Square (starting number, 2)
- Square (twice previous square, 2 × 2 = 4)
- Rectangle (add last two numbers, 2 + 4 = 6)
- Square (twice previous square, 2 × 4 = 8)
- Triangle (difference of last two numbers, 8 - 6 = 2)
- Rectangle (add last two numbers, 8 + 2 = 10)
- Square (twice previous square, 2 × 8 = 16)
- Square (twice previous square, 2 × 16 = 32)
- Triangle (difference of last two numbers, 32 - 16 = 16)
- Rectangle (add last two numbers, 32 + 16 = 48)
- Triangle (difference of last two numbers, 48 - 16 = 32)
- Square (twice previous square, 2 × 32 = 64)
Find a red machine with a hand-print and keypad, and enter the last 2 numbers from this sequence as a code, 3264. Take the blue timer that appears. Just to the left, find a safe that has "RX.........._" written on it. Find all 6 of the colored pill bottles and look at the RX numbers written on them:
- White: 0597314-83291
- Blue: 0573195-57932
- Yellow: 0152056-83483
- Red: 0322323-57914
- Green: 0756283-43325
- Orange: 0883457-89966
Press the buttons on the safe in the order of the last digits: white, blue, yellow, red, green, orange. Take out the yellow lever. Add this to the other levers next to one of the screens. You need to flip these to match the appearance of the inside of the centrifuge machine. Starting from the top switch and going clockwise, the yellow tips should point out, in, in, in, out, in. Take the cloning card from inside the cabinet beneath this puzzle. Find a set of 5 other cards on top of some drawers at the far end of the room. You need to arrange the cards so there are matching colored dots at the corners:
Take the red exit button. Examine the lockers to the left and you will add the blue timer. Solve the simple maths puzzle, then set the timers as follows:
- Red: 5
- Yellow: 15
- Blue: 10
- Green: 30
Press the red button next to the maths grid puzzle on the largest desk, then solve it by dragging the numbers into these positions:
Go over to the button space next to the locked door. After automatically inserting the red exit button, press the button. Head through the door EXPERIMENTATION ROOM.
Special Projects
Look at the bench along the left wall to see a puzzle with A, B and 2 groups of 6 squares. These match the banks of containers on either side of the metal door, so drag the light blue squares down to match:
Take the lever from the opened cabinet beneath the puzzle. Turn around and go to the opposite end of the room to see a puzzle with 7 red buttons and the letters ABC above them. Look at the pairs of groups of 4 symbols on the sides of the room and press the buttons that have repeated symbols beneath each letter:
- A: Heart
- B: Virus
- C: Magnifying Glass
Grab the blue test tube from the next opened cabinet. Next head to the bank of 15 levers on one of the side walls. After automatically adding the missing lever, you need to set them according to the arrows on the closed glass/metal cabinet:
Four glass panels will now come out from near the glass/metal cabinet, with numbers on them. Each number is associated with a color, and these represent the totals of the 4 books of the same colors. Examine the keypad beneath the right set of books, and enter the numbers for the missing books of each color:
- Red: 15 - 5 - 2 - 3 = 5
- Blue: 20 - 3 - 6 - 7 = 4
- Yellow: 12 - 2 - 7 - 1 = 2
- Black - 8 - 0 - 1 - 4 = 3
Enter the code 5423 into the keypad, then take the yellow ball. Now look at the blue and yellow ball puzzle on the wall just to the left. Each blue ball is worth 1, and each yellow ball is worth 2. Arrange the balls as follows:
Read the note about reagents that appears from the slot here. Turn right and look at the two large windows. After automatically adding the blue test tube, arrange them as follows based on the note you just received:
Go through the door into a new area. Look at the locked chest on the ground. Noticing the diagonal lines across the middle, the following numbers are highlighted:
Enter the code 5839, then read the message and take the diamond gear. Look to the gear puzzle on the wall to the left. You need to connect the existing yellow gear to the existing blue gear. Starting from the existing yellow gear, connect a small yellow, big yellow, small yellow, blue, and 3 big yellows (you don't need the final big yellow gear). Take the queen card from the slot. Go to the end of the hall and look at the clocks on the wall. Their times are as follows:
- 11:15
- 10:05
- 8:45
- 7:15
Set the time on the final clock to 5:35, then grab a diary entry from beneath the bed that lifts up. Look at the black box on the ground in front of the window that says "Status: OK", and pay attention to the marks around the 2 dials. Turn left and go to the far wall to see a puzzle with 2 similar displays. Set them to the same pattern:
Opposite the door where you entered, find a card puzzle. Based on the diary entry from beneath the bed, arrange the cards in this order from left to right:
- King of Spades
- King of Hearts
- Jokes
- Ace of Spades
- Queen of Clubs
- King of Diamonds
Now both screens above this puzzle should be active. Pay attention to the symbols here, then go to the next machine to the left and set the buttons accordingly:
Take Reagent A and the red test tube from the opened cabinets. Place Reagent A into the holder opposite, then look at the colored dots on the display. Go to the wall of test tube holders and insert the test tubes to match this pattern:
Look at the code on the opened hibernation capsule and enter it into the final keypad: 5973. Take the Level 4 Card and use it on the access panel to the left of the orange door here. Head through and enter the portal SPECIAL PROJECTS.