Star Trek: Deep Space Nine - Harbinger
Game Details: Sci-Fi, 1995
Links: Moby Games, Adventure Gamers
Walkthrough Updated: 9/28/2024
Suggested Listening: Caught Up in the Panic (Ash 25)
After a conversation with Odo, turn left and click on the small screen with red flashing text. Look at this more closely, then press the Vent Plasma button. Now you need to replace the 3 damaged chips as follows:
- Plasma Injectors: Top position
- Reactant Injectors: Left position
- Monitoring System: Bottom-right position
To position them, click on the replacement chip, then click on the edges of the chip to move it into position. Once you are done, turn right to talk to Odo again. You will end up going to Ops to meet Sisko, Dax and Kira. Walk forward, turn left and walk around to the right so you are behind Dax, then talk to her.
After an arcade sequence, talk to Dax again. Turn right, then walk around to the left and talk to Sisko. Turn right again and enter the turbo lift. Select to go to the Lower Promenade.
Turn around and open the lift doors, then step out of the lift. Turn left and go through the doorway to the left into Quark's Bar. Step forward towards the woman, then turn around to talk to Quark. Turn back around and talk to Jani. After your conversation, turn left and go out through the doorway to leave the bar.
Turn left and head forward 4 times, then turn right and go through the silver doors into Security. Talk to Odo about everything, then turn around and leave Security again.
Turn right and head forward 3 times, then turn right and open the airlock door. Go forward through the airlock into the Habitat Ring. Continue forward 3 times, then turn right and go forward 3 times. Turn left and try to open the brown doors - have a conversation attempting to open the doors, but you will be unsuccessful.
Turn left and go forward 3 times, left and forward 3 times. Continue back through the airlock, then go left, forward 3 times, left and back into Security. Talk to Odo about everything again. Make your way back through the airlock to Karrig's quarters and open the door using the override code. Go through the doors, then head inside and examine the green body on the floor. Back out from the body and talk to Odo when he enters.
Leave Karrig's quarters and return through the airlock into the Lower Promenade. Turn left and make your way back around to the turbo lift. Select to go to Ops.
Talk to Sisko about everything, then talk to Dax again. Get back into the turbo lift and head back to the Lower Promenade.
Head to Security again and talk to Quark and then Odo. Return to the turbo lift and head up to the Upper Promenade. Exit the turbo lift and turn left. Walk forward until you can talk to Rasmus, dressed in red. Turn around and enter Quark's Bar on this level, then go down the stairs to return to the lower level. Head to the bar and talk to Jani.
Leave Quark's Bar and turn left. Go through the airlock again to reach the Habitat Ring. Go forward to the end and turn right. Go forward to the end and turn right again. Open the red door here and enter the Cargo Bay. Head around and through the next set of doors, then continue through the next airlock into the Docking Ring.
Go forward and turn left, then head forward again and talk to Yarrow. Once she opens the airlock, talk to the Scythians. Once they shut the airlock, talk to Yarrow again. Make your way all the way back to the turbo lift and up to Ops.
Go around and talk to Dax once more - she needs help with a cipher. Examine the left part of the console to the left of Dax. There are 5 colored bars, each associated with a word. You can press the green button to hear them all played in order, or can press the large panel at the bottom then one of the small brown buttons to get a word translated. You need to rearrange the words to make the sentence "Peace is many voices arguing":
Now press the green button to unlock the console. Listen to all of the standard logs and personal logs, then back out of the console. After talking to Dax and Sisko again, use the turbo lift to get to the Lower Promenade. Make your way around through the airlock to the Habitat Ring again. Before reaching Karrig's quarters, enter the turbo lift here. Turn left and talk to Kira, choosing to go anywhere. Talk to her while the problem with the lift is resolved. Once this occurs, use the turbo lift to get back to the Habitat Ring.
Turn left and make your way to the Cargo Bay, where you will have a shootout with 2 Blue Lykotions (one is around to the left, and the other is behind the barrels around to the right). Talk to Odo here.
Go through the near airlock into the Docking Ring. Find Yarrow and get her to open the airlock, then talk to the Scythians again. After they close the airlock, talk to Yarrow and ask to try again. After talking for a while, the airlock will be closed again. Return to Ops and talk to Sisko and then Dax once more. Try to leave using the turbo lift, then talk to Sisko again. Next go back to Quark's Bar on the Lower Promenade, where Quark is talking to Odo at the bar.
The Lykotions
Return next to the Docking Ring. Head to the airlock here to talk to the Scythians again. After Yarrow is killed, take the bracelet from the Red Lykotion. Start heading back to the Habitat Ring and you will notice a ticking sound increasing in frequency. Save your game, then keep going.
In this section you cannot stand still for long, or a Red Lykotion will appear and kill you. Keep moving into Karrig's room and step forward, then shoot a Red Lykotion on the left (just shoot when your cursor changes). Continue to the Lower Promenade and turn left. Go forward 6 times and turn left again to shoot another Red Lykotion. Next head into Quark's Bar and go upstairs, then turn around and shoot another Red Lykotion near the railing.
Go back downstairs and head back through the airlock leading to the Habitat Ring. Shoot the next Red Lykotion in the corridor near the turbo lift. Continue forward through the cargo bay towards the airlock leading to the Docking Ring and shoot the last one inside the airlock. Step forward and talk to Odo.
The Scythians
Head back to the Upper Promenade and enter Quark's Bar. Talk to Quark and Rhoon near the stairs on the left, then continue through the doorway here into the Holosuite. Talk to Kira and agree to sit down. Play through 3 simulations, using your stronger weapons during the first 2 (right mouse button).
You will automatically return to Ops. Talk to Sisko, then to the Scythians. You will end up playing through a series of action sequences - first shoot the enemy drones, then destroy the 3 yellow targets on the Harbinger. Finally fly through a chasm and reach the far end, where you will eventually crash land.
Turn left and move forward, then try to access the console and you will talk to the computer. Turn left and continue forward to open a black cabinet - take out a phaser rifle. Go back to your seat and turn around again so you are looking at the console. Open the black panel on the left and save your game.
You need to click on the nodes with arrows to direct the different colored power lines from the top to the bottom, avoiding the brown burnt-out lines:
The yellow path needs to follow the order indicate - all others just go gradually from top to bottom. . Once the arrows are correctly aligned, you can click on the power nodes at the top to activate the power. Once you automatically back out, use the console again. Turn around and leave the ship through the hole in front of your seat.
Go forward to find a locked gate, then turn around. Go back past the right side of your ship to find a turbo lift at the other end of the corridor. Press the button at the bottom left to head to the Power Maze. Throughout this segment, save your game frequently - you will need to shoot drones as they appear. From the starting position on Level 1, follow these instructions:
- Go forward 10 times, turn right, go forward 6 times, turn left, go forward and use the teleporter to go up.
- Turn left, go forward 3 times, turn right, go forward 5 times, turn right, go forward and use the teleporter to go up.
- Turn left, go forward 3 times, turn left, go forward 5 times and use the teleporter to go down.
- Turn left, go forward 4 times, turn right, go forward and use the teleporter to go down.
- Turn around, go forward 2 times and use the teleporter to go up.
- Go forward 2 times, turn left, go forward and use the teleporter to go up.
Open the doors and step forward into the Power Room. Head around to the controls on the right of the central console. Press the red button twice (to see red arcs descending). Continue around to the controls on the rear of the central console. Press the red button here twice as well (to see red arcs descending). You have now disabled the drones in the maze. Return up the stairs to where you entered this room. Press the button near the bottom to return to the Power Maze.
- Turn around, go forward, turn right, go forward 2 times and use the teleporter to go down.
- Go forward 2 times and use the teleporter to go up.
- Turn around, go forward, turn left, go forward 4 times and use the teleporter to go up.
- Turn right, go forward 5 times, turn right, go forward 3 times, turn right and use the teleporter to go down.
- Go forward, turn left, go forward 5 times, turn left, go forward 3 times, turn right and use the teleporter to go down.
- Go forward 3 times, turn left, go forward 5 times, turn right, go forward 5 times, turn right, go forward 2 times, turn left and go forward 2 times.
Continue forward 5 times and press the button to activate the first generator. Turn around and head back to the Power Maze.
- Go forward 2 times, turn right, go forward 2 times, turn left, go forward 5 times, turn left, go forward 5 times, turn right, go forward 3 times and use the teleporter to go up.
- Turn left, go forward 3 times, turn right, go forward 5 times, turn right, go forward and use the teleporter to go up.
- Turn left, go forward 3 times, turn left, go forward 5 times and use the teleporter to go down.
- Turn left, go forward 4 times, turn right, go forward and use the teleporter to go down.
- Turn around, go forward 2 times, turn left, go forward 5 times, turn right, go forward 2 times, turn right, go forward 3 times, turn right, go forward, turn left, go forward 3 times, turn left, go forward 4 times, turn left, go forward 2 times, turn right, go forward, turn left, go forward 2 times and use the teleporter to go up.
- Turn left, go forward, turn right, go forward 5 times, turn right, go forward twice, turn right, go forward, turn left and use the teleporter to go down.
- Turn around, go forward, turn right, go forward, turn right, go forward 2 times, turn left, go forward 2 times, turn right, go forward 3 times, turn left, go forward 4 times, turn right, go forward, turn left, go forward 4 times, turn left, go forward 2 times, turn right, go forward 2 times, turn left, go forward, turn right and go forward.
Continue forward 5 times and press the button to activate the second generator. Turn around and head back to the Power Maze.
- Go forward, turn left, go forward, turn right, go forward 2 times, turn left, go forward 2 times, turn right, go forward 4 times, turn right, go forward, turn left, go forward 4 times, turn right, go forward 3 times, turn left, go forward 2 times, turn right, go forward 2 times, turn left, go forward, turn left, go forward and use the teleporter to go up.
- Turn left, go forward, turn left, go forward 2 times, turn left, go forward 5 times, turn left, go forward, turn left and use the teleporter to go down.
- Turn around, go forward 2 times, turn right, go forward, turn left, go forward 2 times, turn right, go forward 4 times, turn right, go forward 3 times, turn right, go forward, turn left, go forward 3 times, turn left, go forward 2 times, turn left, go forward 5 times, turn left and use the teleporter to go up.
- Go forward 2 times, turn left, go forward and use the teleporter to go up.
Open the doors and step forward into the Power Room. All of the buttons around the central console will now be activated. Press the buttons in this order:
- Pink buttons on the front and left sides of the console (to see a pink pyramid)
- Yellow buttons on the front and rear sides of the console (to see a yellow pyramid)
- Blue buttons on the left and rear sides of the console (to see a blue pyramid)
- Green buttons on the front and right sides of the console (to see green lightning)
- Red buttons on the right and rear sides of the console (to see red lightning)
Make sure you disable the drones again by pressing each of the red buttons twice (to see red arcs descending). You have now shorted out the power and disabled the drones again. Return up the stairs to where you entered this room. Press the button near the bottom to return to the Power Maze.
- Turn around, go forward, turn right, go forward 2 times and use the teleporter to go down.
- Turn right, go forward 5 times, turn left, go forward, turn right, go forward 6 times, turn right, go forward 2 times, turn left, go forward 5 times, turn right, go forward, turn left, go forward, turn left and go forward.
Use the turbo lift here, pressing the only available button towards the right. Continue forward along the corridor here, then use the next turbo lift, pressing a button further to the right to reach Communications. Head through the right door to find a tall machine. Walk around to the right of this until you find a fuzzy image. Talk to Odo here and get him to adjust his signal until he is clear. Now talk to him some more. Return to the Power Maze. Save your game, as the drones may start to reappear.
- Go forward, turn right, go forward, turn right, go forward, turn left, go forward 5 times, turn right, go forward 2 times, turn left, go forward 6 times, turn left, go forward, turn right, go forward 5 times, turn right, go forward 2 times and use the teleporter to go up.
- Turn around, go forward, turn left, go forward 4 times and use the teleporter to go up.
- Turn right, go forward 5 times, turn right, go forward 3 times, turn right and use the teleporter to go down.
- Go forward, turn left, go forward 5 times, turn left, go forward 3 times, turn right and use the teleporter to go down.
- Go forward, turn right, go forward 6 times, turn left and go forward 9 times.
Use the turbo lift here, pressing the only available button towards the right. Go past the crashed ship, turn around and climb back inside through the hole. Use the console and you will transport Kira to safety. Leave through the hole again and go straight ahead to the locked gate. You need to adjust the symbols in the various parts of the lock as follows:
- Top-Left: Light up the large symbol
- Bottom-Left: Light up the middle symbol
- Bottom-Right: Light up the second symbol from the left
Go through and use the turbo lift, clicking on the available symbol on the left. Turn around and step into the middle of the room. Go through the door straight ahead. Use the terminal on the left here to show a bridge that quickly disappears again. Return to the previous room and turn right. Go through the door here and listen to the voice, then talk to Quark, who is straight ahead of you - he will agree to help with the bridge.
Go back to the bridge and talk to Quark here until he fixes the bridge. Once he leaves, use the bridge control to get the bridge to stay permanently. Save your game, then cross over the bridge. Go around the central console in this room and up the steps behind it. Turn around and go up the next set of steps.
Step forward to meet Keel the Shipbuilder. Select these options:
- My name is Bannik
- I want a ship
- Attack
- Long
- Yes
- Enhanced
- Fast
- Superior
- Yes
- I want control
- Access to Control
- Yes
- I want information
- Words of Access?
- Other holoprograms?
- Master?
- Factory layout
- That's all
- No
Turn around and go back down one set of steps. Use the console on the right to form another bridge. Save your game, then cross over the bridge to Communications. Go through the left door here and use the central computer to talk to Odo and Rhoon about everything - you will learn the Words of Access.
Save your game, then head back over the bridge and up the steps to the Holoprograms. Step forward to talk to Keel the Shipbuilder again, and say "Invoke Control". Now you will be speaking to Master Control. Select these options:
- Stop patrols
- YOU are Master?
- State the nature...
- Destroy Citadel
- Attack Scythians
- Scythians children?
- Not all destroyed
- Scythians help us
- They're in orbit
Turn around and go back down the steps. Save your game, then cross the bridge back to Communications. Talk to Odo again. Use the panel beneath Odo, then click it until the central symbol is yellow. Save your game, then go back over the bridge and up the steps once more. Step forward to talk to Keel the Shipbuilder again, and say "Invoke Control". Now you will be speaking to Master Control. Talk about everything.
Turn around and go down both set of steps. Save your game, then cross the lower bridge again. Go forward, then through the door on the right. Talk to Quark, who is sitting straight ahead - he will eventually give you his cloaking device. Click on the device at the top left of your screen, then press the button at the bottom left so you are reflecting an image.
Leave this room and go through the door on the left. Cross the bridge, then go up both sets of steps at the far end. Step forward to talk to Keel the Shipbuilder, and say "Invoke Tactical". Now you will be speaking to Tactical Control. Select these options:
- Release all ships
- Recall Nemesis
- Do it!
- Why not?
- This is an ERROR!
- Purge system
Turn around and go down both set of steps. Save your game, then cross the lower bridge again. Go forward, then through the door on the right. Turn left and click on the console on the floor to destroy the home bank. Leave this room and go through the door on the left. Cross the bridge, then go up both sets of steps at the far end. Step forward to join the conversation - you will need to click to interrupt them, then let them know when you are ready to leave.
Final Battle
You must aim at the glowing targets - you will eventually destroy the Nemesis.