Game Details: Sci-Fi, 2015
Steam Achievements: Completed (31/31)
Links: Moby Games, Steam
Walkthrough Updated: 5/14/2016
Suggested Listening: Give Up Now (Ash 25)
Act 1
Look around at the empty shopping mall, then go down to the bottom of the escalators. Continue down towards the dim glow. Try to talk to the hooded figure, then look at him and he will appear behind you. Talk to him then take the blue spores and eat them (from your inventory) Enter the void.
Starbreeze Heights
Go left to the living room. Leave your apartment and use the button next to the elevator to head down to the street level - because you are naked you will get arrested Kritt happens for indecent exposure Birthday Suit. You will automatically end up back in your apartment. Return to the bedroom by going right.
Make your bed Tidy Tim. Pick up the clothes from the floor and put them on. Go right to the bathroom and look in the mirror 3 times Narcissist. Open the cabinet, then look at one of the 3 progs inside. Return left and continue left to the living room. Pick up an apple from the bowl of fruit An apple a day, and the "pearpod" from the kitchen counter Pearpodded. Open and close the shutters Light Sensitive, then talk to the IPA in the top corner of the room. Examine the pearpod in your inventory and try out all the apps on it, making sure to read the RSS newsfeed (1/3) Up to date. There are 3 achievements for playing the Ghostface game on your pearpod:
- Play the game once Little Trooper
- Reach a score of 5000 I am the law!
- Reach a score of 12000 Judge Jury Executioner
Go back through the bedroom to the bathroom, and you can now pick up all 3 progs. In your inventory, install the casual prog Prog Popped.
Leave your apartment and use the button next to the elevator to head up to the roof. Look at the view at the very top What a view, then focus on the city for more detail. Talk to Ted, then use the elevator to head down to the street level. Talk to Kath here, then enter the Woopie Mart. Talk to Lee and Yee about your bus pass to get it updated. Buy a corn bun while you are here Sleeping dog, then head back outside. Use the City Express bus stop to travel.
Exchange Square
Enter the station and take the right elevator and follow the Skytram passage to reach the Skytram station. Talk to the Skytram operator and try to purchase a monthly pass, but you don't have enough credits. Go back along the passage to return to the junction, then take the left elevator. Look at the large billboard here I have Faith. Look out for a red woman wearing a catsuit here or nearby and talk to her 3 times to get arrested again Stalker.
Now follow the Skywalk to the left to reach Glendale Point. Enter Tims Arcade Heaven and talk to Tim about your money problem. Play the MojoJoe game in your pearpod, and you will receive 300 credits for your trouble. There are also 3 achievements for playing the MojoJoe game:
- Kill 10 enemies Crytpic Slasher
- Kill 30 enemies Legenendary Smasher
Make your way back to the Skytram station and talk to the operator to receive your pass. Use the big board to travel Act I Complete.
Act 2
Cloudbreak Point
Use your pearpod and read the RSS newsfeed (2/3). Walk to the end of the platform, then use the City Express bus stop to travel.
Azur Plaza
Talk to Stephen Mok 3 times to get arrested again Public Nuisance. Enter the Me 4 You store on the left and talk to Anne, who will give you a screwdriver Dr Freeman I presume. Select to repair Poochie; remove the 2 screws, then quickly solve the wiring puzzle (rotate the segments to connect the blue and red terminals) A true McGuyver. Talk to Anne again, but she doesn't know where Jenny is. You should now receive a pop-up message reminding you about another meeting with Tim. Leave the shop and use the City Express bus stop to travel.
Exchange Square
You will receive a card from a mysterious stranger with a message on the back: "Wake up". Enter the station and take the left elevator up to the Skywalk. Go left to reach Glendale Point, then go down the stairway to the far right, and enter the building ahead to find The Terrace. Talk to the Moderator here, then go through the glass doors. Talk to the stranger to the left, then go forward to the Panorama observation deck and talk to her again about everything (you will learn her name is Yuki). Install the standard prog hack that she gives you Take it easy on the Progs. Go all the way back to the elevators, then take the right elevator and go to the Skytram station. Use the big board to travel.
Cloudbreak Point
Walk to the end of the platform, then go forward to the alley. Try to enter the building, then move the floor mat, but the key card isn't there. Move the pot plant to the right and take the key card. Now you can open the door and head inside. Go into Jenny's apartment on the left. Search the apartment and you will see some visions, then hear a noise from outside the apartment. In the hallway, quickly break open the emergency exit to the right Act II Complete.
Act 3
Azur Plaza
Use your pearpod and read the RSS newsfeed (3/3) News Junkie. Enter the bar on the left and you will receive a Signal Hack - use this in your inventory Prog Pro. Talk to the masked thug about everything, then talk to Fat Joe (behind the bar) to learn about Krinn. Now go back outside and enter the Broken Paw alley to the right. Talk to Mija nicely and she will eventually give you a raincoat. Move the bags to the right and you will see the body of a Moderator who was down here looking for you. Put on the raincoat in your inventory. Return out to Barley Road, then go forward to the high-rise and you will head upstairs.
Confront the presence in the dark area on the right, then go up the stairs. Look through the window here, then go up some more stairs to the right. Talk to the barista on the right and you will be given a free coffee. Eavesdrop on Kath (but don't talk to her). Now use the City Express bus stop at the bottom of the screen to travel.
Glendale Park
Enter the Old Park Quarter to the left and move the pile of rags to meet Krinn. Talk to him, but he won't help you get to the Yovani District until you bring him some HCP. Back out of here and use the City Express bus stop on the far right to travel again.
Azur Plaza
Go back down to the lower levels, then all the way back to talk to Fat Joe in the bar at Barley Road. Go back outside, forward to the high-rise, and up the staircase. Select to rewire the Cyberslut; remove the 2 screws, then quickly solve the wiring puzzle (rotate the segments to connect the blue and red terminals). Return to the bar at Barley Road and talk to Fat Joe to get some HCP Courier. Go back up all the stairs and use the City Express bus stop at the bottom of the screen to travel.
Glendale Park
Go to the Old Park Quarter again and talk to Krinn. Install your new Level Hack Practically a Booster, then go back and use the City Express bus stop on the far right to travel.
Exchange Square
Enter the station and take the left elevator to return to the Skywalk. Talk to Yuki and she will take you to the train. Talk to her again once you are onboard.
Yovani District
Head down the escalators, then look up at the towers, and you will have some sort of malfunction Act III Complete.
Starbreeze Heights
Try to go to your inventory, but you aren't holding anything. Enter the bathroom, then you will automatically end up in the living room for another malfunction Sinless Revealed.