Leaves: The JourneyLeaves: The Journey

Game Details:  Fantasy, 2017

Steam Achievements:  Completed (16/16)

Links:  Moby Games, Steam, Adventure Gamers

Walkthrough Updated:  4/10/2020

Suggested Listening:  Give Up Now (Ash 25)

Leaves: The Journey is the first fantasy puzzle adventure set in the land of Mononino. You play as a nameless protagonist on a mission to return the 30 lost leaves to the tree belonging to the Treefruities. The series continues with the sequel, Leaves: The Return.

Northwest Path

After the leaves fly off the tree, click on the tree Upset the Treefruities. Pick up the first leaf (1/30) from the ground on the left. Head left, then take the hook from the boat, before looking inside the base of the tower. Pull the chain, then take the map - you can use this to find your current location and to discover where you still need to find more leaves. Back out, then head left again.

Click on the green head and it will fall to the ground. Pick it up, then look in the hole it left in the hedge, and take the purple bean and the next leaf (2/30). Continue left and grab another leaf (3/30) from the top left. Look at the message on the door, but you can't understand it yet. Look at the pieces on the floor, then solve the jigsaw puzzle (click on the pieces to rotate them, then drag them into position). Pick up the pieces from the floor, then insert them into the symbol on the door. Pick up the magnifier Detective. Look at the message on the door again and use the magnifier to reveal a picture.

Back out and return to the right, then examine the door here. You need to click on the segments to create a complete picture. The faces all need to be upright (the white frilled pattern goes at the top). Once the door is open, head through. Use the purple bean on the monster in the side hole, then take the diagram Monster Vanquisher. Climb up to the top of the ladder.

Examine the clock here to see that it points to 10:25. Use your hook on the closed manhole cover, then climb down the near ladder. Take the next leaf (4/30) from the left of the ladder, and use your magnifier to find the first inhabitant (1/15) to the left. Look at the hole to reveal the next puzzle - you need to drag the green segments down to match up with the brown segments. Once you are done, the magnifier will appear and you can drag it over the green segments to reveal a pattern of circles - black, clear, white, clear, black, white. Climb down the ladder.

Take a leaf (5/30) from the plant here. Use your magnifier to find the next inhabitant (2/15) running around on the ground. Place the green head in the hole in the hedge, then climb the far ladder. Examine the round panels where the tall green plant is plugged into the rock. Click on the hexagons to rotate them and make sure all the lines are matched up. Take the color palette, then continue to the right. Climb the ladder next to the tree. You will now see 6 depressions and clicking on them changes their color. Based on the diagram you got from the monster, and the pattern of circles you saw earlier, you can work out the following solution:

Take the portal symbol that is revealed in the square panel. Also grab another leaf (6/30) from the top right, then climb back down the ladder. Use your magnifier to find an inhabitant (3/15) just to the left of the tree. Now examine the large portal to the left and insert the portal symbol at the bottom left Explorer. Head through the new opening.

East Path

Take the leaf (7/30) from the bottom of the near picture, and use the magnifier to find an inhabitant (4/15) on the right. Examine the far picture to see a chart with some numbers and symbols. Look at the pedestal near the far wall which has a foot on it; there are some symbols on the wall here, one representing the number 5. Back out and head through the doorway.

Take another leaf (8/30) from behind the curved bars on the right. Look more closely at the clock on the far wall. Click on the numbers to change the time to 10:25 Clock Master. Take the leaf (9/30) and the next portal symbol from the panel that opens on the left. Back out and use your magnifier to find the next inhabitant (5/15) Student. You cannot make any more progress here yet, so return to the portal. Insert your new portal symbol at the bottom right, then go through.

Northeast Path

Use your magnifier to find another inhabitant (6/15). Also pick up a leaf (10/30) from the floor here. Approach the green glow and use the magnifier to find the next inhabitant (7/15). Back out and go to the purple glow, then drop the purple bean into the bowl here. Take the glass shards from the purple pedestal, then return to the portal and go through the bottom left opening.

East Path

Go through the doorway, then look at the panel on the wall near the left bars. Use the glass shards here, then assemble them into the shape. Continue through the new doorway once the bars retract. Click on the armadillo on the right, then examine the device it uncovers by moving. You need to slide the tokens into the device so they end up in the order shown across the bottom. If you number the tokens 1-8 from left to right, insert them as follows: 6, 4, 7, 4, 6, 1, 5, 2, 8, 8, 3, 4, 1, 2, 7. Take the leaf (11/30). Go through the doorway on the right.

Use the magnifier to discover an inhabitant (8/15) above the archway. Take the next leaf (12/30) from the bottom right. Press the foot button on the left wall here, and the indicator will go green. While you are here, notice the flashing light - it pulses in the following pattern: 5, 8, 1, 3. Go left and click on the armadillo a second time, then continue back twice, and look at the foot pedestal - the indicator here will also be green. Press the foot and watch the footprints pass over the symbols. Back out again, then go forward and left. Click on the armadillo a third time Armadillo Hunter.

Press the buttons on the wall in the same order you just saw (if they are numbered 1-5 from top to bottom, press 3, 1, 5, 4, 3, 2. Take the blue wooden board that appears, and examine it to see a series of shapes and symbols. Go back twice and look at the far picture again, noting the symbols and numbers. Go forward, left and right, then examine the gate. You need to set the symbols here to those matching the pattern 5, 8, 1, 3 from the flashing light. Continue through the gate.

Pick up the green bean from the right. Use the Travelstone on the left twice to teleport back to the portal, then go through the bottom right opening.

Northeast Path

Approach the green glow and drop the green bean into the bowl. Take the leaf (13/30) and portal symbol from the green pedestal, then return to the portal. Insert your new portal symbol at the top left, then go through.

South Path

There are 3 egg-shaped houses that have doors. If you visit them, faces will appear on the doors and you can either press the nose on the face or try to feed a note into its mouth. Follow this order:

  • Left door: press the nose, then take the note
  • Middle door: feed the mouth, then take the note
  • Left door: feed the mouth, then take the note
  • Middle door: feed the mouth, then take the note
  • Right door: feed the mouth, then take the note
  • Left door: feed the mouth, then pull the lever

Head through the left door, then take the oar and the leaf (14/30). Use your magnifier to discover an inhabitant (9/15) in the drain. Back out again, then approach the middle door and press the nose. Take the puzzle that is offered, then click on the pairs of matching symbols until they are all gone. Pull the lever, then go through the middle door. Unfortunately there is nothing you can do here yet, so just back out again.

Now approach the right door and press the nose. Take the puzzle that is offered, then drag the pieces around to complete the picture. Pull the lever to open the door Nose Grabber. Head through and collect the red bean and the next leaf (15/30). Pull the large lever, which will open a doorway in the distance. Back outside, combine your oar with the raft, then use it to cross the water. Go through the open doorway.

There are small viewing holes scattered over the left and right walls. Look in the hole just above the middle of the left wall to find a leaf (16/30). Now you will notice when looking in the holes that there are some partially covered by fixed green pieces, and some partially covered by rotating green discs with holes matching those green pieces. You need to find the matching pairs and rotate the discs so that the holes are facing in the same direction as the pieces. There are 7 pairs that need to all match. The door will now open so you can continue.

Use your magnifier to discover the next inhabitant (10/15) Nerd. Slide open the panel near the bottom of the door here to reveal the next puzzle. Just click on the hexagons on the right grid to create a mirror-image pattern matching the left grid. Once done, the door will open so you can keep going forward. Take the floating portal symbol. Click on the Travelstone once, then take the leaf (17/30) before clicking again to teleport back to the portal. Go through the bottom right opening.

Northeast Path

Approach the red glow and drop the red bean into the bowl. Take the leaf (18/30) and a board showing 5 masks. Return to the portal. Insert the new portal symbol in the middle, then go through.

West Path

Use the magnifier to discover an inhabitant (11/15) up on the wall. Now there are 4 doors with symbols, and 4 buttons that can show different shapes. Using the blue wooden board, you need to see the 4 symbols from left to right to match the stacked symbols from front to back, and the corresponding door will open.

Start by setting the symbols to triangle, circle, plus, square. The second door will open, but there will be nothing there. Next set the symbols to square, triangle, circle, plus. The third door will open and you can take a leaf (19/30). Next set the symbols to circle, plus, square, triangle. The fourth door will open and you can take a yellow bean. Now set the symbols to plus, square, triangle, circle. Go through the first door and pick up another leaf (20/30). Using the information on the board showing the 5 masks, slide the first mask up, the second mask down and the fourth mask up (leave the third and fifth masks alone) Masquerade. Now head to the right.

Examine the grid of tiles on the ground here. You will find that one of them cannot be rotated by clicking on it - place this in the middle on the left. Now click and drag the other pieces into position to create one continuous line. Once this is done, the poison pool will empty Detox. Grab the leaf (21/30), then continue right.

Use the magnifier to find a whole group of inhabitants (12/15). Now you need to use the information on the color palette in your inventory. Click on the doors of the building to change their colors; the order is based on the height of the lenses above them, from highest to lowest: yellow, red, light blue, dark blue, green, purple (or from left to right: yellow, green, purple, red, light blue, dark blue). The lenses will flash when you have this part correct. Now click on the lenses in the order on the bottom of the palette: green, light blue, open, yellow, red, purple, dark blue. Take the new button/string palette that is offered. Go right again.

Use the magnifier to find yet another inhabitant (13/15). Examine the pedestal. You need to drag out the 8 discs and place them on matching positions on the pedestal. Take the small white handle from the side drawer, then back out. Take the leaf (22/30) from beneath the pedestal, then climb the stairs. Put the white handle on the door, then open it Cloud Chaser. Pick up the gray palette, then go through the door.

Use the magnifier once more to find the next inhabitant (14/15). Approach the base of the tree, then find a leaf (23/30) on the tree itself. Look at the buttons on the tree, and compare the layout to the palette you are carrying with strings and buttons. The origins of the strings from the central structure are the same; just find out which button should attach to each string and click to cycle through them. Once you are correct, take the golden leaf from inside the compartment. Back out, then examine the small door below the tree. Insert the golden leaf in the middle. Now you need to click on the segments to swap them around and complete the pattern, starting from the outside and working in. Head through the small doorway once it opens. Look further inside and take the leaf (24/30).

Back out 3 times. Click on the Travelstone once, then take the leaf (25/30) before clicking again to teleport back to the portal. This should be the third time you have used a Travelstone Traveller. Go through the bottom right opening.

Northeast Path

Approach the yellow glow and drop the yellow bean into the bowl. Take the green palette, then return to the portal. Head through the top left opening.

South Path

Enter the middle egg house and use the new green palette on the stand at the bottom. Now scroll around the area through the window and click on the 5 symbols around the edge to complete the palette. Pick it up again, then return to the portal and go through the bottom left opening.

East Path

Go all the way forward to the last room. Examine the top of the glowing structure and insert the gray palette into the middle. You should now see 13 symbols on the central palette and 13 colored shells around the edge with matching symbols. Back out from this view and arrange the shells across the top of the screen in an order to match the order of symbols on the palette. Pick up the leaf (26/30) that falls to the floor. Use the Travelstone to return to the portal, then go through the middle opening.

West Path

Click on each of the 4 doors and watch the directions that they move to open. Go all the way forward along this path so you end up going through the small door again. Look further inside and click on the 4 small door symbols on the left. Spin them to match the directions that the 4 doors at the beginning of the path moved:

  • Top left (door 3): Turn to point left
  • Top right (door 2): Turn to point down
  • Bottom left (door 4): Leave pointing up
  • Bottom right (door 1): Turn to point right

Head through the door once it opens. Use your magnifier to find the last inhabitant (15/15) Professor. Click on the pink toggles at the bottom right in the following order to keep them all open: 6, 3, 2, 7, 4, 1, 5. Pick up the leaf (27/30).

Now examine the small green door and use the green palette in your inventory - you will hang it up just outside. Start by clicking on the round symbols so they face the same way as on the palette. Now you need to combine the squares above the symbols on the door with the squares above the matching symbols on the palette to come up with the pattern to input on the door:

Take the leaf (28/30) from the left side of the door frame before heading through. Grab the next leaf (29/30) from on top of the triangular stone prism here. Examine the control panel on the left. You need to click on pairs of symbols in the main grid that match the paired symbols at the top:

Take the 16 charms from around the edge of the eye that is revealed. Use your magnifier on the eye to see the corresponding central part of the map you have been traversing throughout the game. You now need to walk throughout the different paths and drag these charms down to parts of the corresponding scenes. If you number them across the top from 1-16, these are the locations:

  1. Northwest Path: The face of a fountain at the top of 2 ladders
  2. Northwest Path: The tall green plant plugged into the rock
  3. Northwest Path: The pipe making bubbles back at the starting tree
  4. Northwest Path: The pattern in the ground at the base of 2 ladders
  5. East Path: The glowing figure in the shell room
  6. East Path: The armadillo you annoyed 3 times
  7. East Path: Next to the clock you had to change
  8. East Path: The near picture in the first cavern
  9. South Path: The walkways between the egg-shaped houses
  10. South Path: The small statue in the first corridor across the water
  11. South Path: The lever inside the right egg-shaped house
  12. Northeast Path: The red platform
  13. West Path: The top of the stairs
  14. West Path: Above the 4 doors
  15. West Path: The right head overlooking the poison pool
  16. West Path: Face above the small doorway at the base of the tree

Once you have located them all and changed their symbols, come back to the final room and examine the head on top of the triangular stone prism. There is a button at the bottom that switches between symbols and black/white patterns. Use the charms across the top of the screen to help you set these patterns correctly. Once you are done, take the blue bean. Head back to the portal and go through the bottom right opening.

Northeast Path

Approach the blue glow and drop the blue bean into the bowl. Take the final leaf (30/30). Go back to the portal and step backwards.

Northwest Path

Head all the way back to the starting tree and use the leaves on the tree. There are additional achievements now for completing the game without hints Genius and for completing the game in one sitting (without quitting the game) Seven-league Boots.