The Da Vinci CryptexThe Da Vinci Cryptex

Game Details:  Puzzle, 2023

Steam Achievements:  Completed (5/5)

Links:  Moby Games, Steam

Walkthrough Updated:  2/25/2024

Suggested Listening:  Give Up Now (Ash 25)

The Da Vinci Cryptex is a puzzle game where you are provided with a series of 50 word puzzles. For each puzzle you must work out the series of letters that give the solution, then enter this into a cryptex so you can exit the current room. The series continues with The Da Vinci Cryptex 2.

Rooms 1-10

Room 1

Find the capital letters in the text (except the first one) and enter this solution: UMSNL.

Room 2

Follow the pattern of numbers indicated by the circles to get the sequence 1, 7, 23, 13, 19. Convert the numbers to letters and enter this solution: AGWMS.

Room 3

There is a series of 3 symbols that must be converted to numbers, using a series of provided equations. The numbers written in order from top to bottom on the right page are 1, 8, 4, 11, 3. Convert the numbers to letters and enter this solution: AHDKC.

Room 4

Count the number of dots in each pattern to get the sequence 4, 11, 7, 1, 6. Add 1 to each of these based on the hint at the top left, to get the sequence 5, 12, 8, 2, 7. Convert the numbers to letters and enter this solution:ELHBG.

Room 5

Look at the series of Qs and you will find a single O. Enter this solution: OOOOO.

Room 6

Read the letters backwards and enter this solution: EDICT.

Room 7

Each cube on the left has three letters, and each letter is 3 spaces apart in the alphabet. The missing letters on the final cube are U and X. The solution is based on the letters on the marked faces of the cubes. Enter this solution: EFSUX.

Room 8

For each row of numbers, add up the first two numbers then multiple by 2 to get the other two numbers. The missing numbers are 4, 2, 4 and 2. The solution is based on the numbers at the red dots, which are 6, 4, 2, 4, 2. Convert the numbers to letters and enter this solution: FDBDB.

Room 9

Each row of numbers contains 65, 73 and 92. The missing sequence is 659273, so the numbers you need are 6, 5, 9, 2, 7. Convert the numbers to letters and enter this solution: FEIBG.

Room 10

Count the number of small cubes required to make up each colored shape: 8, 7, 9, 14, 5. Convert the numbers to letters and enter this solution: HGINE 10 Enigmas.

Rooms 11-20

Room 11

Combine or subtract the shapes of the letters for each equation to get E, K, O, V, N. Rearrange these based on the order on the second page and enter this solution: OEVNK.

Room 12

Follow the path through the letters along the red arrow and count to the positions indicated on the right page. Enter this solution: FATXE.

Room 13

For each column of numbers, the bottom number is the sum of the others divided by 3. The final number is therefore 15374. Convert the numbers to letters and enter this solution: AECGD.

Room 14

For each sum, add the numeric values of the letters plus the row number. The final equation is 7+9+5 = 21. All of the sums are 7, 16, 16, 17, 21. Convert the numbers to letters and enter this solution: GPPQU.

Room 15

Look at the times on the clocks, 6:15, 9:10, 10:00, then change these to a series of numbers 6, 15, 9, 10, 10. Convert the numbers to letters and enter this solution: ENHII.

Room 16

For each of the numbers, the part after the decimal point is the sum of the digits before it. The missing numbers are 15 and 22, so the whole number sequence in the correct order is 15, 11, 22, 8, 16. Convert the numbers to letters and enter this solution: OKVHP.

Room 17

Add the letters to the number values to end up with the solution: HFOPH

Room 18

Look through the list of words and find the letters that are mentioned more than once, then enter this solution: EARON.

Room 19

Each row increases in total value by 1, so the missing numbers are 8, 3, 12, 8, 5. Convert the numbers to letters and enter this solution: HCLHE.

Room 20

Reverse the order of the word and enter the solution: LIBIS 20 Enigmas.

Rooms 21-30

Room 21

For each symbol, you must multiple the number that is written by the number of circles. This results in the sequence 8, 18, 15, 14, 24. Convert the numbers to letters and enter this solution: HRONX.

Room 22

The text contains five letters that have been replaced by the numbers 3, 1, 4, 3, 5. Convert the numbers to letters and enter this solution: CADCE.

Room 23

The interval between each of the letters on the top row increases gradually from 2 to 5. Repeat this pattern starting with K on the bottom row, then enter this solution: KMPTY.

Room 24

If you look closely at the pattern on the left page you will see letters written sideways. Enter this solution: FXLBH.

Room 25

Each row contains a description of what is on the row above, so the final row should be 132117. Ignoring the last number, convert the numbers to letters and enter this solution: ACBAA.

Room 26

Rotate the shapes counterclockwise. Now each shape contains a number and a mirror image of the number. The numbers are 5, 3, 7, 2, 9. Convert the numbers to letters and enter this solution: ECGBI.

Room 27

You need to locate letters in the grid, making sure to read the coordinates from right to left as indicated by the arrow. Enter this solution: RTUDL.

Room 28

Locate the odd numbers on each row, which are 15, 19, 5, 13, 7. Convert the numbers to letters and enter this solution: OSEMG.

Room 29

Paying attention to the arrows on the right page, you can fill in the grid with the alphabet. You need to find the letters in the white spaces, so enter this solution: BFJMQ.

Room 30

Rearrange the provided letters from smallest circle to largest circle and enter this solution: SLNWP 30 Enigmas.

Rooms 31-40

Room 31

The letters around the triangle increase by the same interval, so the missing letters are B, W and Z. Now you need to just use the letters in black circles, so enter this solution: BEKWZ.

Room 32

Starting from the Z, work your way back through the alphabet using the same interval, so the missing letters are V, T, P, N and L. Enter this solution: VTPNL.

Room 33

Find the number of ways you can fit each of the shapes on the right page into the drawing on the left page (including rotated), which are 12, 12, 1, 3. Convert the numbers to letters and add the letter G as indicated, then enter this solution: LLACG.

Room 34

Rearrange the provided letters from thickest rectangle to thinnest rectangle and enter this solution: YHEMB.

Room 35

Follow the path on the right page through the letters on the left page, then enter this solution: LBYCN.

Room 36

Find shapes hidden in each of the symbols, then order them based on the numbers on the right page. Enter this solution: YODES.

Room 37

Choose the last or first letters from each line of text based on the positions of the crosses, then enter this solution: MDRAD.

Room 38

For each of the sequences on the left page, find the item on the right page that continues the sequence (V, 4, 7, L, IX). Find the associated letters just to the right and enter this solution: PHQVG.

Room 39

Read along the text and only take notice of the numbers, which are 7, 12, 3, 16, 21. Convert the numbers to letters and enter this solution: GLCPU.

Room 40

Perform the division as written to get the answer 320278. Breaking this down into smaller numbers based on the dots below gives you 3, 20, 2, 7, 8. Convert the numbers to letters and enter this solution: CTBGH 40 Enigmas.

Rooms 41-50

Room 41

Match up the numbers with compass directions to get E, N, SW, S. Put these together and enter this solution: ENSWS.

Room 42

The letters on the right page are the first letters in each word on the left page. Continue the sequence and enter this solution: IYCBB.

Room 43

Ignore most of the numbers and just look at the right column, completing the pattern of 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. Convert the numbers to letters and enter this solution: EFGHI.

Room 44

Rotate the image on the left to see a series of letters, then enter this solution: SOLIE.

Room 45

Look at each clock and find the Roman numerals that are incorrect: VII, VII, VI, X, II. Convert the numbers to letters and enter this solution: GGFJB.

Room 46

Count the number of zeros in each number from bottom to top to get the sequence 3, 5, 2, 3, 1. Convert the numbers to letters and enter this solution: CEBCA.

Room 47

The sum of the numbers at the points of the triangle is 15 (same as the sum of the sides). Starting from 15, add or subtract the values of the letters on the right to end up with Q, K, U, J, W. Enter this solution: QKUJW.

Room 48

Look at the relative positions of the balls on the lines, starting from the one furthest left and going to the one furthest right. Enter this solution: RVMBX.

Room 49

Find the different letter within each group: R, N, B, V, F. Enter this solution: RNBVF.

Room 50

Find the numbers within the text, which are 5, 1, 3, 1, 8. Convert the numbers to letters and enter this solution: EACAH 50 Enigmas.