My Beautiful Paper Smile
Game Details: Horror, 2021
Steam Achievements: Completed (26/26)
Links: Moby Games, Steam, Adventure Gamers
Walkthrough Updated: 3/24/2024
Suggested Listening: Wild Hearts Meet (Ash 25)
Chapter 1
My Beautiful Escape
Grab a white ticket (1/5) from the table in your room, then click on the cell door to the right. Wait for an announcement, then open the cell door. Walk down along the cell block area. Talk to the men behind the reception desk, then click on one of the kids in the queue to the left. You will head through the doors on the left to reach the testing chambers.
From now on, you can turn your "life" on and off to provide light - if you spend too much time without using your life, the darkness will take you First Blood. At some points in the game you will need to turn off your life to avoid being seen - just remember to turn it back on every now and then.
Go right and head up one flight of stairs, then head left and down to find a small room. Pick up the plank here, then leave the room again. Go up another flight of stairs, then around to the right. You will find a TV displaying the code V91, and can pick up a grey ticket (1/4) from next to it. Continue down and right until you reach a hole - you will automatically use the plank to create a bridge here.
Cross the bridge, then go up onto a raised platform and pick up a key. Return down and start going to the right. Walk through the first door, then continue all the way up along the corridor to the end and take a black ticket (1/3). Leave this room again and continue right. As soon as you see the monster, run back to the left. Head up onto the raised platform, around one of the pillars, and go back to the right, with the monster still chasing you. As long as you have the key, you will automatically open the door at the end.
After returning to the cell block area, you can pick up a white ticket (2/5) from the floor to the right of the reception desk. Return to your cell, which is through the last door on the left.
Once you wake up, click on your friend to wake them up as well. Click on the cell door to the right and The Lost Child will help you. Click on the door again to leave your cell. Head down along the cell block area, then through the doors to the left. Continue up the stairs, then go right and up some more stairs.
Go up along the next corridor. Through the first open doors on the left, read the document and pick up a white ticket (3/5). Back out in the corridor, go through the first opens doors on the right. Continue into the second part of this room and pick up an audio tape. Go back out to the corridor and through the second open doors on the left to get a grey ticket (2/4). Return out to the corridor and now go through the second open doors on the right. Turn off your life and run right until you reach the next room, then turn your life back on. Go forward and up the stairs, taking the black ticket (2/3) from the large wooden disc. While you are here, go back down the stairs and click on the door to the right repeatedly until the sound changes. Go back to the previous room, turn off your life and run through to return to the corridor.
With your life back on, go forward to the end of the corridor and through the doors on the right. In the room with lots of screens, grab another white ticket (4/5) from the left. Continue to the next room on the right and read the document on the desk. After your friend is taken, return left and open the doors. Go down along the corridor, then left and down both sets of stairs. Click on the doors to the right, and you will see your friend taken further to the right. Return to your cell.
Once you wake up again, click on the cell door to leave. Walk down past the desk and collect a grey ticket (3/4) from the floor near the doors on the left. Talk to the men behind the reception desk. After the alarms sound, go through the doors to the right. Keep going right and head down 2 flights of stairs, then pick up the final white ticket (5/5) Ticket Hunter. Go down another flight of stairs and through another set of doors.
Go up the next set of stairs, then right and down to find the last grey ticket (4/4) Ticket Detective. Go back down the stairs you just climbed, and now go right. Go forward alone the next long path until you reach side paths going left and right. Head right first and pick up the final black ticket (3/3) Ticket Sleuth. Go through the door just to the left of where you find the ticket. Use your 3 black tickets in the ticket booth, then go into The Puppet Room and pick up a black keycard. Return through both doors. Now head left and through the first door towards the left. Use your 4 grey tickets in the ticket booth, then get a grey keycard from The Sleeping Room. Go back through both doors, then enter the next one to the left. Use your 5 white tickets in the ticket booth. Go through to The Smiling Room and collect a white keycard. Leave these rooms, then go back down along the long path.
Go right, through a door and down the stairs. Use your 3 keycards on the slots here, then enter the next room to the right Super Sneaky Spy. Follow the path to the end to see a cutscene where a dial points to the sequence EP511 - this is a reference to Ephesians 5:11 "Don't participate in the fruitless works of darkness, but instead expose them".
Return all the way back to where you found the last grey ticket. Go right over the bridge, then through the open doors. In the next room, go through the open doors. Pick up a key from the table. Use your audio tape on the tape player on the second table Eavesdropper. Leave this and go back to the long path. Use the key on the doors at the very end of it.
In the next room, head right over a very long bridge. Keep running right through the open door at the end. In the next room, keep running and click on the Face Delivery door (the third door). In this room, there is a box of masks in the middle. Pick up a mask and put it on one of the mannequins, then grab another mask. When the monster stands in front of the mannequin, put the mask on the monster. Repeat this with a total of 3 mannequins to defeat the monster.
Go through the door that opens up the stairs, and press the button inside - this will start a conveyor belt. Leave the room and get onto the conveyor belt GTFO.
Chapter 2
A Place of Sorrow
After waking up, follow the path around to the right, over a bridge and down some stairs. Go forward beneath the bridge you went over. You will eventually reach a fork in the path - if you try to go left, you will decide you cannot go that way, as it leads back to the facility. Continue right instead, then when you can, head up. Just over to the left, you can find a triangle token (1/5) near some boxes.
Return to the path and follow it a long way up into a bricked area. At the far end, approach a pedestal and pick up a knife - you will see a cutscene with your friend. Follow them to the far right until you see them go through a large set of doors. Approach the doors and click on them, then head to the far right until you find a rope. Click on the rope to climb down. Go right until you find a cabin - go around the front and head inside. Pick up another triangle token (2/5), then go back outside to meet the Hunter A New Friend. Go back into the cabin and click on the bed to go to sleep. While you are sleeping, you can grab a crescent token (1/3) from just to the right of the bed.
Once you wake up again, go outside and talk to the Hunter. Follow the Hunter until he tells you to wait. Go through the gate to the left and pick up the next triangle token (3/5) from the left side of the building. Continue further to the left and then up towards another cabin. Grab the gear from the right side of the building, then go inside. Attach the gear to the mechanism here, then pull the lever before heading back outside. Cross over the bridge, then go right and back towards the boat, where you can collect a diamond token (1/4).
Now go forward until you reach a larger building. Head inside, then go to the far right and pick up the rusty key from the floor. Go to the far left and exit the building through a side door. Equip your knife, then head back towards the Hunter. Once the Spider starts following you, attack it 3 times with your knife. When you reach the Hunter, he will give you a flask of blood. You will automatically travel to a new location. After the Hunter leaves to rest, enter the building via the right side and pick up a triangle token (4/5) from the floor.
Go back outside again and head to the far right. Once you reach a small building, open the gate just to the left and follow the path up. Continue all the way into the temple at the end. Approach the altar and pick up a diamond token (2/4) from just to the right. Read the documents on the altar. If the layout of the temple is as shown in the diagram below (with the altar at the top), light the orbs marked in yellow:
This will summon the Lost Child Cultist. Head all the way back to the fire where the Hunter left you, and click on it to make him return. Follow the Hunter to the right and up to a gate, where he will tell you to look for a key. Follow him through the gate, then look on the steps of a small building to the left for the next diamond token (3/4). Continue forward to the left side of the larger building, and go through the door. Use your knife to cut the 3rd rope from the left, then take the key. Go back outside, then click on the main door at the base of the tower.
After a cutscene, you will automatically go to another cabin. Climb up the steps to the cabin and grab the last triangle token (5/5) just to the right Token Hunter. Enter the cabin, then click on the bed to go to sleep. While you are sleeping, you can find the next crescent token (2/3) from beneath another bed to the left. During your dream, choose to kill the Hunter. Go outside and approach the fire - you will automatically kill the Hunter. Search his body to get the Hunter's blood and the last crescent token (3/3) Token Sleuth.
Head left, open the gate and go through. Walk down slightly and pick up the final diamond token (4/4) Token Detective. Now go forward along the path until you reach a sign that says "Entering EDEN". Go up the steps on the left to the Fountain of the Spirit, throwing in your 5 triangle tokens. Next go up the steps on the right to the Fountain of the Father, throwing in your 4 diamond tokens. Now go forward to the Fountain of the Son, throwing in your 3 crescent tokens.
Head up the large stairs on the right, then enter the cave and click on the cauldron. Leave the cave and continue left - just before you reach the bridge, you will see that there is an apple on the fountain below. Go back down the stairs and collect the apple. Go back upstairs, into the cave, and add the apple to the cauldron. Once you receive your name, head through the door on the right and continue right until you get caught by the Spider.
Move left and right repeatedly until you are free of the webs. Walk down the ramp and grab your knife from the table on the left. Walk over to the base of the stairs on the right, and you will hear the Spider approaching. Go back to the middle of the room and stand next to the ramp, then attack the Spider while it is stuck on the other side - keep attacking until it dies. Head right up the stairs, then continue right into the next room and go forward to meet an old man. Walk closer to talk to him, then let him kill you Well, That Happened. On your next attempt, keep dodging him until his leg gets stuck in the ground, then quickly attack - repeat this until he dies.
You will now have a final battle against another Spider. You need to avoid the Spider when it runs around, by hiding in one of these locations:
- On the middle platform
- At the bottom of the left platform
- At the bottom of the right platform
If the spider hits you twice you will die. While avoiding the spider by returning to these safe spots as needed, you need to do the following:
- Turn the dial at the top of the left platform until all the lights go white and then back to black until it clicks
- Turn the dial at the top of the right platform until all the lights go white and then back to black until it clicks
- Turn the dial at the top of the left platform until all the lights go white and then back to black until it clicks
- Go to the middle platform and wait by the lever
- Pull the lever when the spider is beneath the pallet of bricks
Go up and approach the squashed spider Traveler.
Chapter 3
An Untimely Departure
You will wake up and meet a Heretic Not All Bad.... Head right, down the stairs, and through the door guarded by two Heretics. Walk forward to talk to the Leader. Return back through the guarded, door, then go through the open doors to the left. Grab a small breaker (1/5) from the bench to the left. Click on the knife to talk to the Heretics here, then return to talk to the Leader.
After you leave the building, follow the Heretic to the right, hiding behind boxes whenever he does to avoid detection (also make sure you turn off your life as needed). After going through a gate, continue to the right using the same hiding technique. Keep an eye out for a small breaker (2/5) on a crate. Go up through this alley to meet the Heretic and go through another gate. Keep going right and duck into the first alley between buildings. Go up along this to find a medium breaker (1/4). Now keep going right through an open gate. The Heretic will give you an Underland key and open the door ahead so you can go through.
Continue through gates to the right twice and you will hear an announcement. Make sure you stay with the other kids. Once you start walking, stay with the group, but duck to the left when you see some stairs up to a small building so you can grab a medium breaker (2/4). You will have to start this section again - this time stay with the group until you end up in a cabin with a lot of beds. Click on one of the doors to the left, which you will be able to open if you have the rusty key. Inside this room, take the large breaker (1/3) from the chair. Go back out to the main room and sleep on an empty bed.
Leave the cabin again, and a chase sequence will begin. Go up through a gate. Follow the path to the right and go up the third alley. Turn right again and go to the far end to find a small breaker (3/5) - you will then be caught. Start the chase sequence again, following the same path. This time after going up the third alley, go right only briefly then head up again until you fall down through some wooden boards.
From here, to left, down 2 flights of stairs, then right into a room with a lever and 2 doors. Continue through a separate door to the right. There is a medium breaker (3/4) on the floor in front of the shelves here. Continue up and right into the next room, where you will find a TV displaying the code Z40. Flip up the middle lever here. Return back to the lever with the 2 doors, and flip this lever to move the bridge to the right. Cross the bridge and go through this door.
Head right along this corridor, then you will see a creature at the end of a long corridor disappear. Go to where they were standing and pick up a large breaker (2/3). Continue through the door to the right, then down 2 flights of stairs. Continue down and right through another opened door. Head over and flip the lever towards the right. Wait for the bridge to be lowered, then cross it and click on the large wooden doors Getting Warmer....
Go through the doorway on the left and grab the small breaker (4/5). Continue forward and through the door ahead. Go right, then forward and through an opened door on the left. After the cutscene, follow the Authorities to the right. Continue into the next room to the right, then into a smaller storage room. Wait for an Authority to come past the doorway (listen and look for light changes). Return to the previous room, then sprint down, right, up and right twice to reach a large room with a staircase in the middle. Go to the bottom right of the room and head through the door. Continue right and through the first open door to find the last small breaker (5/5) Breaker King. Wait for the Authority to pass by, going down, then head back out to the corridor and through the last door on the right. Continue right and up the stairs, then into the next room. Read the note on the wall here, which mentions Cell Examine the safe and open it with the code 1891, then take the second layer key.
Now you need to get back to where you entered the Underland. Dodge the Authority in the nearby corridor to make your way back to the room with the staircase in the middle. Go through the door on the left here, and keep heading back to where you started, avoiding one more Authority.
Once you return to the entry, go down the ramps to the third layer. Go through the door, quickly run right and grab the last large breaker (3/3) Certified Electrician. You will die from poisoning.
This time, just go down 2 ramps and head through the door on the second layer. Head through the next door to the right. Avoiding the guard in the square room to the right, go right through the next doorway, then up and into a small room on the left. Pick up the coupler from the shelves. Leave this room and continue up, finding the last medium breaker (4/4) on the right wall Tech Wizard. Continue up through the next doorway on the right. Pick up another coupler from the floor. Return to the square room and go through the doorway at the top left. Turn the valve over the Exhaust sign, then remove the 2 curved pipes and replace them with your 2 couplers. Turn the valves over the Exhaust and Layer 3 signs. Now go back to the Underland entrance area again.
Go down to the third layer and go through the door - this time the poison will not kill you. Go right to find a room with paired staircases going up. Head up and use your 5 small breakers to open Storage 1, then go inside and read the message. Use your 4 medium breakers to open Storage 2, then go inside and read another message. Use your 3 large breakers to open Storage 3, heading inside to read the final message.
Go back down the stairs and through the door in the middle. Continue right, then forward along a long corridor. Take either direction at the end, then enter a control booth. There are 5 levers on the left, 1 lever in the middle, and 1 lever on the right. After the cutscene, the Faceless will start approaching. When you see one of the left levers twitching, quickly use this lever to attack the Faceless. Now repeatedly pull the right lever until the lights beneath the levers turn back on. Do this several times. As soon as the Faceless appears next to you, pull the lever in the middle to defeat it Stay Dead, Please.
Leave the booth and go forward over the bridge, then left at the end. After talking with your friend, run up along the corridor and into the elevator.
Chapter 4
A Journey's End
From the start, follow the road to the right. Keep going until you reach the river, then walk down slightly so you can collect a puppet arm (1/4). Now head up through a break in the fence, approaching a locked gate that is broken open. Continue forward through the broken gate, keeping going to the end. Explore the room on the left to read a note, then go to the right. Continue forward along another passage until you can see an elevator straight ahead. Enter the left room to see some mannequins. Leave this room then enter it again so you can pick up a puppet head (1/3). Now enter the room to the right to pick up a puppet leg (1/5). Leave this room and step forward onto the elevator.
Exit the elevator and go right, then upstairs and further right. When you find a darkened doorway, go forward through it. Continue right, then down the stairs to reach a dirt floor with multiple coffins. Pick up another puppet leg (2/5) from the floor, then grab the key from the middle of the room. Go back up the stairs and use the key to unlock the door here.
There is a TV in this room displaying the code A01. Flip the first lever up. Return down to the coffins and go through the opened door on the right. Continue up the stairs to the right, then turn to go forward up a long corridor. Enter the second room on the right to find a puppet leg (3/5), then enter the third room on the left to find a puppet arm (2/4). Now go through the fourth door on the right. Continue past a series of mannequins, then upstairs and through a sliding door. Now head forward past a series of cages and through another sliding door. Take the binding cream from a shelf on the right of this room. Step forward onto the elevator.
Exit the elevator and go right twice, then head forward and over a bridge. Approach the table in the middle of the room and take some ash. Go left and follow the path until you reach a small dead end room, then pick up a key. Return to the table, then go up and use the key to open the door on the left. Enter the room here and pick up a puppet head (2/3). Return to the table again and now head right. Turn to go up along a corridor and pick up a puppet leg (4/5) from the floor.
Turn right again at the end of the corridor, and you will meet a spirit. Run to the right as soon as you can and head through the door. This time, run forward towards the spirit and it will leave. Continue forward until you reach the closed elevator, then go left, forward, and through the right doorway. Grab the crowbar. Now leave this room and continue through the left doorway. Follow this path until you find a child in a cage. Break the cage open using your crowbar Jailbreak. Go back to the elevator and pull the left lever, then get onto it.
Exit the elevator and go right. Look at the clues from the 3 pedestals, then approach the large doors and enter this code:
Go through the doors and walk towards the spirit again. Continue ahead through the next doors. Search the floor to the left of the long carpet to find another puppet arm (3/4). Keep going forward through a large archway, then look at the tables in the right of the large dining room to get the last puppet leg (5/5) Leg Work.
Continue forward through large double doors, then right through some more doors. Walk over the walkways into the next room. Push the large trolley so that it falls down to the ground below. Now head down the stairs and go through the door on the right. Keep running along the passage, keeping an eye out for the final puppet head (3/3) in a doorway as you go past Three heads are better than one. Keep running up the stairs and through a door that you block behind you. Enter the next room to the right and grab the crystal orb from the table. Go right again and get onto the elevator.
After the elevator stops, use your crowbar on the vent then climb through. Go down 2 flights of steps and collect the final puppet arm (4/4) Need a hand?. Go back up 3 flights of steps and through the door on the right. Go just to the right and go through the doorway. Use the bowl to create your life orb, then equip it and use it Better than a knife.
Enter the room that was blocked by the mannequins and take the key from the table. Return to the steps and go all the way to the top. Head through the door here. Continue right, then up along the large hall and through the doors on the right. Use your 5 puppet legs on the first offering bowl, then go through the door to see a TV displaying the code U93. Use your 4 puppet arms on the second offering bowl, then go through the door to see a TV displaying the code R05. Use your 3 puppet heads on the second offering bowl, then go through the door to see a TV displaying the code Y38.
Return to the corridor and go right, then click on the large doors ahead. Walk towards the King. After the first conversation, use your life orb to destroy the Authorities. After the second conversation, run behind a pillar on the right to avoid the laser beam, continuing to use your life orb to destroy the Authorities. After the third conversation, run around avoiding the King's laser beam and attacking the King with your life orb at the same time. After he is dead, pick up the crown The End.
If you look within the game files on your computer, you will find a series of text files within nested folders. If you open text files that match the TV screens you have seen throughout the game you will find the following:
- V91 = explain
- Z40 = secret
- A01 = hunters
- U93 = say
- R05 = your
- Y38 = name
You will also find a program called "MBPSmileTerminal". The first time you run this, you will be asked for a code. Enter EP511, which is a code you found in Chapter 1, then wait for a while and you will see a video. The second time you run it, you will see some text in red. The third time you run it, you should enter the 3 commands you saw in Chapter 3:
- F12-Reboot Code=1891_360
- F12-Initiation Command=system_port=12 (remap server/13-37)
- F12-Conversation Reset=cmd_RC12_B-Online