Underground BlossomUnderground Blossom

Game Details:  Mystery, 2023

Steam Achievements:  Completed (35/35)

Links:  Moby Games, Steam, Adventure Gamers

Walkthrough Updated:  4/23/2024

Suggested Listening:  Where There's Smoke (Ash 25)

Underground Blossom is an adventure set in the Rusty Lake universe. You must travel to a series of stations in an underground metro, leading through important events in the life of Laura Vanderboom. This walkthrough includes The Lab DLC.

Chapter 1

Crib Station

Exit the train. Talk to Rose, then click on the suitcase. Open the latches, then lift the lid and take the matches and the bottle with milk. Next examine the baby stroller. Turn right and open the toolbox, taking out the cloth and the iron saw. Back out, then look at the grate in the ground. Use the iron saw on the left rod, then break off the rod. Use the rod to knock the key over to the left so you can pick it up. Back out again.

Turn around and approach the left ticket booth. Use the key on the lock, then turn the key and lift up the door. Use the rod to poke the ticket attendant 3 times and she will wake up. Talk to her, and she will ask you for a coin. Back out again.

Turn right and examine the baby stroller. Pull down the blanket and take the safety pin, then click Laura repeatedly Are you proud of yourself?!. Now use the cloth and the safety pin on Laura. Give the bottle with milk to Laura, then click on the diaper until you take it Fast metabolism. Back out and turn left. Examine the trash can. Remove the lid of the trash can, then put the dirty diaper inside. Use your matches on the trash can, then touch it and it will explode. Pick up the scraper, then back out.

Turn around and examine the sign on the wall. Use your scraper on it repeatedly, and take note of the 2 symbols at the bottom. Back out and turn left, then examine the woman's golden timepiece. Click on the 4 segments that make up the symbols you just saw - you will reveal a clock showing the time 10:15. Back out and turn around. Examine the clock here and set the time to 10:15.

Once the train arrives, open the doors and talk to the ticket inspector. Open his pocket and click on it to get a coin. Back out and turn right. Approach the ticket booth and talk to the ticket attendant, then give her the coin and take a metro ticket. Back out again and turn left, then talk to the ticket inspector and present your ticket. Drag it towards the punch, then into the punch. Talk to the ticket inspector again, then board the train. Close the doors, then click them again to leave this station Departing Crib Station.

Chapter 2

Child Lane

Exit the train. Talk to Rose and Laura. Examine the metal panel on the wall here, then use your scraper to remove the old gum. Back out and give the old gum to Laura. Click on her mouth, then the bubble, then take the chewed gum. Back out.

Turn left and click on Laura (behind the bench). Turn around and click on Laura again (behind the newspaper stand). Turn around again and click on Laura (behind the statue). Turn around and talk to Laura, than take the glass panel from her. Back out and turn left. Examine the stained glass window at the top-right. Insert the glass panel, then flip the panels to create a picture of a tree. Take the crank from the compartment that opens. Back out again.

Turn right and examine the Holidays poster on the wall. You need to click on the items in the poster from small to big A place of relaxation:

  1. Glass
  2. Hat
  3. Kite
  4. Camel
  5. Plane
  6. Pyramid
  7. Sun

Take the key from the top left of the poster. Turn around and pick up the rolled up poster from the ground. Turn back around and place this poster in the blank frame on the left. Put your chewed gum near the bottom of the frame, then drag the poster down and it will stick. Now click on these items in this poster, following the instructions that appear:

  1. Mouth
  2. Eyes
  3. Bracelet
  4. Hair
  5. Eyes
  6. Mouth
  7. Box

Take note of the number that is shown (53114). Back out and examine the newspaper stand. Insert your crank and turn it. Now repeatedly click the Photo Service sign Bothersome. Take the newspaper, then back out and turn around. Talk to the man on the seat, then give him the newspaper. Examine the newspaper. Now you need to rearrange the titles so they match the images. The correct order (from top-left to bottom-right) is as follows:

  • Birthday Massacre
  • Hotel Renovation
  • Factory Opened
  • Ageless Dog
  • New Station Opening!
  • Holiday Season
  • Suitcase Found
  • Painting Lost

Now open the man's pocket and take his coin. Back out and turn right. Approach the phone booth and use your key in the lock, then turn it. Examine the phone. Insert the coin, then dial the number 53114 (from the poster). Listen to the phone until you automatically hang up again. Back out.

Turn left and look at the statue. Click on both of its eyes. Back out and look at the base of the statue to see the bottom has partially opened. Insert the rod here and pull it down then out, and the section will open further, revealing the number 8827. Back out again, then look at the small case next to the man on the bench. Open this with the combination 8827. Back out and open the lid, taking out the camera. Back out again.

Turn around and give the camera to Laura. Click on the camera so she takes 3 photos, then back out and turn left. Talk to the corrupted soul twice, then back out and turn around. After the train leaves, examine the bag on the ground. Read the letter, and take the golden timepiece and the nut driver. Back out.

Turn around and examine the metal panel again. Use the nut driver on all 4 corners, then remove the metal panel and pick up the glass panel. Back out, then examine the stained glass window at the top-left. Insert the glass panel, then flip the panels to create a picture of a building with its reflection. Take the clock hand from the compartment that opens. Back out again.

Turn left and look at the base of the statue. Close the compartment and pick up the roll of film. Back out and turn around, then approach the newspaper stand. Put the roll of film in the box here, then click the Photo Service sign - you will be told to come back in 20 minutes. Back out and turn right. Adjust the clock here so that the single hand points to the IIII. Back out and turn left, then go to the newspaper stand and open the envelope. Move the pictures around so you can see the time on the clock. Back out again.

Turn right and look at the clock again. Attach your clock hand to the clock, then adjust the time to 4:05 and back out. After the train arrives, turn left. Look at the stained glass windows - each has a symbol at the bottom, and a number of squares in the grid highlighted. Turn around and notice the same thing on the stained glass windows here. Now look at the panel on the left wall. You need to press buttons corresponding to the locations of the various shapes:

Press the orange button, then take the metro ticket. Back out and turn left. Open the train doors, then talk to the ticket inspector and present your ticket. Drag it towards the punch, then into the punch. Talk to the ticket inspector again, then board the train. Close the doors, then click them again to leave this station Departing Child Lane.

Chapter 3

School Street

Exit the train and talk to Laura. Look at the packet of peanuts on the floor to the left - open the packet and take out a peanut. Next look at the paper on the floor to the right, and click on it repeatedly until it turns into a paper plane that you can pick up. Turn right and examine the can on the ground. Use your nut driver on it twice, then pick up a sausage.

Look at the group of students here. Throw your paper plane at the girl on the right and she will be scared - take it back again. Search the pockets of the next girl to the right to find an earring in one of them (you cannot take it). Throw your peanut at the tall blonde boy with glasses to see his face puff up - take it back again.

Turn around and talk to the boy holding the book. Look inside the book to see that you need to match names with faces, and there are clues to the identities. Look at the group of students here. Put your sausage on the girl to the left, then click on her to make her sick - take the sausage back again. Notice that the other girl is missing an earring - search her pockets to find a folded note in the right one, then unfold it to see the message. Now look back at the book and arrange the photos as follows Can't sit with them:

  • Jimmy: Boy with blonde hair and glasses
  • Tess: Girl with short blonde hair
  • Alex: Girl with one earring
  • Hank: Boy with the book
  • Sam: Boy with curly orange hair
  • Johnny: Boy with blonde hair and a bag
  • Franky: Girl with curly brown hair
  • Bobby: Girl with brown hair and 2 buns
  • Laura: Girl with long blonde hair

Back out from the book and talk to Hank, who now wants a peanut, then a paper plane, then a sausage. Give him all of these things, then talk to him again and take the worm he offers. Look up at the window here and give the worm to the bird. Click on the bird, then on the egg. Look down at the students and click repeatedly on Johnny Not cool Johnny.

Examine the fallen bag and open it. Measure each of the items using the marks on the side of the triangle. Now open the locked diary using a code based on these lengths (637). Take the photos from inside the diary. Back out again.

Turn right and give the photos to Laura, who tells you the train will arrive at 14:45. Look at the ticket machine here. You need to press the buttons in an order indicated by the arrows on the buttons. For example:


Grab the metro ticket. Back out and turn around. Examine the clock and change the time to 2:45. Open the train doors, then talk to the ticket inspector and present your ticket. Drag it towards the punch, then into the punch. Talk to the ticket inspector again, then board the train. Close the doors, then click them again to leave this station Departing School Street.

Chapter 4

Bird Bridge Station

Exit the train and talk to Laura. Look at the box on the ground. Open both latches, then take out the piece of sausage and pencil. Look back at Laura's sketchbook. Put the pencil in her hand and move it around to draw a line, then pick up the line. Back out. Turn right and lift up the drain cover, then pick up the stick - it will stay on the ground here. Attach your line to the stick, then back out again.

Turn around and look at the poster on the wall. Click and hold to see a series of notes come out of the mouth. Back out and examine the musician, then the trumpet. Keep playing any single note repeatedly Music to die for. Now play the tune indicated by the poster (left, middle, right, left, middle, right). Once the music stops, click on the trumpet until the fish comes completely out. Back out, then examine the fish on the ground. Click on it, then take the hook. Back out again.

Turn around and look at the drain. Attach the hook to your line, then put your piece of sausage on the hook. Pick up the stick and lower it into the drain, then lift it up again and click on the rat. Turn around and click on the rat again, then on the hole where it escapes. Open the note to see the time of 5:00. Back out and turn left. Change the time on the clock to 5:00, then wait for the train to arrive. Open the train doors and click on the men to get them to exit to the platform.

Talk to the man in the very middle (Robert) several times, until he gives you money. Talk to any of the other men. Turn left and talk to the man with the red hat. Next turn right and talk to the man with the brown suitcase. Take the glasses from his pocket, then talk to him again. Turn around and give the glasses to the man wearing the hard hat, then talk to him. Turn around and talk to the tall smiling man. Take the tie from his pocket, then talk to him again. Turn around and give the tie to the man who doesn't have one, then talk to him. Turn right and talk to the man with the green tie. Turn around and talk to the man with the red beard. Take the lighter from his pocket, then back out and the men will leave.

Turn around and approach the food and drinks stall. Give the man some money, then click on the sandwich sign and take the sandwich. Give him the other money, then click on the coffee sign and take the coffee. Back out and turn right. Give the sandwich to Robert, then click on it twice to see it more closely. Drag the ingredients around so you can remove 5 worms from it. Talk to him again, then take some breadcrumbs from his hand. Back out.

Turn around and give the coffee to Laura. Get her to drink some, then click on the cup twice and take out the cigarette. Back out and turn right, then approach the man standing next to the food and drinks stall. Talk to him, then give him your cigarette, followed by your lighter. Click on the lighter 4 times and you will get it back. Talk to the man again, then back out. Look at the back on the ground, then open it and take the paperclip. Back out, then look at the locked electrical cupboard. Use your paperclip on the lock, then remove the lock to see inside the cupboard. Now you need to use the 3 cables to connect pairs of sockets to create the numbers on the display. Attach the cables to the matching colored spaces as shown here:

Back out, then turn left and examine the loudspeaker near the ceiling. Click on it and pay attention to the musical notes. Back out again and turn left, then click on the musician followed by his trumpet. Play the tune indicated by the loudspeaker (left, left, middle, middle, right, right). Once the music stops, click on the trumpet until the bird comes out. Back out and turn right. Click on Laura, then on the bird twice. Give the breadcrumbs to the bird, then click on it again and pay attention to the musical notes. Back out and turn left. Play another tune on the trumpet (right, right, left, right, left, left). Once the music stops, click on the trumpet until the ticket appears Nice acoustics. Take the metro ticket. Back out again.

Turn right and look at Laura's sketchbook. Read through all of the pages, then find the ones indicated on the final page (long hand IX, short hand almost IIII). Back out again, then turn around. Examine the clock and change the time to 3:45. Open the train doors, then talk to the ticket inspector and present your ticket. Drag it towards the punch, then into the punch. Talk to the ticket inspector again, then board the train. Close the doors, then click them again to leave this station Departing Bird Bridge Station.

Chapter 5

Sorrow Cross

Exit the train and talk to Laura to hear the time 4:00. Open the box beneath the bench and take out the clock hand. Back out and turn around. Examine the clock and attach the clock hand, then set the time to 4:00. Talk to Robert until he leaves on the train. Look at his wallet on the ground and search it to get some money and a coin. Back out and turn left. Look at the vending machine and insert your coin, then turn the 20, 45 and 35 dials. Look down into the tray. Now you need to drag the various candies into the appropriate packets (animal, transport or food) Sweet tooth. Take the corn cookie, then back out.

Turn around and give the corn cookie to the pigeon. Now you need to rearrange the crumbs to get the pigeon to the far left, based on these rules:

  • Yellow: Pigeon moves forward 1 space
  • Red: Pigeon moves forward 2 spaces
  • Green: Pigeon moves forward 3 spaces
  • White: Must be avoided

Here is one solution:

Click on the pigeon and it will fly away. Back out and click on the pigeon (on the trash can). Turn right and click on the pigeon (on the light). Turn around and click on the pigeon (on the barrier pole). Look at the pigeon's remains and pick up the key. Back out and turn left. Look at the gate and use the key in the lock, then drag the gate open. Talk to the man to get some instructions, then back out again.

Turn left and put your money in the box beneath the bench. Back out and turn around. Change the time on the clock to 9:00. Turn back around and look in the box beneath the bench. Open the bag and take the iron saw. Back out, then look at the locked cabinet on the right. Use your iron saw on the lock, then open the cupboard. Take out the painting panel. Back out and turn left, then examine the painting on the wall. Insert your painting panel in the empty space. Now you need to drag the main scene around so the circle in the middle matches one of the tiles. Click on the matching tile. Repeat this with all 12 of them. Back out.

Look down at the rubbish next to the bin. You need to correctly match pairs of objects:

  • "Make" and "Pairs"
  • Red/yellow packet and snack
  • Cheese and cracker
  • Finger and bloody bandage
  • Leaf and twig
  • Pencil and envelope
  • Straw and cup
  • Pink papers

Now open the envelope and take the pill. Back out and turn right. Give the pill to Laura, then back out and talk to her again. Turn left and put the baby in Rose's hand. Turn right and talk to Laura again. Turn left and grab the heart, dragging it right twice so you can give it to Robert. Turn left and talk to Laura once more. Turn left and drag Rose's face to the left so you can give it to Laura as a child. Turn left and drag the hand left twice to give it to Rose. Turn right again and talk to Laura. Turn around and drag the fish to the right, giving it to the detective.

Turn right and talk to Laura again. Turn right and drag the rag to the right, giving it to Robert (who has the head of a bird). Turn right again and give Rose's head to the corrupted soul. Turn around and talk to Laura. Drag the branch to the left and give it to the bird in the suit. Return to the right to talk to Laura. Turn around and drag the black cube to the left, giving it to an older Rose. Turn left and talk to Laura until the dreams end.

Look at Laura on the ground and take the metro ticket. Keep clicking repeatedly on the corrupted soul's head Creepy vermin. Back out, then look at the picture on the ground, and pick up the brush. Back out and turn around. Look at the pigeon's remains and use the brush on the blood. Back out and turn around again, then examine the picture on the ground. Drag the brush over the picture to reveal the time 19:55. Back out and turn around again. Examine the clock and set the time to 7:55.

Open the train doors, then talk to the ticket inspector and present your ticket. Drag it towards the punch, then into the punch. Talk to the ticket inspector again, then board the train. Close the doors, then click them again to leave this station Departing Sorrow Cross.

Chapter 6

Soul Street

Exit the train. Turn right and examine the group of holes on the wall to the right. If you move any of the white pegs, you will see a black bee appear from the hole in the top-left. You need to get this bee to the top-right, by inserting pegs in the holes to guide it around. Place pegs in the holes marked as white in the diagram below, making sure they are pointing in the directions indicated:

Turn left and click on the black mass twice, then talk to the corrupted soul until you can take a locker key. Back out and turn left. Look at the lockers. Pick up the crowbar from the left, then use the locker key on locker 7. Open the locker, then take out the pincers. Back out again.

Turn around and examine the door. Use your pincers on the lock, then remove the lock and open the door. Look at the prisoner and focus on one of his nipples. Stretch it around for a while Nice technique. Now look up at the prisoner's face and remove the piece of tape. Back out and look at the box on the ground. Use your crowbar on it, then remove the lid and take another locker key. Back out and turn around. Look at the lockers, and use the locker key on locker 6. Open the locker and take out the bucket, then back out.

Examine the barrel here and use your crowbar on it twice. Click on the puddle of oil, then use your lighter on it. Back out again, then turn right. Use your piece of tape on the broken wire coming out of the top of the electrical box. Now look down at the electrical box. Click on the cover to remove it, then turn the first two dials to point upwards. Now back out and turn left. Look at the wall panel here, which is now powered. Press and hold the dial to open this, then take out the valve. Back out again.

Turn around and use your valve on the spout on the right. Turn the valve to create a puddle on the floor. Back out, then use your bucket on the puddle of water to fill the bucket. Turn right and use your crowbar on the grate, then pour the bucket in the hole so you can take a clothespin. Back out, then turn left and fill your bucket with water again. Turn around and use your bucket of water on the fire, then take the iron wire. Back out and turn around, filling the bucket with water once more.

Visit the prisoner again. Attach the clothespin to one nipple and the paperclip to the other. Pour water on the prisoner's head. Back out and turn left. Use your iron wire to repair the broken wire above and right of the electrical box. Look down at the electrical box again, setting the first 4 dials as follows: up, right, up, left. Go back to the prisoner and flip the switch next to him. Now talk to the prisoner twice Time to tell. Back out.

Turn around and look at the poster on the wall. Tear the bottom right corner of the poster so you can take another locker key (and you will get another piece of tape). Use this on locker 8, then open the locker and take out a green box that requires a 4-digit combination. Back out and turn right. Use your piece of tape on the other broken wire, then examine the electrical box. Set the dials as follows: up, right, up, up, right. Now look at the 4 symbols beneath the light (animal, bird, boat, tree). Turn right and visit the prisoner again. Look at the tattoos on both of his arms and find the 4 numbers matching the symbols beneath the light (bone = 4, egg = 1, anchor = 9, flower = 5). Back out again and turn around. Open the green box with the combination 4195. Take out the golden timepiece. Back out.

Turn right and look at the red symbols on the wall. Place the golden timepiece in the corrupted soul's hand, then examine it. Click on the 4 segments that make up the symbols you just saw. The clock will start spinning, then stop at 5:15. Turn around and talk to the corrupted soul, then board the train. Close the doors, then click them again to leave this station Departing Soul Street.

Chapter 7

The Lake

Exit the train. Just keep turning around here and clicking on the bee or butterfly 3 times The Future in The Past, The Past in The Future. Now turn to face the corrupted soul and talk to him. Turn around and walk towards the tree until 2 more corrupted souls appear. Talk to both of them Blossom.

Back all the way out, then turn around and click on the corrupted soul. Talk to Laura until she leaves. Turn left and board the train. Close the doors, then click them again to leave Departing The Lake.


Back on the starting screen, look inside the opened suitcase. Take the underground map - now you can travel to any of the stations. Read the letter in the envelope. Travel to The Lake. Talk to the man on the bench until you receive a coin. Open the gold box and look inside - there are 2 cubes there already, and you need to find the other 7.

Crib Station Cube

Travel to Soul Street. Turn right and fill the bucket with water from the puddle. Go to Bird Bridge Station and turn right. Pour the water into the drain, then pick up the fishing net. Go back to Soul Street and turn right, then use the fishing net to catch the fish that is jumping around in the puddle of water. Use the crowbar on the fish, then take the key. Now head to Crib Station and turn left. Use the key in the right part of the ticket booth. Turn the key and lift up the door. Take the cube Bronze cube.

Child Lane Cube

Travel to Sorrow Cross. Examine the opened cabinet and use your crowbar on it, then remove the hidden panel to see a pattern. Next go to Child Lane. Turn left and examine the ticket machine, then set the buttons as follows:

Press the orange button, then take the cube Marble cube.

School Street Cube

Travel to Soul Street. Turn right and fill the bucket with water from the puddle. Go to Crib Station and turn right. Pour the water into the grate in the floor, then click on the water to reveal some arrows. Now head to School Street and look at the ticket machine. Press the buttons in order corresponding to the symbols you just saw:


Take the cube Ice cube.

Bird Bridge Station Cube

Travel to Sorrow Cross. Turn right and look at the vending machine. Insert your coin, then turn the 50 dial. Look down into the tray and collect the nut bar. Next go to School Street. Turn right and put the nut bar on the tall blonde boy's head, watching the series of notes coming from his mouth. Now head to Bird Bridge Station and turn left. Click on the musician followed by his trumpet. Play the tune indicated by the the boy (middle, middle, middle, left, middle, right). Once the music stops, click on the trumpet and take the cube Stone cube.

Sorrow Cross Cube

Travel to Bird Bridge Station. Turn left and use your crowbar on the loose tile, then take the bill. Back out and turn around, then approach the food and drinks stall. Give the man your bill, then click on the donut sign and take the donut. Back out again and turn left. Give the donut to Robert, then talk to him until he gives you a time and destination. Now head to Sorrow Cross. Turn around and set the time to 12:00. Turn left and click on the lady in the cell, taking the cube Bone cube.

Soul Street Cube

Travel to Child Lane. Turn left and look at the top of the statue. Use your brush with red paint to paint both of the statue's eyes. Look down at the base of the statue and take the locker key. Now head to Soul Street. Turn left and look at the lockers, then use the locker key on locker 9. Open the locker and take out the cube Copper cube.

The Lake Cube

Travel to The Lake. Turn right and walk forwards to the tree 3 times. Click several times on the ground to the left of the tree, then pick up the cube Wooden cube.

Final Achievements

Still at The Lake, back out several times, then turn left and look at the box on the bench. Insert your 7 cubes into the box in any positions. Back out and take the shrimp One shrimp, please. Look back down at the box and rearrange the cubes to make the arrangement of the symbols from the Cube Escape Collection:

Once correct, the box will close again. Back out and turn left to see a white cube. Approach the white cube, then click on all of the souls until a door appears. Go through the door and keep clicking until the elevator goes up Ascension.

Travel to Soul Street. Turn left and close the green box on the ground. Open it with the combination 5372 (seen in promotional material for Underground Blossom). Take out the mask from inside. Now head to Crib Station and give the mask to Rose Behind the mask.

Best Kept Memory

Travel to Child Lane. Use the phone to dial the number 74222 (seen in promotional material for Best Kept Memory). Listen to the phone until you automatically hang up again. Turn around and set the time on the clock to 8:35. Open the doors and board the train, then click on the doors twice.

After the train stops, open the doors and step forward. Talk to the man here. Turn left and examine the machine. The box here contains VHS tapes with various names. You need to find tapes corresponding to the winners of a Best Kept Memory online competition. To do this, you must enter a number on the machine, press the red button to start the conveyor, press it again to stop it, then look in the box to find the tape. Turn right and put the tape into the VHS player and press the Play button, then look for a brief flash of a number. Here are the box numbers, tape names, and hidden numbers:

  • Box 11: kat (8)
  • Box 18: Rayiv (3)
  • Box 17: Paigeot (5)
  • Box 21: suvi (7)
  • Box 00: Ace (9)
  • Box 22: Tikibuns (9)
  • Box 11: JS777 (2)
  • Box 12: LaMier (4)
  • Box 10: Jimbo (4)
  • Box 04: Crowe (2)

Turn right and enter the code 8357992442 into the keypad. Go through the doors and turn on the lamp He is back.

Back out of this room and turn around. Use the machine to retrieve box 23 and take the tape for Vendome_Ba (based on promotional material for The Past Within). Turn right and watch this tape on the VHS player Your memories are safe with us. Back away from the VHS player.

Rusty Lake Hotel

Travel to Crib Station. Turn left and approach the right side of the ticket booth. Talk to the attendant, then hand over your shrimp and take the golden ticket. Back out and turn left again. Change the time on the clock to 2:25. Open the train doors, then talk to the ticket inspector and present your ticket. Drag it towards the punch, then into the punch. Talk to the ticket inspector again, then board the train. Close the doors, then click them again to leave the station.

After the train stops, open the doors and step forward. Ring the bell, then board the small boat. Click on the hotel 3 times, then open the front door Back to work. Step forward and talk to Mr Owl.

The Lab

Travel to Child Lane. Use the phone to dial the number 36133 (seen in the DLC release video). Listen to the phone until you automatically hang up again. Turn around and set the time on the clock to 2:40. Open the doors and board the train, then click on the doors twice.

Research Facility

After the train stops, open the doors and step forward. Talk to the janitor here, then take the coffee filter from his pocket. Turn left and look in the box on the ground to find coffee and a cup. Turn around and look at the coffee machine, taking the glass can from it. Enter the bathroom just to the left and flush the toilet, then collect water in your can. Return to the coffee machine and use the can (twice), filter and coffee. Press the button on the machine, then take the can (now filled with coffee).

Back out and turn left, then approach the janitor again. Give him the cup, then use the coffee on him. Talk until he runs to the bathroom. Pick up the mop. Turn right and look in the janitor's clothes to get a key. Turn back to the left and use this on the Research Facility door. Turn the key twice, then use the door knob and go through the door.

Go through the door on the left and examine the fuse box. The diagram is a map of the rooms - you are in the room with the X, and the lights indicate doors you can open by placing fuses. There is a single fuse and there are 6 slots - move the fuse to the top slot. Leave this room by going right. Now head forward, left and forward, then pick up the glass from the ground. Look in the vent on the left and block the fan with your mop. Pick up a fuse, then retrieve the fan. Go back to the fuse box by going back, right, back and left.

Examine the fuse box again. Put fuses in the 2nd and 3rd slots from the top. Leave this room by going right. Head forward 4 times into a storage room. Examine the cipher device on the floor - there is only one position where you can see 4 symbols in the 4 holes, so this is the correct combination. Look at the box in the top shelf and open it with this combination:

  • S shape
  • Wide up arrow
  • Box with horizontal line
  • Vertical line with small circle

Take the Rose Vanderboom card from inside the box. Also look in the other box in the shelves and take the valve from inside. Back out and go left to a prison cell. Talk to the corrupted soul, then back out and use the valve on the left. Spin the valve to open the cell. Enter the cell. Look at the mouse on the ground and click on it to take its kidney. Back out, then return to the fuse box by going back, right, back 3 times and left.

Examine the fuse box once more. Put fuses in the 4th and 6th slots from the top. Leave this room by going right. Continue right twice, forward 3 times and left. Look at the covered vent and take the matches from inside. Next head right, back twice and left. Use the card in the slot next to the red door, then go through into a laboratory. Search the desk drawers to get a floppy disk and some toilet paper. Now look at the desk. Put the kidney on the tray, and the coffee can on the desk. Back away from the desk again.

Return to the janitor by going back, right, back, left twice and back, then turning right. Open the bathroom door slightly, then use the toilet paper on the door. Back out, then approach the bathroom again and you can enter. Flush the toilet, then collect water in your glass. Leave the bathroom and turn left. Go back to the laboratory by heading forward, right twice, forward, left and forward. Read the papers in the file on the ground here. Now approach the desk and use your glass of water on the desk.

Turn on the gas for the Bunsen burner, then light it with your matches. Hold the glass of water over the flame to heat it. Pour the coffee, water and then acid onto the kidney and it will mutate. Touch it, and it will leave the desk. Keep poking it with the mop until you are outside the fuse room. Enter the fuse room and move one of the fuses to the top slot. Now go back out and keep poking the mutated kidney with your mop. Poke it one more time when you reach the room with the vent, and it will destroy itself and the vent. Enter the shaft and go to the end to get another fuse. Back out of the vent shaft and return to the fuse box by going back, right, back and left.

Examine the fuse box again. Put fuses in the 4th, 5th and 6th slots from the top. Leave this room by going right. Continue right twice and forward 3 times - the janitor will be working here. Go left and forward. Talk to Rose, then back out and she will enter the machine. Press the gray button followed by the red button. Now take the black cube.

Back out of the room, then go right to see the janitor is gone. Continue back 3 times, left twice, forward 3 times, left and into the cell. Click on the corrupted soul until you leave the cell again. Talk to Rose, then turn the valve to close the gate. Talk to Rose again until you can take a key from her.

Now head right, back 3 times, right twice and forward 3 times. Use the key to the right of the door, then turn it. Back out and go through the door. Examine the cubical device and flip the red switch. Insert the black cube into the top of the device, then insert the floppy disk into the front Run Harvey Run. Continue the game to see the message 1935 on the device. Flip the switch to see various slider and switch positions on the other sides of the device. These details are used for a secret in another game, The Past Within.