The Da Vinci Cryptex 2
Game Details: Puzzle, 2023
Steam Achievements: Completed (5/5)
Links: Moby Games, Steam, Adventure Gamers
Walkthrough Updated: 12/26/2023
Suggested Listening: Give Up Now (Ash 25)
Rooms 1-10
Room 1
Add or subtract letter positions for each of the items on the left page to get H, E, K, J, U. Place these in the order indicate on the right page and enter this solution: KUHJE.
Room 2
For the square on the left, each row contains 2 numbers that when multiplied together give the final number; the missing number is 3. Follow the directions of the square on the right page and find the corresponding numbers 7, 14, 1, 3, 15. Convert the numbers to letters and enter this solution: GNACO.
Room 3
Each of the letters on the left is separated by an increasing gap in the alphabet if reading from the top, so the missing letter is N. Rearrange the letters based on the Roman numeral order on the second page and enter this solution: HSZNW.
Room 4
Find the capital letters in the text and enter this solution: BAURE.
Room 5
In each box, find the difference between the top two numbers and add it to the next number to get the bottom number. The missing number is therefore 14. The number sequence marked by crosses is 10, 11, 9, 14, 18. Convert the numbers to letters and enter this solution: JKINR.
Room 6
Count the number of lines making up each shape to get the sequence 6, 9, 8, 6, 14. Convert the numbers to letters and enter this solution: FIHFN.
Room 7
Simply ignore the dots in the numbers and read upwards to get the sequence 20, 19, 5, 21, 3. Convert the numbers to letters and enter this solution: TSEUC.
Room 8
Work out the number values for each letter (G=8, A=2, L=1, B=5, E=9), giving the sequence 8, 2, 1, 5, 9. Convert the numbers to letters and enter this solution: HBAEI.
Room 9
Find the letters at each of the coordinates indicated and enter this solution: DEAQU.
Room 10
Solve the magic square on the left, where each row and column must add up to 9. Follow the directions of the square on the right page and find the corresponding numbers 2, 2, 3, 3, 4. Convert the numbers to letters and enter this solution: BBCCD 10 Enigmas.
Rooms 11-20
Room 11
Work out the missing numbers at each of the dots to make correct equations; each dot represents a different number. The missing numbers in the box are 5, 4, 8, 0, 9. The 0 cannot be converted correctly to a letter, so you have to use the closest one. Convert the numbers to letters and enter this solution: EDHAI.
Room 12
Making sure to use the substituted symbols from the right page, solve the equation to get the answer 2363. Convert the numbers to letters and add the letter T as given, then enter this solution: BCFCT.
Room 13
For each line, the answer on the right is the number of enclosed areas in the 5-digit number. The missing numbers are 4 and 6, so the whole sequence is 5, 3, 8, 4, 6. Convert the numbers to letters and enter this solution: ECHDF.
Room 14
Each column contains consecutive letters of the alphabet, and you just need to find the missing letters, then enter this solution: SVFLK.
Room 15
You are given the row and column sums and need to work out the values for each of the symbols, which are 3, 4 and 5. The values at the indicated spaces are therefore 3, 5, 3, 4, 3. Convert the numbers to letters and enter this solution: CECDC.
Room 16
Work out the missing numbers to get a valid equation; each question mark represents a different number. The missing numbers in the order indicated on the right page are 4, 1, 9, 3, 5. Convert the numbers to letters and enter this solution: DAICE.
Room 17
For each group of letters, the spacing between the letters is constant. Work out the missing letters and enter this solution: UOWKD.
Room 18
The number is the middle circle is related to the numbers in the outer circle by a different mechanism; the common value is 3. The numbers in order based on the right page are 11, 1, 7, 15, 3. Convert the numbers to letters and enter this solution: KAGOC.
Room 19
Each square is constructed by adding the top and left numbers and subtracting the bottom and right numbers. The number at the far top left is incorrect and should be 9. The missing number in the bottom-right square should be 3. Convert the numbers to letters and add the letter M as given, then enter this solution: CQCHM.
Room 20
Solve the magic square on the left, where each row and column must add up to 15. Follow the directions of the square on the right page and find the corresponding numbers 1, 3, 8, 6, 2. Convert the numbers to letters and enter this solution: ACHFB 20 Enigmas.
Rooms 21-30
Room 21
For each square, the letters go up in a pattern, in the direction indicated by the shape on the right page. The missing letters in the bottom right square are N, P, S. You need to now look at the letters indicated by the small arrows, and follow the order of the arrow in the very center to work out this solution: DVSNT.
Room 22
Count the number of times the letter O appears in each word to get the sequence 3, 1, 1, 2, 3. Convert the numbers to letters and enter this solution: CAABC.
Room 23
For each equation, you must square the first number and add the second number to get the solution. The fourth equation is wrong. The missing number is 18, so the whole sequence is 6, 12, 9, 15, 18. Convert the numbers to letters and enter this solution: FLIOR.
Room 24
In each shape, the letters on the right are 3 more than the letters on the left. Find the missing letters and enter this solution: REPNN.
Room 25
The numbers in the middle square are the sums of the values in the larger outer squares, so the missing numbers in order are 16, 20, 6, 18. Convert the numbers to letters and add the letter M as given, then enter this solution: PTFRM.
Room 26
For each square, the letters go up in a pattern. Work out the missing letters and enter this solution: ZMMDE.
Room 27
On each line, find the letter in the position indicated by the associated number, then enter this solution: MUOTS.
Room 28
For each of the larger inner triangles, the sum of the 3 bottom triangles gives the value for the one above. The missing numbers are 6 and 11, so the whole sequence is 6, 12, 11, 3, 7. Convert the numbers to letters and enter this solution: FLKCG.
Room 29
Compare the two pages and find matching letters in the same positions. Put these together and enter this solution: WTLGB.
Room 30
For each triangle, add the two numbers to the bottom-left and subtract the other number to get the answer. The whole sequence is 3, 6, 6, 7, 1. Convert the numbers to letters and enter this solution: CFFGA 30 Enigmas.
Rooms 31-40
Room 31
Each row in the grid on the left page shows numbers in either ascending or descending order with a fixed interval. The missing numbers in order are 7, 17, 20, 11, 16. Convert the numbers to letters and enter this solution: GQTKP.
Room 32
Follow the arrow within the circle to the numbers 12, 10, 15, 7, 18. Convert the numbers to letters and enter this solution: LJOGR.
Room 33
Each of the numbers in the circles has digits that add up to 6. Enter this solution: FFFFF.
Room 34
Just look at the letters that the two clock hands point to, which are VII and XI. Enter this solution: VIIXI.
Room 35
There are a series of numbers on the right page which are 8, 1, 5, 7, 9. Follow the path of numbers on the left page and count the appropriate letters from the starting position, then enter this solution: GBQEP.
Room 36
With each pair of letters, they are at opposite positions in the alphabet, so the missing letters are S and O. You need to select either the first or second letter in each pair based on the Roman numerals on the second page. The Roman numeral at the bottom is incorrect and should be II. Enter this solution: WISUO.
Room 37
For this puzzle you need to find letters that are repeated 4, 5, 3, 6 and 1 times in the grid. Enter this solution: GSHRF.
Room 38
Follow the path indicated on the right page to identify letters on the left page, then enter this solution: BRLFX.
Room 39
The circles all contain a letter of the alphabet in the normal order, from A to Y. Read this backwards and only use the black circles, then enter this solution: XSOLF.
Room 40
For this puzzle, the numbers are just made up of the numeric positions of the letters in the alphabet. SWE is therefore equivalent to 19235. Convert the numbers to letters and enter this solution: AIBCE 40 Enigmas.
Rooms 41-50
Room 41
For each series of letters, the second part just moves each letter forward once in the alphabet. Enter this solution: EPMPS.
Room 42
Add up the digits in each number to get the sequence 11, 8, 13, 18, 9. Convert the numbers to letters and enter this solution: KHMRI.
Room 43
Read a series of five numbers from the symbol on the left page: 6, 8, 9, 4, 1. Convert the numbers to letters and enter this solution: FHIDA.
Room 44
There are 9 cubes in the left pattern, so enter this solution: IIIII.
Room 45
Rearrange the letters on the left page in the order of the Roman numerals on the right page, and enter this solution: HAZEL.
Room 46
Find the positions of the letters in the right word on the clock to get the sequence 2, 5, 7, 8, 11. Convert the numbers to letters and enter this solution: BEGHK.
Room 47
Count the number of white dots in each shape to get the sequence 6, 8, 11, 7, 7. Convert the numbers to letters and enter this solution: FHKGG.
Room 48
Find each of the letters on the left page corresponding with the positions of the black squares on the right page, then enter this solution: RTSMS.
Room 49
The masks associated with the letters M, R and X are incomplete so these letters should be excluded. Enter this solution: NLATH.
Room 50
In each shape, the numbers associated with the left letters should be multiplied by 2 to get the right letters, and multiplied by 3 to get the bottom letters. The missing letters are therefore O, X and N. The letters for the solutions are the ones in the gray boxes, so enter this solution: LCOXN 50 Enigmas.