Game Details: Mystery, 2019
Steam Achievements: Completed (19/19)
Links: Moby Games, Steam, Adventure Gamers
Walkthrough Updated: 3/26/2022
Suggested Listening: Where There's Smoke (Ash 25)
Day 1
Crime Scene
After the introduction you will arrive at the crime scene Welcome to Pineview. Walk right and look at the open window, then go further right to talk to the police officer. Now go in through the front door of the house. Head left to talk to Sheriff Harris.
Examine the pistol and open the barrel to see there are 3 spent shell casings. Open the drawer over Chris, then examine the red wine on the table. Examine both bodies, including Chris' hand, as well as the small writing at the base of one of the kitchen cupboards. Talk to Officer Watts on the left to be able to head back outside.
Walk right and accept the coffee from Officer Blunt, then talk to the neighbor, Mr Willis. You will automatically talk to Officer Watts, then share a car ride with Officer Blunt.
Jack's Auto Store
Talk to Jack about the car. Go right and try to open the toolbox, then return to talk to Jack again. Search the stuff behind your car to find the key, then open the toolbox and take the big red wrench. Go and give this to Jack. After your conversation, go left and talk to Officer Blunt.
Streets of Pineview
Head right and talk to Mark (the guy in the red sweater). Go to the far right, up the hill, and talk to Father Smith. Go back down the hill to the left and look at the street sign for Overlook Street. Go down to the right until you reach the hotel.
Go right and Mrs Patterson will show you inside. Use the drawers to change into your sleepwear, then turn off the lights and go to sleep. While you are dreaming, go right until you fall down, then examine the grave. Press the key indicated repeatedly until you wake up. Try to move each part of your body, then talk to Abigail. The day will now end A rainy day.
Day 2
Use the drawers to change clothes, then leave the room.
Streets of Pineview
Down in the cafe, talk to Officer Blunt and say "I need more coffee". Go left and talk to Mark, then take the coffee (1/4). Next talk to the depressed man (1/4). Sit down next to Officer Blunt to talk to her.
Out on the street, you will automatically talk to Allan. Head left and look at the street sign for Aspen Street. Talk to the guy with the skateboard (1/2). Now head left until you reach the crime scene.
Crime Scene
Look at the mirror behind you. Search the left nightstand. Try to open the right nightstand, but it is locked. Next look at the bulletin board to the right. Save your game, as there is an important decision coming up soon. Look at the painting over the bed, then unlock the right nightstand to start a flashback.
At the party, go to the far left, and a woman will come out to talk to you.
Streets of Pineview
Back in the cafe, you will talk to Officer Blunt. This conversation will lead to one of two possible achievements that will not be awarded until the end of the game:
- I think you're capable You've got potential
OR - I'd stay in Pineview, if I were you They need you here
Go left and talk to Mark, then take the coffee, then put it on the table to start another conversation.
Outside again, go right and look at the street sign for Overlook Street. Go down to the right and talk to the man with the guitar (1/4), suggesting "Drunken dreams of you and I". Continue right to reach the hotel.
Go right and enter the hotel. Use the bathroom to take a bath. Use the drawers to change into your sleepwear, then turn off the lights and go to sleep. While you are dreaming, go right until you eventually reach the car. Press the key indicated repeatedly until you wake up. The day will now end Driving rain.
Day 3
Use the drawers to change clothes, then leave the room.
Streets of Pineview
Down in the cafe, talk to Officer Blunt and say "I need more coffee". Go left and talk to Mark, then take the coffee (2/4). Next talk to the depressed man (2/4). Sit down next to Officer Blunt to talk to her.
Outside, pick up 4 photos, then talk to the dog and try to take the photo. Talk to Mark, then search the dumpster to the left. Talk to the dog again and offer the bone. Go further right and talk to Grandpa outside the bakery to the right. Go back to the dog once more and offer the biscuits. Pick up the final photo. Go right to talk to Johnny about the photo.
Head right to Overlook Street, then along Central Street and then to East Hills Road.
Go inside to talk to the doctor, examining both bodies fully. After the others leave, continue the conversation with the doctor.
Outside, you will automatically talk to Officer Blunt.
Streets of Pineview
Head left along Central Street, then go down along Happy Valley Road.
Sheriff's Department
Go left and talk to Brad.
Talk to Diane when she arrives.
Search the car on the right and take both the fuel container and the scissors. Fill the car with fuel, then head left to the boat. Cut the rope, then take it. Attach the rope to the planks, then to the car. Drive the car to move the planks. Remove the fuel from the car again, then fill the boat with fuel. Turn on the boat's engine, then push the boat.
Walk left until you are both at the stone, and you will start talking again. Head left into the water, then return to Diane when she calls you back. Talk again at her place. After eating, the conversation will continue.
Streets of Pineview
Go right and talk to the man with the guitar (2/4), suggesting "Rising sun of reason melts the frost". Continue right to reach the hotel.
Go right and enter the hotel. Use the telephone next to your bed. The day will now end Downpour.
Day 4
Leave the room.
Streets of Pineview
Down in the cafe, talk to Officer Blunt and say "I need more coffee". Go left and talk to Mark, then take the coffee (3/4). Next talk to the depressed man (3/4). Sit down next to Officer Blunt to talk to her.
Outside, go right and talk to the guy with the skateboard (2/2) Sk8r boi. Go left and head left from the sign to Cliffview Road.
Jack's Auto Store
Go right and talk to Jack.
Streets of Pineview
Go right and talk to Allan.
You will automatically talk to Diane.
Streets of Pineview
Head right, then down Aspen Street, slightly left and down Happy Valley Road.
Sheriff's Station
When you get there, you will talk to Officer Blunt, then head inside to talk to Brad again.
Head inside through the front door, then go left to head upstairs. Enter the left room and talk about it, then go back downstairs to continue the conversation.
Streets of Pineview
Go right to Overlook Street, and talk to the man with the guitar (3/4), suggesting "Ever since you have been gone".
Go left, then head along Central Street. Enter the store called "anna g", and buy the t-shirt and jacket. Now go left, then up the path to Main Street. Head right and enter the pub (just left of Grandpa's Bakery). Go over to the dance floor and choose any of the dances, then stop dancing I only dance when I'm drunk. Talk to Lenny at the bar, then return to Officers Blunt and Watts.
Use the bathroom. Use the drawers to change into your sleepwear, then turn off the lights and go to sleep. After another conversation, the day will end Deluge.
Day 5
Use the drawers to change clothes, then leave the room.
Streets of Pineview
Down in the cafe, talk to Officer Blunt and say "I need more coffee". Go left and talk to Mark, then take the coffee (4/4) There's nothing like too much coffee. Next talk to the depressed man (4/4) The finer points of tea. Sit down next to Officer Blunt to talk to her.
Go right and talk to Grandpa multiple times I'm not your grandpa!. Look at the puppy, then pick it up. Go left and talk to Allan, then go left and down to Aspen Street. Continue left and you will end up inside Allan's house.
Allan's House
Go right and search the jacket to find a key. Head upstairs and look at the birthday card to the far left. Go back downstairs and examine the lock on the door to the left. Check your notes for today's date (October 11), then open the lock with code 1011.
Down in the basement, turn on both lights. Examine the drawers to the right, then unlock them with your key. After seeing the photo and medical report, turn off both lights and go back upstairs. Return the key to the jacket.
Streets of Pineview
Go right, then head down East Hills Road. Go to the far left of the hospital to talk to the doctor.
Go right and try to head inside, but the door is locked. Climb up the down-pipe and talk to Diane through the window. Once inside, pick up the boom-box, CD player, globe lamp, cosmetics, guitar and horror films, and put them in the bag.
Streets of Pineview
Walk right to Overlook Street, then up to the left, then right to the church. Wait for Father Smith to come out, then ask him some questions.
Enter the church and use the pew on the right. When you are with Diane you will talk some more.
Streets of Pineview
Head to the far left to Cliffview Road.
Jack's Auto Store
Go right and examine Jack's car.
Streets of Pineview
You will automatically talk to Allan.
You will start this flashback in a conversation with Diane. Slide all the notes across the table.
Jack's Auto Store
You will automatically talk to Jack.
You will be at home, talking with Diane.
Sheriff's Station
You will continue talking to Jack at the station.
Streets of Pineview
Run right up the hill towards the church, then go inside and continue right.
You will automatically go to bed. While you are dreaming, collect all the lights. In the forest, head right, then jump down from the edge. Continue right until you reach Abigail. Press the key indicated repeatedly until you wake up Electrical Storm.
Day 6
You will be talking to Diane at home again.
Leave to the left.
Streets of Pineview
Head left up the street until you automatically enter Johnny's house and talk to Mrs Brown. Save your game, as there is an important decision coming up soon. Look at the photos on the wall and you will go upstairs. Look at the photos on the right.
After the fight you will talk.
Sheriff's Station
You will interrogate Johnny at the station, then you will be interrupted by Sheriff Harris, who has some important evidence.
You will automatically talk to Officer Blunt. This conversation will potentially end the game very abruptly depending on the choice you make:
- (Tell her)
OR - (Don't tell her) A different end
As long as you choose to tell Officer Blunt the truth on the first or second chance, the game will continue.
Go right and answer the phone. In the city, run to the far right, then back to the far left.
Streets of Pineview
Head right up the hill to the church and talk to Johnny with these options:
- I know, Johnny
- You were overwhelmed, I get it
- I know how it feels
- I've suffered too
- That won't happen - you were provoked
- You can redeem yourself Good with words
You will now see how the crime unfolded The truth.
Day 7
You will awaken refreshed A new day. Use the drawers to change into formal clothes, then leave the room. Head left.
Streets of Pineview
Continue left and talk to the man with the guitar (4/4) Wordsmith, suggesting "Like last night's cold rain". Continue left and enter the cafe to talk to Officer Blunt. Outside, head right to the funeral. Talk to anyone you want, finishing with Officer Blunt (you will receive an achievement now based on your conversation back in Day 2). Watch the closing credits Another chance.