Another TomorrowAnother Tomorrow

Game Details:  Mystery, 2022

Links:  Moby Games, Steam, Adventure Gamers

Walkthrough Updated:  11/25/2023

Suggested Listening:  Give Up Now (Ash 25)

Another Tomorrow is a puzzle adventure with a series of dioramas that can be explored and puzzles to be solved. You awaken with no memory of recent events, with only a camera at your disposal, and are forced to explore your surroundings to gradually unravel a mystery.



Look at the box on the ground and slide each of the bars until the holes all show yellow lights. Take out the camera and photo album, and a key. Use the key on the door, then walk through the door. Read the message on the floor: "There is no time left". Continue through the next door into a second room.

Look at the screen on the wall, and take note of the order of shapes on the display. Look at the pulley in the middle of the room, and collect the small key from here. Turn off the light using the light switch to notice cracks in the wall, then turn the light back on. Look down into the hole and use your small key on the padlock. Open the box and pick up the loose chain. Take the note for a flashback, and also collect the toothpicks. Also pick up the loose chain. Press the red button and take note of the order in which the lights activate.

Go back to the first room. Look at the valves on the back wall, and turn them in the same order as the lights from the box (if they are numbered 1-4 from left to right, turn valves 4, 2, 3, 1, 3). Next look at the weird glowing contraption on the right. Press the segments in the order of the shapes from the display in the second room:


Collect the security card from the opened glowing contraption. Pick up the large metal ball from the ground on the left, then connect it with your chain. Go through to the second room again and look at the pulley. Attach your ball and chain to the pulley, then back out and pull the ball to smash a hole in the wall. Go through the hole to find a tunnel. Examine the locker on the right.

Return to the first room again and pick up the glass plate from beneath the TV. Go through the first door into the corridor and look at the cabinet on the right. Put your glass plate here, and take note of the shapes traversed by the line. Go through to the tunnel and look at the locker on the right again:


Click on the light buttons in this order: 2, 3, 6, 5, 4, 5, 2, 5, 6. Look at the ultrasound for a flashback, then pick up the long pole. Combine this with your security card, then use this on the working bridge controls on the other side of the tunnel - the bridge will lower.

Enter the room on the right and read the message on the wall: "Pick the right time". Back out, then enter the room on the left. Based on the previous messages on the floor and the wall, set the left clock to 00:00, then use your toothpicks on the reset hole of the right clock. Back out of this room and go through the new opened door.

Chapter 1


Look at the arrows on the ground near the bench. Now go to the traffic lights, and press the button when the man is facing these directions: right, left, right, right, left, right. Pick up the scrap of postcard. Once the phone starts ringing, go to it and pick up the handset.

Look at the graffiti on the steps: "Ignite where our paths cross". Go through the blue door to the small room under the bridge and examine the machine, looking at the numbered buttons. If you trace a path from 1 to 17, there are three points where the path crosses over itself. Press buttons 2, 5 and 7. Look in the opened cabinet and take another scrap of postcard, then combine this with your other one. Now you can travel to the next location.

Chapter 2

Hawthorne Apartments

Look at the billboard on the side of the left apartment block, and note the shaded parts of the letters. Go to the van and take note of the number plate (B1G BG2). Enter the van to see some graffiti: "The answer is near". Examine the toolbox and set the code according to the shading of the letters NEAR from the billboard:

Look in the toolbox and pick up the paint scraper and the button. Back out of the van and head down the alley. Look at the wires on the wall near the bins, then look at the wire box to the left. Remove the two pieces of tape, and place them over the bottom button on the left, and the second button from the top on the right. Now that you can see inside the dark bin, take the umbrella from inside.

Return out to the main street and look at the billboard again. Use your umbrella to pull down the ladder, then climb up. Use your paint scraper to remove more of the billboard image, so you can see a complete code. Climb back down and approach the apartment. Insert the missing button into the keypad, then type the code from the billboard: *7326#. Now enter the apartment building.

Look at the mailboxes and pick up the empty coffee cup. Go back outside and into the alley. Look in the bin again. Pick up the bin bag and use the coffee cup to collect some bin juice. Back out from the bin and use the filled coffee cup on the fire in the barrel. Now examine the barrel and pick up the charcoal. Return into the apartment building.

Look at the mailboxes again, then at the notepad on the right. Use your charcoal on the notepad to reveal a code. Look at the parcel box in the right of the lobby and open it with the code ADCD. Examine the parcel inside to see a name and address. Now you need to go up and down the stairs and press the lift call button, in an order determined by the number plate on the van outside:

  • Basement
  • 1st Floor
  • Ground
  • Basement
  • Ground
  • 2nd Floor

The doors will now finally open. Look inside and pick up the crowbar. Go to the 1st floor and read the note on the door: "Key under mat". Go down to the ground floor and look at the Building Association notice board. Take note of the symbols beneath Mat Bearman. Move the welcome mat, then use your crowbar on the plank and examine the cryptex. Enter the 4 symbols you just saw. From left to right they are:

  • Up arrow
  • Lightning bolt
  • Letter Z
  • Quadrilateral

Take the apartment key. Go up to the 1st floor and use the apartment key on the door. Head inside. Look at the coffee table and take note of the arrangement of pizza slices. Next head through the door into a corridor, then through the middle door into the bathroom. Press the panels on the container on the floor that correspond with the pizza slices:

Pick up the stone tile from inside the container. Look at the cabinet on the wall and take note of the 5 jars. Also examine the chess board on the bath. Go back out to the corridor, then through the left door into the bedroom. Look at the books over the bed, and rearrange them based on the 5 jars you just saw in the bathroom (3, 4, 1, 5, 2). Now look at the glowing numbers that appear on the books. Next examine the small ornate box on the left cabinet in this room. You need to press the chess symbols based on the positions of the chess pieces on the board in the bathroom, and the numbers from the books:


Pick up the strong key. Look at the painting on top of the wardrobe. Look in the wardrobe and pick up the video tape. Back out of this room and look at the other 5 paintings on the wall in the corridor. Go back out to the living room and look at the box on the coffee table (next to the pizza). You need to highlight each of the white frames, and press 2 green buttons that correspond to the matching paintings you have seen. If the green buttons are numbered 1-6, set these numbers for each frame:


Pick up another stone tile. Look at the TV and insert the video tape into the VCR beneath the TV, then press the record button. Eject the video tape again.


Insert the video tape beneath the TV and watch the pattern that is displayed on the screen.

Hawthorne Apartments

Enter the apartment again and look at the computer. Cancel the screensaver, then enter the code you just saw on the TV screen (you need to click and drag):


Click on the Glitch-Mail icon, then select the Smart Device for two-factor authentication. Back out and look at the small flashing device next to the lamp. Press the "..." button and look at the code. Return to the computer and enter the code 355921. Now read the message in your inbox, taking note of the 5 symbols. Go through to the bedroom again and open the right cabinet with these 5 symbols. Pick up the next stone tile. Return to the corridor.

Use your strong key on the locked door, then go through. Pick up the stone tile and weird key from the table, then look at the pin-board on the far wall. Go back out to the living room again. Remove the painting from the wall and look at the hidden safe. Insert your 4 stone tiles, then pick up the matchbook. Now you can travel to the next location.

Chapter 3

Luna Bar

Look at the movie poster on the outside wall of the bar, then head inside. Examine the album on the floor near the jukebox. Look at the pumps on the bar. Head through the door to the toilets, then go through the green doors into the cellar. Look at the bottles on the table to see a magazine cover. Look at the barrels on the far wall and take note of their numbers and positions. Return up to the bar and examine the quiz machine, answer the questions as follows:

  1. Yellow
  2. 4.4%
  3. Megan Strange
  4. November 2019

Pick up the small key. Go through the door towards the toilets again, then head upstairs. Look at the shapes on the wall here. Return down to the bar and look at the jukebox. Press the lights to match the shapes on the wall:


Pick up another small key. Next look at the pool table. If you trace the shapes indicated by the numbered barrels you will get the following:

  1. Triangle (12-3-14-12)
  2. Hexagon (4-12-3-14-8-5-4)
  3. Square (8-14-12-4-8)
  4. Diamond (14-3-12-2-14)

Look at the pumps on the bar again and pull them in this order, based on the shapes: IPA, Porter, Stout, Bitter. Take the rusty key. Head through the door to the toilets again, then enter the bathroom and look at the writing on the mirror: "K, A, Heart, Jack". Back out and go upstairs, then through the left door. Look at the poker table, and place these cards in the dark spaces from left to right:

  • King of Diamonds
  • Ace of Clubs
  • Ace of Hearts
  • Jack of Clubs

Pick up the old key. Return down to the bar. Look at the TV over the bar and change the station to see Cam 03. Look at the central pillar in the bar and press the red button, then quickly watch the TV to see a code. Go back to the pillar and enter this code: XOXOOOXOX. Take the brass key. Go through the door to the toilets then upstairs. Look at the locked door and 5 keys. Go through the door once it opens.

Look at the poster on the wall and on the floor. Wait until the phone near the small table starts flashing, then look at it. Look through the other messages to get a new location.

Chapter 4

53 Hillview

Take the pool ring from the pool. Look at the wall behind the table and use trial and error to open the panel completely:

Look at the car and read the note on the windscreen, then back out and enter the house. Pick up the glowing ball, then go back outside. Look at the contraption on the balcony and put the glowing ball in the top-left hole, taking note of the path that it travels to reach the bottom right. Head inside the house again and look at the gun display on the wall. Press the buttons here that match the path of the glowing ball:


Take the gun. Look at the coffee table and take note of the fixed marbles. Go through the door into the utility room. Pick up the cross plate from the laundry tub. Pick up the screwdriver from the shelf, and use it to remove the vent cover. Look in the vent and pick up the ball bearing, then place the pool ring here. Back out, then go upstairs to the bedroom. Examine the suitcase, and open it with the code from the wall outside. Pick up the RC car and metal cog. Look in the vent here. Load the ball bearing into your gun, then use it to shoot the red balloon.

Look at the artwork on the wall and place your cross plate on it. Move this around until it lines up with dots and matches the locations of the fixed marbles from the coffee table downstairs.

Go back downstairs and into the utility room. Look at the pattern on the egg that has landed safely on the pool ring. Back out in the main room, look at the puzzle on the dining table and adjust the rings as follows from top to bottom:

  • Blue waves
  • Yellow crosses
  • Red lines
  • Purple circles
  • Blue waves

Pick up another cog. Now look at the coffee table and adjust the positions of the marbles to match the cross plate upstairs:

Pick up the final cog. Go upstairs again and look in the wardrobe to see some notes that have fallen down. Notice the tears in the notes to work out where they were originally positioned. Next look at the wooden cabinet. Remove the cover using the screwdriver, then insert your 3 cogs into the empty spaces. Now move the cogs to their correct positions based on the notes in the wardrobe:

  • Top Row: Radiating Lines, Four Trapezoids, Two Bars
  • Bottom Row: Small Dots, Semi-Circles

You will see a new location on the television.

Sunmoon Motel

Look in the car and pick up the coins. Look at the gauges on the side of the right building and take note of the shapes to which each gauge points. Back out and look at the newspaper rack on the left. Insert your coins and pick up a newspaper.

Head to the reception. Pick up the UV torch from the ground, and look in the key return box to find a pencil. Put your newspaper beneath the door. use your pencil to push the key through the keyhole, then look down again and pick up the reception key. Use this on the door and go inside.

Look at the small table, and open the crumpled note, then use the UV torch to read it. Look at the guest book on the reception desk, paying attention to Dawn Fisher and her date and time. Look at the clock on the right wall and set the time to 23:47, and the date to Monday 26 October. Note the symbols that are now shown. Look back at the reception desk. Grab the dough from the back counter. Examine the key box on the back wall and set the sliders to positions from the clock:

Pick up the room key. Go back outside and use the room key to unlock the door to the right building.

Chapter 5

Sunmoon Motel

Look at the clothes wringer on the left and use the dough on it, then examine the dough. Take note of the grid of direction arrows here. Back out of the room and go back to the reception. Look at the box on the small table and adjust the arrows to match the dough. Pick up the record piece and bell piece.

Go back outside and into the right building. Enter the bathroom on the left. Press the buttons around the edges of the mirror and take note of which circles light up. Go back out to the main room and look at the box on the bed. Press the lights to match those that lit up on the mirror:

Pick up some glue and another record piece. Next look at the painting above the bed, taking note of the shapes and colors. Go back outside and look at the gauges on the side of the building again. Examine each gauge and point them at the shapes from the painting inside:

  • 1st Gauge: Black circle, red square
  • 2nd Gauge: Black triangle, red pentagon
  • 3rd Gauge: Black pentagon, red triangle
  • 4th Gauge: Black triangle, red pentagon

Look at the shapes created by the 4 gauges. Return into the room and look at the painting again, then adjust the symbols beneath the painting as follows: V, X, I, I, X. Take another record piece and bell piece. Look at the buttons in the far corner of the room. Press one of these, then go outside and look at the name spelled out in the neon letters on the roof. Repeat this with each of the buttons. Look at the small table in the room and rotate the arrows so each name points to the next in sequence:

  • Lee points to Otto
  • Otto points to Mel
  • Mel points to Moe
  • Moe points to Elle
  • Elle points to Tom
  • Tom points to Lee

Take another record piece and bell piece. Look at the desk in the room. Put your 4 record pieces here, then reassemble the record and use your glue to stick it together. Pick up the fixed record. Use the fixed record on the record player and take note of the message. Back out of the room and enter reception again. Use each of your 3 bell pieces on the bell to fix it. Now ring the bell and press the buttons on the machine behind the bell to create a message that matches the fixed record:

Look at the card that appears, and use your UV torch on it to get your next location.

Chapter 6

Barshen Hangar

Enter the control tower and look at the blue computer to see that it needs calibration. Look at the cabinet on the left and pick up the ball of wool. Look at the pin-board and note that the clock appears to be 90 minutes fast. Go back outside, then look at the clock tower to see that it currently says it is 23:00, so the time is really 21:30.

Climb the ladder on the right side of the hangar. Use your wool on the broken window. Climb down and enter the hangar. Look at the thermometer, which is on a table to the left. Tie the wool to the thermometer. Go back outside and up the ladder again, then pull the wool. Look at the thermometer to see the outside temperature is 15 degrees.

Return to the control tower. Look at the tea container - if you rotate an image of the lid you will see the word TEAL. Look at the cabinet and read the label: "Please turn over a new leaf". Enter the code TEAL. Take the windsock. Go outside and look at the flagpole, then attach the windsock. Click on the windsock to see the wind is blowing North.

Now return to the control tower. Use the blue computer and answer the calibration questions as follows:

  • Outside Temperature: 15 degrees
  • Current Time: 21:30
  • Wind Direction: North

Take note of the calibration code. While you are here, look at the paper plane on the small table, taking note of the letters that would be visible if the plane were fully formed. Head back outside. Enter the alley and go through the door into a small room. Look at the box on the table and enter the calibration code: 1000110101111. Pick up a disc. Return outside and enter the hangar. Use the forklift to rearrange the crates, showing the letters from the paper plane:


Pick up another disc. Next look at the wooden crate on the floor of the hangar. Using trial and error, follow these steps to get it open:

  1. Turn the wheel
  2. Press the red button
  3. Slide the slider
  4. Pull the puller
  5. Slide the slider

Pick up the pair of binoculars. Go outside and use the binoculars on the plane that occasionally flies past. Take note of the ID number on the side of the plane. Enter the control tower and use the green radar on the left. Enter the ID from the plane: 33941. Watch all of the symbols that are shown from the plane's live feed. Go to the hangar again and look at the signs on the wall. Press the symbols that you saw in the live feed:

Take the final disc. Go back down the alley and take note of the targets at the far end of the alley. Back out and go through the door on the left into the small room. Look at the panel on the left wall and insert your 3 discs. Now rotate the rings to match the targets you just saw:

  • First Disc: Outer top, middle right, inner top
  • Second Disc: Outer left, middle right, inner bottom
  • Third Disc: Outer top, middle top, inner left
  • Fourth Disc: Outer bottom, middle bottom, inner bottom

Pick up some keys. Go back outside. Look at the fusebox on the left. Press the red button and quickly memorize the flags, then press them all in pairs. Now that the landing lights buttons are available, press each of them, then back out and note the order that the lights are activated. Enter the hangar and examine the door controls. You need to examine each of the 3 boxes in turn and get the lights activated in this order:

Box 1
Box 2
Box 3

Once the hangar doors are open, use the keys on the plane to get it outside. Go back into the hangar and pick up the map to get your next location.

Chapter 7

Lost Temple

Walk through the door, then through another door at the top of the steps. Continue left twice. Look at the flashing gadget on the ground. Press the red button and take note of the path of the lights. Go left once more and enter the cabin. Pick up the ladder from the ground. Look at the panel on the wall and move the sliders in the order that the lights moved on the gadget:

  • Move the top slider to the left
  • Move the bottom slider to the left
  • Move the left slider down
  • Move the top slider to the right
  • Move the right slider down
  • Move the bottom slider to the right
  • Move the left slider up

Pick up the brush. Go all the way back down the steps and look at the excavation in the ground. Use the brush here and take note of the mushroom images. Go through the high doorway again, then continue left and forward. Look at the mushrooms around the tree stump here. Back out, then go left twice and look at the lights on the ground outside the cabin. Press the buttons on the lights in this order:

  1. Top-left
  2. Bottom-right
  3. Left
  4. Bottom-left
  5. Top-right
  6. Left

Pick up the knife. Go back 3 times, then forward along the path to find some vines. Cut these with your knife. Go back and left twice, then tie the vine to the secure looking tree. Climb down the vine and take note of the symbols on the wall here. Climb back up, then go back twice and forward twice. Approach the campsite and look at the bunting to see the letters TRIZONE. You can convert the symbols you saw at the bottom of the vine into these words based on the bunting letters:

  • Ten
  • One
  • Zero
  • Nine

Now enter the tent and read the book to see a series of symbols and numbers. Back out of the tent and go right, then approach the temple door. Enter the 4 symbols that match the numbers above. Now enter the temple.

Look at the inscription in the floor: "Big egos sell big lies". Go through the left doorway and look through the small hatch. Place your RC car on the floor through the hatch. Go back out to the inscription, and place your ladder against the left wall, then climb through the high opening. Look through the window and drive the car from the blue starting position to the red star:

Now you can take the big weight from the hatch on the left. Go back out to the inscription again. Go up the steps and pick up the spear. Take some curtain fabric from the left room and an empty sack from the right room. Fill the sack with sand from the floor, before continuing forward, and through another doorway on the right to reach 2 doorways. Go through the left doorway and look at the pillar. Pick up the big weight, then place your sand-filled sack here, then leave the room. Go through the right doorway. Look at the alcove hear to see it is covered with cobwebs. Use your spear to clear these away. Pick up the metal plate, and take note of the pattern in the alcove. Head back twice and look at the alcove here, then look at the chest inside. Add your metal plate. Now slide the plates (starting from the right side) so they match the other alcove:

Pick up a staff. Go back and through the left door, then place your staff in the stone. Look at the right wall and take note of which hieroglyphs are hit with light beams. Head back twice and up the ladder. Look at the window again and attach your curtain fabric, then take note of the closed curtains (in particular the directions taken from the center to the outside of the path). Now head all the way back to where you cleared the cobwebs earlier, and look at the table in the middle of the room. Move the sliders in the other of the path along the curtains:

  1. Right
  2. Up
  3. Left
  4. Down
  5. Up
  6. Right
  7. Down
  8. Right
  9. Left
  10. Down
  11. Up
  12. Left

Pick up the snorkel and goggles. Go back to the inscription and head left, then use your snorkel and goggles on the water to dive in. Pick up the stone wheel. Swim to the hatch and press tiles according to the hieroglyphs that were struck by light beams in the other room:

Swim through the open hatch. Switch on the generator. Return all the way back to the inscription, then go up the stairs on the right, and continue right. Place your stone wheel on the peg, then take note of the pairs of hieroglyphs as they spin close to each other. Go back to the inscription and head left, then approach the pillars. You need to rotate the stones of the left pillar so that the hieroglyphs on the left pillar line up with their paired hieroglyphs on the right pillar (based on the stone wheels). Look at the base of the statue and pick up the small weight. Dive into the water and go through the open hatch again.

Look at the hatch next to the locked big doors. Place your 3 weights on the scales here, then arrange the weights to match the inscription (5317, 618, 7735, 5063, 618). Go through the big doors, then up to the viewing room. Pick up the swipe card from next to the computer. Go back out to the generator, and use the swipe card on the left door. Go through the door, then examine the packing label on the crate to get your next destination.

Chapter 8

The Island

Enter the house and look at the table, taking note of the order of the playing cards. Head through the middle doorway into the kitchen. Look at the cupboard and flip the switches in the order of the playing cards:


Pick up the sieve. Leave the kitchen, then go through the left doorway into a corridor, then continue forward to find a bedroom. Look at the fish tank, and use your sieve to catch the fish. Back out to the corridor and look at the bowls, then put the fish in the right one. Back out of the room, then go back into it. Look at the sleeping cat in the bed on the left and take the key from its collar. Go back out to the living room and use the key to unlock the writing desk. Look at the paper inside, which contains a code: "SGNH JPSK XYDRN LYSXN JYSK". Go through to the bedroom and type these letters to see the following printed on the paper: "open grow slide close glow".

Go back to the corridor and look at the bookcase. Perform the following actions in order:

  1. Open the box on the left
  2. Grow the plant on the right
  3. Slide the beer on the left
  4. Close the box on the left
  5. Switch on the glowing jar on the left

Walk through the opening in the bookcase.


The Island

Walk down the steps. Insert your weird key into the weird key hole. Pull the weird key, then walk through the door. Open the next doors, then look around.