Mystery Escape Room Adventure
Game Details: Mystery, 2022
Steam Achievements: Completed (7/7)
Links: Moby Games, Steam, Adventure Gamers
Walkthrough Updated: 8/25/2022
Suggested Listening: Caught Up in the Panic (Ash 25)
Training Exercise
Walk forward to the bedside table Mission Brief and read the letter on the bedside table. Read the note on the bookshelf opposite the bed and notice that October has been left out of the list of months. Open the small locked box here with the code OCTOBER, and take out a keypad button. Move the armchair in the corner of the room and pick up the crowbar. Now you can force open the jammed drawer in the bedside table. Read the note in here, which shows the code 5, 14, 9, 7, 13, 1. Converting numbers to letters (A=1, B=2) gives you the code ENIGMA. Open the small locked box on the table on the other side of the bed with the code ENIGMA (you will automatically insert the missing keypad button).
Read the note inside this box to see a compass rose and 4 large numbers. Look at the small combination lock on the side of the bookshelf which prompts you for W+E. Add the numbers for West and East and enter the code 42513. Take the small key from the drawer that opens here. Use this key to unlock the briefcase on the table. Read the letter in here and take the key. Use this on the door and head outside.
Go to the bench and arrange the weights in order from lightest to heaviest:
- 250 g
- 12 oz
- 1.2 kg
- 12 lbs
- 15 kg
Take the lever from the opened box on the wall here, and read the message about sine waves - note the positions of the shaded segments in the diagram. Examine the levers on the wire fence opposite and you will automatically insert the missing one. Position the levers according to the diagram: up, up, down, up, down, down. Head through the gate and examine the large rubbish bin. Here you need to rotate the dials to create a complete path from one yellow marker to the other:
Take out the gate key, then use this on the locked gate and continue down the alley. Look at the small puzzle box on the ground to the right. You need to place the buttons in order as if they were playing cards (with Ace low): A, 2, 10, J, Q, K. Take out the circular button. Turn around and walk toward the graffiti on the wall Street Artist, noticing that it mentions 21 May 2026. Approach the small keypad to the right along the same wall and enter the code 21052026. Take out the switch from the opened panel. Insert this on the panel on the opposite wire fence. Now you need to count the number of each type of star symbol around this area:
- There is one 5-pointed star
- There are two 4-pointed stars
- There are 3 8-pointed stars
Based on this, turn the switches to the 5-pointed star, 4-pointed star and 8-pointed star from left to right on the fence. Go through the opened gate into the next alley.
Approach the door at the end and look at the 4 symbols beneath the Danger sign. Count the number of lines used to make each symbol, then insert 4322 as the code on the keypad.
Walk around the hallway and move the empty picture frame to reveal some Morse code. Go back to the chest of drawers and enter the code CEBBA (the decoder for the Morse code is in the second drawer here if you need it). Now you can take the door key from the top drawer. Use this on the door at the end of the hallway and go through.
Walk up close to the artwork of 2 eyes in the corner of the room Art Observer. Notice the 3 books on the desk (green, blue, red). Examine the "Books Co" safe on the floor and press the buttons corresponding with the books:
Take out the gear. Slide down the painting on the opposite wall and examine the gear puzzle that is revealed (you will automatically insert the missing gear). Simply drag the three gears from the bottom on to the pegs (large, small, large). Take the chest key that is revealed in the side of one of the heaters. Use this on the locked chest, then read the puzzle inside, which will be different depending on your version of the game.
Original Version
The puzzle says "If I am holding a bee, what do I have in my eye?". The answer to this is "Beauty", since "beauty is in the eye of the beholder". Go to the keypad near the door and enter BEAUTY, then go through the door.
Extended Version
The diagram shows an unfolded die, with only a few of the numbers displayed. The following would be the complete die:
Notice the matching 4 colors on the door. Go to the keypad near the door and enter 2146, then go through the door.
Go around the corner and look at the calendar on the wall - it has 4 symbols and you need to count the number of lines used to make each of them. Come back to the puzzle box on top of the chest of drawers and enter the code 2134. Take the paper note from inside the box. Go around to the keypad near the door and press the buttons in the following order (based on the paper note):
Head through the opened door.
Find a series of 9 levers on the walls and pull them all down. Now go to one end of the backstreet to see that 9 pillars have lowered into the ground, revealing numbers in the following layout:
Go to the other end of the backstreet and look right to see a small puzzle on the wall behind a trash can. Each different shape corresponds to a number value, and the totals for the rows and columns are indicated:
Each octagon is worth 1, each square is worth 2, and each plus sign is worth 5. Place the shapes in position, then take the button from the trash can. Look at the closed roller door to see the following:
Go over to the keypad and you will insert your new button. Based on the roller door and the numbers on the pillars, the code to enter here is 3475.
Go all the way to the top of the stairs to see 41002 written in the green area. Go all the way back down and open the briefcase with the code 41002. Read the note inside, which mentions 4 times. Head up one set of stairs to reach the white area and look at the 4 valves on the pipe here. You need to set these to point to the times indicated in the briefcase, from left to right:
- 1:00
- 11:00
- 9:30
- 11:00
Continue up the stairs to the red area and look in the open box on the wall to see a number riddle:
- Digit one is one fourth digit four
- Digit two is six times digit one
- Digit three is digit two plus three
Based on this, go up to the green area and enter 1694 into the keypad. Go through the door.
Loading Zone
Walk around the catwalk and down the metal stairs. Explore down both sets of concrete stairs Symbolism. Down the left set of stairs you will see a maths puzzle where different symbols have different values (4, 5 and 7). Go around to the right set of stairs and enter a code into the keypad based on these values: 7547. Take the red crowbar. Now look at the grid of numbers on a board on the side of a crate in the main area, which shows 3 geometric patterns in the 3 rows:
Enter the code 404535 into the keypad behind you, and the gate will open. Go through and use your crowbar to get through the vault doors, then open the next door and continue through.
Rotate the metal container on the large trolley to read XXIIMEM. Look at the puzzle on the side of the other container and rotate the dials to create a complete path from one end to the other:
Take the missing button then examine the locked box on a small table in the corner. Enter the code XXIIMEM. Read the sheet of music inside the box. Examine the 3 buttons on the central pillar and press them in this order, based on the music: middle, top, bottom, bottom, top, middle, top, bottom. Take the key from the small box on the wall and use it to unlock the next door, then go through.
Head around the corner to see a puzzle with colored balls and numbered spaces. Move the top box stacked against the opposite wall to review the rules of snooker. Using the value of the different colored balls from snooker, place the balls in the correct spaces:
Go through the open door.
Head up and around the walkway, looking for a pattern of arrows high up on the wall to the right. Backtrack to see a group of 6 levers, and position them according to the pattern: up, down, up, up, down, down. Continue to the end of the walkway. Look at the table and pick up the keypad button, then approach the platform that rose up out of the ground. This has the words "game", "over" and "room" written on it, and you need to think of another word that goes will all three of these. Enter BOARD, then take the card with symbol.
Look at the table again. You will automatically insert the missing card. Now you need to arrange the cards so there are matching colored dots at the corners:
Take the piece of paper. Go back over the walkway to the start of this area and look at the table here. After automatically inserting the piece of paper, move the others to complete a simple jigsaw puzzle. Look carefully at the symbols revealed. Go up the walkway and open a panel to the right that reveals an alphabetic code. The symbols on the jigsaw each correspond to a single letter, spelling out the word HIDDEN. Go to the final keypad and insert this code, then go through the door.
Look at the sliding puzzle on the left wall as you enter this area, and arrange the tiles to show the following numbers:
Head around the corner and read the riddle in the open suitcase, then enter the answer TIME into the keypad and go through the gate. Look at the colored combination lock on the next gate, then count the number of containers of each color in this area (2 red, 6 blue, 3 yellow, 2 white). Enter the code 2632 into the lock. Now read the riddle on the television screen, which concerns time:
- 3:55 can be said as "5 to 4"
- 12:35 can be said as "25 to 1"
- 8:50 can be said as "10 to 9"
Go through the new gate and enter the code 1029 on the keypad. Continue through the next open gate and notice the dates of the security checks on the wall:
- 3rd July: 3rd letter of July is L
- 5th January: 5th letter of January is A
- 1st December: 1st letter of December is D
- 6th August: 6th letter of August is T
- 9th September: 9th letter of September is R
Go around the corner and enter LADTR into the keypad. After the wall is lowered, push the large trolley forward, then go around behind it and push it back the other way. Now examine the puzzle on the ground. You need to recall the sliding tile puzzle from earlier, and associate the correct colors and numbers:
Go through the door that opens.
Look at the series of 4-digit codes on the wall here. Each row must add up to 12000:
Go over to the keypad next to door 2 and enter the code 2751. Enter the room and walk over to the racks of equipment Technician. Look at the sheet of music on the desk, then enter the names of the notes into the keypad on the desk cupboard: AEEGBF. Take the metal button, then look at the power box on the wall and you will automatically insert the metal button. You now need to press a series of 4 buttons to add up to a total of 480V: 12, 24, 189, 255. Go back out to the corridor and through the exit door.
Cargo Area
Go all the way around the blue cargo containers to your left Cargo Investigator. Examine the front of the blue cargo containers to find a puzzle on the front of one of them. Here you need to click on the moon phases from new moon to full moon:
Unfortunately the box inside the cargo container is jammed shut. Head back outside and around the blank wall here to find a crowbar leaning against its other side. Pick this up, and use it to force open the box in the blue cargo container. Take out the missing dial. Continue past the wall to find a puzzle next to a locked gate. After automatically inserting the missing dial, you need to use mathematics to set the dials as follows:
- 6 x 2 / 3 = 4
- 5 x 3 / 5 = 3
- 3 x 6 / 2 = 9
- 4 x 4 / 4 = 4
- 4 x 7 / 4 = 7
Set the dials to 3947, then go through the gate. Continue through the large door.
Look at the mathematics puzzle on the wall and come up with the following answer:
Enter the code 371 into the briefcase to find the dossier Mission Complete.