Agent A: A Puzzle in DisguiseAgent A: A Puzzle in Disguise

Game Details:  Mystery, 2019

Steam Achievements:  Completed (30/30)

Links:  Moby Games, Steam, Adventure Gamers

Walkthrough Updated:  12/3/2019

Suggested Listening:  Give Up Now (Ash 25)

Agent A: A Puzzle in Disguise is a first-person spy thriller adventure game. Your mission is to infiltrate the lair of enemy operative Ruby La Rouge and thwart her evil plans.

Chapter 1

A Puzzle in Disguise

Head towards the front door. Tip over the pot plant and pick up the gold key. Use this on the small panel to the left, then turn it. Click on the buttons in the following order:


Open the doors and go inside Infiltrator.

Examine the vase on the table. Open its top section, then press the red button inside - this will reveal a secret control panel. Take the crank handle from the top shelf. Now press all 6 buttons at the bottom right - blue, red, blue, red, blue red. This will open a square slot in the top of the control panel. Back out until you see the 4 plants on the wall heading upstairs - look at these, as you will need to know about them for later. Back out, then go forward into the living room Target Acquired.

Go up the stairs into the piano room. Examine the piano closely. Click and hold your mouse button down and run up and down the whole piano keyboard Glissando Glide. Back out and knock over the lamp, then examine the bookshelf behind it and pick up the magnet.

Return downstairs and out to the entry room, then look at the fish tank to see a key. Use your magnet on the key, then drag it around the wall until it gets sucked into the filtration pipe. Now open the panel to the right, open the box inside and take the metal key. Go up the stairs here and use the metal key on the lock. Turn the key and you will open the doors.

Open the door on the right and go through into the bathroom. Open the mirror above the sink and take the wedge piece (1/12). Notice the symbol on the blue bottle. Knock over the purple bottle, then flip the switch to reveal a hidden safe room. Take the telescope - the gun is already missing. Click on the monitors to see a message from Ruby. Now flip the switch to return to the bathroom. Turn on the shower, and the steam will reveal a clock showing 3:00 on the nearby glass screen. Leave the bathroom again.

Open the door on the left and go through into the study. Look at the wall clock and adjust the time to 3:00, then take the diamond that is revealed. Next look at the gramophone on the shelf. Pick up the record and put it on the gramophone, then use your crank handle on the front of the machine. Turn the crank handle to bring the gauge up to the red section, then pick up the screwdriver from the floor. Go back to the gramophone and spin the record just by clicking and dragging it for a total of 10 seconds Wuka Wuka. Now examine the desk. Look at the note partially hidden beneath the blueprint, the blueprint itself, and the pictures to the left; notice the symbol on the piece of paper. Use the phone to dial *69 STAR 69. Now you can leave the study.

Open the drawer in the hallway here and take another wedge piece (2/12). Now go straight ahead to the master bedroom. Open the box at the foot of the bed, and insert your 2 yellow wedge pieces into the puzzle. Look at the painting above the bed and note the color sequence. Head upstairs to a balcony. Adjust the 4 hanging plants to match those above the stairs earlier (low, middle, low, middle). A stand will rise up from the floor. Pick up the wedge piece (3/12) and put the telescope on the stand. Back out, then look beneath the cushion in the chair to find the next wedge piece (4/12). Move the small plant on the table and take the cube from behind it. Return down to the master bedroom. Put your wedge pieces into the puzzle, then continue downstairs twice to return to the entry room.

Look at the control panel and insert your cube into the open slot. Now arrange the 5 cubes to match the order shown on the painting in the master bedroom: pink, white, orange, blue, yellow. Take the wedge piece (5/12). Back out, then go forward into the living room. Approach the security system panel and open it with the screwdriver. Use the diamond in the middle of the security system to disable it Cat Burglar. Now open the doors and go outside.

Chapter 2

The Chase Continues

Go over to the electrified pool and click on hold on it for 10 seconds Bad Hair Day. Take the glass from the small table, then knock over the table and pick up another wedge piece (6/12). Go down the stairs and you will see a heavy door slide shut. Examine the plant on the right, and take the letterbox keycard. Fill your glass with water from the pond, then examine the red pipe on the left. Turn the valve handle until you break it off, then pick it up.

Head all the way back out to the front of the house, and go over to the letterbox. Put the valve handle on the red pipe here, then turn it until the water is off. Back out, then look at the red fuse box and note the symbol on it. Return to the pond and head towards the closed door, then press the red button you can see in the pond. Take the wedge piece (7/12) from in front of the keypad.

Return to the bathroom and look at the screens to see there are fingerprints on only a few buttons on the keypad. Go back down to the pond and press these keys Open Sesame:


Go through the open door into a secret garage. Pick up the plunger from the floor to the right. Take a cork from the top shelf, then search the cupboards to get another cork and an oil can. Examine the rusty grate in the floor. Use the oil can on it, then open it and collect the wedge piece (8/12). Go back out to the pond. Put your two corks in the holes where water was coming out to the pond earlier.

Head out to the front of the house again and turn the water back on. Go back into the house and through to the living room. Put the water from your glass on the fire, then pick up the tile. Just above the fireplace, click on the painting to slide it to the side and reveal a safe. Rotate the discs so the circles all point to the left. Put your tile in the empty space. Now click on the tiles to match up all the pipes with those around the edge of the puzzle. Next click on the glass repeatedly until it eventually breaks and the keypad pops out.

Go upstairs to the bathroom again. Fill the sink with water using the tap, then use the plunger on the drain and take the key. While you are here, leave the tap running, then click and hold the drain to fill up the sink again Finger Plunge. Now turn the tap off again. Go to the master bedroom to deposit the wedges you are holding into the puzzle. Head back down to the living room and look at the side of the coffee table. Press the buttons in the following order:


Now use your key in the triangular hole to reveal a small chess board. Here you have to click on the squares that are briefly highlighted. There are 3 patterns in total:

After you have solved all 3 patterns, take the wedge piece (9/12) and look at another symbol. Now head back out to the front of the house. Use the keycard in the slot of the letterbox. Now turn the dials to match the 4 symbols you have seen around the house:

  • Fast forward symbol
  • Two diamonds
  • Three backslashes
  • Two semicircles

Take the small key and another wedge piece (10/12). Return inside and go out the back to the pond. Look to where water is coming out from the 3rd hole, and take the fish bones from the water. Continue through the door here into the garage, and use your small key on the blue toolbox. Turn the key, so you can take the light bulb, hammer, key with red tag and wedge piece (11/12) from inside. Go back out the front of the house and look at the red fuse box again. Use your new key on the padlock here. Turn the key, then open the bottom left panel and take the fuse.

Approach the front of the house and use your hammer on the light, then pick up the strange pulsing item that falls down. Put your globe back in the light fitting, then open the doors again. Head upstairs and into the master bedroom. Insert your current wedges into the puzzle. Give the fish bones to the cat, then take the circular lens from the chair. Go upstairs to the balcony. Use the circular lens on the telescope, then look through it. Adjust the settings to be able to read the number on the lighthouse (random with each game), and see the ship in the background.

Return to the piano room (above the living room). Move the middle seat cushion to reveal a safe. Use your pulsing item to open it, then take the phone. Go back down to the living room and look at the broken keypad. You need to enter the 4-digit code from the lighthouse. Now spin the 4 discs so the arrows all line up (start at the top left one and point its arrow to the bottom one). The next lock requires a fingerprint, and yours does not match.

Head out to the garage and open the fuse box at the top left, then insert your yellow fuse. Now you need to slide the blocks around so you can move the yellow block to the far right. Go back up to the pool. Open the small panel next to the pool and take the final wedge piece (12/12). Return to the master bedroom, insert the final wedge into the puzzle, and take the ruby. Back out to the upstairs hall and look at black yak's head on the wall here. Insert the ruby in the eye socket so you can take a pianola roll from its mouth. Now go back to the piano room and put this in the front of the piano. You have to copy 3 musical sequences. Number the keys as follows, starting from the one with the gray mark at its base:


The 3 correct sequences are:

  • 1, 2, 4
  • 1, 2, 4, 4, 6, 7
  • 1, 2, 4, 4, 6, 7, 7, 6, 5, 2, 1

Pull the handle down and the bookcase will rise up. Go over and pick up the hacker device, and look at both pages in the file. Go back down to the living room again and use the hacker device on the fingerprint scanner. Click on the glowing numbers as they pass into the middle of the display. Now you can pick up the C4 explosive. Open the cover and press the red button - you will automatically go out to the pool The Electrician.

Place the C4 explosive on the door inside the pool. Add the phone and you will see the number 921981. Go back to the study upstairs and use the telephone on the desk to dial this number Secrets Await. Go down the stairs.

Chapter 3

Ruby's Trap

Go over to the near right mouse hole to talk to the mouse, who you will name Trevor. Go to see him at the far right hole, then come back and talk to him at the near one. Repeat this a total of 4 times here, until conversation is exhausted with Trevor (1/4). Leave him at the far right hole for now. Next examine the briefcase in the middle of the room. Look closely at the handle, and press the yellow button. You now need to solve this puzzle by eventually getting the circle, triangle and square pieces into the correct locations:

  • Move the triangle next to the square.
  • Move both diamonds slightly to the left.
  • Move the circle up to the right.
  • Move both diamonds down to where the circle started.
  • Move the circle into position.
  • Move the triangle into position.
  • Move the square into position.

Now click on the latches and open the briefcase. After the video, examine the small note and turn the corner to see a clue. Pick up the pencil while you are here. Open the right panel, then flip the switch here to open the left panel. Take the glowing object (1/6) and electronic chip from inside here. Place the electronic chip in the socket in the right panel. Now take the power cell. Also look at the clue in the side of the right panel.

Put the power cell into one of the sockets near the kill switch, and a panel will open on the front of the pedestal. Go down and examine this - you need to click on the blue buttons to extend the arms of the inner device so they will eventually fit the indents behind (start at any point and going clockwise make them long, short, long, long, short, long, short and missing).

Now examine the new front panel. You need to open this by finding the correct order to push back the latches:


Next examine the left panel. Take the metal handle from the fan and it will start spinning. Pick up the 10 little plugs and the glowing object (2/6), and also look at the clue on the open panel. Back out from the pedestal and look up at the side of the security camera at the top left to see 2 more clues - the one on the left with 4 symbols is random each game.

Look at the grid of holes on the wall above the far right mouse hole. Insert your small white plugs to create the pattern from the note:

Return to the front panel of the pedestal and click on the square panel to create this pattern (based on the 3 clues you have seen):

Make sure that Trevor is at the far right mouse hole, then pull the large red lever. Go and click on Trevor at his mouse hole, then click on the mouse hole on the other side of the room, and pick up the key that he throws out for you. Make sure you keep clicking on the mouse until conversation is exhausted with Trevor (2/4). Go over to the floor panel near the far right mouse hole and use the key on it, then turn the key. Solve another spinning device puzzle (start at any point and going clockwise make them long, short, long, missing, long, long, short, missing). The panel will flip over and you will see a star-shaped hole. Insert your metal handle and keep turning it until the panel remains lit. The pattern you've created from the plugs is reversed.

Return to the pedestal and take the tiny key from the front panel. Pull the large red lever back up, then use the tiny key in the key hole on the front panel and take another glowing object (3/6). Adjust the pattern of small plugs to be the reverse of the pattern from the note:

Pull the large red lever again, then turn the metal handle in the floor panel and the pattern of lights on the wall will be correct. Take the power cell that is revealed. Go and place this in another one of the sockets in the briefcase. Now look at the large panel on the right wall of the room. There is a grid of symbols and numbers here - you need to use this with the code from the side of the security camera to come up with a 5-digit number. While you are here, flip the small switch, then look at the new open panel just to the right. Take the glowing object (4/6), then press the yellow and black panel, and push the triangle button to reveal a laser.

Go up to the big number panel on the right wall and insert your 5-digit number - this will unlock the first of 3 locks beneath it. Back out and look over to the left wall of the room. Insert the pencil into the hole on the right side of the gate, then slide it down and open the gate. Pick up the chisel, and take note of the 4 pistons here that aren't working. Go and touch the video screen on the laptop to briefly see four colors, then return to the pistons. Click on them to change their colors so they match the video: red, aqua, green, blue.

The dials above will now start turning. You need to click and hold the buttons around the edge to temporarily freeze the dials in the adjacent row or column. The goal is to get them to all turn blue (point right) at the same time. Once you have done this, a ticket will be printed, revealing another code with 4 symbols (random with each game). Convert this to a 5-digit number using the same method as before. Return to the big number panel and insert your new 5-digit number to unlock the second lock.

Pull the big red lever up again. Look at the loose brick on the left wall, and remove it using your chisel. Now you can retrieve another glowing object (5/6). Back out and pick up the loose brick from the floor. Look at the bottom right of the right side of the pedestal to see a button. Press it, but it slowly comes back up. Use your brick on it to hold it down. Go around and look at the left side of the pedestal and take the final glowing object (6/6). Press the yellow and black panel, and push the arrow button to reveal a second laser.

Head around to the right side of the pedestal again and insert all 6 glowing objects. Press the yellow and black panel, and push the diamond button to reveal a third laser. Press the middle panel to raise up a red detector. Look at the code with 4 symbols on the right, and convert this to another 5-digit number - to do this, you must work out that the 2 remaining symbols on the grid equal 9 and 14. Return to the big number panel. Insert this number to unlock the third lock. Take the power cell, and insert it into another socket in the briefcase.

Now you need to work on the 3 lasers. Look at the 3 locks beneath the big number panel to see they match the 3 buttons used to reveal the lasers. Also note the circle and line around the edge of the locks. Start by going to the laser on the right - spin it so that the circle is to the right. Next go to the laser at the far left - spin it so that the circle is to the right. Finally go to the laser at the near left - spin it so that the circle is pointing down. A large laser will now be pointing at the red detector in the right side of the pedestal. Go there and take the laser power cell. Insert this in the socket in the briefcase. Press the button Save the day...!?. Now repeatedly tap each component of the device to destroy it.

Chapter 4

A Narrow Escape

Search the right box to find a blueprint piece (1/12). Search the middle box to find a cabinet key. Use this to open the cabinet on the wall. Take the screwdriver from the right, and click on the spiderweb (1/6) on the left. Back out and look to the bottom left to see a mouse hole. Click on this and repeatedly talk to Trevor (3/4). Now use your screwdriver on the vent open, then head through. Crawl forward to see a cutscene. Click on the spiderweb (2/6) in the distance, then crawl to the right. Break the metal vent and crawl into the next room.

Take the cheesy baguette from the small table on the right. Go over and open up the left planter box by the door. Press the red button here, then pull the big red lever to transform the room. Take the blueprint piece (2/12) from the console on the right. Go back through the vent to the blueprint room. Place your two current pieces in the large blueprint on the right, and you will see a 9-digit code (random with each game). Look down at the mouse hole again and give the cheesy baguette to Trevor (4/4) Talk time with Trevor. Trevor will offer up another key, so take it. Break open the left wall to reveal a toolbox. Use the key on it, then turn the key and take the hacking software from inside.

Crawl through the vent to return to the control room. Go over to the monitor showing the yellow 1. Insert the hacking software in the slot, then type in the 9-digit number, and you will receive Level 1 clearance. Press the eject button and retrieve the hacking software. Now head over to the green 1 panel, press the button, and go through the door to find a room with an elevator. Look at the left wall to see 5 odd bricks. Press them in the following order:


Go up the steps. Head right and go towards the metal box. Quickly tap its antenna 10 times in a row Boing, Boing, Boing. Open the box to see that it requires Level 4 clearance. Take the blueprint piece (3/12) from the tree to the right. Go back, then take the path straight ahead. Go towards the red box on the fence of the communications tower. The box is locked, but you can take a blueprint piece (4/12) from on top of it. Backtrack all the way to the blueprint room and put the 2 new pieces in the blueprint to reveal a 6-digit number (random with each game).

Climb back up the mountain to the communications tower. Approach the wooden shed to the left and open the small side panel. Go over to the monitor showing the yellow 2. Insert the hacking software in the slot, then type in the 6-digit number, and you will receive Level 2 clearance. Retrieve the hacking software. Head back to the room with the elevator. Now go over to the green 1 panel, press the button, and go through the door to find a work room.

Pick up the TV remote from the desk, and the wrench from the floor. Look at the jetpack on the right and press the red button. Now you can take the bucket from the cabinet on the left. Go to the back wall and open the cabinet, but the key inside will fall into a beaker. Back out until you reach the elevator. Press the button to open the doors, then press button -1.

Open the cat flap on the left and quickly take the blueprint piece (5/12). Return to the elevator and press button 0. Go back out twice and press the button on the glass tube. Get inside to return to the mansion.

Take the blueprint piece (6/12) from the cat, then follow it upstairs. Pick up another blueprint piece (7/12) from the floor here before continuing through the left door into the study. Take the Clubs key and the blueprint piece (8/12) from the broken shelf, and also flip the red switch here. Back out to the upstairs landing, then go through to the master bedroom. Grab another blueprint piece (9/12) from the bed and zoom in further on the cat to see her name is Onyx. Go back to the upstairs landing and right into the bathroom. Turn on the shower, and fill your bucket with water, then turn off the shower again. Return downstairs and into the glass tube.

Head back through the vent to return to the blueprint room. Put all your pieces into the blueprint to reveal a 9-digit code (random with each game). Crawl forward through the vents and take the glass tube back to the mansion. Go upstairs and into the study, then approach the monitor showing the yellow 3. Insert the hacking software in the slot, then type in the 9-digit number, and you will receive Level 3 clearance. Retrieve the hacking software. Go back through the glass tube, then go forward to the elevator and down to level -1. Now head over to the green 3 panel and press the button - the door will malfunction, but you can take a blueprint piece (10/12)

Return to the elevator and go back up to level 0. Go back into the vents, but this time go forward past the spider web. Press the button on the wall here, then go forward and spin the wheel to reverse the fan direction. Now head up to the mountain and pick up one more blueprint piece (11/12) which has been blown up through the vent. Continue up to the communications tower. Press the red button on the jetpack to send it off again. Use your wrench to open the red box on the fence, then pour your bucket of water inside. Open the gate and climb up the ladder. Open the box on the right and take the swipe card and gas hose from inside. Go up once more and fix the disconnected red cable on the left. Go up twice more to see that the satellite dish is broken. Climb back down to the ground. Use your swipe card on the wooden shed to see a control panel, but you need a portable hard drive to use it.

Go back to the blueprint room and add your new blueprint pieces to get a new 9-digit code (random with each game). Head outside to the mountain and turn right. After a cutscene, go towards the metal box, with the monitor showing the yellow 4. Insert the hacking software in the slot, then type in the 9-digit number, and you will receive Level 4 clearance. Retrieve the hacking software. Go back inside and take the elevator down to level -1. Go forward to the green 4 panel and press the button, then go forward into Ruby's hideout Very Very Shh-neaky.

Open the small rock ahead and press the button inside. Climb up the stairs and head towards the desk. Press all 3 buttons, then click the Forgot Password button. Enter "Onyx" as the password. Read the top email Recon Expert. You are given the option to download this, but you still need to find a portable hard drive. Retreat down the stairs, then go over the small bridge on the left. Pull one of the pokers forward to reveal a chest in the fireplace. Open this and take the Diamonds key and the lighter from inside. Now head all the way back to the elevator and back up to level 0.

Go through the doorway on the right into the workroom. Press the button on the green 4 panel to reveal a new monitor. Next go to the back of the room and use your gas hose on the Bunsen burner. Now use your lighter on it, then wait a bit before taking the lab key. Go back to the room with the glass tube. Pull the big red lever on the wall to change the room back to normal. Use your TV remote on the television here, and you will see a phone number for Spy Buy (random with each game). Pull the big red lever down once more.

Take the elevator down to level -1. Go through to Ruby's hideout and up to her desk. Use the lab key in the lock, then turn it. Take the tape, and look at the Spy Buy invoice to see Ruby's account number (random with each game). Take the elevator back to level 0, then use the glass tube to return to the mansion. Go upstairs and into the study. Use the telephone to dial the number for Spy Buy, then press 3, then enter Ruby's account number. After the order is confirmed, go out the front of the house and over to the mailbox. Open the small box inside and retrieve the portable hard drive.

Go back inside, into the glass tube, use the elevator to go to level -1, and enter Ruby's hideout. Use the computer on the desk, inserting the portable hard drive in the slot and clicking Download The Extraction. Retrieve the portable hard drive. Now head back to level 0, then up the top of the mountain to the communications tower. Climb the ladder to the top, and use the tape on the satellite dish to fix it. Climb back down and go over to the wooden shed. Insert your portable hard drive, then click Send Radar Rebel. Step back from the tower to watch another cutscene.

Chapter 5

The Final Blow

Pick up the spring from next to the jetpack, then press its red button again. Now you can pick up the final blueprint piece (12/12). Go all the way back to the blueprint room. Insert the final blueprint piece to get a 6-digit code (random with each game).

Go forward through the vents, then forward and right into the workshop. Go over to the monitor showing the yellow 5. Insert the hacking software in the slot, then type in the 6-digit number, and you will receive Level 5 clearance. Go back and look at the diagram on the desk. Go back to the glass tube and use it to get into the mansion once more. Head upstairs and into the study. Use the telephone to dial the number for Spy Buy, then press 2, then enter Ruby's account number. After the order is confirmed, go out the front of the house and over to the mailbox. Open the box inside to see a shoe phone Glorious Shoe Phone.

Return inside and use the glass tube. Go forward and use the elevator to head down to level -2. Step forward and press the large button in the middle of the vault door. Lights will now start going on around the door. You need to press the button to highlight those lights indicated on the diagram in the workshop. If they are numbered 1-17 from left to right, click to highlight lights 17, 5, 16, 7 and then 9. Step forward into the vault. Pull down the 3rd light so that the pattern of lights matches that hanging from the ceiling in the floor above.

Look to the left and take the ornate gem (1/5) and the ammunition. Next look to the right and take the Spades key and the crowbar. Back out and press the green button in the floor to reveal another puzzle. You need to spin the 4 aqua segments to lie over the black segments. Go down the stairs to reach a small beach. Head left towards the waterfall and pick up the fuel hose from the ground. Back out, then go towards the barrels on the right. Look behind them to find a jerry can to pick up. Now use your fuel hose in the barrel that is lying on its side. Use your jerry can on this to fill it up. Back out again, then head towards the speedboat on the left. Open the fuel cap on the back and fill it from your jerry can. Now you can use the boat to get across to an island with a lighthouse.

Search to the right and find a treasure map rolled up in a green container. Search to the left and pick up a partially hidden stone artifact (1/2). Now go to the front of the lighthouse. Look around to the left and open the wooden box. Click on the spiderweb (3/6) here, then pick up the antique key. Use this key in the lock on the lighthouse door, then turn it and go inside.

Click on the spiderweb (4/6) on the left of the frame, and another spiderweb (5/6) on the right of the frame. Take the battery from its compartment, and pick up the shovel from over on the right. Try to close the shutters, but they are stuck. Go back to the first beach and look to the right, near the barrels. Use the shovel to dig in the sand between the 3 small rocks, and pick up the rusty box that you uncover.

Go all the way back inside and use the elevator to get up to level 0. Enter the workshop on the right. Put your battery in the charger and wait for it to fully charge, then pick it up again. Put the ammunition in the gun here, then pull the trigger. Put the rusty box on the stand and pull the trigger again, then pick up the machete from inside it. Now pull the trigger to shoot the target 100 times Target Practice.

Return to the elevator and go down to level -2, then make your way back to the lighthouse. Put the charged battery back in its holder. Now step into the lift and pull the up lever. Stop when you see a metal box on the left, and open it to find a climbing rope. Now keep going up until you reach the top. Step out of the lift and look in the diver's helmet to find a skull key. Use this to unlock the chest, then open it and look inside. Click on the final spiderweb (6/6) Spy-der Web. Also pick up the golden star disc (1/2). Look at the map behind the chest, and pull the lever to release the ladder. Read the lighthouse keeper's journal over to the left, and in particular note the code page. Return to the lift and go down to the bottom level. Go outside and around to the left. Climb the ladder and close the shutters. Return inside the lighthouse to see a series of 5 numbers on the shutters (random with each game).

Go back using the speedboat. Use the elevator to go to level -1. Look at the statue on the left and hit it with your crowbar, then pick up another ornate gem (2/5). Now look towards the malfunctioning door on the right. Use the spring on the keypad, and the door will open so you can go through. You will now be presented with a colored grid; the solution is based on the 2 paintings on the left walls in levels 0 and -1. Press the buttons in the following order:


Now take the Hearts key. Ignore the larger floating box for now. Use the elevator to get back up to level 0. Look at the box on the wooden table here and insert all 4 keys. Take another ornate gem (3/5) from inside, and take note of the grid pattern displayed (random with each game). Back out, then go up the stairs towards the mountain. Take the path to the right. Look at the tree stump next to the tree on the right, and attach your climbing rope. Climb down over the edge. Click on the peg multiple times to release it. Talk to the bird, who you will name Gunther, multiple times - he won't leave his nest.

Go back to the elevator and down to level -2. Head right from the beach and pick up the fishing net and stone artifact (2/2). Go to the speedboat and attach the fishing net to the hook on the back. Take the speedboat over to the lighthouse and back again. Pick up the fish from the net and throw it back into the water Catch and Release. Catch another fish, then take the elevator to level 0 and crawl back through the vents. Take the left path and throw the fish into the fan blades, then pick up the fish bones Sashimi Buzz-Cut. Go to the speedboat and catch another fish. Take the elevator to level -1. Put the fish through the cat flap Cat Door Courier.

Catch another fish, and take it up to level 0, up the stairs, right and down the rope. Give the fish to Gunther, then talk to him. Repeat this until he eventually gets hiccups Bird Buffet. There is another achievement if you have spoken to Gunther every time you have fed him Gasbag with Gunther. Catch one more fish and place it on the log on the right side of the beach - Gunther will come down to eat it. Take the elevator up to level 0 and head up the stairs, then right and down the rope. Take the next ornate gem (4/5) from the nest.

Retreat to the branching path and look at the Japanese-inspired stone statue. Insert your 2 stone artifacts. Now you need to spin the levels of the statue so the symbols (when decoded using the lighthouse keeper's journal) pointing forward to the right match the numbers on the shutters of the lighthouse. Go back down to level -2 and out to the beach. Look to the left of the lighthouse and a small panel should now be open - take the last ornate gem (5/5).

Take the elevator to level -1 and enter the room on the right. Insert your 5 ornate gems into the floating box, then take the mystery key from inside. Go back down to level -2 and go straight ahead into the vault. Look at the grid on the floor, and replicate the pattern you saw inside the box opened with the 4 suited keys (on level 0). Use your mystery key in the slot in the top of the pedestal, then turn it and take a second golden star disc (2/2).

Return to the beach and go over towards the vines on the left. Use your machete to clear them, then insert the 2 golden star discs to reveal another puzzle panel. Turn the hexagons to form a cohesive pattern. Go through the doorway that opens to the right Super Sleuth.

Pick up the bolt cutters from the ground. Back out of the submarine cave and use the speedboat. Enter the lighthouse and use the lift to get to the top. Use the bolt cutters on the chains on the left, then open the cabinet and take the small valve and the wrench. Go back down and out to use the speedboat again. Enter the submarine cave and approach the submarine. Use the wrench to open the side door. Attach the small valve and turn it until the gauge shows empty.

After the cutscene, step forward to the opening and watch another cutscene. Now examine the mound of sand straight ahead and clear the sand away from the jetpack. Press the red button The Final Blow. Back in the submarine cave, climb the ladder. If you have made it this far in under 2 hours, there is an extra achievement Speedy Spy. After the cutscene, give the fish bones to Onyx A Parting Gift.