The Silver Lining Episode 4The Silver Lining Episode 4

Tis in My Memory Locked and You Yourself Shall Keep the Key of It

Game Details:  Fantasy, 2011

Links:  Moby Games, Adventure Gamers

Walkthrough Updated:  3/7/2025

Suggested Listening:  Where There's Smoke (Ash 25)

The Silver Lining Episode 4: Tis in My Memory Locked and You Yourself Shall Keep the Key of It is the fourth episode in a game series that is an unofficial sequel to the King's Quest series of games by Sierra On-Line. It comes after the previous game, The Silver Lining Episode 3: My Only Love Sprung From My Only Hate. You continue as King Graham and now also Queen Valance, in a race against time to save your children.

Isle of the Crown

Head up the left staircase and through the guarded door into Cassima's bedroom. Look in the shelves on the left and take the flute and the tinderbox. Leave the room and go back downstairs, then head between the staircases and through the door on the left. Head out to the courtyard, then go up the stairs, through one of the side doorways, and around the balcony to talk to Pan. Give him the flute in exchange for his lute. Return downstairs, then leave the castle.

Go down and then left into the village. Enter Ali's Books on the right and pick up the poetry book from the small table. Leave the store and head through the archway. Head down along the path until you see a nymph in the water, then talk to her. Now talk to Hassan to set sail.

Isle of the Beast

Head up the path to reach a fountain, then open the gate to enter the maze. Proceed to the wooden music platform near the left side of the castle and pick up the golden baton. Next go over to an inactive water fountain near the right side of the castle and pick up the lamp from the ground.

Go back to an area just to the left of the wooden music platform and use your enchanted shears on the area of slightly thinned hedge. Go through and approach the castle, then knock on the door. Talk to Prince and Beauty about everything, then go right to head inside. Go through the dark door in the corner near the fireplace.

Use your tinderbox, and you will automatically go down the stairs. Avoiding the grate in the middle of the room, pick up the shovel. Look at the nearby barrels to see animal prints on the floor, then use your tinderbox on the barrels to find some fur. Head back up the stairs.

Look at the painting over the fireplace, then try to take it. Leave the castle by going right again. Head back through the maze and talk to Hassan again.

Isle of the Crown

Head up the path into town. Go left and talk to the men at the carpet stall about their balloon - talk a second time to receive a magic carpet. Continue left just past the fountain and talk to the lamp merchant, then give him your lamp in exchange for a much larger gas lamp. Go back to the carpet stall and give this to the men. Next talk to Lydia (the cloth merchant) twice. Use the magic carpet in your inventory to get a magic thread, then give this to Lydia. Leave town through the archway and you will automatically catch a ride in the balloon.

Isle of the Sacred Mountain

You will be given some winged shoes by the nymph. Climb up the stairs. At the top, use the winged shoes on yourself, but they won't work. In your inventory, combine the winged shoes with the magic carpet, then use them on yourself again.

Once you are in the air, fly over to the highest building on the left, and you will talk to Azure, Ariel and Celeste. Leave the throne room and fly down to return to the gates. Head back down the stairs. Swim into the water and use the ferry to leave.

Isle of the Mists

Head to the far left to reach the village, and talk to the Arch Druid. Pick up the drum from the ground, then head towards the broken fence at the top left. Continue up towards the Dryad and you will automatically talk to the Ranger. Take am emerald from the tree. Return to the ferry and talk to Hassan again.

Isle of Wonder

Head into the jungle, then go through the gates and continue along the path to the castle - you will automatically talk to the Queens. Return all the way back to the beach and talk to Hassan to leave.

Isle of the Crown

Go along the path into town and enter the Pawn Shop on the right. Look at the large piece of wood and try to take it, then talk to Hakim about it. Pick up the piece of wood. Return outside and through the archway, then talk to Hassan.

Isle of the Beast

Go through the maze again and enter the castle. Use your emerald on the painting. Go outside through the door on the left and pick up the white rose from the ground. Interact with this in your inventory to get some blood on it. Return to the right, then go through the dark door in the corner to head down to the basement. Use your large piece of wood on the termites in the corner of the room - you will end up with a wooden King. Head back up the stairs. Leave the castle by going right again. Head back through the maze and talk to Hassan again.

Isle of the Sacred Mountain

Climb up the stairs and use your winged shoes on yourself. Fly to the main group of buildings in the middle. Talk to the 3 Muses on the left, then give them your poetry book. Now you can pick up the harp from the steps behind them. Next talk to the painter, then give him the wooden King. Leave this area and fly down to return to the gates. Head back down the stairs. Swim into the water and use the ferry to leave.

Isle of the Crown

Go through town and return into the castle. Go straight ahead to the throne room and dip your golden baton in the glue bucket on the floor. Now combine the fur with the golden baton in your inventory to create a golden brush. Return all the way to the jetty and talk to Hassan.

Isle of the Sacred Mountain

Climb up the stairs and use your winged shoes on yourself. Fly back to the main group of buildings in the middle. Give the golden brush to the painter. Fly away and come back several times (until the painter is finished). Talk to the painter again and you will collect the painted King. Give the emerald to the painter. Fly away and come back, then talk to the painter again to receive the painting. Leave this area and fly down to return to the gates. Head back down the stairs. Swim into the water and use the ferry to leave.

Isle of the Beast

Go through the maze again and enter the castle. Exchange your painting for the one over the fireplace. Use the real painting in your inventory to remove the horn. Now combine these 4 items in your inventory:

  • Lute
  • Drum
  • Harp
  • Horn

Leave the castle by going right again. Head back through the maze and talk to Hassan again.

Isle of Wonder

Head into the jungle, then go through the gates. At the guillotine, combine the stick-in-the-mud and the tomato with the painted King - you will get an evening glory. Head back down to the beach and talk to Hassan to leave.

Isle of the Sacred Mountain

Climb up the stairs and use your winged shoes on yourself. Fly to the mountains in the background and use the musical instruments on the flat rock face. Fly through the hole that is created and take the richest fruit in the land from the tree. Leave this area and fly down to return to the gates. Head back down the stairs. Swim into the water and use the ferry to leave.

Isle of the Beast

Enter the maze again. Make your way to the statue in front of the castle (within a circular section). Look at the plaque at the base of the statue. Leave this circular section and find a corner of the maze just to the right that matches the new image on the third page of the magic scroll. Use your shovel to dig here and get a key. Make your way back to the hedge you cut earlier. Go directly left from here, then up, left and down to the next corner. Dig here to get a lock.

Go back to the statue and examine the plaque. Insert the lock into the plaque, then use the key on the lock. You will automatically take the black stone rose. Combine this with your bloody white rose to create the final item. Head back through the maze and talk to Hassan again.

Isle of the Crown

Go through town and return into the castle. Head between the staircases and through the door on the left. Head out to the courtyard, then climb the stairs and talk to Shamir. Make your way back to the ferry and talk Hassan once more.

Isle of the Mists

Go left to the village, then enter the Arch Druid's house on the right. Show the scroll to the Arch Druid. After the cutscenes, Take Pandora's box from the right and open it. Now you will be shown a series of glowing symbols on the sides of the box. You need to choose groups of symbol parts from the rotating circles that form these symbols when put together - the puzzle will gradually get more challenging.

Once you have solved the puzzle, click on the creature, then on Pandora's box.