
Game Details:  Fantasy, 2020

Steam Achievements:  Completed (28/28)

Links:  Moby Games, Steam, Adventure Gamers

Walkthrough Updated:  9/12/2021

Suggested Listening:  Where There's Smoke (Ash 25)

Creaks is a puzzle adventure game from Amanita Design. You find yourself exploring a strange underground world directly beneath your house.

Scenes 1-10

Scene 1

Walk right and fix the globe, then go left and sit down again. Fix the globe again, then repair the right wall. Go to sit down, then try to fix the globe one last time. Examine the small door on the right, then climb down the ladder.

Scene 2

Climb all the way down the ladder into the house. Now go left, down the ladder, right over a small jump, and up another ladder. Get off this one so you can go left along a long hallway, then continue down the next ladder. Get off here in a square room with hanging pots and pans. Climb up the ladder on the right to reach a room with wagon wheels. Fall down the hole on the left, then jump over one hole and fall down the next. Go right and you will almost fall. Climb up and then drop down on the right. Jump over the hole to the left, then drop down the next one. Continue left and the house will shake; when this stops, climb down the ladder on the left.

Scene 3

Climb down and drop off the bottom of the ladder. Walk right and you will see a dog below. Go left and climb down. Jump over the gap and approach the dog until its eye turns red, then run left and jump the gap again. Climb up and go right, dropping down and climbing down the ladder before the dog returns. Continue climbing down the next ladder.

Scene 4

Climb down and get the dog's attention, then run left and drop down the gap. Climb back up and run right, then up the next ladder before the dog returns. Go left and use the winch to raise the door, then drop back down and go through it. Climb down the next ladder and go left; the house will shake again. Look through the hole on the left to see a dog in a room full of kites.

Climb up the ladder here, then go right and climb up again. Use the winch here to adjust 2 doors. Get the dog's attention so it stops between the doors, then use the winch. Lure it further right, then use the winch once more, and it will be trapped on the right. Now you can make your way to the left and climb down several ladders.

Scene 5

Climb down and quickly go down the nearest ladder, then drop down to the right twice. Push the nightstand to the left, then climb on it and up 3 ladders. Once the light goes out, quickly go left and drop down. There are two dogs in the next section. Go down the middle ladder and up the right, so the first dog moves to the right. Now drop down on the left and go up the middle ladder, so the second dog moves to the right. Continue dropping down on the left, then jump over the gap to the left to safety.

Climb the ladder and get off when you can. Head right and use a winch, then go right until the dog sees you. Let it chase you to the far left, then climb up and use the light switch - the dog will turn into a piece of furniture. Push this to the right, so you can climb up and reach the broken ladder. Climb down the next ladder.

Scene 6

Examine the painting (1/35) Art Collector. Drop down to the left. Get the dog's attention, then run left and use the light switch. Move the furniture to the left side of the lit area, then turn on the second light switch. Move the furniture as far left as you can safely. Turn off the left switch, then turn off the second switch. Run to the right and use the far right switch to turn the dog into furniture again. Turn on the 3rd switch, and move the furniture right beneath the broken ladder. Climb up and go right.

Scene 7

Climb down and go right until you fall through the floor. Use the light switch, then climb over the furniture on the right. Go up the ladder, then drop down to the right. Go right and climb the ladder, then stand on the pressure plate to turn the dog below into furniture. Drag the furniture up here onto the pressure plate, so you can safely climb down again. Climb up the next ladder.

Climb down and get the dog's attention, then quickly go back up again. Now get the top dog's attention and quickly climb down - it will stop on the pressure plate and turn the dog below into furniture. Go down and head to the right - climb half way up the ladder and wait for both dogs to return to their mats. Now go down and get the dog's attention, then quickly go back up again. Climb on the furniture up here to reach the broken ladder.

Scene 8

Go right and climb the ladder to the top, so you can use the winch. Climb down and get the right dog's attention, then go back up the ladder and use the winch again. Wait for this dog to calm down, then go down and get the left dog's attention. Immediately climb down the ladder in the middle. Once both bottom lights are on, drop down and climb up the next ladder.

Go right and climb down a short ladder, then look through the hole in the floor. Now climb up the ladder to the very top. Get the dog's attention, then run left and drop down. Climb back up the ladder to the top, and get the dog's attention again, then climb down so it stops on the pressure plate. Climb down and get on top of the furniture on the right, so you can reach the ladder above.

Scene 9

Examine the interactive painting (15/35) - make the man jump over all of the obstacles Home Sweet Home.

Now go right and climb down, dropping from the bottom of the ladder. Use the winch, then drop down to the right. Use the right light switch to turn the dog here into furniture. Climb up and use the winch once more. Climb down and turn off the right light switch. Get the dog's attention, then use the left switch to turn it into furniture beneath the raised trapdoor.

Use the right light switch again, then climb over the furniture and up. Use the winch, and the bottom dog should stop on the pressure plate, turning the top dog into furniture. Climb up and over this, then continue to the right.

Scene 10

Drop down, then get the dog's attention and climb up the ladder. Use the winch up here to lower the floor panel. Drop down the broken ladder and go right, dropping to the level below. Climb up and use the lever on the right to lower the other floor panel. Use the other lever up here to lower a heavy door into place. Go left and use the winch, then use the left lever to raise the heavy door again.

Climb down the ladder and get the right dog's attention, then go left and drop down. Quickly climb half way up the ladder and run right, stopping between the pressure plates. When the dog gets close, step on the left pressure plate to turn it into furniture. Drag this furniture to the far right, beneath the broken ladder.

Lower the heavy door with the left lever again, then use the winch. Raise the heavy door, then get the other dog's attention. Run right again, stopping between the pressure plates. As before, use the left pressure plate to turn the dog into furniture. Drag this furniture onto the other pressure plate. Now you can safely climb up. Move the furniture at the top to the right, then climb up and look out the window. Climb down the other ladder here. Look at another painting (2/35), before climbing down 2 more ladders.

Scenes 11-20

Scene 11

Climb down the ladder, pausing to look out to the left. At the bottom, jump over the gap, then drop down through the hole in the roof - you will now see some floating jellyfish. Head over to the left and climb most of the way down. Wait until the bottom jellyfish is heading away from you, then run across and climb up the tree. Wait again, then climb up the right ladder and pull the lever (to open a door at the bottom left). Make your way back past the bottom jellyfish again, then go through the bottom left door and down the ladder.

Scene 12

Climb down and drop down. After watching the bird leave, head inside to the right. Climb the ladder, then drop down onto the flower. Pull the lever here, then drop down to the left. Climb the ladder again and head right, avoiding the jellyfish. Jump over the gap, and climb down the next ladder. Drop down and pull another lever here, then drop down to the left again.

Climb the ladder, jump over the gap, and climb down the next ladder again. Wait until the jellyfish returns left, then climb back up. Now climb down the right ladder and drop to the ground below. After the house shakes again, climb down the next ladder.

Scene 13

Climb down the ladder, then drop down to the left. Follow the jellyfish right, jump over the gap, and stand on the right pressure plate. The jellyfish will go up when it stops in front of you. Now you can go right and climb the ladder to the top. Look at the painting (5/35), then pull the lever to the left. Go back down and follow the jellyfish left, jumping over the gap and standing on the left pressure plate. Wait for the jellyfish to go up again, then head through the open gate at the bottom left. Climb down, go right, and climb down again.

Scene 14

Climb down and you will look through a crack in the floor. Climb the ladder on the left, then drop down to the left and climb down the ladder. Step on the pressure plate just to the right, and wait until the jellyfish heads towards the right. Climb back up the ladder to the middle floor and wait at the light switch. When the dog is pushed left beneath the light, use the light switch to turn it into furniture. Wait for the jellyfish to float up further, then climb up and pull the lever on the right.

Climb back down and step on the pressure plate again, waiting for the jellyfish to head right. Climb back up and wait for the jellyfish to pass beneath you, then follow it left. Once it pushes the other dog out of the way, quickly climb down the ladder.

Scene 15

Drop down from the bottom of the ladder. Drop down the right hole, then jump to the left and climb down the ladder. Stop on the level with the jellyfish when it is to your right, and stand on the pressure plate. Watch as the jellyfish goes up and turns the top left dog into furniture. Go up and flip the lever at the top left.

Come back down and stand on the pressure plate near the jellyfish again. This time when it goes up, also go up, and quickly stand on the pressure plate 2 levels above. This will make the jellyfish turn around and push the top right dog, so it also turns into furniture. Jump right and use the light switch here. Wait for the jellyfish to leave, then flip the lever at the top right.

Climb down and stand on the pressure plate once more to divert the jellyfish upward. Quickly go up and stand on the pressure plate 2 levels above again. This time the jellyfish will be force back down, and will turn the final dog into furniture. Wait until the jellyfish leaves, then climb down the ladder at the bottom right. After seeing the bird again, climb up and use the elevator.

Scene 16

Climb down the ladder and examine the interactive painting (8/35) - create a song the dog likes, using the top pattern, third pattern, bottom pattern and then second pattern Meadow Song.

Climb down the ladder to the left and drop down. Use the left lever, then jump across and use the right lever. Quickly jump back and use the left lever again. When the jellyfish turns to go right, use the left lever, then jump across and use the right lever - this will force the jellyfish upwards. Go beneath it, then follow it left and use the left lever again. Keep going beneath the jellyfish, and it will go down and push the dog to the right. Follow it and quickly climb down the ladder.

Scene 17

Climb down and you will look through a crack in the floor. Go left and climb down the next ladder to the bottom. Avoiding the jellyfish, use the light switch to turn off the light at the bottom level. Wait for the jellyfish to go up above you, then climb up one level, jump over to the left and turn off the light here. Wait on the right edge of this platform until the jellyfish goes past you to the left, then turn that light on again. Next, drop down to the right and turn the bottom light back on, after the jellyfish has passed it to the right.

Go up the ladder on the right, waiting below the top level until the jellyfish goes past above you. Now climb up and use the switch just to the left when the jellyfish is below the light to the right - it will turn into a globe. Put this onto the pressure plate to raise the wall below. Now climb up the ladders to the top right. Go all the way right over the bridge, climb the ladder and press the button. Once the elevator arrives, get on board and use it.

Scene 18

Head inside and climb up the ladder. Use the lever to move the light to the left of the gap in the floor. Stand on the pressure plate on the left to free the jellyfish. When it goes down to the bottom level, move the light to line up with the ladder, then stand under it. Wait for the jellyfish to come back up and head to the left. Jump across and move the light to the left to turn the jellyfish into a globe. Push the globe onto the pressure plate if it isn't there already, then go right and climb down the ladder. Continue down some stairs and another ladder.

Scene 19

After seeing 2 birds arguing, Go right and climb up the ladder. Use the lever on the left to move the main light to the far right. Go down and get the bottom dog's attention, then climb up again and quickly move the light to the left. Gradually move it further left, so that it is in line with the ladder, and the bottom dog is stuck over on the left side.

Now get the top dog's attention, then run back to the lever. Shuffle the light left so that the bottom dog ends up on the pressure plate as the top dog goes beneath the other light (and is turned into furniture).

Go to the right and climb down the ladder. After you fall, climb up the ladder on the right Secret Room Discovered!. Examine the painting (3/35). Step on the pressure plate to the left, then jump over the gap and continue left.

Scene 20

Climb down the ladder on the left, then drop down to the bottom level. Use the lever here to move the light to the left, so the top dog sits on the pressure plate. Climb up the ladder and get the other dog's attention, then run left and drop down again. Quickly climb up and go to the far right, then climb down the hidden ladder The Blue Library. Examine the painting (6/35). Leave this small room by going left.

Climb up the ladder and get the lower dog's attention again, then climb down the ladder. Move the lever to the right, so the wall slides down again. Wait until this dog is as far right as possible. Now climb up the ladder to get its attention and drop down to the far left. Immediately move the lever left to turn the top dog into furniture, then climb up the ladder here and the one on the right. Continue up the ladder to the far left.

Climb down the next ladder and examine the interactive painting (23/35) - use the shield to defend yourself and the sword to attack your enemy The Knight. Press the button to call the elevator, then use it to go down.

Scenes 21-30

Scene 21

Climb down the ladder, and one of the birds will see you this time. Climb down to the bottom when the jellyfish goes right. Turn off the light, then quickly climb back up out of the way. Wait for the jellyfish to go left, then turn the light back on. Once the jellyfish goes up, get the attention of the left dog, then climb up to the top level and wait near the light switch. Once the jellyfish is over the pressure plate at the top left, use the light switch to turn it into a globe.

Climb down one level and jump to the right. After giving the book to the bird, climb down the ladder to the right.

Scene 22

Drop down from the bottom of the ladder, then drop down again to the left. Jump over to the left, then climb the ladder all the way down. Flip the switch in the bottom left corner. Once the jellyfish has gone past the lowered wall, flip the switch, then quickly stand on the pressure plate to the right. Wait for the dog to be pushed onto another pressure plate, then climb up the ladder to the top. Go over to the right and examine the painting (10/35).

Make your way back down to the bottom left and flip the switch again. Once the jellyfish has gone past the lowered wall, flip the switch once more. Wait for the jellyfish to start going up, then stand on the pressure plate to release the dog back to its mat. This time the jellyfish will end up coming down and pushing the dog to the left. Once the jellyfish goes right and reaches the light, step off the pressure plate to the right. Wait until the jellyfish goes down and pushes the bottom dog right, then quickly jump to the right and head down the ladder. Continue left and down the next ladder.

Scene 23

Climb down the ladder and drop down, then climb down another ladder to the right. Press the button for the elevator, then wait for the dog to arrive and run back up the ladder. After receiving the remote control from the bird, try it out. Climb down and get the dog's attention, then activate the light to turn it into furniture. Climb over it and go down in the elevator.

Scene 24

Jump to the left, then jump down to the middle level. Use your remote to turn off the light below. Drop down and get the dog's attention, then run left. Use your remote when the dog is beneath the light to turn it into furniture. Move the furniture to the left of the lit area, just off the pressure plate. Now climb up the ladder, drop down to the left, and stand in front of the lever in the small room on the left. Use your remote to turn off the light, then turn it back onto form the furniture on the pressure plate and close the door. Now pull the lever.

Once the jellyfish hits the door and goes up, use the remote again to restore the dog and open your door. Go out next to the light switch, and activate it when the jellyfish is beneath the top right light, to turn it into a globe. If it isn't already on the pressure plate, go up and push it onto the pressure plate to open the door behind the dog. Pull the lever again on the left. Drop down and get the dog's attention once more, then run left and save yourself by using the remote.

Go right and climb down the ladder. After looking through the crack in the floor, go left and climb the ladder. Jump left from the elevator into a hidden room Stalactites. Examine the painting (7/35). Return right to the elevator and press the button.

Scene 25

At the top of the elevator, climb up 2 ladders, then drop down to the left into a room with a large clock. Climb all the way down the ladder on the right, then continue up the ladder to the right, and down the ladder to the left. There are 4 dogs in the central part of this scene. Climb up the ladder and get the attention of the top right dog, then jump back to the ladder. Quickly climb down and get the bottom right dog's attention, then return to the ladder. Repeat this by getting the top left dog's attention, then return to the ladder. Go down and get the attention of the bottom left dog, then return to the ladder. Use your remote control to keep this dog here.

By now, there should be 6 lights activated. Use the ladders to make your way back up to the far top right area. Run to the left to get this dog's attention, then stand under the lights on the right, just out of its reach. Use your remote control, then wait and eventually it will get turned into furniture. Immediately push it to the right, then climb on it and up the ladder.

Scene 26

Finish climbing the ladder, then examine the painting (12/35) on the left. Go out to the right and pull the lever. Jump over to the right and pull another lever, then drop down into a large room. Drop down to the bottom level and use your remote control to turn the jellyfish into a globe, making sure it is weighing down the pressure plate here. Go past this, then climb the ladder. Jump across to the right and climb down the next ladder, then drop down to the level below. Get the dog's attention so that it stands on this pressure plate, then use your remote to free the jellyfish.

Head back up to the top right, and stand just to the left of the painting. Use your remote to turn the jellyfish into a globe on top of the bottom left pressure plate. You will eventually be lifted upwards. Head out to the right and use the elevator.

Scene 27

Jump left, climb down the ladder and drop down, then climb up to the left. Go left and look through the crack. Continue left and examine the interactive painting (4/35) - on each level you need to sneak towards the right when you won't be noticed Time for Tea. Now just continue left over the gap.

Scene 28

Go left and climb up the ladder to the very top. Make your way over to the right, then down and left until you are beneath the jellyfish. Climb up the ladder her so you are above the jellyfish. Use the right light switch here (to turn on a light to the bottom right). Drop down to this light that just turned on. Pull the lever here, then stand in the light. Wait here until the jellyfish approaches you and goes up. Quickly go right and stand on the pressure plate to be raised up. Jump over to the left and climb up the ladder so you are in the top left light.

After the jellyfish approaches you and turns around, use the light switch to the right. Drop down one level and wait until the jellyfish has reached the lever below and turned around, then drop down and use the lever. Wait here until the jellyfish is directly to your left, then pull the lever again to trap it. Go up to the top left light switch and turn it off, then turn it on again to transform the jellyfish into a globe (and weight down the pressure plate).

Drop down to the bottom left and pull the lever here. Drop down to the right and climb down the ladder here. Drop down into another large room. Use the lever here to move the light in line with the right ladder. Get the top left dog's attention, then run into the light - with the dog right next to you, use your remote control to raise the wall and trap it here. Climb up and use the lever to move the light to the left twice (so that it covers both pressure plates). Use the remote again to lower the wall. Climb down the left ladder and pull the furniture onto the left pressure plate.

Climb up and use the lever to move the light in line with the left ladder. Get the top right dog's attention, then run into the light - with the dog right next to the furniture, use your remote control to raise the wall and trap it here. Climb up and use the lever to move the light to the right twice (so that it covers both pressure plates). Use the remote again to lower the wall. Climb down the right ladder and pull the new furniture onto the right pressure plate.

Before climbing down, go to the far right of the middle level here Scrolls. Climb up the ladder and examine the painting (11/35). Now climb down to the bottom level using the right ladder. Use the remote to raise the wall, then climb down the ladder on the left. Make your way left and up, then use the elevator to go up further. Jump over to the left and use the lever here, then climb up and cross the bridge to the left.

Scene 29

Head down the hallway, then climb down to meet a spy. Climb down the ladder on the left, then up the right ladder. Go to the far left, so you end up to the left of the spy. Climb back around both ladders, then drop down to the left.

Continue left and climb down the ladder, then step left towards the next spy. Now return up the ladder and pull the lever on the right - this will trap the spy to the right of the raised wall. Go to the far left, then back to the far right, and the spy will end up to the right of you. Pull the lever again, then climb down the ladder. Go left and jump over the gap. The spy will stand on the pressure plate to open the way for you.

Head straight to the left Behind the Curtain. Examine the painting (19/35), then return right and climb the ladder.

Scene 30

Go left and call the elevator, then ride it up to the top. Go right and ride this elevator down to the middle level. Go across and climb down the ladder, then call the left elevator and ride it up to the top again. Go right and call the elevator to bring the spy up to the top. Head left and climb down the ladder to the bottom level, then walk to the far right, so you are in line with the spy. Climb up and call the right elevator down. Step onto the elevator, then return to the bottom level and call the elevator to bring the spy down to the bottom.

Use your remote control to turn off the light. Walk right until the spy is on the pressure plate, then use the remote to turn him into a coat-rack. Now head to the far left and down the stairs.

Scenes 31-40

Scene 31

Go left and look through the crack. Climb to the top of the ladder and go to the far left to examine a painting (13/35). Use the light switch to turn the coat-rack back into a spy. Go to the far right, then return to the light switch and use it again. Go down the ladder on the right to the lower level and step to the far right. Return up and use the light switch again to turn the spy back into a coat-rack.

Climb down the middle ladder and drop down twice. Examine the interactive painting (20/35) - move so that you create the same dance moves as the dancer next to you Dancer. Now use the ladder to leave the area.

Scene 32

Go right at the bottom of the ladder The Egyptian, then examine the painting (25/35). Head left and down the ladder, then drop down to the right into a new area.

Drop down to the right twice and use the light switch. Now make your way down to the left, then up around to the far top right; at this stage the spy should be in the bottom right corner. Drop to the left, jump over the gap, drop to the left, and stop between the 2 ladders. Make your way back to the light switch and use it - the spy should turn into a coat-rack on the pressure plate. Climb down the ladder on the left, then make your way to the far right and up another ladder.

Scene 33

Climb up the ladder to be confronted by 6 spies. Go up the right ladder and go to the far right. Now head up the ramp to the left and drop down. Pull the lever on the left. Walk to the right of the ladder, then go back and pull the lever again. Climb down the ladder and drop down so you are between the 2 groups of spies.

Go right and climb up the tall ladder, and go to the far top right. Drop down to the left, climb up the ramp and drop down. Pull the lever again. Now you can safely climb down the ladder at the bottom right. Head left and examine the interactive painting (22/35) - adjust the positions of the guns and shoot the animals before they reach you Sunrise. Continue left and climb down the ladder.

Scene 34

Drop down from the bottom of the ladder. Jump to the right, then ignore the elevator and climb the ladder to the top. Use your remote control to turn off the left light. Head to the far right and push the coat-rack to the left out of the light. As soon as it turns into a spy, move to the far right so you are separated from it. Walk left until the spy is on the far left pressure plate, then use your remote again to turn it back into a coat-rack.

Go left and climb down the ladder to the middle platform, then jump right and use the light switch here. Jump back to the left and climb down. Go right until you are as close to the spy as possible without dying. Now go left and head up in the elevator (with the spy). Go right until the spy is over the ladder. Use your remote, then walk right once and use it again - both spies should now be coat-racks. Pull the right coat-rack to the left once. Now climb down to the middle platform and step once to the right.

Use your remote to turn off the light above you. Jump onto each platform to your right until you reach the far side. Jump down and over to the right. Head down the short ladder, then call the elevator and go down in it. Continue up the stairs to the left.

Scene 35

Go left and drop down into the next large room. Turn off the light switch here. Climb to the bottom of the ladder and use your remote control to turn off the bottom right light. Go to the far left and push the coat-rack to the right out of its light to turn it into a spy. Step back to the left so you are separated from it. Now walk right until the spy is just to the right of the pressure plate, and use your remote again. Walk left so you are immediately to the right of the depressed wall. Use the remote, step left once, and use it again to be lifted up.

Jump to the left. Stand in the light and push the globe to the right so it turns into a jellyfish. After it heads right, drop down to the right and step right once to raise the wall. Now go to the far left, and the spy should remain to the right of the depressed wall. Walk right until the spy is just to the right of the pressure plate, then use your remote again. Push the coat-rack to the left out of the light. Step to the far right so you are separated from the spy, then step onto the pressure plate, and the spy should be lifted up by the wall.

Wait until the jellyfish runs into the spy and goes up. Climb up the ladder, avoiding the jellyfish, and use the light switch to turn it back into a globe when it is over the pressure plate. Use your remote control once more to turn off the bottom right light. Climb down and go as close as you can to the spy, then walk back to the far right and use the remote again. Now you can climb down the far left ladder. After seeing the bird, examine the painting (26/35) before using the elevator.

Scene 36

Examine the interactive painting (17/35) - this one involves lights so you can make it to the right Good Boy. Continue left and drop down through the hole. Use the winch to the left of the ladder. Step once to the left, then climb down the ladder to the bottom level. Use your remote control to deactivate the light. Go to the far right and use the remote again to turn both spies into coat-racks. Push these to the very edges of the light beam. Stand between them, then use the remote once more. Now walk left and climb the ladder back to the top. Use the winch again to bring both spies up to the level above.

Climb down the short ladder and drop down between the spies. Go right and use the lever, then go to the far left and climb down the ladder. Go to the left here Backstage. Examine the painting (14/35), then climb down the nearby ladder. Jump to the right and examine another painting (24/35), then climb down the next ladder.

Scene 37

Climb down and go right, climbing up the nearest ladder. Get the dog's attention, then climb back down the ladder. Go to the far left, then return to the right until the spy is on the pressure plate, trapping the dog near the ladder. Step left and wait until the dog starts to return, then step right to turn it into furniture. Now climb up the ladder, go past the furniture, and climb down the other ladder. Now head up the ladder to the far right. Head left to a secret area Behind the Trophies. Examine the painting (16/35). Return out to the right and look through the crack, then climb down the next ladder.

Scene 38

Climb down the ladder. After the spy knocks the book down, use the light switch. Go past the spy and drop down. Go left and another spy will knock the book down. Climb down the ladder, then jump left. Examine the interactive painting (18/35) - this time you need to pass through a series of rooms to locate your cat:

  • Middle door, middle door, elephant statue, door, left door
  • Left door, right door, golden pipe, door, left door
  • Middle door, middle door, elephant statue, door, left door
  • Left door, middle door, silver statue, door, left door
  • Middle door, right door, right door, right door, right door (before the bookcase returns)
  • Use the elevator, enter the house Cat's Back

Climb down the ladder to the left.

Scene 39

Drop down from the bottom of the ladder, then go left and climb up the next ladder to the very top. Drop down to the right, then jump left and use the lever. Jump to the right and use the light switch, to turn the coat-rack below into a spy. Jump left and use the lever again, then stand at the light switch so the spy is now level with you. Go left and use the lever, then go right and use the switch - there should now be a coat-rack to the left of the raised right wall. Go left and use the lever, then step onto the lowered wall to the left and you will be raised up. Continue left and use the elevator to go down.

Press the button just to the right, and a cable car will appear. Drop down to the right, then climb down the right ladder and drop down again.

Use your remote control, then use the lever just to the left to release the left spy. Walk right until the spy is on the pressure plate below, releasing the other spy. Step right once, then use your remote again. Walk right until the new spy is on a pressure plate, then use your remote to turn them into a coat-rack. Now walk to the far left so you are aligned with the spy directly below you. Step right once and use the lever to bring the spy up a level. Walk right until the spy is just left of the light, then use your remote again. Step right 3 times, and the bottom spy will again be a coat-rack. Go left once and right once, then use your remote control. Use the lever to the left. Step right 3 times and use your remote again. Go to the far left, then step to the right once and use the lever to bring the other spy up a level.

Step right 3 times, and both spies should be on pressure plates. Continue right and the spies will come up another level. Step on the right end of the grating, then walk left until they meet in the middle. Go left and use the lever. Climb up the ladder and get into the cable car.

Scene 40

Drop down to the right, then go to the far left and jump over the gap Gazebo. Examine the painting (27/35), then return to the patch of grass and the goat will head right. Follow the goat into a large room, then go to the far right and climb up the ladder. Wait until the goat moves to the left, then climb back down and pull the lever. Climb up the ladder on the left, then the ladder further to the left, and make your way to the very top of the area, so the goat jumps down to the right. Go back down to the left and around so you can climb up the far right ladder and make the goat jump across to the middle platform. Once it starts grazing here, use your remote control to turn it into a chair.

Go to the middle platform and push the chair beneath the broken ladder, then climb up. Go right and examine the interactive painting (29/35) - make each of the performer float up through the hoop and land on the right bed The Amazing Magician. Now climb down the next ladder.

Scenes 41-50

Scene 41

Climb down the ladder and jump across to the left. Climb down and jump over to the right, then climb up the ladder and continue right. Drop down and head right again, using the lever to lower a wall - this will reveal a dog attached to a generator. Climb up the ladder here, then go out to the right and use the elevator.

Scene 42

At the top of the elevator, drop down to the left, then climb down the ladder and use the lever. Climb back up the right ladder and jump onto the stone slab, then drop down and climb down the left ladder. Wait for the goat to move right, then climb up to scare it one level up. Drop down and use the lever again. Climb the right ladder to the top, then jump across to the light and disable it using your remote control. Drop down to the left, and the goat will move to the right side.

Drop down twice and use the lever again. Start to climb the ladder, then wait until the goat reaches the grass above. Keep climbing and it will go up to the top level. Go back down and pull the lever once more, then climb up to the top of the right ladder. Once the goat reaches the top left grass, use the remote to turn it into a chair. Jump across and push the chair beneath the ladder, then climb up.

Go right and pull the hidden lever, then continue right Old Bones. Examine the painting (31/35). Now head left and use the elevator.

Scene 43

Examine the interactive painting (9/35) - you need to look up or down until your singing matches the beat:

  • Look up and press the space bar
  • Look down and press the space bar
  • Look down and press the space bar
  • Look up and wait until the end The Exceptional Singer

Go to the far right and climb down the ladder. Climb up the next ladder Shed, then examine the painting (32/35). Climb back down the ladder to the bottom and drop down from it.

Climb down the ladder to the bottom, then jump over to the left and use the lever. Return to the right and climb up one level, then drop down to the left of the bottom goat. Pull the lever again, then jump over to the right and climb up one level again. Wait until the bottom goat returns to the grass on the left, then climb down and jump over to the left, to force the goat up to the grass on the bridge. Return right and go across the bridge and up the left ladder. Wait at the top of the ladder until the bottom goat returns to the bridge. Chase this goat to the far right, so it stops on the pressure plate, then climb up the ladder. Wait until both goats are on the bridge.

Go across the bridge, and the 2 goats will jump left onto the pressure plate. Quickly drop down and pull the lever to trap them there. Now make your way over the bridge and up the left ladder, so the remaining goat jumps down onto the bridge. Head back down and pull the lever, so all 3 goats will be on the bridge. Pull the lever once more, to raise the wall again. Go over the bridge and they will all jump down to the bottom level. Go to the bottom right and jump over the gap - once the goats are all in the bottom left corner, pull the lever a final time to trap them. Now you can climb up the top left ladder. After looking through a hole in the ceiling, head to the left.

Scene 44

Drop down to the left. Climb down the middle ladder and up the left ladder in the next room. Drop to the right and climb up the middle ladder, then walk towards the goat until it triggers the dog to run in its wheel. Carefully push the chair to the left, so it turns back into a goat and keeps the dog running permanently. Now climb up the middle ladder and down the far right ladder to reach the bottom level. Go to the far left and examine the painting (33/35). Now climb up the ladder.

Scene 45

Finish climbing the ladder, then pull the lever (twice) and the bird will get the book. Pull the lever again, then go left and climb down the ladder. Pull the hidden lever on the left, then climb back up the ladder. Climb up the secret ladder Hurry Up!, then examine the painting (35/35). Climb back down the ladders, then down the next one to the right. Drop down onto a pressure plate below.

Go to the left and climb down the ladder, then go right until the goat jumps up to the middle level. Climb up the ladder, then jump onto the pressure plate on the left. Wait until both goats are on their patches of grass. Now jump and run to the right so the bottom goat stands on the pressure plate to the right - the top goat will end up being chased down to your level by the dog. Drop down to the bottom and wait until the 2 goats are together, then use your remote control to turn them both into chairs. Move the chairs to the edges of the light. Stand between them and use your remote again - they will both run to the sides and all animals will turn into furniture. Head over to the left chair and use it to reach the ladder above, then climb up. Examine the interactive painting (30/35) - make the swim fish around and perform the tricks indicated on the board Swimmers. Climb down the next ladder.

Scene 46

Climb down the ladder and drop down. Go right when you can. Sit down next to the bird, then head right.

Scene 47

Go right through the plant room, then call the elevator and go down. Head right to see the bird again. Return left and get on the elevator, then continue left through the plant room.

Scene 48

Once the elevator reaches the bottom, go left and climb down the ladder.

Scene 49

Watch the bird when you get to the bottom of the ladder. Climb down the ladder on the right, then find a hidden area to the right Dark Corner. Examine the painting (28/35), then go left and climb down the next ladder.

Scene 50

Climb to the bottom of the ladder. Jump to the right over the holes in the grating, then climb the right ladder and stand on the edge of the platform. Use your remote control device, then use it again when the water spout points to the right. Climb down and jump to the right so you can use the lever. Now climb up the left ladder and stand on the edge of the platform. Use your remote control device, then use it again when the water spout points to the left. Climb down and jump to the left. Continue left and examine the painting (34/35), then keep going left and down.

Scenes 51-61

Scene 51

Drop down from the ladder and stand to the left. Once the water spout points to the right, use your remote control. Climb down the ladder and use the lever to lower a wall above, blocking the spy. Jump to the light on the right, then jump back and use the lever again. Climb back up the ladder. Use your remote control, then use it again when the spout points straight down; quickly step to the left before the light turns on, so the spy turns into a coat-rack.

Go past the coat-rack, then push it to the left. Climb down the ladder and go to the far left, then climb back up and go to the far right - the spy should be near the spout. Use your remote control, then use it again when the water spout points to the right.

Now go down the ladder and head to the far right. Keep going to find a hidden area In the Deep. Examine the painting (21/35) - there is an achievement if you have found all 35 paintings Art Lover. Go back to the left and climb down the ladder.

Scene 52

Drop down from the bottom of the ladder, then climb the nearest ladder. Jump over to the pressure plate. Quickly jump back to the left, climb down and go to the far left (the spy will be blocked by the light above). Now walk right until the spy reaches the far left, and the water spout points to the right. Use your remote control. Climb up the left ladder again and jump over to the pressure plate. Quickly drop down to the right, and go to the far right, then jump back to the middle light and wait here.

After the right light turns off, climb up the ladder and stand next to the water spout. Use your remote control, then use it again when both spouts point inwards. Climb down and step on the pressure plate. Now drop down to the right and jump all the way to the far right. Climb down the vine.

Scene 53

Climb to the bottom of the vine, then walk out to the right. Jump onto the flower to be carried across. Head up the stairs to the light, and you will be knocked back. Try again and this time you will contain the light. Head back using the flower, and climb up the vine.

Scene 54

At the top of the vine, just walk to the far left over the water. After reuniting with the bird, climb up the ladder.

Scene 55

Follow the bird up the ladder, to the right and onto a series of elevators.

Scene 56

Continue following the bird over ladders and elevators.

Scene 57

Keep just following the bird up through areas you have visited previously.

Scene 58

Once again, follow the bird further upwards.

Scene 59

You will now be reunited with the other birds. Climb down the ladder and drop down when prompted. Do this again. Wait until the creature is distracted, then run left and climb up the long ladder. Jump into the creature's mouth, then use the light device.

Scene 60

After the music is in full swing, head left. Climb up the ladder, then go left through a low opening, and up another really long ladder.

Scene 61

Climb up the ladder and return to your bedroom. Watch the credits to the end Through the Night.