The Many Pieces of Mr Coo
Game Details: Comedy, 2023
Steam Achievements: Completed (21/21)
Links: Moby Games, Steam, Adventure Gamers
Walkthrough Updated: 3/5/2024
Suggested Listening: Caught Up in the Panic (Ash 25)
Chapter 1
Click on the apple in your thought bubble, then take the present that is offered. Go and examine the red curtains.
Pull the rope that appears on the right. Head over to the glowing light in the distance to find an arcade machine. Turn the handle on the right to raise the curtains on the machine. Pull the blue plunger twice, then press the red button. Pull the red handle on the left of the machine. Turn the handle on the right again to move the spotlight and reveal a monkey. Click on the monkey. Pull the red handle on the left of the machine, then quickly open the trapdoor beneath the monkey. Now you can take the monkey's cane. Pull the blue plunger twice again, then give the cane to the game character on the right - the arcade machine will be destroyed. Try to take the present Punch & Judy.
Click on the spotlight on the ground, then walk over to the blue creature it highlights. Click on the blue creature, but the present will fly away. Walk over to the mountain in the distance. Click on yourself and you will run down to find a treasure chest. Try to open it. Click on the bird flying over the mountain in the distance. Pick up the feather that lands nearby and use it on the chest. Close your mouth, then open the present. Click on the apple Just what I wanted.
Chapter 2
Click on yourself, then click on the baby chick to climb down. Click on its beak 5 times Beware of the chicken. Click on its leg and you will be kicked. Climb back up on its head, then go to sleep and pay attention to the dream. Click on yourself to wake up again. Climb down and click on the baby chick's leg, then quickly back away - grab the chick's leg while it is extended, then swing the chick against the left side of the egg 3 times Crack the eggshell.
Click on the seed in the pot, then click on the apple. You will now continue riding the chicken as you run around in circles. Open the window at the top of the tall building, then click on the light bulb man, and the building will turn into a pig's head. Click on the body of the light bulb man, then scroll right and click on it again when the chicken is nearby - the chicken will step on it, changing it into a lantern that spawns two separate creatures.
Click on the green creature, then pull the cord on its thought bubble 3 times. Click on the green cloud when the chicken is nearby, and you will grab it and carry it with you. Just after going past the red creature, click on the green cloud again, and a blue creature will end up sitting on a green mushroom that sprouts from the ground. Click on mushrooms to the left 3 times so that you are close to the red creature. Click on the umbrella on the red creature's head 4 times, then the blue creature will jump on it and get eaten.
Click on the green creature, then pull the cord on its thought bubble 3 times. Click on the green cloud when the chicken is nearby, and you will grab it and carry it with you. Click on the green cloud again when you are right next to the red flower pot. Now click on the apple in the tree Granted wish.
Quickly click on the worm 9 times until it hides in the bushes, then click on the bushes. While you are being chased by the monster, click on the gold coin. Click on the mushroom to the left, then the one beneath the coin. Repeat this again, then follow the coin to the right. Repeat the process once more, and the coin will enter the slot. Click on the sword Many pieces.
Chapter 3
Climb up on top of the Propert's Leather Ball box. Jump down onto the red jewelery box and you will be catapulted upwards. Continue up to the glass bottle containing a red creature. Click on the bottle and you will make it fall to the floor, with the cork coming off. Climb up and jump onto the jewelery box again, then go right to the large white head. Jump over to the dial to the left of the clock face, and a figurine above will spin around.
Pick up the cork, and spit it at the figurine over the clock. Now press the button on the front of the clock face, and the figurine will chop its own head off. Climb up and jump over to the large white head again, then continue onto the dial to the left of the clock face Hang in there.
Go over to the left side of the glass bottle on the floor, then push it to the right, and it will go through the clock face. Head through there as well. You will see the green creature is now being forced to power a large furnace. Push the glass bottle to the right twice more, and follow it to the next area. Push the bottle to the right once, then look through the iron gate on the right - you will discover your legs. Stay as your head for now, and step on the wooden plank just right of the bottle to flip it so that it is upright. Go and stand on top of the bottle.
Switch to your legs. Stand on the chair and press the brick just to the left. Switch back to your head and climb onto the new ledge, then use the rope to get higher. Grab the cane from the statue on the right, then stick it through the hole in the door. Back as your legs, step on the pedal inside to the right, and the brick you pressed in earlier will now stick out for you. Switch to your head and remove the cane, then look through the hole in the door. Switch to your legs and step on the pedal again - part of your head will end up sticking through the hole. Your legs can now climb up to the broken stairs Puzzler.
Climb further up the stairs and use the red handle - another handle will end up hanging down outside. Switch to your head and go around to bite the handle. As your legs, kick the main support beam. When confronted by the green monster, have your legs step on the pedal, then quickly go around to the lighted area behind the monster. Click on the monster to have it face you. Now as your head, blow the propeller on top of the monster Free!.
Outside, have your legs kick your head Slapstick. Kick the red bottle to the left, then follow it left through the archway. Kick the bottle to the left so it reaches the middle of the room. Have your head bite on the nail that is holding the green monster chained down, then use your legs on your head Holidays. Use your head in the suction cup to get the seat stuck on you, then position yourself on the left side of where the green monster was working earlier. Now use your legs on your head, and you will break the bellows free.
Kick the red bottle to the right and it will launch up over the bellows into the furnace Athanor. Go to the right, and your head will follow along. Jump onto the right side of the wooden plank Ale hop!. Return through the archway and continue left to return to the shelves.
Have your legs jump up to the Propert's Leather Ball box, then directly up to the platform above. Switch to your head and bump into the other box just to the right. While the Jack-in-the-box is open, have your legs kick the head off it. Get your legs to continue right and use the dial to the left of the clock face. Go through the clock face.
Use your head on the left side of the bellows, then use your legs on the main part. Now that your head is inflated, kick it. Climb up to where it lands, then kick it again That's the key.
Send your legs back out to the shelves again. Use the dial to the left of the clock face, then go through the clock face again. Use your head on the left side of the bellows, then use your legs on the main part. Now that your head is inflated, kick it. Climb up to where it lands, then kick it again. Have your head open the lock on the cage.
Caged Torso
Your torso will end up being carried down to the ground. Wait until it is carried to the right, then follow it and watch it get thrown into the furnace They're all dead. Focus on the small monster in the distance, then click on the hourglass - this section will begin again.
This time, when the head of the Jack-in-the-box flies up into the air, quickly get beneath it to end up inside. Turn the knob on the right twice to show a music symbol, then pull the lever, and the head will end up on top of the torso's cage. Once you have control again, turn the knob once more to show a spring symbol, then pull the lever. As your legs, click on your torso to join together Finally together.
Have your torso sit at the keyboard to the left. Switch to your legs, and join your torso again. Switch to your head. Turn the knob once more to show an eject symbol, then pull the lever. Jump on the rest of your body Music lover.
Watch through the credits and another scene You won. There is an extra achievement if you didn't use the hint system Without a hint.
Pieces of Paper
On the level selection screen, there are now pieces of paper shown above each of the levels (there are 180 in total). Visit each of the levels and find the pieces of paper.
- 12 pieces of paper in the first scene where you are dreaming of the apple
- 12 pieces of paper after the arcade machine is destroyed
- 4 pieces of paper when you find the treasure chest
- 8 pieces of paper after opening the present
- 12 pieces of paper in the scene with the egg (some are difficult to see on the white background)
- 4 pieces of paper in the various screens when you start riding on the chicken
- 8 pieces of paper in the various screens after the red and green creatures appear from the lantern
- 4 pieces of paper in the first scene where you are eating the apple
- 8 pieces of paper in the various screens when you are being chased by the monster
- 8 pieces of paper in the first scene on the shelves
- 7 pieces of paper in the scene with the furnace
- 9 pieces of paper in the scene outside where your legs are trapped
- 8 pieces of paper in the scene where your legs are trapped inside
- 4 pieces of paper at the top of the stairs where your legs are trapped inside
- 12 pieces of paper in the first scene with the furnace
- 5 pieces of paper in the scene outside where your legs were trapped
- 7 pieces of paper looking up from outside where your legs were trapped
- 12 pieces of paper in the scene on the shelves
Caged Torso
- 12 pieces of paper in the first scene on the shelves
- 12 pieces of paper inside the Jack-in-the-box's head
- 12 pieces of paper in the scene with the furnace
There is an achievement for collecting 1 piece of paper Paperwork, and another for collecting 100 pieces of paper Collector. Once you have found all 180 pieces of paper, there is an extra scene that can be viewed from the level selection screen.