Game Details:  Mystery, 2022

Steam Achievements:  Completed (35/35)

Links:  Moby Games, Steam, Adventure Gamers

Walkthrough Updated:  2/28/2023

Suggested Listening:  Caught Up in the Panic (Ash 25)

NORCO is a point-and-click adventure set in a dystopic future version of Louisiana. After your mother's death, your brother goes missing, so you return home to New Orleans. An initial straightforward search for your sibling turns into a sprawling mystery.

Act 1: Lowland Ghosts

Kay's Return

Start by using your mind map, using it to unlock the following entries:

  • You: Already unlocked automatically
  • Blake: In the mind map, select "You are home again"
  • Catherine: In the mind map, select "You are home again"
  • Ditch Man: In the mind map, select "You were traveling down the Pacific coast"

Explore the thoughts around each of these new characters, then leave your mind map. Examine Monkey, sitting on your desk. Complete the glyphs and rings minigames, then take Monkey Primal Stare. Examine the flyer on the wall to the right, then head out to the living room. Look at the family photo album on the coffee table, and you will get 3 more mind map entries (you will now have >25%) Dim Illumination:

  • Blue: In the living room, examine the family photo album
  • King Pierre: In the living room, examine the family photo album
  • Duck: In the living room, examine the family photo album

Go to your mind map and explore the new thoughts. Go to the kitchen and look at the pills on the counter, then head to the backyard. Talk to Million, who needs a fuse to repair the motorcycle. Make sure you go through all possible dialogue options, and you will learn about several new locations to visit. There are 3 more mind map entries to unlock here:

  • Million: In the backyard, talk to Million
  • Shield: In the backyard, look at the refinery in the background
  • Client: In the mind map, select "Catherine was conducting research for who?"

Next head to the front yard. Walk closer to the Mary statue, then examine it and choose to kneel and pray, selecting the options "Grace", "Women", "Sinners", "Amen" Full of Grace. Now remove the statue's face to reveal a card reader. Go out to the street, then head to Dimes Discount. Try to enter the gas station, and you will be stopped by Troy:

  • Troy: At Dimes Discount, talk to Troy

Beat him in combat Class Traitor. Now enter the gas station. Pick up a fuse from the shelves, then scan it on the price scanner. Return home and talk to Million in the back yard. Agree to go with her and you will end up on the motorbike. Speak to her about everything and use your mind map to get more entries (you will now have >50%) Black Ink of the Mind:

  • Reports of Construction: On the motorbike, talk to Million
  • Something in the Lake: In the mind map, select "Catherine was conducting research in the lake"

Now use your map to head to Sarpy Books. Go inside and talk to Erica about everything. Save your game, then examine Crouton. Beat him in 5 consecutive glyph challenges Felicette. Load your game, then leave the store.

Catherine's Head Drive

Answer the questions however you want, but make sure you delete all 9 memories when given the chance Forget It. Click on Catherine's profile, then on your phone. Read the messages, then look at the QuackJob app. Talk to the attendant, then head out through the glass doors.

From Perdido Street, go to the overpass, then to the French Quarter. Talk to the vendor, then talk to Santa and give him your last dollar. Try to open the door to the Curious Duck on the left, but it is locked. Ask the vendor about it, but he wants you to bring him a customer. Return to the overpass, then talk to the onlooker on the left about the hot dogs.

Save your game, then examine the puppet theater. In the Gator Farm minigame, head to the top-left of the map and sift through the objects to find a cellphone case Gatorcase. Next visit the Shrimper, who is in the middle right part of the map. Head right and find the Gator, then kill him. Return to the Shrimper. There is an achievement if you do this without taking any damage Bayou Boss.

Return to the French Quarter and talk to the vendor again to learn the secret knock. Now you can knock on the door and enter the Curious Duck. Try to touch the crystal ball and you will meet Rosie. Head back outside and talk to Dallas. Use your phone again and look at the QuackJob app, then select Order Ride. Travel to Eagle Wholesale. Enter the warehouse, then click on the strange creature Act 1.

Act 2: Refinery Eyes

Floodgate Tavern

From the map, head to Floodgate Tavern. Go inside and look at the television, then talk to Gus to get some mind map entries:

  • LeBlanc: At Floodgate Tavern, head inside
  • Lucky: At Floodgate Tavern, look at the television

Talk to LeBlanc and Gus repeatedly until you are tasked with entering the Shield Refinery. Within these conversations you will get several more mind map entries:

  • Bloodline: At Floodgate Tavern, interrogate LeBlanc
  • Laura St Claire: At Floodgate Tavern, interrogate LeBlanc
  • Thomas St Claire: At Floodgate Tavern, interrogate LeBlanc

Open up your mind map and explore every option related to Duck:

  • Dimes: In the mind map, select every option for Duck

Go outside and use your map to travel to Dimes. Go through the front door. In the darkness, find the lamp and turn it on, then talk to Duck about everything to unlock more mind map entries:

  • Headdrive: At Dimes, interrogate Duck
  • Fake Ring: At Dimes, interrogate Duck

Now head through to the library. Search the deer head on the right wall to get a golden key. Use this to open the locked box in the shelves to the left, then read the letters inside. Now use the terminal on the desk, and you will see a drone fleet map. Based on the rules you are given, and the fact that you need to empty Zone A, make these moves:

  1. Move 1 drone from B to F
  2. Move 1 drone from C to B
  3. Move 1 drone from D to H
  4. Move 2 drones from H to I
  5. Move 1 drone from D to H (the system will move 1 drone from A to D)
  6. Move 1 drone from E to D
  7. Move 1 drone from A to C
  8. Move 1 drone from A to E

Head back outside again, then travel home. Head to the backyard and pick up the pry-bar from the ground. Go to your mind map and select "Blue is in a mausoleum", then use the map to head to the Mausoleum. Go inside to the left, then examine the crypt on the left and use your pry-bar on it. Read the letter, then take the ring Fake Ring.

Use the map to travel to Dimes Discount, then head to the batture. Talk to Lucky, who wants you to find his dog. Go back to Dimes Discount and enter the gas station. Grab some dog food and use it on the price scanner, then head back outside and travel to Sarpy Books. Examine the dog here and feed it, then it will join you. Enter the bookstore and talk to Erica about everything. Click on the dog's portrait to scare away the cat Cats and Dogs. Pick up the crouton phone case from the counter.

Go back to Dimes Discount and head to the batture. Talk to Lucky again, and he will join you as well. Click on his portrait and talk to him. Use the local map to walk home, and head to the backyard. Talk to Lucky about everything while you are here, then talk to Million and choose to go. Once you are in the truck, travel to Shield. Beat the guards in combat (use Lucky as your main fighter, kill one guard at a time, and make sure you heal when you can).

Apocryphon of Kenner John

After the conversation, head out to the street, then use your phone to order a ride to Promenade Mall. Talk to Dallas about everything, then go to the mall entrance and talk to the Garretts. Head back out to the parking lot and open the Kenner John's Apocryphon app on your phone. You can move the screen around your current area, then talk to Friend, who is right in the middle.

Head to the side lot, then continue to the subdivision. Use the Apocryphon app to find the first reading just to the left. While you are here, crawl into the garage to meet the Watcher, but you cannot help him yet. Order a ride to St Somewhere's. Talk to the Dumpy Dog customer about everything Showgoer's Tale. Next talk to the door guy, then order a ride back to Promenade Mall. Go to the drainage canal from here, and use the Apocryphon app to find the second reading. Talk to Pawpaw and Dallas about everything, then order a ride to Downtown. Go to the overpass, then to City Hall. Talk to the guard at the entrance, and you will be let inside.

  • Floor 1F: Go to the elevators, then to the stairwell, and go down.
  • Floor B: Go left and speak until you get a receipt and a series of clues. Return upstairs.
  • Floor 1F: Go up.
  • Floor 2F: Feel around, then reach out your hand. Go up.
  • Floor 3F: Go up.
  • Floor 4F: Go up.
  • Floor 5F: Reach out your hand. Go up.
  • Floor 6F: Reach out your hand. Go up.
  • Floor 7F: Enter the doorway. Speak to the planner and say you are trying to get to the roof. Go up.
  • Floor 8F: Go up.
  • Floor 9F: Go up.
  • Floor 10F: Try the door, then exit to the roof.

Talk to Dallas about everything, then look up. Use the Apocryphon app to find the third reading in the sky to the left. Head back down to City Hall, then order a ride to Hollygrove. Go inside, then talk to Marfa and Austin before examining the present under the Christmas tree JOY. Return outside and order a ride to Promenade Mall. Read the message on your phone, then approach the mall entrance. Back out and go to the drainage canal and talk to Pawpaw.


Enter the guardhouse on the left and read the crane manual - note the prefix code: 2914. Use the laptop computer and enter "disengage lock". Go back outside, then approach the freight elevator. Head towards the crane platform entrance, then continue to the crane platform. Examine the wires hanging from above, then try to talk to the machine, and note the numbers on it: 016. Return back down to the refinery, then approach the catwalk. Examine the control booth and use the keypad to enter 2914016. You can enter any number you want for the second prompt. Beat the drones in combat (use one of Lucky's grenades for a great head start).

Go back down to the freight elevator, then go towards the Good Hope Plantation, and approach Shield HQ. Talk to the doorman, then go inside. Start by speaking to the balcony crowd to unlock another mind map entry:

  • Garrett: At Shield HQ, talk to the balcony crowd

Talk to Birdhead on the left about everything, then proceed to the elevator. Use the elevator panel, then return to the lobby. Go to the elevator again and grab Bruce (the drunk king). Use the elevator panel again, then enter the executive suite. Continue forward into the executive office. Talk to Laura St Claire, then take the box from the shelves on the right. Back out of the room, then go in again. Read the letter on the desk Haunt Your Lonely Days.

Make your way back outside, then travel home. In the backyard, approach the Mary statue. Use your discount card in the card reader. Head inside, then go to the kitchen and up to the attic. Move the boxes, then climb down the secret passage into a hidden office. Use the processor on the floor to power up the machine.

The Mall

Talk to Gooch, recording him saying "Prayers up, boys". Talk to Gooch again, then return out to the parking lot, and around to the side lot. Talk to Keith several times and he will eventually drive away. Pick up the bag of potato chips from the ground. Go to the subdivision again and crawl into the garage. Record the Watcher saying "Bruce, you're my boy".

Head back around to the loading bay and give the potato chips to Gooch, recording him saying "John told us we're supposed to be fasting". Now use the acoustic lock and play the "Prayers up, boys" recording. Go through to reach the rear exit. Head to the sleeping quarters. Talk to the Garrett on the left and record him saying "I been doing the same stuff as always". Put on shirts from the box on the right Garrett Drip.

Go back through the rear exit to service corridor 1A. Talk to the gamer Garretts, recording them saying "The new guys get stuck doing stupid shit". Continue forward twice into service corridor 1C. Talk to the Garrett on the right, recording him saying "The new Garrett who guards the cathedral". Now talk to the Garrett on the left. Use your phone to get a ride to Lafreniere Park.

Walk forward and enter the bathroom. Search the bathroom stall to get some psychedelics. While you are here, use the urinal Pawpaw's Sprinkle. Use your phone to order a ride to Downtown. Head to the overpass, then to the French Quarter. Talk to Santa, and as long as you gave him you last dollar earlier, you will now get some downers HO HO HO. Order a ride back to Promenade Mall.

Head around to the drainage canal, then in through the loading bay. Go to service corridor 1C and talk to the Garrett on the left. Give him either of your baggies, then record him saying "I'll drop a couple of these". Continue forward to the atrium east wing. Talk to the vendor on the left and you can buy 3 more phone cases. Now talk to the Big Garrett and play back these recordings that you have been collecting:

  • "John told us we're supposed to be fasting"
  • "I been doing the same stuff as always"
  • "The new guys get stuck doing stupid shit"
  • "The new Garrett who guards the cathedral"
  • "I'll drop a couple of these"

After the Big Garrett leaves, open up the Apocryphon app and go back through the 3 readings, noting down the 3 numbers that appear in order (random with each game). Enter the resulting string of 11 digits into the keypad. Now go through the door to the cathedral. Go through the conversation, and Stone will join you.

Go back and listen to the conversation in the atrium, then return out to service corridor 1B. You need to open the door here with another 7-digit code, this time based on the numbers in the ongoing argument you can hear: 2000131. Inside Pawpaw's closet, look at the cask on the right - it is locked with another acoustic lock. Look at the scroll on the right, and use Stone to reveal some hidden writing. Now read the scroll. Back out and talk to Dallas several times, then pray at the painting on the far wall. Use the Apocryphon app on the painting, then record Pawpaw saying "Ephphatha".

Back out again and examine the acoustic lock on the cask. Play the "Ephphatha" recording. Now leave this room and follow the footprints out of the mall. Order a ride to Eagle Wholesale. Enter the warehouse and speak to Superduck Node Act 2.

Act 3: Faraway Lights

Getting to the Lake

Talk to LeBlanc about everything, and you will receive the phone. Use the face paint kit on the desk 3 times LeBluggalo. Go outside and talk to the Garrett on Apple Street. Head left to the Floodgate Tavern, then go inside. Open the Case Picker app on your phone, and select the "Metairie Angels" case. Now talk to Gus and agree to hand over your phone Metairie Angels.

Go back outside, then head home. Go through the attic to the hidden office and speak to the USB device on the desk. Use the signal jammer on the right side of the desk, and choose either option to disable it. Now speak to the USB device again. Open the Head Drive Client app on your phone and activate the only option, then talk for a while.

Leave here and go to Dimes. Talk to either of the Garretts, then defeat them in combat (they will flee before the fight is over). Head inside and read the notes on the desk to unlock the final mind map entry Master of Confusion:

  • Sunken Head: At Dimes, read the notes in Duck's house

You will end up with a coordinate letter. Now head through to the library and talk to Duck about everything. Active the unit on the desk, then use your Head Drive Client app to connect to it. Go back outside and travel to Lake Pontchartrain.

Ghost Bayous

Head to the fishing camp. Talk to the fisherman, then look at the notice board. Read the Garrett letter on the left, then use your Apocryphon app on the map. Note the 4 lights and their various blinking patterns. Back out and approach Unit B. When you are at the door, you get the option of knocking on the door. Knock just once, then repeat this single knock another 4 times Orphan's Knock. Now keep knocking rapidly several times until you get inside. Talk to the researchers inside and they will give you a boat key and a meter to use Meter. Talk to everyone in the room before leaving.

Use the boat, and you will see a map of the waterways. You need to start by traveling to the 4 spots indicated by blinking lights on the map from the notice board. At each of these 4 sites, the sonar will ping when you are in the correct spot. Dive down and change the blinking light pattern to match the one you saw before (it will turn green when it is the correct pattern).

Once all 4 portals have been activated, return to where you started. Go directly south until the sonar pings, then dive to get some Mardi Gras beads. Now go east along the Interstate Canal until you reach the larger open area. Choose to throw the Mardi Gras beads into the water when given the opportunity and you will get the Superduck phone case Carnival Pig.

Next head for the northern X on the map. Dive when your sonar pings and you will get John's head and some eyes. Now head for the other X on the map. Use the meter on the massive eagle, then use the eyes on it and the Orb will join you. Use the meter on the eagle once more, then use the map to travel back to the fishing camp.

Enter Unit B and talk to the researcher on the left, returning the meter. You will get an achievement for the first meter reading Network Trouble and another for the second meter reading Terminal Network Meltdown.

Return to the boat and head out to the lake again. Go to Duck Blinds and talk to the Garretts here. Click on the Orb twice, and you will be allowed past. Go back to the map and head around to the east. When your sonar starts pinging, dive into the water to find Monkey Wet Monkey. Continue east to John's Pond.

The Ark

Go towards the staging area in the distance, then head to the shipping container. Save your game. Knock on the shipping container until Bruce opens it, then play the "Bruce, you're my boy" recording Bye Bye Brucey. Load your game, then knock on the shipping container again. This time, quickly give the wet monkey to Bruce Mister Monkey Man.

Go back to the staging area, then right to the fishing camp. Talk to Chuck on the right, then show him John's head Ditch Man Dead.

Return to the shipping container and talk to the Garrett on the left, then give him John's head Like Pawpaw! Like Pawpaw!. Now listen to him on top of the shipping container, recording him saying "I am the one they call Ditch Man". Note that you can delete all of your other recordings at this point. Go to the fishing camp again and play this recording for Chuck. Go back to the shipping container and search Gooch's body to get a key card.

Go back to the staging area, then forward to the entrance. Use the key card on the scanner, then go through the door. Climb up the ladder and survive a combat against several Garretts and their leader (mainly use the Orb whenever possible). Continue forward and up another ladder for a second similar combat, then continue on for a third combat. Climb up yet another ladder to reach Shepherd's Watch.

Go to the lookout and talk to LeBlanc, then back out and head left to the mezzanine. Open the right door first and go through. Continue down the hallway. Peruse the books when given the chance Will you make it out alive?. Continue through this section until you return to the mezzanine.

Open the left door and go through. Enter the office and talk to the being here about everything. Return to the mezzanine and go through the main door. Talk to everyone, then sit in the chair on the left. Assuming you got rid of Bruce earlier, Pawpaw will now leave. Free Blake and Catherine, then go back out to the lookout and dive into the lake Family Reunion. Watch the final scenes Congrats :(.