King's Quest 6King's Quest 6

Heir Today, Gone Tomorrow

Game Details:  Fantasy, 1992

Links:  Moby Games, Steam, Adventure Gamers

Walkthrough Updated:  4/18/2004

Suggested Listening:  Wild Hearts Meet (Ash 25)

King's Quest 6: Heir Today, Gone Tomorrow is the sixth in a long-running fantasy adventure game series by Sierra On-Line. This follows after the previous game, King's Quest 5: Absence Makes the Heart Go Yonder. You play as King Graham's son, Alexander. You set off to the Land of the Green Isles, in search of Princess Cassima, a girl you met in the previous game. The series continues with King's Quest 7: The Princeless Bride.

Isle of the Crown

Pick up your ring, then move the plank. Open the chest and you will find a coin - take it and you will close the chest. Now head north and northeast to a castle. Talk to the guards, then show your ring to be let inside. You will meet the Vizier and then be kicked out again.

Now walk south, then northwest to a town. Enter the pawn shop and talk to the owner. Give him your coin and take the nightingale, then leave the store. Enter the book shop and talk to the owner. Try to take the magic book on the counter - you need another rare book to swap for it. Pick up and read the poetry book from the shelves on the right, then take the page that falls out. Take the boring book from the table near the door. Leave the shop.

Walk north and west to the docks. Ignore the boy in the water and knock on the ferry door. Talk to the ferryman about everything possible, then take the rabbit foot from the table. Leave and return north and east to town. Enter the pawn shop again and talk to the owner about the magic map. Trade your ring for the map, then take a mint from the jar on the counter. Leave the shop again.

Go south and use your mechanical nightingale on the real bird in the tree. Return north and the pawn shop owner will be dumping some rubbish. Search this to find an empty bottle. Next walk south twice to return to the beach, and use your magic map to travel.


Isle of the Sacred Mountain

Take the black feather and the stench flower, then use the map again.

Isle of Wonder

Wait for the partial sentence in the water to float near to you and get it (don't wade out too far in the water). Talk to the oyster who can't sleep, then read the boring book to it - when it yawns, grab the pearl. Try to walk north and you will be stopped by 5 sensory gnomes. Use the stench flower on 1st gnome, then the nightingale, the mint, and the rabbit's foot. For the last gnome, use the invisible ink on yourself. The gnomes will leave.

Head east and try to take a book - you will meet the bookworm. He will want something interesting in exchange, so return west and go north and west to a garden, then north through the doors. Walk forward to meet 2 feuding queens. After they leave, get the red scarf. Go south and get an iceberg lettuce, then south twice more to the beach. Use your magic map.

Isle of the Beast

Talk to the green creature and give it your partial sentence so that it will join you. Go north and throw your iceberg lettuce into the pond to cool it. Cross the pond and take the lamp. Continue north, and ignore the gardener, instead taking the brick and returning twice south to the beach so you can use your map again.

Isle of Wonder

Go east and give your green creature to the bookworm, in exchange for a rare book. Read this book to notice a page is missing, then look at the spider's web. Pull the loose thread, and when the spider's attention is diverted, grab the scrap of paper. Return west and travel again.

Isle of the Crown

Go north, northwest and into the pawn shop. Swap the nightingale for the flute and the pearl for your insignia ring. Leave the shop and enter the book store. Swap your riddle book for the magic book. Read the magic book. Talk to Jollo the clown and show him your ring. Leave again and head south twice, then travel.

Isle of Wonder

Head north and take a milk bottle from the plant, then walk west. Give the milk to one of the baby's tears plants, and collect some tears in your lamp. Next look at the hole in the wall. Play your flute for the wallflowers and while they continue to dance, grab the hole. Also take the teacup from the chair, and the rotten tomato from the ground. Head back south and try to get some swamp ooze in the teacup. Give the rotten tomato to bump-on-a-log and after the fight, collect some swamp ooze from the bump. Go south and travel once more.

Isle of the Crown

Walk north, northwest and into the pawn shop. Swap the flute for the tinder box, then return outside and south twice to the beach and use your map.

Isle of the Sacred Mountain

Look at the message in the stone, and click on the letters RISE from top to bottom - stairs will appear in the rock. Climb the stairs to reach the next message. You need to now click on the letters of SOAR in another language (3rd and 4th from the left in the 3rd row, 3rd from the left in the 5th row, and the far right letter). Continue climbing. At the next puzzle, click on the buttons in this order (from left to right) - 3, 1, 4, 2. After more climbing, you will reach another language puzzle. This time click on the letters O, Q, D and G (4th from the left in the 3rd row, 5th and 6th from the left in the 4th row, and the second letter from the bottom). Walk up some more steps, then click on the letters ASCEND (one letter from each word). You can now climb to the top of the cliff.

Ignore the old woman and crawl into the small cave. Light your tinder box and walk through to the next room. Get a few leaves from the peppermint plant, then walk back out of the cave. Go north, and after meeting Azure and Aeriel you will be dropped into the catacombs.

Head north twice, east twice and north, then take the skull. Now walk south, west twice, north and west to a puzzle room. Step on the tiles north, southwest, southwest, north, north, northwest, southwest and south, then walk through the doorway to the east. Walk north and get the shield from the wall, then continue north twice and west twice. Take the coins from the skeleton. Now return east twice, and go south and east to a trap room. Throw the brick into the gears to spring the trap. Walk east twice, north and east and you will fall to the lower level.

Light your tinder box and you will automatically light the torch in the room. Now walk west 5 times, south twice and east. Put the hole in the wall on the east wall, and look through it to see the minotaur. Now head west 3 times, south twice, east, south, east twice, north, east, and north twice to reach the tapestry. Use the tapestry and you will enter the minotaur's lair. Walk into the room and when the minotaur is ready to attack, use your red scarf to lure him into the fire. Celeste will give you her dagger, and the oracle will give you a vial of sacred water. Back on the beach, travel to the new location on your map.

Isle of the Mists

Walk west and take a lump of coal and the scythe. Return south to the beach and travel again.

Isle of Wonder

Walk north and west to the garden. Pick up the "Drink Me" bottle, then open the doors to the north. Give your lump of coal to the white queen, in exchange for a rotten egg. Return to the beach (south 3 times) and use your map.

Isle of the Beast

Go north twice and use your shield to get past the stone archer. Pick a white rose from the hedge, then try to walk through and you will be blocked. Cut through with the scythe and go north to meet the Beast. After you accept his ring, go south 3 times to the beach and travel.

Isle of the Crown

Go north and northwest, then into the book store. Talk to Jollo again, then leave the shop. Walk north to see a maiden in the garden. Give her the rose, then talk a few times before giving her the Beast's ring. She will accompany you back to the Isle of the Beast.

Isle of the Beast

You will be given the maiden's clothes, and they will leave. Search the clothes to find a strand of hair. Now pour the sacred water into the lamp, and collect some water from the fountain in your lamp as well. Cast the Make Rain spell. Leave to the south, and get another white rose, before going south twice more and using the magic map.

Isle of the Crown

Go north and give your ring to the nightingale - it will return with a ribbon. Next give it to the love poetry and it will return with a letter. Finally give it the white rose - it will not return this time. Walk northwest and into the pawn shop. Drink the "Drink Me" potion to fake your death. During the cutscene, make a note of the appearance of the genie's lamp.

After you come back to life, there are two ways to complete the game from this point forward - the quick way, or the way which gives maximum points.

Quick Ending

Trade the tinder box for the nightingale and go outside. Go south, then northeast to the castle. Enter the small hut to the right and change into Beauty's clothes. You will enter the castle. When the servant has left, you will dump the clothes in a big jar. Head up the left staircase. After the guards start walking away from you for the second time, use the nightingale on the floor, then walk quickly to the next alcove. Hide behind the pillar until the guards leave.

Now take the picture from the wall and get the nail. Leave the alcove and go through the door opposite. Use the nail to open the chest and take a letter written by the Vizier. Leave the room, replace the nail and the picture, then go to the end of the hallway. Talk to Cassima through the door, and slide the dagger beneath the door. Now return to the alcove and hide before the guards return. Cassima will be taken away.

Head down the stairs and you will meet Saladin. Show him the letter and you will go in to witness the wedding ceremony. Walk closer to the couple. When you get a chance, use your mirror on Cassima to identify her as the genie. Follow the Vizier through the back door and up 2 flights of stairs. When the genie appears and is ready to attack, give him some peppermint. Next grab a sword from the wall and fight the Vizier. Cassima will intervene and stab him, so when he is diverted, knock him out to complete the game.

Complete Ending

Trade the tinder box for the paint brush and go outside. Go south twice and travel.

Isle of Mists

You will be captured by druids and taken north. You will automatically use the clothes to beat out the flames, and the Make Rain spell will save you from the fire. After you are free, collect some embers in the skull you are carrying. Add the strand of hair and the rotten egg. Head south and travel again.

Isle of the Sacred Mountain

Climb to the top of the logic cliffs and the Night Mare will be there. Cast your Charm spell and you will be carried away.

Realm of the Dead

Talk to the King and Queen and the Queen will give you a ticket. Go east and talk to the female ghost, who will give you a handkerchief to give to her son. Continue north and play the bone xylophone. Pick up the skeleton key that is dropped, then give your ticket to the guard so you can enter the underworld.

Take the gauntlet from the fallen warrior and read its inscription, then follow the path. Collect some water from the river in your teacup. Give the coins to Charon and the boat will cross to the other side. Approach the door and knock on it, then speak and answer the riddle with the word LOVE. Go through and talk to Death. Throw down the gauntlet to issue your challenge, then show him the mirror to succeed. You will be taken back to the land of the living.

Isle of the Crown

Go north and northwest, and trade your old lamp for one identical to the genie's (tall and blue). Now go back south, then northeast and west to the side of the castle. Use the feather on the teacup, then use the paintbrush on the castle wall. Cast the Magic Paint spell then open the door and go through. Head east and through the door to the east, and give the lamp to Jollo.

Leave this room and go west, then into the middle dungeon cell. Give the handkerchief to the young boy, and you will learn about a secret room. Go north and move the arm on the suit of armor to discover the secret room. Look through the hole in the wall and you will learn the first part of a password. Climb the stairs and look through another hole in the wall. Give Cassima your dagger before leaving.

Go west twice and look through another hole to see the Vizier. Walk north to the end of the hall and through the secret door to the left. Open the black box on the table to see the second half of a password. Close the box and unlock the chest with your skeleton key. Take the letter and read it, then return to the basement via the secret passage (into the closet, south 3 times, down the stairs and through the stone wall to the south). Go west and speak the password to the door on the left - ALI ZEBU. Inside, pull the sheet to reveal the islands' treasures. Look at each of them in turn, then replace the sheet and leave the room.

Head east (at the bottom of the screen), then up the stairs and through the door. You will meet Saladin. Show him the letter and you will go in to witness the wedding ceremony. Walk closer to the couple. The King and Queen will burst in and disrupt the ceremony. Follow the Vizier through the back door and up 2 flights of stairs. When the genie appears and is ready to attack, Jollo will give you the real lamp. Command the genie to obey you, and force it back into the lamp. Next grab a sword from the wall and fight the Vizier. Cassima will intervene and stab him, so when he is diverted, knock him out to complete the game.