The Silver Lining Episode 1
What is Decreed Must Be
Game Details: Fantasy, 2010
Links: Moby Games, Adventure Gamers
Walkthrough Updated: 3/2/2025
Suggested Listening: Help Me Out (Ash 25)
Isle of the Crown
Go around to the right, then through the lower right door. Get changed into your adventuring clothes. Open the chest at the base of the bed and take out the bag of coins. Open the doors on the right to head out to the balcony and pick up the coin.
Leave this room and go down the stairs, then through the doorway beneath the stairs on the left. Head outside to the courtyard and pick up the black cloak from the ground. Talk to Queen Titania and King Oberon. Turn around and go back between the staircases and through the doorway on the left. Continue to walk down and leave through the main castle doors.
Talk to the guard, then walk down away from the castle, and left into the town. Look at the sign on the door and it will disappear. Continue through the archway that leads out of the town.
Knock on the door of the ticket shack, but it is empty. Continue down onto the jetty and talk to Hassan. Show him your coin, then give him money from your bag of coins. Use the ferry and you will set sail.
Isle of the Sacred Mountain
After swimming through the water, climb up the massive staircase. You will end up talking to Azure and Ariel, then visiting the Oracle. Back at the base of the staircase, use the ferry to travel again.
Isle of the Mists
You will automatically talk to the Arch Druid, then return to the ferry.