Game Details: Sci-Fi, 2016
Steam Achievements: Completed (19/19)
Links: Moby Games, Steam, Adventure Gamers
Walkthrough Updated: 4/17/2017
Suggested Listening: Give Up Now (Ash 25)
Game Setup
Start by turning on the Commentary in the Options menu of the game. Leaving this turned on for the entire game will get you an achievement at the end More Than You Ever Wanted To Know.
The Reactor
Reactor Entrance
Go through the door on the right, then continue along the blue passage, where you will talk to an injured man. Take the bolt from the corpse on the left. Look at the reactor, then ask the injured man about the code, and he will give you a crossbow.
Return left twice and examine the controls to the left of the door. Turn the dial so the marker is at maximum (towards the top left), then flip the switch to "Exhaust". Go through the door again and pull the cord, then pick up the paper before returning to the left again. Use your crossbow on the hanging lamp. Examine the fallen lamp and you will take the candle from inside, as well as retrieving your bolt. Now examine the control box on the wall. Use your paper on the plate, then rub your candle over the paper to reveal the serial number: 2794.
Return to the reactor and enter the serial number. Now shoot the injured man with your crossbow.
Danton's Letter
Search the wood pile here to find a plank, then exit to the left to see a map screen.
Ministry of Energy
Go through the entrance doors, then between the guards on the left (they will take your crossbow for now). Enter the elevator, then talk to the Soothsayer at the top to receive a lottery ticket. Climb the stairs to meet Tiberius, then leave the building (you will automatically get your crossbow back) and exit to the map.
Market District
Talk to everyone here about Danton, but nobody has heard of him. When you talk to Denby, ask him to draw a picture of Gus in a tutu Everyone's A Critic. Head to the well and talk to Nelson, then read all 3 of his current recommended books. Return to the market, then go left a little and enter the alley. Talk to Clem, then show him the letter for Danton. Leave the alley, and he will suggest you brush up on your calligraphy.
Talk to Denby again, and get him to draw Tiberius with stink lines. Talk to him again and pretend the guards are coming, but he's not scared as he didn't hear the bell ring. Use your crossbow on the bell, then pick up the chalk that Denby drops. Head to the well and talk to Nelson again, who will give you a book on calligraphy.
Return to the alley and examine the letter to see a wax seal with the letter M. Now read the book on calligraphy and look at how to draw the letter M. Save your game, then use your chalk on the chalk board here, drawing the letter M with 3 lines as instructed in the book (white, red and blue on the diagram below):
There is an achievement for getting this right on the first attempt Stay Within the Lines. If you fail, load your game and try again. Look at the letters that aren't shaded to see the message "knock x5 buzz x4". Knock on the door 5 times and press the buzzer 4 times, then open the door and go inside. Show your letter to the man at the bottom of the stairs, then you will meet Danton. After she leaves, talk to Bruce, then head back up the stairs. Go out to the market, then leave the area.
Ministry of Energy
Go inside and up to see Tiberius as you did before. Talk to Tiberius and you will receive a new job as a spy. Go back outside once you are done talking.
Market District
Enter the alley and go through the door again (you don't have to knock this time). Talk to Bruce then to Danton, and arrange to work as a double-agent. You will now be tasked with helping Gordon and Gus, and will be given a code phrase. From now on, when you are talking to people, mention the code phrase, and you will eventually receive another achievement. Try talking to the woman down here and Bruce will tell you her story Cat Got Your Tongue?.
Gordon and Gus
Market District
Talk to Gordon, who is looking for a mask, and has a flintlock pistol to trade. Talk to Gus, who suggests visiting the farm. Talk to Marichka, who talks about a weed with blue flowers.
Amy's Home
Talk to the kids and play jump rope with them. Make sure you chant all 4 of the available rhymes Child At Heart. Now head inside to find your apartment. Pick up the bucket, then go outside again. While you are here, use your plank to smash the telephone booth and pick one of the blue flowers from inside.
Pop's Farm
Talk to Pop about everything, then give him the blue flower. Take the gas mask off the scarecrow before leaving.
Market District
Give Gordon the gas mask in exchange for his pistol. Head to the well and talk to Nelson again, asking for a book on science. Read this book, and you should have read 5 in total from Nelson Educated. Go back out to the market area and talk to Gus about salt.
Salt Flats
Walk to the left and take some salt from the excavation site.
Centrex Factory
Open the doors and go inside. Talk to Denby about everything, then return his chalk Chalk It Up To Kindness. Now there is a long series of things you can do that Denby will comment on:
- Look at the valve, furnace, opening, grate and glass horse
- Interact with the furnace, opening, grate and glass horse
- Look at the artwork, drawings, burnt papers and sketch
- Interact with the artwork, drawings, burnt papers and sketch
- Turn the gas on by using the valve
- Look at the opening while the gas is on
- Try to leave the factory while the gas is on
- Turn the gas back off again
- Use your lottery ticket, plank, salt and gun on the opening
- Turn the gas on by using the valve
- Use your gun on the opening to light a fire
- Look at the lit opening
- Interact with the lit opening
- Use your plank on the lit opening
- Turn the gas back off again
- Put your plank in your bucket, then use the bucket on the opening
- Turn the gas on by using the valve
- Use your gun on the opening to light a fire
- Turn the gas back off again
- Take the bucket from the opening
- Go outside and pick up some more wood from the wood pile
- Head back inside again
- Use the plank and salt in your bucket
- Put the bucket in the opening
- Turn the gas on by using the valve
- Use your gun on the opening to light a fire
- Turn the gas back off again
- Take the bucket from the opening
You should now have some activated carbon. You should also have listened to every comment that Denby can make Smartass.
Market District
Give Gordon the activated carbon. Enter the alley, then go through the door and talk to Danton. You will receive a new mission, to infiltrate the Ministry of Medicine.
Ministry of Medicine
Market District
Go upstairs and out to the main market, then leave.
Ministry of Medicine
Talk to the guard about everything, then use your crossbow on the statue above the entrance. While the guard is distracted, enter the guardhouse and you will automatically read the ledger.
Fripp Square
Talk to the old man (Max Huber) and the newsman here, then leave again.
Market District
Talk to Marichka about the ravens, and she will give you a bag of sprouts.
Fripp Square
Give the bag of sprouts to Max. Try to talk to the ladies sitting on the bench to the right. Ask Max about the ladies and about the raven. Give the ledger page to the newsman and he will make an announcement about it. Now go over and clean up the fallen waste bin to listen to the ladies' conversation.
Harrison Manor
Head around to the left side of the mansion and look through the 5th window to see into Harrison's bedroom. Go out to the front of the mansion to see the doctor leave. Go back to the left again and climb through the 1st window (which is unlocked). Pick up the ladle from the wall rack. Use the ladle on the pot of soup on the stove until it is all gone Max Soupa. Open the window that opens to the front of the mansion, then use your ladle to ring the bell. Climb back out through the window you entered.
Look through the 5th window into the bedroom again. Wait until Harrison is asleep, then open the window and climb inside. Take the card, then climb back outside and leave.
Centrex Factory
Go through the doors and give the card to Denby - he will change the name on the card for you.
Ministry of Medicine
Show your card to the guard, and he will let you inside. Tell the password to the receptionist, who will suggest that you get a disguise before trying to go any further. Talk to the receptionist about everything, then use the screen on the wall. Request directions to the Staff Locker Room and Dr Collins' Office, then click the button for the Staff Locker Room.
Examine the open locker, then use your card on locker 4 to get a fancy outfit. Search the cart and take the bottle, tin and rag. Search the bag on the floor to get some shoes. Use the fancy outfit on the bathroom to get changed. Use the screen on the wall and click the button for Dr Collins' Office.
Knock on the window to meet the receptionist, then use the empty seat and listen to the conversation. When your name is called, you will automatically go through the door into the doctor's office. Examine the table and take 3 candies from the jar Sweet Tooth. Read the notepad to get the password for Central Storage. Now look at the examining table and Dr Collins will enter. After you leave, knock on the window to book a follow-up appointment. Look at the appointments for next week to see the surgery that is booked on the 16th. Click on the 15th to make an appointment. Use the screen on the wall and request directions to "Medulla Oblongata", then click the button for Central Storage.
Try to use the terminal, but you don't have a password and there is no current emergency. Pick up the box cutter from the trolley and use it on the wire to the right of the red alarm. Use your rag on the alarm itself. Put your floor cleaner in your bucket, then add the medical form. Place the bucket on the floor under the smoke detector. Use your flintlock pistol on the bucket to start a fire. Now use the terminal and press the Emergency Override to open the doors. Try to enter the storage vault and you will be captured.
Prison Escape
Rockwall Prison
After your discussion with Tiberius, knock on the door and talk to the guard about everything. Search the pile on the floor to find an empty syringe. Examine and try to use the panel on the right wall. Look at the listening device in your inventory and turn it up, then use your syringe on the small hole to retrieve a wire from inside. Use your wire on the panel. Open the drain in the floor, then use the wire. You will automatically climb out the window.
Use the raven on the guard, then on the shiny object, and you will end up with a coin. Use the coin on the HVAC unit to loosen it. Use your listening device on the speakers, and the guard will pause just beneath you. Push the HVAC unit to crush the guard. Now climb down the ladder and exit to the right.
Market District
Search the broken vase near Clem to get a note, then go through the broken door. Head right to meet up with Denby, and he will return your crossbow. Talk to him, then give him your lottery ticket, and he will give you some strings. Use the blackboard to see a series of pegs and lines. Using the information on your note, use strings to connect pegs next to these pairs of pegs: IE, SN, HM, VU, AP, OC, LB and WR. This should reveal the message "MILTON". Pick up the noose from the floor, then leave the area.
Reactor Entrance
Climb down the tunnel entrance and talk to Danton about everything (this will take several attempts). Climb back up the ladder to leave.
Willowdale Plaza
Walk around the building. Combine your rope and crossbow, then use this on the branch and climb up the rope. When you see Denby being tortured, shoot him with your crossbow Mercy Kill. Outside when you are fighting with the guard, use your syringe on him.
The Reaper
Pop's Farm
Talk to Gus and Pop about everything, then leave.
Market District
Look at the wanted poster, then talk to Marichka. Talk to the Reaper Cultist and say that you are ready to die.
Cathedral of St Steven
Talk to the woman on the steps, then enter the cathedral. Talk to everyone about everything, but don't ask Jess about her hat. Search the wreckage to get a sharp piece of shrapnel. Go through the door into a courtyard. Sit on the bench and you will automatically drink from the decanter.
Once you are in the Vision, jump down into the abyss. Talk to Denby, then examine the 2 ravens and this vision will end. Next talk to your Dad. Examine the car, then fix the fan. Examine the car again, then fix the water pump. Examine the car once more to end this vision. Now talk to the guard. Take the syringe and you will automatically use it on the guard. Talk to the Reaper, then go through the door to complete your Vision.
Talk to the raven, then pick up the torn page and read it. Enter the cathedral and show the torn page to Jess. Now ask her why she doesn't wear a hat Hat Trick, then leave.
Go to the well and show the torn page to Nelson.
Sector 67
Examine the turntable on the junk pile and take the record arm. Walk over to the right and examine the painting. Use your sharp piece of shrapnel to scratch a large hole where the eyes are, then take the key and coin that are revealed. Examine the coin in your inventory.
Salt Flats
Look at the logo on the side of the train - it matches the coin. Use the coin on the logo, then use the key on the door and head inside. Go through two more doors inside the train, then read the notice on the right wall; in particular notice the bottom row of symbols. Return down twice to get back to the front carriage of the train and examine the control panel. Press buttons 2, 5, and 1, then pull the lever. Go into the next carriage and try to open the hatch in the floor. Follow the woman into the back carriage and talk to her; if you have spoken to everyone about the secret phrase you will get an achievement The Perfect Life. Examine the record player on the right and attach your record arm to the bracket. Talk to the woman again, then show her your coin.
Use your crossbow on the loose letter L on the sign, and you will pick it up. Go down the stairs to the subway entrance. Use your letter L on the river so that you can walk across. Use your coin in the slot, then go through the turnstile. Climb up the rubble to get to the floor above. Use your shrapnel to cut the rope and you will take it with you. Climb down the hole and examine the mannequin to get some gloves. Climb up the rubble once more and take the baseball bat from the left. Now climb up the stairs.
Use your baseball bat to break the large display case, then take the anchor from inside. Use your piece of shrapnel to retrieve a fuse from the refrigerator. Try to use the panel next to the elevator, but it is dead. Pry the cover off the panel with your piece of shrapnel, then look at it. Put your fuse into the panel, then enter the elevator shaft and you will climb up. Combine your rope and anchor, and throw this up over the girder, then climb up the rope. Walk over to the right and examine the workbench, looking at everything you can find. Back out and talk to Dr Aquino about everything Selfless. Leave through the door to the right.
Quarantine Zone
Talk to the cart operator, who won't let you inside. Use your communicator to talk to Dr Aquino, then leave.
Sector 67
Examine the corpse on the ground here, then use your communicator and you will end up with a severed arm. Use your gloves on the severed arm.
Quarantine Zone
Show your severed arm to the cart operator, and you will be allowed inside. After you are mugged, put your severed arm on the pile of burning bodies Disarmed. Enter the hobbies store on the right and search the boxes on the shelves to get some servos. Talk to Gordon about everything, then go back outside. Head right, and walk up the street to Ground Zero. Enter the Foodarama store and talk to Rita. Keep doing this until you have asked her about everything (and have heard about the dead disposal chute). Return to Gordon and talk to him about your escape plan.
After you see the chute, walk over to the right and into the Foodarama again - Rita won't be there. Continue right into the next room. Pick up the kettle and return left, then take a jug of water from the shelf here. Leave the store and return to the fire outside the hobbies store. Pour the water into the kettle, then heat the kettle on the fire. Go back to Rita and give her the kettle, then she will give you back your crossbow. Leave the store again and walk left to the chute. Use your crossbow on the small red switch above the chute door, then open the door.
Use your crossbow on the hanging body and you will swing to safety. Now examine the body to get some rope, and combine this with your crossbow. Use your crossbow on the chute, and Gordon will join you. Head out the door to the right. Try to move the debris on the left, but it is too heavy, so ask Gordon to do it for you. Now examine the crawlspace and you will get a rusty metal bar. Walk down the tunnel and use this metal bar on the rubble several times
New Rule
Reactor Entrance
Talk to Danton about everything.
Talk to the woman and she will give you a map of the underground tunnels.
Cathedral of St Steven
Talk to Jess, but she won't help you yet.
Reaper's Lair
Ask Dr Aquino to come to the cathedral with you.
Cathedral of St Steven
You will automatically arrive here and The Reaper will appear and convince Jess to help you.
Reactor Entrance
Speak with Danton once more, and you will end up in the tunnels. Use your crossbow on the blue switch in the ceiling, then climb up the ladder.
Ministry of Energy
Head along the left corridor and shoot the guard with your crossbow. Enter the elevator to get up to the 36th floor. Search the bookcase, but the notebook is gone. Get back into the elevator. After it stops, use your metal bar on the ceiling panel to open it, then climb up. Shoot the rope holding the chandelier to crush the 2 guards. Use the elevator control panel to call the elevator. Save your game if you want to see all the possible endings and collect the achievements.
Get into the elevator to reach the top of the tower. You can choose to either spare or kill the soothsayer; it has no bearing on the final outcome. There are 3 different ways you can complete the game:
- Shoot Tiberius and let Danton live Chaos
- Shoot Danton and let Tiberius live Order
- Shoot both of them Free Will
Either way, you will have completed the game The Light Shines On.