Nobodies: Murder CleanerNobodies: Murder Cleaner

Game Details:  Mystery, 2019

Steam Achievements:  Completed (27/27)

Links:  Moby Games, Steam, Adventure Gamers

Walkthrough Updated:  1/30/2020

Suggested Listening:  Wild Hearts Meet (Ash 25)

Nobodies: Murder Cleaner is a first-person adventure game about cleaning up after assassinations. You are a member of a team sent in to remove all traces of government-sanctioned hits. There are a series of 13 operations to cover up, each with one perfect solution but many ways to fail. The series continues with Nobodies: After Death.

Operation 1

Quick Dry

Remove the keys from the body. Pick up the body, as well as the trowel, bucket and cement from the ground, and some sand from the wheelbarrow. Use the keys on the toolbox, then open the toolbox and search it to get a parrot wrench. Try to turn the faucet, but it is stuck. Use the parrot wrench on the faucet, then use the bucket on the faucet to fill it with water.

Put the cement into the cement mixer, then add the sand and bucket of water. Turn on the mixer, then take the cement mix. In your inventory, use the trowel on the mix. Now use the body on the column over on the left side. Click on it again to push it inside. Use your trowel with mix on the column to completely hide the body.

Finishing Up

Put the trowel and bucket back where you found them. Put the parrot wrench back into the toolbox, then close it. Now leave the area Strong Foundation.

Operation 2


Pick up the lab coat from the coat rack, and the pipette from the table.

Pick up the body and use it on the cages to the left Bloody Mess. You will fail the mission, but can continue from just before the failure.

Go through the door to find a guard.

Grab some coffee and give it to the guard, then return to the crime scene. Repeat this 10 times. When you return to the guard he will be dead. Return to the crime scene Coffee's for Cleaners. You will fail the mission, but can continue from just before the failure.

Look in the cabinet on the wall to see 4 chemicals.

Use your pipette on the sodium monofluoroacetate, then use it on the feeder for the rats. Use the pipette to get some more sodium monofluoroacetate from the cabinet, then go through the door. Grab some coffee, use the pipette on it, and give it to the guard, then return to the crime scene. Go back to see that you have killed the guard (1/11). Return to the crime scene and you will fail the mission. Repeat this entire process with the desoxymethyltestosterone and with the lysergide. Now repeat the process with the scopolamine, and you will get an achievement for giving all 4 chemicals to the guard Guinea Pig. The guard will be asleep but alive with the scopolamine, and you can continue with the mission.

Pick up the yellow pipe from the right, and the ID card from the left. Use the access card on the door to the left, then head through. Try to turn the valve, but it is stuck. Use the pipe on the valve, then turn it again to drain the aquarium. Press the red button here to open the aquarium door. Go back to the crime scene. Fill your pipette with the desoxymethyltestosterone, then pick up the body. Return to the open aquarium door and put the body inside, then push it twice so the door closes again. Turn the valve to fill the aquarium with water again. Use your filled pipette on the feeder here. Return to the crime scene to see the body being eaten.

Finishing Up

Put the pipette on the table and the lab coat on the coat rack. Go through the door and use the access card to lock the door. Now give the access card back to the guard, then lean the pipe against the cages. Now leave the area Scientific Method.

Operation 3

Late Checkout

Close the door and take the signs from the door handle.

Pick up the body and use it on the window, then return to the crime scene Imperfect Crime. You will fail the mission, but can continue from just before the failure.

Remove the bottom bed frame, then leave the room. Use the "do not disturb" sign on the right hotel room, and the "housekeeping" sign on the left hotel room. Head upstairs, open the CCTV box and take the pliers from inside. Return downstairs and into the right hotel room, then use the pliers on the splitter to the left of the TV. Return upstairs to the CCTV box and use the splitter on the 5th floor cable.

Return downstairs and there will be a laundry cart outside the left hotel room. Grab some sheets. Take the keys and use them to unlock the janitor's door on the left, then return the keys to the cart.

Go to the right hotel room and take the body, then head up to the roof. Put the bed frame against the wall on the left to create a ladder, then remove the cap from the water tank. Put the body into the tank. Go downstairs and into the janitor's room on the left. Turn the tap, then return to the right hotel room Terrible Plumber. You will fail the mission, but can continue from just before the failure.

Head into the janitor's room and take the fuses from the open drawer. Use your pliers on the tap to remove the handle. Head up to the roof and use the handle on the valve between the water tanks, then use the valve. Go back down to the right hotel room. Pick up the body and the bloody sheets, then use the clean sheets on the bed. Return to the janitor's room and open the trash chute. Put the body and sheets inside, then close the chute again. Leave this room and use the elevator to go downstairs. Put your fuses in the switch, then use the switch to dispose of the body.

Finishing Up

Return up to the roof. Turn the valve, then take the handle back. Replace the cover on the water tank and pick up the bed frame. Look at the CCTV box and use the pliers on the splitter, then return the pliers and close the box. Go downstairs and into the janitor's room. Use the handle on the tap, then leave the room and close the door. Enter the right hotel room and replace the bed frame and splitter. Now leave the area Turndown Service.

Operation 4

Picket Fence

Enter the kitchen. Open the cupboard and take the bleach, then close it again. Take the rubber gloves from the high shelf. Look at the calendar on the fridge to see the date June 6 1984 has been marked. Open the fridge and search it to find an empty bottle, then close it again. Return to the living room and move the painting, then examine the safe. Enter the date from the fridge as the combination (6684). Search the safe to get some keys. Return to the kitchen and use the keys on the backyard door, then head outside.

Pick up the cement, then enter the garage. Pick up the paint, pliers and keys. Move the workbench, then use the pliers on the cable that is revealed. Return inside to the living room and use the new keys on the basement door, then head downstairs. Take the pickaxe, then open the electrical box and use your cable on it. Use the rubber gloves on the cable to attach it properly. Go outside to the pool again and use the empty bottle on it to fill it with water. Use the pump to drain the pool. Look at it, then use the pickaxe on the bottom of the pool to dig a new hole.

Go to the kitchen and grab the body, then go to the pool and put the body in the hole. Combine your water and cement, then use the wet cement on the hole. Use paint on the covered hole, then use the pump again to fill the pool.

Finishing Up

Return to the kitchen and use the bleach on the blood. Go down to the basement and take the cable, then return the pickaxe and go back upstairs. Use the keys to lock the basement door. Head out to the garage and the cable will automatically be repaired, so just slide the workbench back into position. Return the paint, pliers and keys to where you found them. Leave the garage and return the cement to the bench, then go into the kitchen. Use the remaining keys to lock the backyard door. Return the bottle, bleach and rubber gloves, then go out to the living room. Put the keys into the safe and close the painting. Now leave the area Good Housekeeping.

Operation 5

Bolt Bucket

Remove the hook from the body. Pick up the spray paint, then leave the alley. Use the hook on the car to break its window, then get inside. Open the fuse box on the left. Pull up all the red fuses, and push down all the others. Now press the white button in the central console to release the trunk. Open the glove box and take the coins, then close it again and exit the car. Open the trunk. Enter the alley, pick up the body, leave the alley and put the body in the trunk, then close it again. Now use the spray paint on the car. Examine the pay-phone, insert a coin and dial 912 First Responder. Just hang up the phone again without answering the question. Insert another coin and dial 555-5185. After the tow truck comes and goes, look at the red sign on the ground.

Pick up the cable, then search the trashcan to find some rotten meat. Combine the hook and cable in your inventory, then use this on the left wall.

Put the meat on the ground and the dog will go over to eat it. Climb the cable to end up inside the bulldozer and lower it to kill the dog (2/11) Monster. Restart the mission, then skip this part next time.

Climb the cable, then lower the bulldozer. Put the meat in the bulldozer, then climb up and raise the bulldozer. Now you can enter the junkyard. Pick up the screwdriver from the wreck on the left, then use it on the airbag to get it. Also pick up the fire extinguisher. Use the airbag in the bars on the window, then use the fire extinguisher on it. Remove the grill and climb inside.

Pick up the battery. Look at the paper on the desk to see a combination (6-12-9-12-3-3-12), then open the locked drawer (down, up, left, up, right, right, up). Open the drawer and take a key from inside. Climb out through the window again. Put the battery into the forklift, then climb inside to operate it. Your goal is to crush the car you marked with spray paint, by pushing it over to the crusher on the left, then using the controls at the top (insert the key, open the door, press the power button).

Instead of just crushing the target car, crush all 10 of the cars in the lot Crushin' It. Restart the mission, then skip this part next time.

Move all the other cars out of the way, and just crush the marked car.

Finishing Up

Remove the key from the controls and leave the forklift. Remove the battery from the forklift, then climb back through the window. Put the battery against the wall. Open the drawer and put the key inside, then close the drawer again. Climb outside and put the grill back over the window. Use the screwdriver to puncture the airbag. Put the screwdriver and airbag back into the car, and rest the fire extinguisher against the container. Leave the junkyard. Lower the bulldozer, then take the cable and hook, and put them in the trashcan. Now leave the area A Perfect Mess.

Operation 6

Cold Fury

Pick up the shells from the ground. Open the locker on the left and take the pickaxe, then close it again. Enter the cabin. Take the machete, rifle and map, then return outside and get into the truck. Open the glove compartment and take the wallet and lighter from inside, then close it again. Pull down the left sunshade and take the keys, then put it back up. Put the keys in the ignition - you can now drive by clicking on directions ahead of you. Start by going left, right, straight twice, right, straight and left Nature Lover.

Get back into the truck and now drive left, right, straight twice, left and right. Use the rifle to kill the police (3/11). Restart the mission, then skip this part next time.

Get back into the truck and now drive left, right, straight twice and left twice. Pick up the gas can. Use your machete on the tarp over the logs. Use the wallet on the gas to fill the tank.

Use the lighter on the gas. You will fail the mission, but can continue from just before the failure. Back at the cabin, take the wood from the porch outside and go inside again. Put the wood in the fireplace and light it with your lighter. Pick up the body and put it in the fire. Go back outside and use the gas can on the cabin, then use the lighter on the cabin Pyromaniac. Restart the mission, then skip this part next time.

Use the map to travel back to the cabin. Enter the cabin and pick up the body, then come outside and put it in the back of the truck. Cover the body with the tarp. Use the map to travel to the gas station, then get in the truck and drive right, straight, left, straight and right.

Take the anchor, then use the pickaxe on the frozen lake. Combine the body and anchor, then put it into the hole in the ice.

Finishing Up

Put the shells into the hole in the ice. Use the map to travel to the gas station. Return the tarp to the logs and the gas can to the store. Use the map to return to the cabin. Return the pickaxe to the locker and close it again. Head inside. Put the map back next to the bottles, the machete over the fireplace, and the rifle on the right wall. Enter the truck and return the wallet and lighter to the glove compartment. Take the keys out of the ignition and put them back behind the left sunshade (then lift it back up). Now leave the area Ice-Cold Cleaner.

Operation 7

Private Collection

Examine the fountain to collect a coin, then head right. Talk to the boy with these options:

  • Are you lost?
  • What happened with the candy machine?

Click on the crocodile's head to get a tooth. Return to the entrance, then head left. Use the tooth to open the fuse box, then examine it and turn off B1. Return to the entrance again. Steal the guard's access card. Go left and use the access card to unlock the door to the office, then return the card to the guard. Now enter the office. Retrieve the spear and master card from the body. Look at the book by Asimov on the desk, then examine the safe and open it with code ASIMOV (185679). Take the keys from inside. Now pick up the body and leave the office.

Use the master card on the lab door to the left, then head inside. Place the body on the embalming table. Pick up the syringe and the Formol. Use the hose on the body, then examine the embalming machine and press the Extract button. Pick up the drum and empty it into the sink, then pour your Formol into the drum. Leave the lab and return to the main hall, then head upstairs to the second floor. Examine the vending machine - insert your coin, then press D1 and you will end up with a chocolate bar. Use your keys on the storage door, then open it to go inside. Grab the uniform, ink cartridges, card and caveman clothes. Look at the card to see the name "James McArthy".

Return downstairs and to the right, and give the chocolate bar to the boy, in exchange for some gum. Head back to the lab and use the gum on the body. Use your syringe on the ink cartridges, then select both M and Y to end up with a red syringe. Use this on the drum with Formol, then use the drum with the machine. Examine the machine and press the Insert button. Pick up the body and combine it with the caveman clothes.

Return to the second floor, then head right to the exhibit.

Use the spear to kill the woman (4/11). You will fail the mission, but can continue from just before the failure.

Use the disguised body on the exhibit, and select these options:

  • I have a work order to swap out this caveman.
  • James McArthy.

Finishing Up

Use the club on the disguised body. Leave the exhibit and go down to the lab. Open the autoclave, use the caveman on it, then close it again. Put the wax into the recycle bin. Replace the Formol and the syringe. Head back up to the storage room. Use the spear on the wall, and replace the cartridges, uniform and card. Leave the room and use the keys to lock the storage door. Go next to the office, and put the keys back in the safe. Leave this room. Use the master card to lock both doors, then slide the card under the office door. Finally head to the right from the lobby and put the tooth back in the crocodile's mouth. Now leave the area Exhibitionist.

Operation 8

Flight Risk

Take the knife from the body, then go right. Open the gate and continue right, then go left. Take the grill spatula, then open the grill and use the spatula on it to get a smoking coal. Continue left and use the smoking coal on the car. Return right twice. Now you can enter the office. Take the checklist from the board and read it in your inventory, then put it back. Search the coat to get some drugs, then use them on the mug. Leave the office and you will return to find that the office guy is drugged. Talk to him about the combination, and he will end up giving it to you indirectly.

Use the knife to kill the office worker (5/11). You will fail the mission, but can continue from just before the failure.

Return outside and go left, then examine the lock on the depot door, and enter the 3 numbers the office guy tells you. Now head inside.

Use your knife on the package to get some more drugs. Return to the office and put these drugs in the coffee, then leave and return to find that you have killed the office worker (6/11). Leave again Don't Get High On Your Own Supply. You will fail the mission, but can continue from just before the failure.

Enter the depot again. Pick up the plastic packing, forklift and lug wrench. Use the forklift on cargo 1 (orange), then go outside and put it on the orange plane. Use the forklift in the depot on cargo 2 (blue), then go outside and put it on the blue plane. Head out to the highway, then go left to return to the body. Use the lug wrench on the tractor wheel. Pick up the body, then combine it with the plastic packing, then the knife, and finally the tractor wheel.

Return to the depot. Use the forklift on cargo 3 (red). Remove the body from the tractor wheel, then put the body inside cargo 3. Go outside and put cargo 3 on the red plane.

Finishing Up

Examine the fuel tank. Take the ground wire from the left and connect it to one of the planes. Examine the fuel tank again and take the fuel hose, connecting it to the same plane. Now press the Full button on the fuel tank. Repeat this with all 3 planes, then put the ground cable and fuel hose back in the tank. Go left and return to the spatula to the grill, closing the grill as well. Enter the depot and return the plastic packing, lug wrench and forklift. Go back over the highway and put the wheel back on the tractor. Now leave the area In Plane Sight.

Operation 9


Go right twice. Take the jack from the trunk, the ladder from the wall, and the metal crate from the grass, then go inside. Pick up the tape, wrench, plastic bag and knife. Examine the fishing rod to get a plumb. Search the trashcan twice to get a rotten apple and a bottle. Go back outside and open the hood of the car, then use the wrench on the battery to remove it. Continue right and pick up the can of sardines. Fill this with mud, then return left twice.

Go left and use your knife to kill the guard (7/11). You will fail the mission, but can continue from just before the failure.

Use the jack on the fence, then crawl through and examine the security console. Open the panel and cut the top cable with your knife, then back out and grab the jack again. Return left, and the guard will be distracted. Use your knife on the gate lock, then use your battery on the gate lock and go inside. Grab the lighter and the key. Use your key on the can full of mud to get a mold, then return the key.

Go back inside the cabin. Light the fireplace with the lighter. Melt the plumb and use it on the key mold to make a lead key. Go back outside and head right. Fill your bottle with water from the stream. Unlock the sewer gate with your lead key, then head inside. Grab the stick and combine it with your metal crate, then put the trap on the ground. Put the rotten apple inside the trap, then leave and come back. Take the rat. Put your ladder against the right wall. Use the rat on the grid, then your wrench on the grid. Climb up.

Examine the video control screens. Use the tape on the slot. Press record, then stop, then play and you will be playing a loop. Now examine the cell control panel, and open Block 4 Cell 2. Back out and climb down, then take the ladder. Go forward, then climb up. Take the paint and the acid. Put your ladder against the right wall, then use your knife on the vent and climb inside. Go left, straight and right 3 times. Enter the second cell on the left. Use the acid on the toilet, then move the toilet. Grab the body and put it down the hole. Use your paint on the hole, then click on the toilet to put it back in position. Leave the cell again.

Climb through the vent, then replace the grill. Return the paint and acid, then grab the ladder and climb back down to the sewer. Use your wrench on the pipe elbow, then grab the body and use the wrench to replace the pipe. Make your way back to the cabin. Put the plastic bag over the wood chipper, then put the body inside. Use the wood chipper, then take the body in the bag and feed it to the pigs.

Finishing Up

Put the battery in the hood, then close it. Put the jack in the trunk, then close it. Go right and into the sewer. Put the ladder against the right wall, then climb up. Retrieve the tape from the video control screens, then climb down and grab the ladder again. Leave the sewer, then use the lead key to lock the gate. Return to the cabin. Put the lead key and the tape into the wood chipper to destroy them. Put the ladder against the window, then head inside. Use the bottle of water on the fireplace. Return the knife and the wrench. Now leave the area Done Time.

Operation 10

Bad Medicine

Go through the double doors at the end of the hallway. Take the cap from the water cooler. Enter Room 101 (first door on the left). Open the closet and take the tape from inside. Also pick up the wrench from next to the TV. Leave here, then enter Room 102 (second door on the left). Open the closet and take the screwdriver from inside. Also pick up the bandages from the table on the right. Leave here and return through the doors to reception.

Place the cap on the donation box, then head outside. Use the wrench and then the tape on the sign. Go inside, then back outside again and there will be a car crash. Remove the tape from the sign and use the wrench on it again. Return inside and take the key from the bulletin board, and the coin and cap from the donation box. Use your key on the locked office door, then go inside. Take the cards from the desk, and the letter opener from the shelves. Leave the office again.

Use the letter opener to kill the receptionist (8/11). You will fail the mission, but can continue from just before the failure. Go outside and use the letter opener to kill an angry man (9/11). You will fail the mission, but can continue from just before the failure.

Head through the double doors again. Use the coin on the vending machine, then use the vending machine and take the chocolates. Combine the chocolates with the cards in your inventory.

Use the screwdriver on the doors to surgery at the end, then go through. Use the letter opener to kill the surgeon (10/11). You will fail the mission, but can continue from just before the failure.

Return to reception and put the chocolates on the desk.

Go outside and use the letter opener to threaten the couple (11/11). There is an achievement for killing/threatening all 11 possible civilians Serial Killer. You will fail the mission, but can continue from just before the failure.

Go down the hallway and into the surgery. Pick up the UV lamp. Look at the discharge certificate to see code 0200. Use the screwdriver on the grill, then climb through to the morgue. Look at the certificate on the wall to see code 3323. Return to the surgery, then to the office and turn off the lights, then use the UV lamp on the computer to see which numbers are frequently pressed. To start with, enter code 2639 (BODY) Hacker. Log out by pressing the X, then enter code 1587 to log in properly. Press 1 to see the ID numbers of the current patients, then press X to go back. Now press 2, then 7475, 0200, and finally 1. Take the discharge certificate, then leave the office.

Return to the hallway and enter room 102, then put the discharge certificate on the record of bed A. Go to room 101 and grab the body, then return to room 102 and put the body in the empty bed. Use the bandages on the body. Go back to the office and use the computer again. Press 2, then 7475, 3323, and finally 1. Take the death certificate, then press 3 and leave the office.

Return to the hallway and enter room 102, then put the death certificate on the record of bed A. Go to the surgery and climb through to the morgue. Open the bottom right storage drawer. Take the body and put it in the drawer, then close it.

Finishing Up

Climb back through to the surgery. Use the screwdriver on the grill to replace it. Put the UV lamp back on the table, then leave the surgery and lock it with the screwdriver. Go to room 102 and put the screwdriver in the closet, then close it and leave. Go to room 101 and put the tape in the closet, then close it. Put the wrench next to the TV, then leave the room. Put the cap back on the water cooler. Head out to reception. Enter the office and return the cards and letter opener. Turn the light back on, then leave the office and lock the door. Return the key to the bulletin board. Now leave the area No Scrubs

Operation 11


Pick up the bent paper-clip from the floor. Talk to the woman about everything. Go back to carriage 3 and use the bent paper-clip on the men's bathroom, then go inside. Take the toilet paper and leave again. Go back once more to carriage 2 and enter the women's bathroom. Take the toilet paper from here as well. Put both lots of toilet paper in the toilet, then flush it and leave. Look at the timetable to find the number of this train and the one before it.

Go forward to carriage 3 and enter the office on the left. Tell the clerk that the women's restroom is flooded. Back out twice to reach carriage 2, then enter the cabin on the left. Take the cap from the table, and the pills and money from the backpack. Also open the drawer and take the suitcase.

Head all the way forward to carriage 5. Put the suitcase next to the ventilation duct on the left, then talk to the man. Ask him to call the crew about the AC not working. Return to the office in carriage 3 and take the pen, "Out of Order" sign and manifest, then search the drawers to get some keys. Return to carriage 4.

Give the bartender money twice to get two flasks of vodka, then give them both to the woman. Repeat this 3 times Drunkard.

Give the bartender money twice to get two flasks of vodka. Go back to carriage 2 and enter the women's bathroom. Take the bleach. Empty one flask of vodka into the sink. Use the sink to turn the tap on, then fill the empty bottle with water and turn off the tap again. Combine your pills with the remaining flask of vodka. Go to carriage 4 and give the doctored flask to the woman, then give her the bottle with water. Now you can take her book. Also take the rag from the bar.

Return to carriage 3 and enter the cabin on the left. Talk to the elderly passenger and ask to borrow his book. Give him your book, then take his (including the train ticket inside). Leave the cabin and use your pen on the ticket, entering 2-21. Give the ticket back to the elderly passenger. Leave the cabin again and enter the men's bathroom. Use the bleach on the rag, then use the rag on the blood. Take the body, then leave the bathroom and use the "Out of Order" sign on it. Enter the cabin here and put the body on the seat. Turn the body, then put the cap on it. Leave the cabin and look at the map on the right to find out which sector you are in.

Go forward to carriage 5. Use the keys to unlock the door, then go through to carriage 6. Unlock the next door and go through again. Use the radio and enter 8702 and 48 - the train will stop. Go back to carriage 6, then pick up the rope. Open the side door and go out to reach the roof of the train. Tie the rope to the hook on the left, then go back and inside.

Head to carriage 3 and enter the cabin. Open the window and the rope should be there. Tie the rope to the body. Go back from carriage 2, and up the ladder to the roof of the train. Use the rope to get the body. Take the body and go forward to return to carriage 6. Put the body in the tube, tie the rope to the tube, then push the secured body out the side door.

Finishing Up

Close the side door, then use the keys to lock the door here. Go back to carriage 5 and lock the door here as well. Go to carriage 4 and return the rag to the bartender. Go to the office in carriage 3 and give the manifest, pen and bleach to the attendant. Enter the cabin in carriage 2 and put the cap on the table. Put the pills in the backpack and try to return the money to the backpack. Give the book to the elderly passenger. Finally go to the cabin in carriage 3 and throw the keys out the window. Now leave the area Right On Schedule.

Final Achievements

There is an achievement for completing every standard mission All Clean, and another for not using the beeper for the entire game Hint Hater.

Bonus Operation 1

Unholy Ghost

Pick up the green rosary from the floor. Also take the body from the confessional, and the light bulb from the left lamp. Go through the wooden door into the hallway. Go through the door on the right into an office. Take the hex wrench from the desk, and the gloves from the coat rack on the right. Examine the box on the desk and solve the puzzle by moving the blocks so you can slide the red block to the far right. Take the master key, then leave the room.

In the hallway, pick up the flower pot from the left, and the candelabra from the right. Go back through the near left door to return to the murder scene. Examine the organ and use the hex wrench on the screws to remove the front panel. Examine the hoses, then use the candelabra on the second hose from the right. Press the keys on the piano until a paper falls from the ceiling, then pick it up.

Look to the right and use the master key with the tomb in the floor, and with the glass cabinet on the right. Take the red heart-shaped gem from the glass cabinet, then return left and leave the room.

Use the master key on the far left door, then head through into a bedroom. Pick up the envelope from the projector machine, the mirror from the wall, the chisel from the floor, and a knife from the top drawer. Use the chisel on the wall over the bed, then search the hole to find a red rosary. Now examine the projector machine. Insert the light bulb, heart-shaped gem, paper and mirror, then back out to see a code projected on the wall over the bed.

Leave the room and climb the stairs straight ahead. Move the large stone 3 times so it is over on the left. Use the flower pot on the floor, then pull the lever. Use your knife to cut the rope, then pick it up. Go back downstairs and right into the office. Examine the bookcase, then click on these books:

  • Red V
  • Blue XI
  • Yellow I
  • Green X

Insert your two rosaries into the mechanism, then turn them both. Back out, return to the hallway, and go through the near left door. Examine the organ and remove the candelabra, then back out. Use your hex wrench on the panel next to the organ to repair it. Go right and examine the altar to climb down. Use your rope with the pulley in the ceiling, then use the gloves on the rope to pull it. Place the body in the sarcophagus.

Finishing Up

Use your gloves on the rope to replace the lid. Remove the rope, then climb back up. Use your master key to lock the tomb in the floor. Return left and leave the room. Go right into the office. Remove the 2 rosaries, then replace the bookcase. Put the hex wrench back on the desk, then leave the room.

Go through the far left door. Examine the projector and remove all 4 items. Put the envelope on the projector, the mirror on the wall, and the chisel on the floor near the rug. Return the knife to the drawer, then close the drawer. Put the red rosary into the hole in the wall, then return the stone to the wall. Leave this room and lock the far left door with the master key.

Climb the stairs ahead and fix the rope. Pick up the flower pot and click on the stone to return it to its starting position. Go back downstairs and use the flower pot on the flowers. Return the candelabra to the cabinet on the right. Go through the near left door. Use the light bulb with the left lamp, and the green rosary with the confessional. Head right and return the heart-shape gem to the statue in the glass cabinet. Close the glass cabinet. Return left and use the paper on the organ.

Leave the room and return through the right door to the office. Put the master key in the box and the gloves on the coat rack. Now you can leave.

Bonus Operation 2

Hot Steel

Lift up the motorcycle seat and take the battery. Head through the door into the building and pick up the wire and rope from the floor. Also take the screwdriver from the wall over the workbench. Return outside and use the screwdriver to remove the speaker from the wall. Combine your wire and speaker, then add the battery to make a metal detector. Use this on the minefield to the right.

Navigate the minefield by going right, right, left, right, left and forward to the right (head in the direction where the metal detector is not flashing.

Grab the hose from the red barrel on the right. Examine the helicopter door and rearrange the pipes to connect the 2 terminals (within 99 moves). Inside, pick up the pliers from the table, the jar from the stove, and the ammo box from the netting above. Pick up the body and head outside. Return through the minefield.

Use the pliers to remove the spark plug from the motorcycle, then go right through the minefield again.

Head through the green door on the side of the building in the distance. Pick up the wire brush from the floor, then use it to clean your spark plug. Leave via the high door on the left. Click on the chain on the ground to connect the winch on the jeep to the tank. Open the fuel cap on the jeep, then insert your hose and attach the jar to collect some fuel. Now remove the hose and close the fuel cap. Open the jeep's hood and insert your clean spark plug. Close the hood and use your screwdriver on the jeep to start the engine. Click on the jeep again to tow the tank away. Pick up the tank tread that is left behind. Now return through the door, and continue through the right door to return to the helicopter.

Enter the helicopter again. In your inventory, use the pliers on the bullets to get some gunpowder. Combine the rope with the fuel-filled jar. Turn on the stove, then use your rope and jar on it to create a torch. Leave the helicopter again.

Go through the green door and use the red valve on the wall to turn on the gas. Use your torch with the foundry, then put the gunpowder inside. Use your tank tread on the conveyor to repair it, then press the red button. Put the body on the conveyor.

Finishing Up

Press the button to turn off the conveyor, then turn off the gas valve on the wall. Return the wire brush to the floor, and leave to the right. Place the hose back on the red barrel. Enter the helicopter and turn off the stove, then return the pliers to the table and the jar to the counter. Leave the helicopter and return through the minefield. In your inventory, dismantle the metal detector using your screwdriver. Put the battery back in the motorcycle and lower the seat. Put the speaker back on the wall, then head inside. Return the wire and rope to the floor, and put the screwdriver back on the wall over the workbench. Now you can leave.