The Da Vinci Cryptex 3The Da Vinci Cryptex 3

Game Details:  Puzzle, 2023

Steam Achievements:  Completed (5/5)

Links:  Moby Games, Steam

Walkthrough Updated:  2/3/2024

Suggested Listening:  Help Me Out (Ash 25)

The Da Vinci Cryptex 3 is a puzzle game where you are provided with a series of 50 word puzzles, and follows after the previous game, The Da Vinci Cryptex 2. For each puzzle you must work out the series of letters that give the solution, then enter this into a cryptex so you can exit the current room.

Rooms 1-10

Room 1

Change the order of the letters in the word ASTRA based on the Roman numerals on the second page. Enter this solution: TAARS.

Room 2

Find the letters in the positions marked by the X on each row, then enter this solution: QPPAU.

Room 3

Each letter on the right is 1 position forward in the alphabet compared to the letters on the left. Work out the circled letters and enter this solution: REKBY.

Room 4

Work out the positions of the minute hands on each clock, and which letters these indicate. The H in the middle of the pages goes at the end of the code. Enter this solution: PAXFH.

Room 5

The sum of each row on the left page increases by 4, so the missing numbers are 8 and 4. You should find the numbers in the positions indicated by the Roman numerals to get the sequence 6, 8, 1, 4, 4. Convert the numbers to letters and enter this solution: FHADD.

Room 6

The result of each equation is the sum on the left plus 1. The missing number is therefore 15, giving the sequence 7, 13, 9, 11, 15. Convert the numbers to letters and enter this solution: GMIKO.

Room 7

Each equation is based on the numeric position of the letters in the alphabet. The missing letters are therefore C, L and V. Enter this solution: LUCLV.

Room 8

You need to count the number of squares of all sizes within each of the shapes, considering the shapes in the order of Roman numerals. This gives you the sequence 14, 2, 5, 7, 3. Convert the numbers to letters and enter this solution: NBEGC.

Room 9

Add the first number to twice the second number, and this gives the third number. Order the third numbers by the smaller numbers to get the sequence 15, 16, 20, 19, 11. Convert the numbers to letters and enter this solution: OPTSK.

Room 10

The middle letter of each row is calculated by the sum of the numeric values of the left and right letters. The missing letters are therefore Q, P and G. Arrange the letters based on the arrow through the black squares on the right page and enter this solution: CPLGQ 10 Enigmas.

Rooms 11-20

Room 11

Each digit corresponds to a letter based on its numeric position in the alphabet. Enter this solution: IHIHI.

Room 12

Add one to the first number of each equation and multiply by the second number to get the answer. This gives you the sequence 8, 18, 21, 8, 24. Convert the numbers to letters and enter this solution: HRUHX.

Room 13

In each shape, the number at the bottom indicates which of the 3 letters is correct. Enter this solution: DMAWT.

Room 14

Only consider the odd numbers to get the sequence 7, 21, 19, 15, 11. Convert the numbers to letters and enter this solution: GUSOK.

Room 15

Follow the arrow on the right page and find the letters corresponding to the dots. Enter this solution: CKMWT.

Room 16

The gap between pairs of letters increases on each line, so the missing letters are N and T. Enter this solution: TNIEB.

Room 17

Find the letters on the left page that match the positions of numbers on the right page. Enter this solution: MLZEG.

Room 18

The numbers on the right page indicate coordinates in which to find letters in the grid on the left page. Enter this solution: FADFY.

Room 19

In each small grid, if you add the pairs of digit values one does not match. This gives the sequence 15, 17, 12, 13, 25. Convert the numbers to letters and enter this solution: OQLMY.

Room 20

As you follow the path of each arrow, the numeric value of the letter is doubled, so the missing letters are J, P, Z, L and X. Enter this solution: JPZLX 20 Enigmas.

Rooms 21-30

Room 21

Since there is a large number 3 on the right page, you need to consider the 3rd line on the left page. Change the order of the letters in the word LOOBD based on the Roman numerals on the second page. Enter this solution: OLDOB.

Room 22

Subtract one from the first number and multiply by the second number to get the third number. This gives you the sequence 21, 25, 12, 18, 12. Convert the numbers to letters and enter this solution: UYLRL.

Room 23

Add the numbers to the numeric values of the letters at corresponding locations on the left page. This gives you the sequence 4, 10, 20, 21, 19. Convert the numbers to letters and enter this solution: DJTUS.

Room 24

Order the suns from smallest to largest. Enter this solution: EBCAD.

Room 25

Add the two top numbers from each circle and multiple by 2 to get the bottom number. This gives you the sequence 16, 12, 12, 18, 20. Convert the numbers to letters and enter this solution: PLLRT.

Room 26

The 5 shapes vaguely look like letters of the alphabet. Enter this solution: AOPDB.

Room 27

Find the letters on the left page in similar positions to the first 5 numbers on the right page. Enter this solution: KXAMD.

Room 28

For each equation to be correct, you need to progressively add 1 more to the result. The missing numbers are 14 and 24. Convert the numbers to letters and enter this solution: XNSMJ.

Room 29

Count the total number of triangles in the shape on the left to get the number 13. Convert this to the letter M, then enter this solution: MMMMM.

Room 30

On each cube, the letters move progressively through the alphabet by 3. The missing letters are H, U and R. Order them by the Roman numbers and enter this solution: TRMUH 30 Enigmas.

Rooms 31-40

Room 31

Only paying attention to the last 2 digits in each number gives you the sequence 21, 9, 15, 3, 25. Convert the numbers to letters and enter this solution: UIOCY.

Room 32

From the start of the letters on the left page, count to the positions of each of the 5 numbers in the dates. Enter this solution: OORTA.

Room 33

Multiply each of the left numbers by 3 to get the right numbers, then consider the numbers in positions marked by the line on the right page to get the sequence 2, 7, 21, 15, 24. Convert the numbers to letters and enter this solution: BGUOX.

Room 34

Subtract the numeric value of the letters of the second line from those of the first line. Enter this solution: FHDDI.

Room 35

Rotate the symbol to vaguely see the letter M. Enter this solution: MMMMM.

Room 36

Copy the letters of the word from right to left, indicated by the eye symbol on the right page. Enter this solution: NEVES.

Room 37

Each number in the shape is the sum of the numbers above-left and left, plus 1. The missing number is therefore 18. Convert this to the letter R, then enter this solution: RRRRR.

Room 38

Read the letters upside down, indicated by the bat drawing on the right page. Enter this solution: SILLE.

Room 39

The digits on the right page indicate letters from the left page with the same number of straight lines. Enter this solution: NOWLI.

Room 40

The letter L is missing from the left page. Enter this solution: LLLLL 40 Enigmas.

Rooms 41-50

Room 41

Multiply each number on the left by itself to get the sequence 16, 4, 25, 9, 1. Convert the numbers to letters and enter this solution: PDYIA.

Room 42

Follow the arrow and diamonds on the right page, finding letters in matching positions on the left page. Enter this solution: NLXRJ.

Room 43

The missing numbers are the adjacent numbers multiplied by 3. This will give you the sequence 12, N, 15, 21, 18. Convert the numbers to letters and enter this solution: LNOUR.

Room 44

Follow the direction of the arrow and find the 5 letters that are not the letter P. Enter this solution: RRRRB.

Room 45

For each successive number, multiply the previous number by 2 and subtract 1. This will give you the sequence 2, 3, 5, 9, 17. Convert the numbers to letters and enter this solution: BCEIQ.

Room 46

Each letter is followed by the letter at the other end of the alphabet. The missing letters are V, E, U, F. Enter this solution: VEUFM.

Room 47

Rearrange the letters based on the number of adjacent straight lines. Enter this solution: AHTFS.

Room 48

Add the numeric values of the individual letters to get the numbers, so the missing numbers are 17 and 19. Order them by the Roman numerals, convert the numbers to letters and enter this solution: VSRQO.

Room 49

Consider only the numbers from 1-26 to get the sequence 12, 7, 17, 14, 16. Convert the numbers to letters and enter this solution: LGQNP.

Room 50

Each letter on the left is 3 spaces forward in the alphabet compared with the adjacent letter on the right. The missing letters are K, X, S, R and J. Enter this solution: KXSRJ 50 Enigmas.