Die O'Clock
Game Details: Puzzle, 2022
Steam Achievements: Completed (24/24)
Links: Moby Games, Steam, Adventure Gamers
Walkthrough Updated: 3/7/2023
Suggested Listening: Help Me Out (Ash 25)
Time Travel
Turn around and zoom in on the writing on the far wall to see the number 1022 written many times. Now head towards the large clock, crouching beneath the beam. Open the safe on the right with the code 1022 and take out the key. Insert this into the clock.
Key Collecting
Read the message on the clock - there are 12 keys to collect around the house. Turn around to see a large dining table in front of you. For each key listed below, assume the starting point is right here. Once you get each key, you can insert it into the correct lock on the clock to reset the timer, then work on the next key.
Dining Table (I)
Turn right from the entrance and follow the right wall, examining the first painting you see (Gertie Blue separated from Wilbur Green). Move the painting up, then use trial and error to press all 6 spikes into the circle (random with each game). Grab the yellow place card (1/5). Continue down the corridor to the right of the stairs to see a painting at the very end (Ambrose Red separated from Allen Pink). Return to the front area and find a chest of drawers in the other corner. Grab the red place card (2/5) from the second drawer. Continue down the corridor to the left of the stairs. Beneath a painting at the end (Allen Pink next to Wilbur Green), pick up the pink place card (3/5).
Go up the stairs and around to the right. Notice a painting on the wall here (Ambrose Red next to August Yellow). Further along, search the tall shelves holding decorative dishes to find the blue place card (4/5). Continue around the landing to the next corner and search a small cupboard holding a candle to find the green place card (5/5). Further along, notice the last painting (August Yellow at the end of the table). Go back down to the dining table. The white place card is already here, so based on the paintings you have seen, put the others as follows:
Take key I from the dish in the middle of the table. Also take a silver key from the other dish here. Go and insert this first key into the clock OutATime.
Lyre (II)
Go up the stairs and search the central part of the nearby cabinet to find a record. Go around to the far side of the upper landing and put this on the gramophone, then turn the handle and listen to the tune that is played. Go around to the right side of the upper landing and find a low cupboard with a key box and a lyre. If the strings on the lyre are numbered 1-4 from left to right, play this tune: 1, 2, 3, 2, 4 Van gogh's ear for music. Now pick up key II. Go and insert this key into the clock.
Map (IIII)
Head along the corridor to the left of the stairs. Find a safe on top of a low cupboard here. Press all 6 spikes into the circle (random with each game), then take the puzzle piece (1/8). Go up the stairs and search the upper right drawer of the nearby cabinet to get the next puzzle piece (2/8). Head around to the left upper landing and look in a small table with a clock and a candle to get fuse 3. Continue around the landing and open the second drawer from a set of 4 drawers half way along the right side to get the next puzzle piece (3/8). Use your silver key (obtained by completing the Dining Table) on the locked door near the start of the right upper landing and head through to the right wing.
Look in the top right drawer of the cabinet on the left to find video B. Head along the corridor and look in a box on a small side table to find fuse 4. Next look in a small cupboard near the end to find a puzzle piece (4/8). Continue through the door at the end into a child's bedroom. Look in the drawer beneath the tall cupboard for a puzzle piece (5/8), then search the middle drawer in the chest of drawers opposite for the next puzzle piece (6/8). Continue into the next room off here, which is a bathroom.
Search the top right drawer of the cabinet on the right to find video A. Look in the right drawer beneath the sink to get fuse 1. Leave via the side door into a master bedroom. Look on the desk here for another puzzle piece (7/8). Look in the small drawer of the bedside table on the far side of the bed to find fuse 5. Look immediately to the right of the TV to get fuse 7. You can unlock two more doors from here for direct access back to the right wing corridor and right upper landing.
Head back downstairs and go along the corridor to the right of the stairs. Pick up the final puzzle piece (8/8) from the table in the corner. Now you must arrange the puzzle pieces to fill the square grid on this table:
Once you are done, the drawer below will open Piece together. Take fuse 6 from this drawer. Go back upstairs and go to the far end of the right wing corridor. Open the fuse box on the left and insert your fuses so that the mathematical equations all work:
The power will now come on throughout the house And there was light. Now head to the master bedroom, where the TV is turned on. Put video A in the video player and adjust the settings until you get a clear picture, then look around and approach the doll. Go back to the TV and change the settings until you see the number 6. Next insert video B and repeat this to first see the doll, then to see the number 3. Make sure you grab video B again, as you will need both of them.
Go to the bathroom and turn off the light using the light switch, then look in the bath to see the number 84. Turn the light back on, then search the tall cupboard next to the bath to find a safe. Open this with combination 6384 and take out the key. Use this key on the locked door in the master bedroom and enter to find a walk-in robe. Next you need to find a series of photographs, and look at the places and dates listed on the back of them:
- Egypt 1853 (hanging opposite the bath in the bathroom)
- China 1874 (in a bedside table in the child's bedroom)
- France 1889 (in the walk-in robe)
- United States 1927 (on the desk in the master bedroom)
- Italy 1928 (on the cabinet near the start of the right wing corridor)
Go back out to the left upper landing, where there is a large map and a board with countries and switches. Flip the switches in the date order of the postcards:
- Egypt
- China
- France
- United States
- Italy
A small box will open to the left Travel through time. Take out key IIII. Go and insert this key into the clock.
Closet (V)
There are 5 garment bags to collect:
- Child's suit (wardrobe in child's bedroom)
- Short dress (against wall in master bedroom)
- Long dress (small closet in walk-in robe)
- Black suit (small closet in walk-in robe)
- White suit (large closet in walk-in robe)
You need to place these 5 garment bags on the rail in the large closet where you found the white suit. Place them in this order from left to right:
- Long dress
- White suit
- Child's suit
- Black suit
- Short dress
The garments will now all disappear Get dressed, it's cold down there!. Take out key V from the small box here. Go and insert this key into the clock.
Cuckoo Clocks (III)
Go down through the secret passage that has been revealed in the walk-in robe to find a clock room. Look around to see a lot of wooden cuckoo clocks around the walls, which are set to one of 4 possible times (1, 3, 7 or 9 o'clock). Wait until the next hour strikes, then look around and note the order that the cuckoo clocks activate (3, 9, 7 and 1). Go to the safe in the corner of the room and open it with combination 3971 I lost my mind. Pick up key III from inside the safe. Go and insert this key into the clock.
Gambling Machine (VI)
Find a tall bookcase in the clock room that holds video cassettes, and insert your 2 videos into the empty slots - the bookcase will swing open and you can go down another secret passage into a candle room. Quickly run around the pentagram in a clockwise direction and light the candles (until they are all lit at the same time) I lost faith. Once the fire in the middle burns out, pick up a new video. Go all the way back up to the master bedroom and put this new video in the video player Remember the days of encrypted television.
Head downstairs and pull the lever on the side of the gambling machine, which is like a game of Mastermind. The lights to the side show green for correct symbol in correct place, and yellow for correct symbol in wrong place. The solution is random for each game. Take key VI from the opened slot in the front of the machine. Go and insert this key into the clock Half time.
Ring Room (VII)
Go through the new opened double doors to the left of the stairs, and along the corridor to a circular ring room. Open the small cupboard on the right wall as you enter, and take out a light bulb. Press the red button, then run through the maze - you need to put the light bulb in the empty socket so that it lights up, then grab the bulb and run to the next empty socket. Keep going through the entire maze like this until you reach the middle. If you don't get to a socket in time, you have to start again. Once successful, a slot will open beneath the final light bulb position Make light work of time. Take key VII from the slot. Go and insert this key into the clock.
Elevator (VIII)
Head through the double doors on the far side of the circular ring room. Continue forward until you fall down. You now need to watch the floor carefully and step on the white panels to gradually go back up. Once you reach a level where no lights come on, approach each of the double doors until one opens and you can head out to a balcony The elevator does not go to the top floor.
You will see several pillars here with arrows that allow you to rotate 3 segments of the massive room ahead. There are similar controls down between the room segments as well. Leave these alone for now. Go down the stairs and pick up key VIII from a key box on a small table on the right. Go and insert this key into the clock.
Chess Boards (XI)
There are 4 different styles of room in each of the 3 segments. Each style of room is home to a series of 3 chessboards, and you need to examine them to find a specific similarity or difference:
- Dining Room: Between the three boards, only 1 square does not hold a piece (A5)
- Library: Between the three boards, only 1 square always holds a piece (B4)
- Art Gallery: Between the three boards, only 1 square does not hold a piece (C3)
- Concert Hall: Between the three boards, only 1 square holds a black piece (D7)
Go back and find a safe opposite the key boxes near where you entered this room. Enter the code 5437 to open the safe The eleventh hour. Take key XI from inside the safe. Go and insert this key into the clock.
Bowls (IX)
Pick up the golden bowling ball from the holder near the key boxes. You need to get this to roll along the lit passageways throughout the room, passing through each of the 4 end points back near the clock. To get it to roll successfully, you need to rotate the various room segments; always wait for the ball to stop rolling before proceeding to the next step listed. Here are the 4 paths (directions are as if you are looking away from the clock where you insert the keys):
- Path 1
Rotate the near segment to the concert hall, the middle segment to the dining room, and the far segment to the art gallery.
Insert the ball into the entry point near the middle of the far segment (art gallery).
Rotate the far segment anti-clockwise (to the concert hall).
Rotate the middle segment anti-clockwise (to the library).
Go and collect the ball from one of the holders.
- Path 2
Rotate the near segment to the concert hall, the middle segment to the library, and the far segment to the art gallery.
Insert the ball into the entry point near the middle of the far segment (art gallery).
Rotate the far segment anti-clockwise (to the concert hall).
Rotate the middle segment clockwise (to the dining room).
Rotate the far segment anti-clockwise (to the dining room).
Rotate the far segment anti-clockwise (to the library).
Rotate the middle segment twice (to the art gallery).
Rotate the middle segment twice (to the dining room).
Rotate the near segment clockwise (to the art gallery).
Go and collect the ball from one of the holders.
- Path 3
Rotate the near segment to the dining room, the middle segment to the art gallery, and the far segment to the art gallery.
Insert the ball into the entry point along the left wall of the far segment (art gallery).
Rotate the middle segment clockwise (to the library).
Rotate the middle segment anti-clockwise (to the art gallery).
Rotate the near segment twice (to the art gallery).
Rotate the near segment twice (to the dining room).
- Path 4
Rotate the near segment to the art gallery, the middle segment to the concert hall, and the far segment to the art gallery.
Insert the ball into the entry point along the left wall of the far segment (art gallery).
Rotate the near segment clockwise (to the library).
Once all 4 paths have been completed, another key box will open A stitch in time saves 9. Go back to where you got the previous key and take key IX. Go and insert this key into the clock.
Five Pillars (X)
Now you need to focus on the 12 small pillars that can be found in each segment of each room type. You can rotate each of these, and they need to be set so that all adjacent pillar values equal 5. If you look at them all as if you are looking away from the clock where you insert the keys, rotate them as follows:
- Far Segment
Dining Room: 4
Concert Hall: 1
Art Gallery: 4
Library: 1
- Middle Segment
Dining Room: 3
Concert Hall: 1
Art Gallery: 4
Library: 2
- Near Segment
Dining Room: 4
Concert Hall: 1
Art Gallery: 4
Library: 1
Once all pillars are correct, the extra pillar in front of the clock will open You can count on one's hand. Take out key X. Go and insert this key into the clock.
Maze (XII)
Go back up the stairs and through the new opened door, which will lead you back to the bathroom - continue through here to reach the right wing corridor. For the next section, you will see calendars scattered around the various rooms. You need to carefully go through specific doors, or you will end up having to start the section again. Take this path through the rooms:
- Go through the side exit from the right wing corridor.
- Continue through the far exit of the child's bedroom.
- Go through the master bedroom and leave near the desk.
- Continue through the far exit of the child's bedroom again.
- Go through the bathroom and leave near the toilet.
- Back in the hallway, go through the door near the fuse box.
- Continue through the far exit of the child's bedroom again.
- Go through the bathroom and leave near the bath.
- Continue through the far exit of the child's bedroom again.
- Go through the master bedroom and leave near the TV.
- Go through the bathroom and leave near the toilet.
- Back in the hallway, go through the side exit.
- Go through the master bedroom and leave near the desk.
- Back in the hallway, go through the far end, near the calendar.
- Go through the bathroom and leave near the bath.
- Go through the master bedroom and leave near the bed.
Go over to the opened key box near the clock and pick up key XII. Go and insert this key into the clock The clock strike midnight.
Final Achievements
As you insert the final key, you may also get these achievements:
- For not using any hints No time to die
- For not dying at all The big time
- For finishing within 1 hour Rush hour
Watch the ending to get another achievement Time Flies. There are several other achievements to collect:
- At any stage you can lift the lid on the piano downstairs and play any of the notes Waste of time.
- There is an achievement for running out of time and dying Estimated time of death.
- There is another achievement for getting a hint on the screen where you die Save time.
- There is a final achievement for restarting the game Time after time.