The Silver Lining Episode 3
My Only Love Sprung From My Only Hate
Game Details: Fantasy, 2011
Links: Moby Games, Adventure Gamers
Walkthrough Updated: 3/5/2025
Suggested Listening: Where There's Smoke (Ash 25)
Isle of the Crown
Go out to the balcony on the right and look outside. Return inside, then leave the room and talk to Saladin. Head up around the corridor and you will overhear the 2 guard dogs talking about food. Now go through the guarded door to check on Alexander and Rosella. Talk to Cassima about everything. Now leave this room and continue downstairs, then go through the doorway beneath the stairs on the left.
Continue out to the courtyard and talk to Edgar about everything. Head up the stairs and talk to Shamir. Go back downstairs, then into the corridor between the stairs and through the side door. Talk to the female guard dog at the doors leading to the throne room. Now head upstairs and put the meat on the bench near the 2 guard dogs.
Return downstairs and talk to the female guard dog. Distract her by asking her to investigate Cassima's bedroom - once she has gone upstairs, you can enter the throne room. Pick up the red floor tile from the floor. Leave the throne room and go down, then through the double doors to leave the castle.
Walk down away from the castle, and left into the town. Continue left until you reach the fountain, then talk to the Blacksmith. Show him the druid scroll. Return right and head up through the archway. Continue down to the jetty and talk to Hassan to set sail.
Isle of the Sacred Mountain
Take the nightshade flower from the base of the stairs. Swim out and use the ferry.
Isle of the Mists
Go up along the first path and pick up the large stick from next to the fire pit. Continue left into a village and take the animal skull. Enter the house just to the right. Look at the portrait on the wall, then talk to the Arch Druid about everything. Take the white candle from beneath the portrait. Leave by going up the stairs on the left.
Return right and down, then talk to Hassan to leave again.
Isle of Wonder
Go left along the beach and pick up the seashell, which will be stolen by the red checker. Head right and up towards the jungle, just in time to see the red checker go through the gates. Look at the crying cabbage on the left. Try to take an iceberg lettuce, but you will be captured by the snapping draconic flowers on the right. Talk to yourself and you will be freed again. Now pick up the iceberg lettuce leaf from the path. Use this on the crying cabbages and you will end up with a frozen tear.
Go through the gates and you will catch up with the red checker. Try to take the seashell, but it will end up being flung towards the castle. Look at the net beneath the guillotine, then talk to it. Climb up on the back of the guillotine, then use your large stick on it. Untie the knot near the base of the stick, then retrieve the stick. Climb back down to the ground and take the net - you will also get the tomato and the stick-in-the-mud. Now head towards the castle.
Talk to the hole-in-the-wall. Now you need to get the seashell by doing the following:
- Place your red floor tile on the white square just above and right of the white checker.
- Try to take the seashell until it is passed to the far red pawn.
- Pick up the red floor tile again and flip it over in your inventory to turn it yellow.
- Place your yellow floor tile on the red square just below and right of the far red pawn.
- Try to take the seashell until it is passed to the far white pawn.
- Place your yellow floor tile on the red square just above and right of the near white pawn.
- Try to take the seashell until you can get it from the hole-in-the-wall.
Return through the gate. Take a pea from the vine near the chair on the right. Walk down the path, then pick up the shears that almost hit you. Continue down to return to the ferry. Talk to Hassan to leave.
Isle of the Crown
Head into the town and go left to the Four Winds. Combine your large stick and net, then use this to free the butterfly from the web. Return right and go down out of the town to the large tree. Return to the town and you should now be able to enter the pawn shop on the right.
Talk to Hakim, then give him the frozen tear in exchange for a bottle of Web-be-gone. Use this on the butterfly in your inventory. Go back outside and head through the arch, then talk to Hassan to leave once more.
Isle of the Mists
Go left to reach the village, then exit towards the broken fence at the top left. Walk towards the banshee - as soon as it starts screaming, use your nightshade flower on it. When you face the crow, interact with the animal skull in your inventory to cover the eyes with the colored balls. Now use this on the crow. Next put the butterfly on the tree stump to the left to get rid of Morrigan. Continue up along the path.
Touch the tree to talk to the Dryad. Look at the inscription on the stone to the right. Head back down and return to the ferry, then talk to Hassan.
Isle of the Crown
Go through the town to the castle and head inside. Go up the stairs on the right and through the door on the right. Take the crown from Valanice.
Go left towards the tower, then go right and ride the horse. In the arcade section, just click to dodge in the directions indicated. Climb int the wagon once you reach it, then open the drawers and take the key. Break the small back window, then jump out when you can. Run up the stairs and use the key to unlock the door. Once you are inside the tower, close the door behind you.
Run up the stairs again and take the torch from the wall, then use it on the ghost. Keep going up - when you fall, kick the ghost and keep climbing. Open the door at the top, then close it behind you. Move the closet so that it blocks the door. Now go out to the balcony to talk to Valanice.
After the vision ends, go back down and out of the castle. Return to the docks and talk to Hassan to set sail.
Isle of the Mists
Fill your animated vessel with water from the sea near the ferry. Go left to reach the village, then exit towards the broken fence at the top left. Continue up along the path to return to the Dryad. Use the crown on the stone to the right, then use the white candle on the blue flames. Also use the animated vessel on the stone to get a pinch of lively shaken salt. Return down twice, then enter the Arch Druid's house on the right.
There will be a circle of candles on the floor. Use your white candle to light the red one at the base of the stairs and the yellow one next to it. Skip 2 candles, then light the next 2, then skip 2 more and light the next 2 - there should be 6 lit candles now. Return up the stairs, then go up to the right. Use your nightshade on the blue aura in the middle of the stones - this will empower it with the elements of air and water. Leave here and return to the Arch Druid's house.
Extinguish the 6 lit candles using your hand, then light the other 6 candles. Climb back outside and go up to the right again. This time, use your sheers on the blue aura in the middle of the stones - this will empower them with the elements of earth and fire. Leave here again.
Exit towards the broken fence again, then go up to return to the Dryad. Use your leftover wax on the tree to get a crescent moon impression. Head back down and return to the ferry, then talk to Hassan.
Isle of the Crown
Head into town and go left to the Blacksmith. Give him the crescent moon impression. Now head back through town to the castle and go inside. Head upstairs and go through the guarded door.
Talk to Cassima, then use the pea on Rosella. Combine the enchanted nightshade and the shell in your inventory, then use this on Rosella to get a female subject's voice. Take the pea back from Rosella. Next use the enchanted shears on Alexander to get a male subject's strength. Leave the room, then head out of the castle. Go back to the town and talk to the Blacksmith to get a silver moon. Watch the final scenes.