Scribblenauts UnlimitedScribblenauts Unlimited

Game Details:  Puzzle, 2012

Steam Achievements:  Completed (25/25)

Links:  Moby Games, Steam

Walkthrough Updated:  8/15/2014

Suggested Listening:  Give Up Now (Ash 25)

Scribblenauts Unlimited is one game in a long-running Scribblenauts series. You play as Maxwell, on a quest to save your sister after you play a prank on an old wizard. You use a magic notebook to bring your imagination to life, traveling around the world and helping people to collect magical Starites and Shards.

Story Zone 1

Edwin's Farm

1 Starite, 2 Shards

Draw a sponge and use it to get Maxwell to clean the pig. Take the sponge back and put it in the trashcan. Click on the pig and make him "huge". Now draw huge wings and put them in your backpack. Take them out again and use them on the pig, then collect the starite. Now do the following to get the shards:

  • Draw some water and give it to Edwin so he waters the plant
  • Climb the tree on the right, pick up the cat, climb down and return the cat to the girl

Now you are able to change your avatar Maxwell in Disguise. Go to the Object Editor and create a new object Make it Yours. Next download an item from the Steam Workshop Window Shopping. Back in the main interface, use the notepad to create something, then use the Object Suggestor to create something else Try This Instead.

To continue the game, head to the bus stop on the right.

Capital City

1 Starite, 8 Shards

Draw a speargun and use it to hit the bottles, balloons and dunking machine. Collect your starite, then work on the shards:

  • Draw a sidekick and put her in the phonebooth
  • Draw a towtruck, attach it to the jallopy, then drive the towtruck to the right
  • Draw a magician and give it to the bored boy
  • Draw a sponge, pick it up and use it to clean the graffiti
  • Draw a mermaid, put her in the pond and flip the switch to make a fountain
  • Draw a fan and put it in front of the clouds to blow them away
  • Draw a crown and use it on the gorilla

You will receive an achievement for getting all of the starites in this level Helping Hand. Go back and see Lily at the farm to unlock the map screen Magical Globe for Rent.

Capital City Runoff

0 Starites, 6 Shards

There are no starites here, so just collect the shards:

  • Add the adjective "huge" to the blowfish
  • Draw a fish (animal) and place it near the anemone on the pipes
  • Draw a black hole and drag it near the toxic waste to get rid of all 3 barrels
  • Draw some scissors, pick them up and use them to free the drowning man
  • Draw a steak and put it in the lobster trap
  • Draw a mirror and place it in front of the monster

The Virgule Gallery

1 Starite, 8 Shards

Start the mission here, then add items to the picture frames based on which patron is looking at them:

  • Burning man: water
  • Ghost: spirit
  • Gnome: flower
  • Headless horseman: horse
  • Invisible man: mirror
  • Medusa: stone
  • Mrs Claus: Santa
  • Mummy: pyramid (landmark)
  • Robot: gear
  • Tree: bird
  • Troglodyte: fire
  • Zombie: brain

After completing the 4 pictures, go and pick up your starite from the left, then concentrate on these shards:

  • Draw some glue for the archaeologist
  • Create another archaeologist and place her next to the curator on the left
  • Draw a disguise for the penguin
  • Draw a friend for the girl in the painting
  • Draw a boat and place it in the picture with Columbus
  • Draw a pyramid and place it in the picture with Cleopatra
  • Draw a kite (toy) and place it in the picture with Benjamin Franklin
  • Draw an axe and place it in the picture with George Washington

Capital City Firehouse

2 Starites, 9 Shards

Click on the station wagon. Create some red paint and give it to the painter. Draw a speaker and give it to the DJ, then make an extinguisher and give it to the fireman. Finally draw a siren (alarm) and place it on the firetruck. Pick up the starite. Now go and click on the zombie in the top left room of the station. Draw a bandage for the doctor, then a sword for the gamer and a sedative for the orphan. Now add steel, a gun and glue (fill) to the box to create a mech. Ride the mech and kill the zombies. Go and pick up the other starite. Now you can get the shards here:

  • Draw a clock for the secretary
  • Draw a hammer for the fireman at the top right
  • Draw earplugs for the fireman at the middle right
  • Empty the pink locker on the bottom floor and take the helmet up to the sorority girl
  • Add adjectives "big" and "red" to the dog outside
  • Create fire beneath each of the alarms, then draw a charger (electrical) for the top alarm
  • Draw a defibrillator for the paramedic
  • Draw a psychiatrist and then a hammer for the arsonist

You should now be able to bring Lily a total of 8 Starites Patches and his Kite.

The Under Line

1 Starite, 5 Shards

Go and talk to the street performer. Draw him a drum kit, then a guitarist and finally an amplifier. Pick up the starite, then get these shards:

  • Draw a chair for the old grandmother
  • Draw a credit card for the woman next to the flower stand
  • Draw a mop for the janitor
  • Draw a tutor and place him next to the beggar
  • Draw food for the skinny gorge over on the left

St Asterisk

1 Starite, 7 Shards

Go and help out the paramedic on the right, and treat the patients as they arrive. In order you should create a vet, a dentist, an electrician, an author, and then a mechanic. Collect your starite, then sort out the shards:

  • Draw a saw for the surgeon
  • Add the adjective "funny" to the clown
  • Add the adjective "dead" to the heart
  • Draw some medicine for the orthopedist
  • Draw a big blue flag and put it near the finishing line
  • Draw a brain and put it in the box on the roof
  • Draw a baby and place it near the stork

Story Zone 2

Hyphen Heights

2 Starites, 10 Shards

Walk right and start to help the boyfriend on his date. Give him a suit, a car and some flowers. Place a candle on the table, then create a priest to place next to them for their wedding. Pick up the starite. Next go right from and talk to the girl near the old building to start the next quest. Create a sledgehammer, pick it up and use it to attack the old building. Create a park in its place, then draw a megaphone and use it on yourself so you can get another starite.

  • Draw some breadcrumbs for the grandmother
  • Draw a shield for the boy outside his school
  • Draw a jet pack for yourself and use this to collect the baseball to give to the girl
  • Draw a lawnmower and use this on the overgrown grass
  • Draw a scooter and place it next to the delivery boy
  • Eat one of the floating magical treats
  • Draw a ring for the girl at the movies
  • Draw a spider and place it on the movie screen
  • Draw a dog whistle for the dog trainer
  • Draw a basketball for the basketball player

You should now be able to bring Lily a total of 12 Starites Rex the Dinosaur Hunter.

Full Stop Diner

2 Starites, 9 Shards

Go to the table to start dinner service. Serve the customers steak, water, a battery and a baby, then collect your starite. Head right and talk to the chef to start an apprenticeship. To make a pizza, place dough, cheese and pizza sauce on the table (then create anything you like as the special ingredient). To make a phoenix, place a break, feather and wand on the table. To make a motorcycle, place a motor, tyre and seat on the table. Pick up the starite, then concentrate on the shards:

  • Create a fire extinguisher and use it to put out the oven fire
  • Draw an exterminator and place him next to the bugs
  • Draw a toy for the bored boyfriend
  • Next draw some flowers for the bored boyfriend
  • Empty the freezer on the bottom floor, then add the adjective "warm" to the scullion
  • Draw a werewolf and place him with the other monsters
  • Draw some dog food and place it on the table between the dogs
  • Draw a gift and put it in the box on the table
  • Draw food and place it on the billboard

You should now be able to bring Lily a total of 16 Starites Yarrr, matey!.

Inkwell High

1 Starite, 8 Shards

Talk to the girl, then give her an apple. Place a sun just over the table, then give the creature a torso. Create a friend and place him nearby. Finally create the letter A and place it on the whiteboard, then pull the lever. Collect the starite then work on these shards:

  • Create a doctor and place him next to the girl in class
  • Add the adjective "funny" to the male student
  • Add the adjective "scared" to the bully outside the locker
  • Draw a spider for the cage in the classroom
  • Draw a flag and place it on the flagpole
  • Add the adjective "ninja" to the sweating schoolboy
  • Create some gumbo and place it in the cooking pot
  • Create a circus and place it in the playground

Story Zone 3

Majuscule Grotto

1 Starite, 7 Shards

Go up and talk to the pilgrim, then give him some gold, a sheep or a saw to select his occupation. Follow this up by creating a horse, hunter and house for him, then collect the starite. Now work on these shards:

  • Add the adjective "colorful" to the home
  • Draw a coin and give it to the wishing girl
  • Add the adjective "poisonous" to the chocolatey log cabin
  • Create a cookie and give it to Red Riding Hood
  • Create a vampire and place him next to the Medusa
  • Create a shark and place it in the water
  • Add the adjective "pretty" to the opera singer

Sir Guillemet's Castle

1 Starite, 8 Shards

Start here by getting this first shard:

  • Give the orcs a disguise

Now head inside the castle and make your way up to the dragon egg. Draw a wand for the dragon, then give it arsenic. Place a toxicologist in the cage then collect your starite. Now reset the level so you can get the rest of the shards:

  • Create a horse and give it to the jouster to kill the orcs
  • Draw a lockpick for the assassin down in the dungeon
  • Draw a ball for Larp to help entertain the King
  • Draw a dress for the Princess
  • Draw a gun for the archer on the right turret
  • Add the adjective "invisible" to the prisoner who is to be hanged
  • Create some gold for the alchemist


1 Starite, 10 Shards

Talk to the scout, then give him an axe, a fire extinguisher, a bandage, some armor and finally a gun. Pick up the starite and continue with these shards:

  • Draw some bug spray for the backpacker
  • Draw a bed and place it over the patch of dirt on the ground
  • Draw a pig and place it next to the scientist to help him find truffles
  • Give a sleeping pill to Jack to stop him cutting down the tree

Now reset the level and collect the remaining shards:

  • Give an axe to Jack
  • Create a camera for the paparazzi
  • Create a baby and drop it next to the wolf cubs
  • Create a bee and place it near the yew tree
  • Get the kite (use a jet pack) and give it to Patches
  • Create a builder and place him next to the treehouse

You should now be able to bring Lily a total of 24 Starites Chillin' with Chilly.

Grave Manor

1 Starite, 10 Shards

Make your way up to the attic to start the quest. Give yourself some magic goggles so you can see the ghosts. Give the first ghost a kite, ball and doll. Give the second ghost a cake, ring and husband. Give the third ghost a cross, priest and holy water. Give the final ghost a wife, son and daughter. Now collect your starite and work on these shards:

  • Draw a cobweb for the attic
  • Add the adjective "giant" to the spider
  • Add the adjective "alive" to the gargoyle
  • Add the adjective "clean" to the dirty mirror
  • Give a toy to Mix and Mox
  • Give some holy water to the priest
  • Click on the piano and play music
  • Add the adjective "tiny" to the suit of armor
  • Turn off the candle nearest to the shambler in the basement
  • Put a skeleton in the coffin outside

Story Zone 4

The Saurus Park

2 Starites, 10 Shards

Go and talk to the park ranger about the escaped dinosaur. Create a detective, then give him a magnifying glass. Put some meat in the cage, then give the park ranger a radio, and finally give the dinosaur a sleeping pill. Pick up the starite, then head to the far right and talk to the vet. Draw 4 new items for the dinosaur: a tail, an engine, a saw and some fuel. Collect this starite, then proceed to work on the shards:

  • Draw pepper (condiment) for the T-Rex
  • Draw a ball for Rex so he stops hunting dinosaurs
  • Add the adjective "massive" to the sheep
  • Draw a basketball for the scuba diver
  • Draw a mosquito and place it in the amber
  • Draw a friendly dinosaur for the teacher
  • Create some bug spray and use it to spray the butterfly
  • Pick up the toy purple dinosaur and give it to the boy
  • Add the adjective "friendly" to the pterodactyl
  • Create a baby and place it near the bushes

Anaphora Falls

2 Starites, 10 Shards

Head right and click on the tacklebox. Create boots and a fishing rod for the businessman. Place some crumbs in the water to catch the bass. Place candy in the water for the halibut, then chocolate in the water for the megalodon. Pick up the starite, then fly up to the monkey to start another quest. Create four people/animals for the monkey: a musician, a wizard, a geek and a chicken (bird). Pick up the starite and collect these shards:

  • Draw a paintbrush for the elephant
  • Draw a tanning bed for the sunbather
  • Give yourself the adjective "hairy" for the gorillas
  • Create a drummer for the shaman
  • Draw a camera, give it to yourself, and use it on the tourist
  • Add the adjective "alive" to the dead bridesmaid
  • Make the huge rock "tiny" and the sinking boat "fixed"
  • Draw some tofu and place it in the water with the vegetarian piranhas
  • Draw a log and place it in the water between the other logs
  • Add the adjective "fiery" to the unlit torch, then empty the chest that appears

You should now be able to bring Lily a total of 30 Starites Tony and the Outlaw.

Ruins of Ellipsis

1 Starite, 7 Shards

Click on the pile of weapons and armor to start the quest, then provide items to the four party members:

  • Give a sword to the warrior
  • Give a bow (weapon) to the rogue
  • Give a wand to the warlock
  • Give a potion to the cleric

Go over and pick up your starite, then continue with these shards:

  • Create a steak and give it to the carnivorous plant
  • Create a second steak and place it nearby to save the botanist
  • Create a crown and give it to one of the ants
  • Give the adjective "red" to the plain bird
  • Draw a camera and give it to the primatologist
  • Find 3 sets of bones and give them to the necromancer in the crypt
  • Draw a shield and give it to the cryptozoologist

Story Zone 5

Payper N Penitentiary

3 Starites, 11 Shards

Talk to the football player on level 1, then create an athlete, wizard, singer, actor, scientist and nerd. Go back downstairs and pick up the first starite. Next go up to level 3 (use the levers to open the doors) and pick up the shovel to start the next quest. Give the guard a chair, then go down and give the ghost a body. Give the prisoner a pie, the con artist a uniform, and the programmer a dog. Now you can escape and collect another starite.

Head up to level 4 and click on the SPIKE to start the Gauntlet. Draw a rock and place it on the button, then create a firefighter to put out the fires. Go down and run along the next corridor, stopping between the cones to avoid damage. Go down again and steal the robot's gun, then go down another level and get the starite (you will end up destroying it for now). Pick up the key, then create a magnet and use it to lift the spiky metal ball up to the ceiling. Add the adjective "tiny" to yourself, then run under the spiky metal ball and open the door on the left with your key. Flip the lever to the left to open the next door. Now create an air vent on the ground and place a rock above it to lift it upwards against the button - this will explode the bombs. Head outside, then remove the adjective "tiny" and add "flying". Head up and through the lightning, then head down past the airvent and use the time machine. Flip the lever and grab the starite.

Now work on the shards:

  • Draw some candy for Skinny Santa
  • Draw a bridge to help the Princess make her way to the roof
  • Give yourself a weapon and kill the werewolf so the tooth fairy gets a tooth
  • Add the adjective "painted" to the Easter Bunny's egg
  • Draw a bush and place it next to the gnome
  • Draw a knife and place it in the chef's cake
  • Create a toilet and place it in the right guard tower
  • Draw a disguise and give it to the crusader
  • Draw a spider and give it to the villain
  • Create a nerd and drop him near the boss
  • Create a priest and place him near the dark knight

Payper Plains

1 Starite, 7 Shards

Go over and click on the student, then draw a teacher, a laundromat, a shop and another teacher. Pick up the starite before collecting these shards:

  • Draw a horse for the sad jockey
  • Draw a plane for the stuntman
  • Draw a pole for the tightrope walker
  • Create a stove and place it next to the corn
  • Pet the cow
  • Add the adjective "flying" to the skydiver
  • Draw a disguise for the earthbound mare

You should now be able to bring Lily a total of 40 Starites Bubbles' Magical Aquatic Adventure.

Bullet Point Bayou

1 Starite, 7 Shards

Click on the secret agent, then create a sun and place it near the vampire. Draw a radio and put it next to the baby, then put some water next to the cat, and a tower next to the secret agent. Pick up the starite, then work on these shards:

  • Draw a sausage and place it on the barbecue
  • Create a princess and place her in the water next to the frog
  • Create a baby and put it in the UFO
  • Create another baby and feed it to the crocodile
  • Create a hunter and drop him near the Treant with the woodpeckers
  • Add the adjective "duckie" to the turtle
  • Draw some perfume and give it to Scratch

The Listy Colon

2 Starite, 11 Shards

Go and click on the ghost on the main deck, then help out the cursed crew:

  • Give a sword to the warrior at the bottom left
  • Add the adjective "hairy" to the zombie at the bottom right
  • Create a mirror and drop it in front of the wisp at the top left
  • Create a teacher and place her next to the ghoul at the top right
  • Create a parrot and place it near the ghost pirate

Pick up the starite, then go up to the pirate flag to start the next quest. You need to create 6 different sailors for the 6 locations around the pirate ship:

  • Create a captain at the wheel
  • Create an accountant near the chest
  • Create a swordsmith near the weapons
  • Create a chef for the kitchen
  • Create a prisoner for the cell
  • Create a navigator in the crow's nest

Pick up the second starite, then work on the shards:

  • Draw a cannonball and put it in the cannon
  • Add the adjective "smart" to the seagull
  • Draw a twig and give it to the crow up in the crow's nest
  • Draw an orange for the green conquistador
  • Draw a stick for the legless pirate
  • Draw a coffin and place it next to the assassin
  • Draw a sword for the ninja
  • Create a chess set for the legionnaires
  • Give a mop to the deaf sailor
  • Interact with the laptop
  • Kill the shark in the water, then empty the chest, get the map, and give it to the rogue

Story Zone 6

Lost Kingdom of Parentheses

2 Starites, 10 Shards

Go right and click on the skull. Create a UFO for the scientist, then some oxygen for the physicist. Put some hay in the hamster cage. Go and pick up the starite, but it is a trap. Create a lab coat and wear it, then add the adjective "mad" to yourself and the door will open. Make a hammer and use it to attack the drain on the left. Use the lever to contain the blast, then use it again and go to collect the real starite.

Next go down and click on the sea goat. Feed the troll a berry, then some salt and finally a chilli. Pick up the second starite and then get these shards:

  • Pet the sleepy Cthulhu to awaken him
  • Give the admiral a halo
  • Give Poseidon a trident
  • Add the adjective "small" to the submarine
  • Add the adjective "swimming" to the alien
  • Add the adjective "tiny" to the rock that is trapping the swimming pilot
  • Pick up the Ark of the Covenant and take it to the treasure hunter
  • Put the ruby, diamond and titanite on their respective pillars
  • Give a shell to the hermit crab
  • Give a flower to the mermaid

Abian Sea Front

1 Starite, 8 Shards

Go over to Santa's starting line to start the quest. Create a ball, doll and yo-yo to put in the sleigh, then also put some coal in the sleigh. Create a snow plough and drive it left to clear the snow. Add the adjective "glowing" to the reindeer, then pick up the starite. Now get these shards:

  • Give the penguin a suit
  • Create a camera and use it on the Yeti
  • Create a chainsaw and give it to the sculptor
  • Add the adjectives "tiny" and "cold" to the sun
  • Create a carrot and drop it next to the snowballs
  • Create Saturn (or any other planet) and place it near the scientist
  • Draw a mansion for Chilly
  • Draw Gemini (or any other star sign) and place it near the fortune teller

Exclamation Point

1 Starite, 9 Shards

Click on the tent to start the quest. Give yourself a bazooka and blow up the rocks that are blocking the path. Create a heater, sweater and jacket for the climbers when they get cold. Add the adjective "happy" to the Yeti, then place a flag at the top of the mountain. Collect the starite, then work on these shards:

  • Create a Yeti and place it on the pallet next to the artist
  • Give Jack Frost a radio
  • Remove the rope from the mountain climbers
  • Add the adjective "speedy" to the racing polar bear
  • Create a scientist and drop him next to the sherpa
  • Add the adjective "springy" to the small mountain goat
  • Add the adjective "brave" to the snowboarder
  • Add the adjective "furry" to yourself while next to the Yeti
  • Add the adjective "godlike" to the warrior

You should now be able to bring Lily a total of 50 Starites Buzzing to the Stars.

Pilcrow Peaks

2 Starites, 10 Shards

Click on the quest marker right next to where you start to find Santa is missing. Give Mrs Claus some ID, then give the officers a duster, the detective a warrant, and finally the dog a Santa hat. Pick up your starite.

Head up the slope to the right and click on the sled. Give the skier some skis, the native a husky, the chef a skillet, the farmer a cow, the wizard a broom, and the zombie a brain. Now you can go down and get your next starite. Once you have this, collect these shards:

  • Create a donkey for the arctic native
  • Give a lozenge to the silent yodeler
  • Give some wings to the wingless angel
  • Pick up the frozen foot and give it back to the zombie that appears
  • Use the small snowball at the top of the slope
  • Create a fire and place it on the icy patch at the bottom of the slope
  • Add the adjective "spicy" to the hot chocolate
  • Create some christmas lights for the dog's house
  • Destroy the trap with a hammer
  • Reset the level, then get the bunny and give it to the fur trader

Story Zone 7

Underscore Mine

2 Starites, 5 Shards

Click on the spider web to start the first quest. Create fire for the first spider, then water for the second. Put dynamite on the next one, then use a bazooka to kill the 4th spider as well as the tiny spiders. Pick up your starite. Now go down to the other quest, and give yourself a mask and a cape, before adding the adjective "super" to yourself. Get the second starite, then work on these shards:

  • Create a sun and place it near the vampire hunter
  • Move the sun over next to the trapped troglodyte to melt the ice
  • Give a spear to the hunter troglodyte
  • Add the adjective "tasty" to one of the mushrooms
  • Make a gas mask and give it to the canary

Dusty Brush Canyon

1 Starite, 9 Shards

Click on the wanted poster. Put some money next to the stone to lure out the gravedigger. Place a toilet up next to the donkey to get the pickpocket. Create a hat and drop it next to the top cactus to catch the hat thief. Now pick up the starite. Take these steps to get the shards:

  • Wear a disguise, then pull the lever to open the secret passage
  • Go through the passage, empty the safe, and give the money to Tony
  • Add the adjective "strong" to one of the chief's spears
  • Give the cowgirl some gloves
  • Create a dead cow and drop it next to the vulture
  • Pick up the rope to free the prisoner
  • Create some medicine for the prospector to fix his horse
  • Create a rat and place it in front of the mine entrance
  • Create a mechanic and drop him next to Tanc to fix his plane

Tomb of Onomatopoeia

1 Starite, 7 Shards

Go up to the sarcophagus to start a quest. Place a dead king in the sarcophagus, followed by a bandage and then some formaldehyde. Collect your starite, then continue with the shards:

  • Give a glass ball to Caliph the fortune teller
  • Create a historian and place him next to the archaeologist
  • Make a froggy statue and put it next to the large frog suit
  • Give a snail to Tiberius
  • Give a phone to the alien so he can go home
  • Put some gum in the moving trap
  • Create an ancient chair for the mummy

You should now be able to bring Lily a total of 60 Starites Sister Savior.

Abjad Dunes

1 Starite, 8 Shards

Head right and talk to the bandit emissary. Create a soldier, then a tower, a martial artist and a spy. Create a bazooka for yourself. After the fight concludes, pick up the starite. Now work on these shards:

  • Put a venomous snake, venomous spider and some poison in the Vizier's cauldron
  • Create a stopwatch and give it to the philosopher
  • Give the stonemason a hammer
  • Give the mime a radio
  • Add the adjective "alive" to the clay statue
  • Create a locust and place it next to the cleric
  • Create a human and drop it next to Chase up on the right tower
  • Create a tornado next to the weatherman on the left tower

Camelcase Oasis

1 Starite, 7 Shards

Click on the genie's lamp to start a quest. Give the merchant food, clothes and jewelry. Next give the vampire sunglasses, a hat and a coffin. Give the clown a flower, water pistol and ball. Pick up the starite before continuing to collect the shards:

  • Create rain and place it over the burning coals
  • Create a monkey and place it in the yellow barrel
  • Sketch an iceberg and drop it next to the penguin
  • Make a map and give it to Milo
  • Ride the magic carpet around for a while
  • Make a pot of gold and drop it next to the leprechaun
  • Give a flute to the snake charmer

Story Zone 8


2 Starites, 11 Shards

Click on the hula dancer to start a quest, then create a doctor, followed by a flower for the hula dancer, some food and finally a priest. Pick up the starite. Go over to the far right (use a jetpack) and click on the shaman. Draw three different fruits and drop them into the lava. Next create a computer, radio and TV and drop them in the lava. Drop a dollar into the lava, then create Hercules so you can get the starite. Next work on these shards:

  • Create a hammer for the blacksmith
  • Create fire and place it on the small pillar
  • Sketch a mirror and place it in front of the cocktrice
  • Give a jar to the excavator
  • Create a human and place it in the cannibal's cauldron
  • Get the crown, place a stone on the button, then give the crown to the crusader
  • Draw a ring and give it to the halfling
  • Draw a huge bone and give it to the titan
  • Give the brown dryad some water
  • Put some ice in the gun to turn it into a freeze ray
  • Create a guard and drop him near the egg to protect it

Ampersand Beach

1 Starite, 8 Shards

Talk to the TV presenter, then create a fire and drop it next to your pile of wood. At the next stage, add the adjective "colorful" to your armadillo. In the final round, create a flying pickle. Collect your starite for winning the show. Now get these shards:

  • Add the adjective "muscly" to the arachnologist
  • Give the volleyball players a grenade
  • Give the boy a shovel
  • Create a rabbit's foot for the sailor
  • Give a book to Tiny
  • Sketch a space shuttle and place it next to the scientist
  • Create an athlete and place him next to the hang glider
  • Create a life vest and give it to the man who can't swim

Tilde Reef

0 Starites, 5 Shards

There are no starites here, so just collect the shards:

  • Empty the net to free the porpoise
  • Give a scuba tank to Dale
  • Empty the clam, steal the pearl from the jellyfish, and give it to the octopus
  • Create regenerating reef and drop it next to the clownfish
  • Add the adjective "glowing" to the anglerfish

Dot the Island

1 Starite, 10 Shards

Go up and see the lighthouse keeper to start a quest. Give him a chest, then place an antenna (metal) on the roof. Now place a huge sponge in the water. Go and collect the starite before working on the shards:

  • Create a firefighter and place him on the oil rig
  • Give the swimmer a scuba tank
  • Give the sailor some earmuffs
  • Give the siren a microphone
  • Give the squite some horns
  • Give the ensign a pirate hat
  • Give the sailor up on the roof a flare
  • Make a submarine and put it in the water near the admiral
  • Create a large storm and place it above the mechanic
  • Follow the mechanic to the floating castle and give him a cannon

Storybook Keep

1 Starite, 12 Shards

Talk to Hansel, then give him some breadcrumbs, followed by a pebble. Make an axe for yourself and attack the log. Next add the adjective "skinny" to Hansel. Create a fat boy and drop him next to the oven. Wait until Gretel kills the witch, then put on some gloves so you can pick up the key. Walk over to the left to free Hansel, then get the starite. Now collect these shards:

  • Add the adjective "flying" to Tots up in the tree
  • Add the adjective "small" to the dunce's wooden nose
  • Give a magnifying glass to the female shepherd
  • Give some yarn to Rumpelstiltskin
  • Add the adjective "pretty" to the noblewoman
  • Make a pea and put it in the mattress on the far left
  • Give a flute to the pied piper
  • Add the adjective "giant" to the maid
  • Add the adjective "strong" to the wolf
  • Sketch a shoe horn and give it to Maine Coon on the roof
  • Give some scissors to Baritone
  • Give some glue to Humpty Dumpty

Alliteration Abyss

2 Starites, 10 Shards

Go down to the submarine first, and create gold, a chest and a cannon. Follow the submarine and make a shark and a stingray. Follow again and create a mine (explosive) and a bomb. At the last site, sketch an ancient statue, ancient temple, and ancient chair. Now you can collect the starite.

Swim further down to the biodome to start another quest. Create a sun, then bacteria, a clownfish and finally a shark. Pick up your starite, then get to work on the shards:

  • Create a dentist and drop him next to the great white shark
  • Give a plug to Bubbles the scuba diver at the bottom left
  • Create a female dolphin to join the others
  • Make a submarine and place it next to the other scuba diver
  • Swim left from the ghost pirate, get the coin from the shoebox and give it to him
  • Add the adjective "floating" to the ghost ship
  • Add the adjective "brainy" to the octopus
  • Add the adjective "huge" to the hippopotamus
  • Create a manticore and place it next to Glum
  • Give the orca a sheriff badge

Story Zone 9

Kana Craters

2 Starites, 9 Shards

Go and talk to the martian. Create a dog to scare away the cats, then make a giant brain to feed the aliens. Draw an iron house, then create a massive bazooka and kill the plant. Go and collect your starite.

Next click on the black hole. You need to create objects and place them in the cannon: a scientist, a werewolf, a bus, a missile and a massive rock. Get another starite, then get these shards:

  • Give a pick (tool) to the rodent
  • Create a UFO for the arctic native
  • Ride the lunar rover forward over the crater
  • Drop a translator next to the alien
  • Give a tomato to the botanist
  • Make an axe and use it to attack the stalagmites
  • Next attack the asteroid in front of Earth
  • Give Buzz some bug spray
  • Pick up the 3 floating pieces of junk and put them in the trash can


2 Starites, 7 Shards

Click on the trapped astronaut. Remove the generator in the ceiling to free the astronaut. Go up through the teleporter and place a mirror in the laser field. Go up again and create a stack of massive meat over on the left to get the dog to jump off the platform. Follow the astronaut, then add the adjective "repaired" to his ship and pick up the starite.

Head outside to the left and talk to the robotocist. Give him a metal pipe, then a brain, a dinosaur and a jet engine. Get another starite, then work on the shards:

  • Draw a robot and place it next to the mason jar
  • Create a farm and place it next to the undead pig
  • Add the adjective "flying" to the baby
  • Give the undead trucker a hamburger
  • Give the mothman a telescope
  • Give Ludwig a piano
  • Give the android some skin

You should now have helped all 40 of Maxwell's brothers Brotherly Love.

Syntax Station

1 Starite, 8 Shards

Click on the scientist to start the final quest. Give him a jetpack, then create a bird for the vet. Go up and create a teacher next to the brain. Go back down and place a saddle on the hamster. Give some clippers to the barber and you will be transported to the last section of the base. Go over and interact with the switch, then place a storm over the computer. Get your starite and collect the final set of mission shards:

  • Talk to the cowboy, then ride his cow back inside
  • Give a banana to the chimpanzee
  • Create a playground for the humans near the martian
  • Create a baby and place it on the blue teleporter
  • Draw a spyglass and give it to the spy
  • Draw a treadmill for the bodybuilder
  • Create an exterminator for the bug near the pilot
  • Make a ticket and give it to the girl

Object Shards

You can earn these shards anywhere in the game, and can see your progress from the menu.


There is an achievement for getting all object shards in the Living category Living Large.

  • Mooooo: Make a cow and pet it
  • Age Old Riddle: Make a newspaper
  • Are You My Mommy: Make an egg and a sun above it
  • No Noggin: Make a headless horseman and give him a head
  • Self Glorification: Make any of the names from the credits screen (for example Jeremiah)
  • Conflict Resolution: Make a ninja and a pirate
  • Gnome Life: Make a living garden gnome
  • Skeleton Resurrection: Make a living skeleton
  • I Wanna Be A Real Duck: Make a living duck decoy
  • Pinocchio: Make a living marionette
  • No Harm No Fowl: Make a duck, give Maxwell a duck call and play music
  • Ding-A-Wing: Make a wingless bird, give Maxwell a bell and play music
  • Wax And Feathers: Make Icarus and a sun nearby
  • Cock-A-Doodle-Doo: Make a henhouse and put a rooster inside
  • Liar Liar Pants On Fire: Make a lawyer and a liar
  • That's My Lucky Coin: Make a leprechaun and a pot of gold, then empty the pot
  • Beauty And The Beast Mode: Make a werewolf beauty queen and a full moon
  • Six Feet Plunder: Make a grave and a grave robber
  • Winner Winner Chicken Dinner: Make a game show host and a contestant
  • To The Dogs: Make a dog trainer and an angry dog
  • Do As I Command: Make a general and a private
  • It Is Easy To See, Those Are Giants: Make Don Quixote and a windmill
  • Roller Rough Up: Make a roller derby and 2 roller derby girls
  • Here Kitty Kitty: Make a lion tamer and a lion
  • Use Your Inside Roar: Make a mute lion
  • No Bull: Make a bullfighter and a bull
  • I Want You To Help With Training: Make a boot camp and a soldier
  • The Caged Bird Never Sings: Make a birdcage and put a bird inside
  • Can't Make Him Drink: Make a horse and a water trough
  • Your Wish Is My Command: Make a genie lamp, empty it and use the genie to make a wish
  • Speaking To The Oysters: Make a walrus and a carpenter


There is an achievement for getting all object shards in the Food category Food Fight.

  • Cat-Toast Paradox: Make a cat, give some toast to Maxwell, and combine them
  • You Can't Make An Omelet Without: Make an egg and drop it to the ground
  • The Ultimate Food: Make some cheese, give grilled bread to Maxwell, and combine them
  • Heavenly Dessert: Make a angel and an angel food cake
  • So Good It's Bad: Make a devil and a devil food cake
  • Making Cookies: Make some cookie dough, give a cookie cutter to Maxwell, and use it
  • I Scream, You Scream: Make an icecream maker, then use it
  • It's So Easy: Make a baby, give it a lollipop, then steal it back
  • If You Play It They Will Come: Make an kid and an icecream truck, ride it, then play music
  • Rubber Turducken: Make a rubber duck, give a rubber chicken to Maxwell, and combine them
  • Spice Things Up: Make a spice rack, give spice to Maxwell, and put it in the rack
  • Good Gravy: Make a dining table and put a gravy boat on it
  • Who Me Couldn't Be: Make a cookie jar, then empty it
  • Let's Talk About Condiments: Make salt and pepper (condiment)
  • Chews Wisely: Make a gumball machine, then use it
  • Light Beverage: Make root beer, give ice cream to Maxwell, and combine them
  • He Takes What He Wants: Make honey and a honey badger
  • Bad Breath: Make French fries, give garlic to Maxwell, and combine them
  • Price Check On Register One: Make a cash register and shopping cart, put a banana in the cart and ride it
  • Ground To Dust: Make a mortar (container), give a pestle to Maxwell, then use it
  • Have Your Cake And Display It Too: Make a cake stand and put a cake on it
  • Oh Bother: Make a bear and a pot of honey
  • Express Delivery: Make a mailbox and put a coconut inside it
  • They See Me Rollin: Make some dough, give Maxwell a rolling pin, then use it
  • The Intern: Make a coffeemaker and use it
  • I'd Like To Make A Toast: Make a toaster, put bread in it and wait
  • Breakfast Club: Make a waffle maker and use it
  • All Dried Up: Make a food dehydrator, put an apple inside it, then empty it
  • I Think Therefore I Yam: Make a potato, give Maxwell a potato masher, then use it


There is an achievement for getting all object shards in the Vehicle category Cars, Trains, and Planes.

  • Witch Way: Ride a flying broom
  • Up Up And Away: Ride a backpack helicopter
  • No Stopping For Gas: Ride a tanker (plane) and use it
  • Board Of The Future: Ride a hoverboard
  • Expert Balloonist: Ride a hot air balloon
  • Built For Two: Ride a tandem bike and add another man
  • Dead To Rides: Make a coffin and put it in a hearse
  • Rescue Pilot: Make a paramedic and put him in a rescue helicopter
  • Emergency Response: Make a paramedic and put him in an ambulance
  • End Of The Train: Ride a caboose
  • Going Up: Ride a cherry picker and use it
  • The Way To See The City: Ride a doubledecker bus
  • Pull Over: Ride a police car and play sound
  • In Case Of Fire: Make a firefighter and put him in a fire truck
  • Out On Patrol: Make a policeman and put him in a police car
  • Taking Out The Trash: Ride a garbage truck, put garbage in it, make a dump and drive there
  • You're On A Boat: Ride a yacht
  • Living On The Water: Ride a houseboat
  • Your Biggest Fan: Ride an airboat
  • Abandon Ship: Ride a life boat
  • Hitting The Slopes: Give Maxwell a ski and a ski pole
  • Four Wheeler: Ride a golf cart
  • Roman Taxi: Ride a chariot


There is an achievement for getting all object shards in the Music category Jamming Out.

  • Out Of Tune: Make a guitar, give Maxwell a tuning wrench, then use it
  • Is This Annoying You: Make a vuvuzela and use it
  • Another Dime: Make a jukebox and use it
  • Back To Vinyl: Make a record player, give Maxwell a record, then use it
  • Harmonious: Make a harmonica and use it
  • Accordion To Who: Make a musician and give him an accordion
  • Snake Charmer: Make a snake, give a flute to Maxwell, then use it
  • A Shell Of An Instrument: Make a conch (music) and use it
  • Bang A Gong: Make a gong and a man, then give the man a mallet
  • Bag Of Hot Air: Make some bagpipes and use them
  • Down To Georgia: Make a devil and give him a violin
  • What Did Jerry Do: Make a didgeridoo and use it
  • Epic Drum Solo: Make a drum kit, then ride it and use it
  • Plucked By An Angel: Make an angel and give her a harp
  • Take A Seat: Make a piano, then ride a piano bench and play the piano
  • Here Boy: Make a dog, give Maxwell a dog whistle, then use it
  • Off-Key Works For Me: Make an autotuned man
  • Desperado: Make a guitar case and put a violin inside it
  • The Sight Of Music: Make a composer, give sheet music to Maxwell, then give it to the composer
  • Boisterous Revelry: Make a whoopee cushion and use it
  • Trumpet Care: Make a trumpet stand and put a trumpet on it
  • Stereophonic Sounds: Make a stereo, put a CD inside it, and use it
  • Keeping The Beat: Make a pianist and give him a metronome
  • I Can Hold A Tune: Make a guitar, give Maxwell a tuning fork and use the guitar
  • Sounds Funny: Make a clown and give him a slide whistle


There is an achievement for getting all object shards in the Tech category Playing with Gadgets.

  • Wash, Rinse, Dry: Make a dishwasher and put a dirty dish inside it
  • It's A Trap: Make a mouse (animal) and a mouse trap
  • The Clicker: Make a TV, give Maxwell a remote, and use the TV
  • There's A Smokey On Your Tail: Make a truck, put a trucker inside, give Maxwell a CB radio and use it
  • Say What: Make a deaf man and give them a hearing aid
  • Rise And Shine: Make a sleeping man and an alarm clock
  • Drop Me A Line: Give Maxwell a phone, then use it
  • Fire: Make a fire and a fire alarm
  • Clipped: Make a man, give Maxwell a nail clipper, then use it
  • One Armed Bandit: Make a slot machine and use it
  • Not The Sharpest Pencil In The Drawer: Make a pencil, give Maxwell a pencil sharpener, then use it
  • Firey Furnace: Make a kiln, put clay inside it, then empty it
  • Say Yes To Rugs: Make a loom and use it
  • Vend For Yourself: Make a vending machine, give Maxwell a coin, then put it in the vending machine
  • Duces Are Wild Wild Wild: Make a computer and a bookie
  • No Safe Is Safe: Make a safe and a safe cracker
  • Oh No My Particles Collided: Make a large hadron collider and use it
  • Double The Trouble: Make a cloning machine and use it
  • Money Laundering: Make a washing machine and put some money inside it
  • Where There's Smoke: Make a fire and a smoke detector
  • Click Click Click Ding: Make a typewriter and use it
  • Bumper Bonus: Make a pinball machine and use it
  • Gently Down The Stream: Ride a rowing machine
  • It's A Light Bat: Make a baseball bat (stand it up) and put a lamp shade on it
  • Are You Afraid Of The Dark: Make a street lamp and turn it on and off
  • Game Of The Year: Make "scribblenauts"


There is an achievement for getting all object shards in the Weapon category Fun with Weapons.

  • Projectile Saliva: Ride a camel and use it to spit
  • Don't Bug Me: Make a wasp, give Maxwell bug spray, then use it
  • You Say Potato, I Say Projectile: Give Maxwell a potato gun and attack something
  • Tank Commander: Ride a tank and attack something
  • Boom Goes The: Make dynamite and use it
  • Tanks For Playing: Make a tank, give Maxwell an anti-tank grenade, then use it
  • Pyrotechnically Awesome: Make a firecracker and burn it
  • I'd Stake Your Life On It: Give Maxwell a stake and use it on a vampire
  • Poke Em With The Sparky End: Give Maxwell a cattle prod and shock a cow
  • Timber: Give Maxwell a chainsaw and split a tree
  • Bang Bang: Make a silver hammer
  • Nice And Toasty: Give Maxwell a flamethrower and burn something
  • At Home On The Range: Make a shooting range and a sniper
  • Don't Cross Me: Give Maxwell a crossbow and attack something
  • Love Struck: Give Maxwell a cupid bow and attack a man
  • Holier Than Thou: Give Maxwell holy water and use it on a devil
  • Nailed It: Give Maxwell a nailgun and attack something
  • Sweet Dreams: Give Maxwell a tranquilizer gun and attack a man
  • You Summoned: Give Maxwell a necronomicon
  • I'm A Wizard: Give Maxwell a magic wand and attack something
  • Ouch My Eye: Give Maxwell a lance and the adjective "invincible", then attack a cyclops
  • Foiled Again: Give Maxwell a foil (weapon) and attack a fencer
  • Roshambo: Give Maxwell some scissors and use them on paper
  • I Can Shoot: Give Maxwell a sniper rifle and attack a can (from far away)
  • William Tell: Give Maxwell a longbow and attack an apple
  • Free Man: Give Maxwell a crowbar and use it on a crate


There is an achievement for getting all object shards in the Clothes category Fashion Statement.

  • A Spring In Your Step: Give Maxwell some springy boots
  • Hoppin' Costume: Give Maxwell a frog costume
  • Where'd You Go: Make a halfling and give him an invisibility ring
  • Lawman: Make a policeman and give him a sheriff badge
  • Gold Medalist: Make an athlete and give him a gold medal
  • PBJ Time: Give Maxwell a banana costume and a maraca
  • Honey I'm Home: Give Maxwell a bee costume and walk to a hive
  • Hats Off To You: Make a hat and put it on a hat rack
  • I'd Like To Return These: Make a shoe and put it in a shoebox
  • Who's Got The Foot Long: Give Maxwell a hotdog costume
  • Laundry Day: Make some dirty clothes and put them in a hamper
  • Waggle Dance: Give Maxwell a bee costume and walk to a dance floor
  • Messy Eater: Give Maxwell a bib
  • My Body Is My Weapon: Give Maxwell a black belt
  • Hop To It: Give Maxwell a bunny costume
  • Scribble Cum Laude: Give Maxwell a graduation cap
  • Let's Go Team: Give Maxwell a cheerleader costume
  • Dressing To Dress: Give Maxwell a chef costume
  • Where's The Fire: Give Maxwell a fireman costume
  • Don't Let The Bed Bugs Bite: Give Maxwell some pyjamas
  • After Further Review: Give Maxwell a referee costume
  • There's Snowshoe Better: Give Maxwell some snowshoes
  • Safety At Sea: ride a boat, then give Maxwell a life jacket
  • Kiss The Chef: Give Maxwell an apron, then use a barbecue
  • Too Hot To Touch: Give Maxwell some oven mitts, then pick up a hot stone


There is an achievement for getting all object shards in the Misc category The Kitchen Sink.

  • Don't Forget To Wash Your Hands: Make a toilet and use it
  • It Doesn't Flush: Make an outhouse and use it
  • What Did I Do: Add the adjective "scribblephobic" to Maxwell
  • Dance Party: Make a dancefloor and put a dancer on it
  • Yo Dawg, I Heard You Like: Make a sandbox
  • Make It Rain: Give Maxwell a rain stick and use it
  • Not So Boring Barn: Make a blue barn
  • Daycare Day Job: Make a daycare and put a baby inside
  • Light The Fuse And Get Away: Make a bottle rocket and use it
  • War And Peace: Make war and give it a white dove
  • Who Needs Matches: Make tinder, give Maxwell a flint, then use it
  • Scaredy Crow: Make a crow and a scarecrow
  • I'd Like To Thank The Academy: Make an actor and give him a trophy
  • Weaving So Soon: Make a weaver (human) and give her some yarn
  • What A Shamrock: Make a leprechaun and give him a four leaf clover
  • Cure For The Common Gold: Give Maxwell a magic wand and attack some fools gold
  • Order In The Court: Make a judge and a court
  • Am I To Be Or Not To Be A Writer: Make Shakespeare and give him a book
  • Hula Hula: Make a hula dancer and give her a hula hoop
  • Exhibit A: Make a prosecutor and give him evidence
  • As Important As The Line And Wings: Make a wooden cube
  • Sanctuary Seating: ride a pew
  • Close Your Eyes: Make the Ark of the Covenant and empty it
  • Troy To Look Surprised: Make a Trojan horse and empty it
  • It's More Fun With The Pieces: Make a chess board and put a chess piece on it
  • Waste Not Want Not: Make a recycling bin and put paper inside it
  • Breaking The Bank: Give Maxwell a hammer and attack a piggy bank
  • Strike: Give Maxwell a bowling ball and throw it at a bowling pin
  • Clean Is A Relative Term: Give Maxwell a toilet brush and use it to clean a toilet
  • Table Tennis Menace: Give Maxwell a ping pong ball and throw it at a ping pong table
  • Aced: Give Maxwell a racquet and use it to hit a tennis ball
  • Nap Time: Ride a hammock

There are two final achievements for collecting all of the object shards in every category Notepad Explorer, and for collecting every Starite in the entire game Starite Get!.