Perfect Tides
Game Details: Adventure, 2022
Steam Achievements: Missing (0/31)
Links: Moby Games, Steam, Adventure Gamers
Walkthrough Updated: 3/28/2023
Suggested Listening: Help Me Out (Ash 25)
Day 1
Enter the campground office and take the inner tube from the desk. Head back outside and blow up the inner tube by using it on yourself, then use it on the wagon. Use the wagon and you will take it home.
Pick up the groceries and head inside, then put the groceries in the fridge. Once you are in your room, use your computer to connect to the internet, then check out the message board and chat room. Log out, then leave your room again. Talk to your mother and you will get a claim slip.
Return outside, then walk down, right and up to the Post Office. Give your claim slip to Mrs Peters and you will receive a package. Walk along the left side of the building, then continue along the path to The Tides. Pick up the beer bottle from the left here. Continue left and enter the large house on the beach. Talk to Simon to make dinner plans with him.
Leave the house and walk down twice, then go inside. Give the package to your mother, and you will end up with a sheet of plastic bubble wrap. Go back outside and use the bubble wrap on your beer bottle. Head down and left, then speak to Mrs Souza, who will give you some pea pods. Enter the campground office again and pick up the green gardening brochure from the stand against the wall.
Back outside, walk up and left, then speak to Mikey. Give him your beer coozy, and you will receive a packet of chips.
Night 1
Head right twice and enter your house. Open the oven and put the pea pods on the oven tray, then return the tray to the oven. Head outside again and go up twice and left. Pick up the squash seeds from the left.
Go right and enter Simon's house. Sit down at the table and when prompted give Simon the peas. After automatically leaving, go left and up to the beach and talk to Lily.
Day 2
Use your computer and send an IM to Staggle. Talk to your mother and say you need a few minutes, then go outside. Walk up twice and left 3 times, then use your wagon to collect some soil. After automatically bringing it back home, plant your squash seeds in the soil. Go back inside and tell your mother you are ready to go.
Enter the stationery store and talk to Sabrina. Look at the sandwich menu, then talk to Sabrina to get an egg sandwich. Leave the store and walk right, then enter the school. Open your locker on the left and search it to find a notebook and marker. Read the notebook in your inventory. Talk to the school store kid (Daniel), then give him your packet of chips. Talk to Daniel again and buy the markers. Eat half of your egg sandwich, then enter the classroom. Sit down in the nearest chair.
Outside after school, talk to the punk (Jason). Walk away, then go back when prompted and talk again. Leave by going left and talk to you mother, opting to go straight home. Once you get there, head straight back outside and walk down. Talk to Jackson, then go right and up twice to Billy's. Talk to Billy about the job. Once Simon leaves, follow him down and talk to him.
Night 2
Walk left and up, then head inside. Go to your room and use your computer. Send a message to Staggle.
Day 1
Use Simon's laptop. Leave the house, then go down twice and left twice. Look at the Tae Bo tape in front of Mikey. Return right and take the blue screwdriver from the construction site. Go right and head inside. Open the oven and take the dried pea seeds. Now use the game controller on the floor.
After writing the letter to Staggle, walk up to the Post Office and give the letter to Mrs Peters. Next head up twice and left 3 times to reach the film crew. Talk to the camera guy (in the red baseball cap). Return right and talk to Simon. After the helicopter leaves, go up to the beach, then walk right. Show your sign to the camera guy.
Night 1
Head outside, then go up twice and left 4 times. In the woods, follow the path, then walk straight ahead.
Day 2
Leave your bedroom and head outside. Go up twice and talk to Dean, then head inside. Talk to Simon, then head out to the back patio through the glass door. Grab a book from the stack, then use it on yourself to read it. Talk to Dean again while he is in the pool. Go back inside and give the book to Mitch so he will sign it.
Leave the house, then go down twice and left twice. Give the book to Mikey, then threaten him with violence and you will also get some carrot seeds. Head right twice and plant the carrot seeds in the soil. Go inside and put the video tape in the video player.
Night 2
Leave your bedroom, and examine the door to Timothy's room to confirm he is snoring inside. Enter the bathroom and use your screwdriver on the panel low on the right wall. Use the computer tower in Timothy's room to eject the CD, and notice the writing on it. Now use the router on the floor to the right and plug in the loose cable. Now use the computer monitor and enter the password "water". Go to the admin settings and set General Access for everyone. Leave the computer and return to the bathroom. Head out to the living room to talk to your mother.
Day 3
Go outside and plant your pea pods in the soil. Return inside and talk to your mother, saying you are ready to leave.
Enter the stationery store and talk to Justin, then go out through the back door. Walk back through the store to the parking lot and talk to your mother again.
Day 1
Talk to Jackson. Walk up 3 times, then left once. Pick up the red floppy disk from the sand dunes. Return right, down twice and right, then pick the squash and head inside. Give the squash to your mother. Head down to your room and put the floppy disk in your computer tower. Use your computer and catch up on the forums, then work on your writing, and check out the disk. Use the computer tower to eject the floppy disk again. Leave your room and go outside again. Walk up twice and enter Simon's house. Talk to Simon, then give him the floppy disk. Go back outside, then walk down 3 times, then left. Talk to Paul and get back to work.
Go and talk to Amanda. Talk to Paul again, then give him your half. Talk to Amanda again and say you are ready to go.
Night 1
Talk to Amanda and order a cappuccino. Sit down on the purple sofa, then go through the exit door in the back and talk to Jason. Go back inside and try to talk to Jason again. Talk to Amanda twice more and agree to go home.
Walk right and up, then head inside. Go to your room and use your computer.
Day 2
Leave your room and talk to your mother. Head outside and pick the carrots from your garden. Walk down and talk to Amanda, then go up, left twice and up again to reach the market. Talk to Jackson, Billy and Mrs Peters. Use your carrots on the table next to Jackson. Walk down to leave the market.
Night 2
Head up twice, right and up. Once everyone is standing up, give your beer to Robert. Now walk right, down 4 times, right. On the boat, sit in the front right seat. Back off the boat, walk up 3 times. Take Jason's hand. Walk back down 3 times and talk to Amanda. Walk left, up and enter your home. Go to your bedroom and use your computer.
Day 3
Leave your bedroom, then go outside. Walk down and left, then talk to Amanda, choosing to board the ferry. Enter the stationery store and talk to Sabrina to get a free candy bar. Leave the store, then go right and enter the school.
Take the card from your locker. Talk to Justin, then go back outside and talk to Jason. Go back into the school and talk to Daniel, then enter the classroom and sit down in the nearest chair. Enter the dark room and search the top drawer to get a roll of film. Use the developing sink on the right - while here, you can review the instructions by using your notebook. Follow these steps:
- Put your roll of film on the reel at the bottom left.
- Place the film reel into the developing tank.
- Turn on the tap on the right.
- Measure out 60mL developer and 250mL water, then add this to the tank.
- Set a timer for 8 minutes, then dump the liquid from the tank into the sink.
- Measure out 15mL stop bath and 300mL water, then add this to the tank.
- Set a timer for 30 seconds, then dump the liquid from the tank into the sink.
- Measure out 60mL fixer and 250mL water, then add this to the tank.
- Set a timer for 5 minutes, then dump the liquid from the tank into the sink.
- Rinse the tank under running water.
- Remove the film and hang on the line to dry.
Leave the dark room again. Outside, talk to Daniel and sit down with him.
Night 3
Leave by going right. Pick up the VCR remote from the floor, then sit on the couch.
Day 4
Leave your classroom and give the candy bar to Lily, then talk to her. Go outside and head left, then talk to Timothy.
Day 5
Use your computer, then leave your bedroom. Talk to your mother, then follow her to the room beyond the kitchen. Talk to your mother again, then leave the room. Use the VCR remote on the TV. Head to your bedroom and show the guitar to Jason.
Night 5
From the beach, head right and down, then enter Simon's house. Talk to Simon. Talk to Jason, then use Simon's laptop. Head back outside and talk to Jason again. Walk down twice and pick the peas from your garden. Head inside and go to your room.
Day 1
Accept the GirlMag from Lily. Pick up the groceries from the wagon and head inside. Open the fridge and put away the groceries, then talk to your mother. Head back outside and go left twice. Pick up the paper bag next to the trash can here. Look at the VHS box set that Mikey is selling.
Head right and down, then enter the campground office. Talk to Jackson, then take some tape from the counter. Go back outside and walk right twice. Talk to Amanda here, then continue up. Try to talk to Simon, then give the peas to Mrs Peters.
Now walk down, left, up and head inside. Go to your room and use your computer.
Night 1
Talk to Lily, then leave your room again. Open the fridge, then follow Timothy outside. Talk to him and say you are ready to go.
Talk to Jason in the parking lot. After he leaves, go right and talk to Daniel on the steps - he will let you into the photo lab. Use the developing sink on the right - while here, you can review the instructions by using your notebook. Follow these steps:
- Turn on the tap on the right.
- Measure out 100mL developer and 900mL water, then add this to the first tray.
- Measure out 50mL stop bath and 950mL water, then add this to the second tray.
- Measure out 200mL fixer and 800mL water, then add this to the third tray.
- Insert the plug in the fourth tray to fill it with water.
- Turn off the tap.
- Grab the film strip from the drying line.
- Turn left and use this on the film carrier.
- Pick up the film carrier and insert it into the enlarger above.
- Turn the enlarger on and magnify the image twice (so it fits the space).
- Turn the enlarger off again.
- Put a piece of paper beneath the enlarger,
- Turn the enlarger on.
- Set a timer for 30 seconds, then turn the enlarger off.
- Grab the paper and turn to the right.
- Put the paper into each bath in turn from left to right, then hang it to dry.
- Take the finished photograph.
Leave the work area, then talk to Daniel to leave. Go left and talk to Timothy again.
From the dock, head up 3 times, right twice and into Simon's house. Sit on the couch. Back outside, head down twice and enter your house. Go to your room.
Day 2
Leave your bedroom and go outside. Walk left twice, up and left, then enter Fyre. Pick up the LP from the floor on the left, then get up on the DJ booth. Go back outside.
Night 2
Return right, down, right twice and up twice. Enter Simon's house and talk to him. Now smash everything in the room that you can (4 glass panels, 2 paintings, 1 pot plant and the coffee table. Outside again, walk down twice and head inside. Go to your room and use your computer.
Once you reach the parking lot, talk to Jason and say you are ready to go. Sit on the purple sofa, then go out through the exit door, then sit on the sofa again. Talk to Jason when he comes back inside.
Enter the hotel room, sit on the bed, then move closer.
Day 3
Leave your bedroom, then get some cereal from the kitchen. Go outside and head left twice. Give Mikey the LP in exchange for the VHS box set. Use your brown paper to wrap both the VHS box set and the photograph. Return right twice and up twice, and take the note from the door of Simon's house.
Return down twice and inside. Go to your mother's bedroom. Once you come back out, talk to Lily. Go outside and you will automatically head to the beach together. Afterwards, walk right, down and right. Touch the tape over the doorway and you will go inside. Talk to Lily again and she will mention music.
On your own computer, go to where the game is installed and copy any music MP3 file here, naming it "02.mp3". Now continue the conversation and watch the montage.
Night 3
Walk down and head inside. Use the poem on yourself, then talk to your mother. Give the photograph to your mother, then say you are ready for presents. Go to your room and use your computer. Now head back out of your room and go outside.