Don't Escape Trilogy
Game Details: Horror, 2019
Steam Achievements: Completed (13/13)
Links: Moby Games, Steam, Adventure Gamers
Walkthrough Updated: 6/19/2020
Suggested Listening: Wild Hearts Meet (Ash 25)
Don't Escape 1
Head outside and pick up the chopped logs and the axe. Also collect a mushroom from the ground on the right, and a chain half hidden beneath the roof of the house. Go back inside and close the door.
Take the rope, then turn to the left. Pick up the dried herb that is hanging on the hook. Use the axe to chop up the table, then grab the planks. Turn left again and search the coat to get a silver key. Search under the bed to get a small gold key. Close the window and lock it with the latch. Search the drawers and take a tinderbox from the third drawer.
Turn to the left once more and put the logs into the fireplace, then use your tinderbox on them. Read the notes on the table, then pick up the glass bottle. Look down at the trapdoor. Open this, then take the spice and the piece of meat, before closing the trapdoor and looking up again. Put the mushroom, herb and spice into the pot over the fire. Use the glass bottle on the pot to get a potion.
Turn left and lock the door with the silver key. Push the cabinet in front of the door to block it. Turn left again. Combine the potion with the meat, then hang the meat on the hook. Use the small gold key on the chest. Open the chest and search it to find a hammer and some nails. Turn left and put your boards against the closed window, then use the hammer and nails on the boards.
Use both the chain and the rope on yourself, then click on the hourglass to end the day A calm night.
Don't Escape 2
Multiple plays of the game will be required to collect all of the achievements, which are awarded on completing the game.
The Survivor and The Lone Wolf
Go left twice and pick up the shovel, then return right twice. Go outside and search the rubbish twice to find a key and some wires. Go around to the front of the building and take the bullet from the wall and the metal cutter from the ground. Now go right twice and out through the broken gate. Travel to the church (southeast). Pick up the axe from the stump and the bullet from the base of the second stick, then leave by going back along the road. Next travel to the gas station (northeast). Pick up another bullet and the empty fuel canister, then head inside. Take the batteries and water from the shelves, and search the first aid cabinet to get some painkillers. Use your axe on the white door, then go through. Grab the rubber hose and another bullet from next to the chair. Head back outside and leave.
Travel to the crash site (southwest). Pick up the gun. Use the rubber hose and the empty fuel canister on the police car to get some fuel. Travel to the shop (northwest). Use the metal cutter on the shopping carts to get one. Use this on the reel of wire fence at the top right.
Leave and travel back to the church. Use your shopping cart on the pile of bricks and the bag of cement, then leave once more.
Head back to the base. Use your reel of wire fence on the broken gate. Use the pair of wires and the fuel canister on the generator, then turn it on. Go left and head inside, then close the door and lock it with your key. Go left and kill Bill with the axe. Use the water and bag of cement on the sand, then mix it with the shovel. Use the bricks in the window. Go left again and use the metal cutter on the padlock. Open the hatch and climb down, then close it again. Click on the clock to end the day. You will receive 2 achievements:
- For finishing the day and surviving The Survivor
- For surviving without making any friends The Lone Wolf
The Merciful and The Savior
Go left twice and pick up the shovel, then return right twice. Go outside and search the rubbish twice to find a key and some wires. Go around to the front of the building and take the bullet from the wall and the metal cutter from the ground. Now go right twice and out through the broken gate. Travel to the church (southeast). Pick up the axe from the stump and the bullet from the base of the second stick, then leave by going back along the road. Next travel to the gas station (northeast). Pick up another bullet and the empty fuel canister, then head inside. Take the batteries and water from the shelves, and search the first aid cabinet to get some painkillers. Use your axe on the white door, then go through. Grab the rubber hose and another bullet from next to the chair. Head back outside and leave.
Travel to the crash site (southwest). Pick up the gun. Use the rubber hose and the empty fuel canister on the police car to get some fuel. Travel to the shop (northwest). Use the metal cutter on the shopping carts to get one. Use this on the reel of wire fence at the top right. Enter the shop and collect the bottle of alcohol and the instant camera. Look down into the hole to see a zombie. Put a bullet in your gun, then shoot the zombie. Pick up the glasses, then head back outside and give the glasses to Jeremy. Walk over to the child's drawing on the side of the shop. Put batteries into the instant camera, then use it to take a photo of the drawing.
Leave and travel back to the church. Use your shopping cart on the pile of bricks and the bag of cement, then enter the church. Give the photo to Father Bernard on the left, then head back outside and leave. Go back to the crash site and use the axe on the trees.
Head back to the base. Go left and head inside. Go left and give Bill the painkillers, then go right, outside and right again. Use your reel of wire fence on the broken gate. Use the pair of wires and the fuel canister on the generator, then turn it on. Go left and dig a hole in the dirt with your shovel. Put the pointy sticks in the hole. Head inside, then close the door and lock it with your key. Go left. Use the water and bag of cement on the sand, then mix it with the shovel. Use the bricks in the window. Give the alcohol to Bill, then load another bullet into the gun and shoot Bill with it. Go left again and use the metal cutter on the padlock. Open the hatch and climb down, then close it again. Click on the clock to end the day. You will receive 2 achievements:
- For killing Bill relatively painlessly The Merciful
- For surviving with both Jeremy and Father Bernard The Savior
The Shadow
Go left twice and pick up the shovel, then return right twice. Go outside and search the rubbish twice to find a key and some wires. Go around to the front of the building and take the metal cutter from the ground. Now go right twice and out through the broken gate. Travel to the church (southeast). Pick up the axe from the stump, then leave by going back along the road. Next travel to the gas station (northeast). Pick up the empty fuel canister, then head inside. Take the batteries and water from the shelves, and search the first aid cabinet to get some painkillers. Use your axe on the white door, then go through. Grab the rubber hose. Head back outside and leave.
Travel to the crash site (southwest). Use the rubber hose and the empty fuel canister on the police car to get some fuel. Travel to the shop (northwest). Use the metal cutter on the shopping carts to get one. Use this on the reel of wire fence at the top right. Enter the shop and collect the bottle of alcohol and the instant camera. Look down into the hole to see a zombie. Use your shovel on the zombie. Pick up the glasses, then head back outside and give the glasses to Jeremy. Walk over to the child's drawing on the side of the shop. Put batteries into the instant camera, then use it to take a photo of the drawing.
Leave and travel back to the church. Use your shopping cart on the pile of bricks and the bag of cement, then enter the church. Give the photo to Father Bernard on the left, then head back outside and leave. Go back to the crash site and use the axe on the trees.
Head back to the base. Go left and head inside. Go left and give Bill the painkillers, then go right, outside and right again. Use your reel of wire fence on the broken gate. Use the pair of wires and the fuel canister on the generator, then turn it on. Go left and put the pointy sticks in the ground here. Head inside, then close the door and lock it with your key. Go left. Use the water and bag of cement on the sand, then mix it with the axe. Use the bricks in the window. Give the alcohol to Bill, then kill Bill with the axe. Go left again and use the metal cutter on the padlock. Open the hatch and climb down, then close it again. Click on the clock to end the day. You will receive 1 achievement:
- For surviving without firing a gun The Shadow
The Governor
Go left twice and pick up the shovel, then return right twice. Go outside and search the rubbish twice to find a key and some wires. Go around to the front of the building and take the bullet from the wall and the metal cutter from the ground. Now go right twice and out through the broken gate. Travel to the church (southeast). Pick up the axe from the stump and the bullet from the base of the second stick, then leave by going back along the road. Next travel to the gas station (northeast). Pick up another bullet and the empty fuel canister, then head inside. Take the batteries and water from the shelves, and search the first aid cabinet to get some painkillers. Use your axe on the white door, then go through. Grab the rubber hose and another bullet from next to the chair. Head back outside and leave.
Travel to the crash site (southwest). Pick up the gun. Use the rubber hose and the empty fuel canister on the police car to get some fuel. Travel to the shop (northwest). Use the metal cutter on the shopping carts to get one. Use this on the reel of wire fence at the top right. Enter the shop and collect the bottle of alcohol and the instant camera. Look down into the hole to see a zombie. Put a bullet in your gun, then shoot the zombie. Pick up the glasses, then head back outside and give the glasses to Jeremy. Walk over to the child's drawing on the side of the shop. Put batteries into the instant camera, then use it to take a photo of the drawing.
Leave and travel back to the church. Use your shopping cart on the pile of bricks and the bag of cement, then enter the church. Give the photo to Father Bernard on the left, then head back outside and leave.
Head back to the base. Use your reel of wire fence on the broken gate. Use the pair of wires and the fuel canister on the generator, then turn it on. Go left and dig a hole in the dirt with your shovel. Load 2 bullets into your gun, then use the gun on Jeremy and choose to also shoot Father Bernard. Head inside, then close the door and lock it with your key. Go left and kill Bill with the axe. Go left again and use the metal cutter on the padlock. Open the hatch and climb down, then close it again. Click on the clock to end the day. You will receive 1 achievement:
- For surviving by sacrificing your friends The Governor
Don't Escape 3
Quickly interact with the right computer and select [Eject] Spaced.
Restart the game. This time when you use the right computer, select [Restore Safety Protocols], then [Abort Ejection Procedure]. Use the right computer again, and select [Open Interior Door] followed by [Exit]. Walk back, then pick up the data pad from the floor. Press the red button to return to the game, then go right twice. Pick up the plasma torch from the ground. Head right again, then open the door and continue right to the Bridge.
Pick up the fuse here, then return left 5 times. Open the fuse box on the wall here, then insert your fuse. Enter the Lab. Pick up the empty flask, and look at the formula written on the paper on the desk. Read the log on the floor. Search the first aid kit on the wall to get some antibiotics. Back out of this room and go right 3 times, then enter the Quarters. Pick up the knife, and use the flask on the body to collect some blood. Use the food dispenser and select to take some alcohol. Now open the doors to the left and enter the bathroom. Open the locker and take a bottle of detergent. Return through the door to the right, then go right again. Pick up the blueprint disc and the fuel tank from the floor. Also take some leaves from the plants here. Return left and back out to the hallway.
Head right once and use the knife on the vent, then pick up the key. Go left 4 times and enter the Lab again. Use the key to unlock the cabinet, then take a bottle of acid and some protective glasses. Go back out and look at the left door, then click on it again. Combine the plasma torch with the fuel tank, and put the protective glasses on yourself. Now use the plasma torch all along the yellow dotted line. Pull the lever, then go left. Pick up the access card from the floor. Head right 3 times. Use the access card on the escape pod door, then open the door and go through. Use the escape pod computer and select [Yes] Escape.
Continue the game. Pick up the toolbox, then back out of the room and go left 3 times. Use the toolbox on the fans circuits to repair them. Now head left and enter the Life Support room. Insert the blueprint disc into the machine on the left. Use the machine on the right and select [Active auxiliary life support]. Go back, right twice and into the Lab again. Put the blood sample, antibiotics and plant leaves into the centrifugal mixer on the desk, then use it and select [Begin mixing]. Collect the mixture in your empty flask. Return back, left twice and into Life Support once more. Empty your flask into the fire sprinkler circuit access point on the right. Now use the machine on the right and select [Fire sprinkler maintenance], then select the Isolation Ward.
Return back, right twice and into the Lab. Open the door to the left and go through. Pick up another log from the floor here. Open the cabinet on the left and take some explosives from inside. Return right and put the detergent, acid and alcohol into the centrifugal mixer on the desk, then use it and select [Begin mixing]. Collect the mixture in your empty flask, then add this to the explosives to make them stronger. Go back, left twice and into Life Support again. Use the machine on the left and select [Portable Igniter], then use it again and select [Data Pad Mk-II Processor]. In your inventory, combine the data pad processor with the data pad, and the igniter with the explosives. Head back out of this room and right once.
Use your data pad and select [Security cam]. While reviewing the footage, click on the right rectangular panel twice, then the round opening on the left twice - you will get the first part of a passcode. Walk right, into the Lab, then left. Use your data pad and select [Security cam]. While reviewing the footage, click on the scientist, then the crystal - you will get the second part of a passcode. Next head right, back and right 3 times. Use your data pad and select [Security cam]. While reviewing the footage, click on the spare fuel tank, then the engineer - you will get the third part of a passcode. Enter the Quarters. Use your data pad and select [Security cam]. While reviewing the footage, click on the person at the table - you will now have the whole passcode (random with each game). Go right and examine the security panel, then enter the passcode. Open the door and head right, then turn on the lights using the light switch. Click on the space suit, then on the helmet several times. Watching this segment will grant you an achievement when you reach the next game ending The Truth.
Open the locker on the right and take the Captain's access card. Go left twice, back and right twice to reach the Bridge. Use the Captain's access card on the Captain's console here, then use the console. Select [Safety protocols], then [Deactivate]. Proceed left 4 times and forward into the airlock. Use the access card on the space suit, then put it on. Use the right computer and select [Close Interior Door], [Decompression], [Open Exterior Door] and [Exit]. Go out through the open door. Remove the warning panel, then unravel the rope before heading out to the space debris. Move the pieces of junk until you can take the crystal. Go back twice to return to the airlock. Use the right computer again and select [Close Exterior Door], [Restore Pressure], [Open Interior Door] and [Exit].
Go back, left, into the Lab and then left again. Use your explosives on the crystal on the table. Use your data pad and select [Detonate] Hull Breach.
Continue the game. Go left and pick up the explosives again. Return right, then go back and left twice to be outside Life Support. Use your explosives on the ship's power core. Use your data pad and select [Detonate] Lost in Space.
The final achievement is obtained by completing all three games in the trilogy Complete Trilogy.