The Silver Lining Episode 2The Silver Lining Episode 2

Two Households

Game Details:  Fantasy, 2010

Links:  Moby Games, Adventure Gamers

Walkthrough Updated:  3/3/2025

Suggested Listening:  Help Me Out (Ash 25)

The Silver Lining Episode 2: Two Households is the second episode in a game series that is an unofficial sequel to the King's Quest series of games by Sierra On-Line. It comes after the previous game, The Silver Lining Episode 1: What is Decreed Must Be. You continue as King Graham, searching for 3 magical ingredients necessary to dispel the evil enchantment cast over the wedding of Princess Rosella and Edgar. The series continues with The Silver Lining Episode 3: My Only Love Sprung From My Only Hate.

Isle of the Crown

Talk to the village boy who is fishing from the end of the dock. Head back into town and enter Ali's Books. Talk to Jollo to end up with a fake arm, then also talk to Ali. Show him the druid scroll. Look at the shelves of books, then take a book from the left shelf on the back wall called "Folklore of the Sea". Now return outside.

Go left to the Four Winds. Look at the message board on the wall, then talk to the spider inside the building. Use your fake arm on the spider to collect a lethal liquid.

Further to the left, talk to the map merchant, then give him money from your bag of coins and you will receive a map. Next talk to the candy merchant and give him some money to get some candy. Return to Ali's books and show the map to Ali. Head outside again.

Leave the town by heading down, then go right and enter the castle. Walk down and you will be greeted by Shamir. Read the letters he gives you, then talk to him about everything. Go down the stairs and talk to Edgar, who is lying on one of the benches in the courtyard. Turn around and go back between the staircases. Pick up the water bottle from the floor, then head through the doorway on the left.

Go up the left stairs and pick up the necklace from the floor next to the tall red pillar. Now head back downstairs and leave the castle. Make your way through the town to the jetty. Give the candy to the village boy in exchange for his fishing pole. Now talk to Hassan to travel.

Isle of the Sacred Mountain

After swimming through the water, climb up the massive staircase - you will receive the hole-in-the-wall. Head back down the stairs, then use the ferry to travel again.

Sea Nymph Rock

Combine the fishing pole and necklace in your inventory, then use this on the ocean. You will receive a magical bag and a cape of invisibility; you will also receive the necklace back. Give a gold coin to the sea nymphs and they will leave. Talk to Hassan to travel.

Isle of Wonder

Collect some ocean water in your water bottle, then head towards the jungle. Once you reach the gate, use your water bottle on the middle vine on the left. Use your bag of coins on Mag-Gnat (on the wooden table on the right), then on the key in the wall. Now you can pick up the key and use it on the locked gate. Open the gate and you will head through to Chessboard Land.

After returning through the gate, use the cape of invisibility on yourself and return through the gate, automatically getting past the knights. Go to the large castle in the distance, where you will automatically talk to the Ranger. Look at the cupboard on the left and use the hole-in-the-wall on it so you can get an animated vessel.

Return to the ferry and talk to Hassan to travel once more.

Isle of the Crown

Make your way back through the town and go to the castle.