Da New GuysDa New Guys

Day of the Jackass

Game Details:  Comedy, 2012

Links:  Moby Games, Adventure Gamers

Walkthrough Updated:  10/5/2014

Suggested Listening:  Wild Hearts Meet (Ash 25)

Da New Guys is a comedy adventure game starring the fictional wrestling team "Da New Guys". After winning the Wrestle Zone Title, one of the team members, Brain, is kidnapped. It is up to his teammates Simon and Defender to rescue him.


Wrestle Zone

Go upstairs and talk to Defender, then go back out of the ring. Push the table up into the ring, then go upstairs and stand the table up. Go out of the ring again and pull the table to end the match. Climb the steps and stand on Simon and Defender to get the "Ultimate Humiliation" award, then take the title belt hanging from the ceiling.


Talk to the other wrestlers, and you will end up out on a ledge. Climb in the next window and pick up the remote control. When the man is drinking and his eyes are shut, use the remote on the TV. Climb back out to the ledge, then go left to the next window. Open the window and take the sleeping pills. Go back through the first window and use your sleeping pills on the soda when the man puts it down on the table. Walk to the far right out to the hallway, then try to walk to the street.

Search for Brain


Talk to the detective until he leaves. Open both drawers to get Brain's signature stamp, then close the door and take the golf club from behind it. Open the door again and leave the room. Take Brain's autobiography from the books at the back of this room, then talk to Simon. Leave the apartment and go outside and walk to the street.

Ice Cold's House

Talk to Ice Cold until he hits the floor, then pick up the wastepaper basket from the left and fill it with water from the aquarium.

Wrestle Zone

Enter through the main doors and talk to Horace, agreeing to get the others to sign his fan art. Next talk to Clarice at the desk, who can't help you with the ticket unless you find the other half. Examine the ticket in your inventory. Go through the door to the backstage area and talk to the detective then Bob the cleaner, then pick up the cloth from the bucket. Go through the doorway on the far right to the staging area. Try to turn the crank on the wall here, but it is stuck. Go back out through the lobby to the outside and walk left to the street.


Go inside and enter your apartment. Talk to Simon and get him to sign Horace's picture. Enter Brain's room and use your cloth on the hair gel to make it greasy. Leave the apartment and go outside again. Use Brain's stamp on the drainpipe, then use it on Horace's picture before leaving the area.

Wrestle Zone

Head inside and give the picture to Horace, but it will be stolen. Go to the backstage area, then through a door over on the left into the gym. Take the mirror from Dave's bag. Talk to Dave to get him to leave, then take the fan art from his punching bag. Pur the mirror on the punching bag and put the fan art back over it. Wait here for Dave to come back and you will get the "Bully" award. Take the fan art again. Open the Defender's locker and take the hand wraps from inside, then close the locker again before leaving the gym.

Go to the staging area on the right and use your greasy cloth on the crank. Turn the crank, then pull the ladder down using your golf club to pull it down. Climb up the ladder. Look at the seating plan, then use the device and click on section C, row 3, seat 6 (near the bottom left, following the guide at the top of the plan). Climb back down the ladder and go right into the arena. You will arrive at the seat; search it to find the other half of your ticket. Go back out to the lobby and talk to Clarice again. Give the signed picture to Horace to get him t leave, then talk to Clarice several times.

Go to the backstage area, then climb the stairs and enter the office on the left. Examine the calendar to see the initials RN, then open the filing cabinet and find the file for The Rough Neck. Pick up the key from the desk, then leave the office. Go back out to the lobby and go through the sliding doors; you will be stopped by Clarice and will get the "Da New Girl" award.

Rough Neck

Look through the small window, then walk right and around to the bar. Talk to the barman about everything, then head right and talk to Muscles. Challenge him to an arm wrestle but you will lose. Leave the bar and head left to the street.

Wrestle Zone

Go inside and look in the display case; examine all labels and items. Now go and talk to Clarice about buying the hand buzzer. Use your small key to unlock the display case and take the buzzer from inside to buy it. Go outside and leave.


Open the bonnet of the car and try to use your hand buzzer on it. Head inside and into the apartment. Talk to Simon and get the remote; he won't give you the car keys until you get him a magazine. When you try to leave Simon keeps forcing you to change the channel with the remote; give him the golf club and you can leave.

Rough Neck

Enter the bar and use the remote to change the channel on the TV. Now that the patron is distracted, take the magazine from his back pocket, and replace it with Brain's autobiography.


Go inside and give the Bikini Bi-Monthly magazine to Simon to get the car keys. Go back out to the carpark and use the hand buzzer on the car again to charge it. Combine the hand buzzer with the hand wraps.

Rough Neck

Enter the bar and talk to Muscles again. After sitting down, select the hand buzzer to win. Head down to the basement. In the fight, distract O'Sullivan and quickly pick up the fast food from the left. Distract him again and use the ketchup on the robe behind you. Now insult him and you will get the "It's Not Fake" award as well as the password.

Wrestle Zone

Go inside and talk to Clarice, giving her the password.


Use the detective's card on the telephone.

Cartalaz Penitentiary

Outer Security

Head left and examine the panel on the wall, then use the detective's card on it. Look at the panel and disconnect the bottom wires, then use them together and hold them with your bookmark. Go and talk to Simon and get him to stand by the payphone. Knock on the window and say you are delivering a pizza; when Simon answers the phone say you are expecting the same time of pizza to get the "Pizza Delivery" award. Get into your car.

Inner Security

Enter the office and try to wake up Eddie, then talk to Simon and ask him to do it. Talk to Eddie about everything, then look at the control panel. Change the channel until you see a guard, then talk to Eddie again. Use the control panel and change the channel to see the guard, then zoom in and pan right to see the keypad - you will be told when you are in the right spot. Talk to Eddie one more time, then exit the go through the archway. Use the keypad.


Go to the right to enter a corridor. Wait here for a guard to go to the far left, then quickly go down to another corridor. Wait here just before the round pool of light and a door will open. Follow this guard down and stand on the right of the pillar while the first guard goes past, then walk up around the top of the pillar to dodge the next guy and continue down (Simon will catch up to you here).

Inner Sanctum

Take the wire from over the railing, then head left to the cell block.Talk to the prisoner in the cell to the left, then you will automatically exit to the left. Continue along the corridor to the right past the elevator, then go through the door here to find a locker room. Read the letter on the locker, then try to open Mcurk's locker but it is locked. Use the sink to fill it with water, then use your wire in the sink to get it wet. Put the wire in the socket over on the right, then pick it up and use it on Mcurk's locker. Take the teddy bear, then leave the locker room.

Continue left and go to the cell block again. Talk to the prisoner and give him his teddy bear, then ask him to distract the guard. Go left, then when the guard is distracted continue right, left and to the cell block. Use your magnet on the guard to get his key. Go back to the right and use the key to get into the office, then take the keycard from the desk before leaving again. Go to the cell block and continue left. Use your keycard in the slot to enter the elevator.

Maximum Security

Walk across the laser field, timing your passage so you don't get hit by the lasers; make it through in a single pass to get the "Ninja Style" award. The following is the correct sequence:


Flick the light switch on the rear wall to meet Smiley Joe - when given the option make sure you select to leave with Simon and you will get the "Early Night" award. When given a second chance select to release Smiley.


After the lights go out, click on the rectangular ???? to get a flashlight. Leave the elevator and search the junk pile to find a digital thermometer. Look at the thermometer to see the temperature is currently 22 degrees. Now you need to find a way out through the tunnels so that each room you visit is colder than the last; head right, up twice, right twice and left. Now as Simon, move left and right on your waterskis so you hit a ramp and you will end up on the boat. Hit Grimheimer until he tries to block, then quickly grab the throttle to the right.


Pick up the water lily from the pond and combine it with your magnet, then put it back in the water again. Look at it, then take the path just behind Simon.

Disguise for Brain


Save your game when prompted, then win the wrestling game to get the "Turn-Based Master" award (just keep attacking on every turn and start some turns by using either a bomb or potion and you will just win). Pick up the coloring pencils, then enter Brain's room. Use the pencils on the poster, and select a ponytail, oval glasses and no facial hair. Now as Simon leave the apartment building.

Rough Neck

Head into the bar and talk to the barkeeper, then go down to the basement. Climb on to the stacked drums and open the window. Now switch to Brain.


Head into the apartment and talk to Defender. Go into Brain's room and take the sock from the wardrobe door, then go outside and leave the building.

Rough Neck

Try to enter the bar but you look too young. Back outside, put the sock through the open window. Switch to Simon. Pick up the sock and dip it in the paint drum to create your makeshift ponytail. Switch back to Brain. Head right to the beach and try to take Horace's glasses on the sand, then talk to him about them. Walk back up to the street and leave.

Wrestle Zone

Go inside and buy a front row ticket from Eddie then head outside and it will blow away. Try to get it and it will go down a drain. Go back out to the front and leave.

Cosmic Burger

Go to the left and talk to Smiley in the panel van. Head inside and try to order the Cosmic Kids Meal, but you are too tall, so get a Cadet Cola instead. Put your money in the flap and take the drink, then leave.

Wrestle Zone

Go inside and through to the backstage area. Put your money in the vending machine, but your Fizzy Mints get stuck. Try kicking the machine but it won't work. Head left into the gym and open Brain's locker. Take the cheese from inside and close the locker again, then leave the gym. Use the cheese on the exit door to the left to prop it open, then switch to Simon. Go in through the door and enter the gym. Punch the punching bag to get the Stress Relief Award, then go back out and kick the vending machine to get the Fizzy Mints. Go back outside and stand next to the drain, then switch back to Brain. Pour your drink down the plughole in the gym, then quickly switch to Simon and put a mint in the drain; you will get the ticket. Head inside and give the ticket to Brain, then switch to Brain and leave.

Rough Neck

Head right to the beach and give your ticket to Horace to get the glasses. Now turn the CD player off repeatedly until the puppet master leaves, then pick up the CD player. Switch back to Simon.

Wrestle Zone

Leave the gym and go upstairs and into the office. Talk to Mr O'Sullivan until you get the weapons key. Look at the trophies until Mr O'Sullivan comments that he is thirsty. Head back downstairs and right to the staging area. Use the key to open the weapons locker and take the noose. Close the locker and leave the building through the back entrance.

Cosmic Burger

Head inside and order the Terrestrial Taco. When you reach the money flap, use your noose on the camera, then click on the money flap and you will end up outside. Switch to Brain.

Rough Neck

Leave the beach and head back to the street.

Cosmic Burger

Head inside and order the Cosmic Kids Meal. Put money in the flap, then pick up the meal. Go to the van outside and give the meal to Smiley, in exchange for a bottle of scotch. Go back inside twice more and buy the Big Dipper Burger and Nebula Nuggets to get the "Meal Deal" award. Give both the scotch and CD player to Simon, then switch to Simon and leave.

Wrestle Zone

Go in through the back entrance and upstairs to the office. Give the bottle of scotch to Mr O'Sullivan. Go back into the office and use the laptop to get some rock music. In your inventory combine the rock music and the CD player, then leave the building.

Rough Neck

Go inside and give your CD player with rock music to the bartender, then take his hat. Head outside and leave.


Go into your apartment. Switch to Brain and bring him home and into the apartment as well. Give the glasses, hat and ponytail to Defender.

The Challenge

Wrestle Zone

Start with 4 kicks (this will end up breaking the table and then you will be over on the left near Horace). Distract Surly with a drink, then head right and take a leg from the broken table. Now choose an uppercut to get the "Brain Damage" award and end up back in the ring.

Try again with another uppercut and this time quickly use your table leg on the hook hanging from the ceiling. Walk over to the sandbags and kick one to knock out Surly. Pull the lever near the sandbags, then use the table leg on the hook to go back down. Quickly head out of the ring again and go left to Horace. Put your sleeping pills in his drink. Now distract Surly with a drink again, then click on him while he is down.

When fighting Smiley, you can choose any options. After this, go to leave through the front door and you will be stopped by Surly again. This time you can beat him by selecting these options:

  • argue
  • stall
  • sympathise
  • reason


As soon as you have control again, click on Simon to pull him up next to the car, then click on him again to get him on to the bonnet. In the next scene, click on the car bonnet to jump across to the van, then climb on to the roof of the van to get the gun. Throw the gun back to Brain, then have Brain shoot the rear tyre. Down in the sewers, click on Smiley to get the "Day's End" award.