Dream Chronicles 3Dream Chronicles 3

The Chosen Child

Game Details:  Fantasy, 2009

Links:  Moby Games, Adventure Gamers

Walkthrough Updated:  12/1/2012

Suggested Listening:  Wild Hearts Meet (Ash 25)

Dream Chronicles 3 is the third in a series of 5 surreal hybrid hidden object and adventure games. This game continues on from Dream Chronicles 2. You again play as Faye, pitted against your nemesis Lilith. This time you must save your daughter from her evil clutches, and reveal the prophecy of the Chosen Child. The series continues with Dream Chronicles 4.


Brenna's Bedroom

Take the Dream Journal. After your conversation, take the jar from the shelves and use it twice to put out the fire. Take the crystal ball, then leave the room.

Brenna's House Entrance

Find 6 dream pieces and 1 dream jewel. Also take the small key from the roof support beam. Try to leave through the trapdoor, but it disappears. Use your key on the sewing room door, then pick up the handle from the floor and use it on the door. Open the door and go through.

Sewing Room

Find 6 dream pieces. Take the 2 pieces of mat you can see, and 2 keys. Use one key on the left drawer to get a small wheel. Pick up the green spool of thread and use both the thread and the wheel on the sewing machine.

Go back to the bedroom and pick up a big iron wheel. Use your key on the chest to get another piece of mat. Also find another small key here on the window seat on the left. Go to the house entrance and take the belt from the floor.

Return to the sewing room again and use your key on the right drawer to get another mat piece. Use the big wheel and belt on the sewing machine to repair it completely. Now use two mat pieces on the table and press the foot pedal to sew them together. Add the 3rd and 4th mat pieces to complete the mat. Go back out to the entrance and place the mat on the floor. Go through the trapdoor.

Outside Brenna's House

Look at the tree stump, then back out and find 8 colored stones. Arrange these on the tree stump, then go through the gateway.

Nexus Gate

Find 6 dream pieces and 1 dream jewel. Pull the handle to see a closed gate. Look at the controls, and insert the 2 dream jewels. Rotate them so their combined colors match the gateway, then go through.

Herbalist's House

Herbalist's Entrance

Look at the wet umbrella to note it has been raining, then go outside.

Outside Herbalist's House

Find 6 dream pieces. Pick up 3 windmill blades, a bolt and a bucket, then open the gate and go through.

Herbalist's Garden

Find 6 dream pieces. Also pick up 3 more windmill blades and a hammer. Use the hammer to smash the scarecrow, then pick up the pumpkin pieces. Head back to the front of the house.

Attach your 6 windmill blades to the broken windmill, then add the bolt to hold them in place. Fill your bucket with water, then use it to clean the front door of the house. Put your pumpkin pieces next to the half pumpkin on the door, then open it and go inside.

Find 6 dream pieces. Go through the door into the kitchen.

Herbalist's Kitchen

Use the light switch on the right. Now find 6 dream pieces. Pick up the match from the ground and use it to light a fire beneath the cauldron. Open the recipe book on the bench and read the first page. Do as the instructions say:

  • crush red rose petals and add to the right tank
  • crush sunflower petals and add to the middle tank
  • crush lavender and add to the left tank
  • add water to all 3 tanks

Now read the recipe book again and view the Quick Ripen potion. Fill in the 4 words (liquid, orange, glass, potion), then do as the instructions say:

  • add orange peel to the glass
  • add sunflower liquid essence to the glass
  • add rose liquid essence to the glass
  • crush lemongrass and add to the glass

Next read the recipe book and view the Instant Growth potion. Fill in the 4 words (essence, petals, crush, plant), then do as the instructions say:

  • heat sunflower petals and add to the glass
  • crush and heat juniper berries and add to the glass
  • add lavender liquid essence to the glass
  • add a drop of rainwater (from the umbrella in the entrance)

Now read the recipe book and view the Memory Recovery potion. Fill in the 4 words (lavender, heated, bitter, strong), then head out to the garden. Pick up the scarecrow's stick, dress and hat from the ground. Go back through the nexus gate to the treehouse.

Pick up the 11 sticks and put them back in the side of your treehouse, then climb up. Go to the sewing room and use the sewing machine to repair the scarecrow's dress, then return through the nexus gate to the Herbalist's House.

Go into the kitchen and get some grey rose seeds, then go out to the garden. Use the scarecrow's stick on the main stick still in the ground, then hang the dress up. Use the Quick Ripen potion on the pumpkins, pick up the ripe one and put it on top of the scarecrow, then put the hat on top. Take the shovel from the side of the house and dig a hole in the ground. Plant the grey rose seeds in the ground and use the Instant Growth potion, then pick a grey rose. Go back into the kitchen. Now follow the recipe instructions:

  • add grey rose to the glass
  • crush orange peel and add to the glass
  • add lavender liquid essence to the glass
  • heat lemongrass and add to the glass
  • crush bitter aloe and add to the glass
  • crush and heat juniper berries and add to the glass

After you drink the potion you will get a strange symbol. Go back to the nexus and use this symbol on the floor, then go down the stairs.

Forging Area

Forging Device

Find 6 dream pieces and 2 logs, then approach the door on the left.

Observatory Door

Find 6 dream pieces, then solve the door puzzle; to do this just keep pressing the left button until 2 symbols are at the top, then repeat with the middle and right buttons. When all line up, go through.

Telescope Room

Pick up the 2 mechanisms on the right and use them on the wall on the left. Now pull the handle to let light in. Find 6 dream pieces, 4 gold nuggets, a small key, 2 logs, a magnifying glass, 3 planets, a viewfinder, and a telescope lens. Use the small key on the locked chest on the left shelves. Take the magic book and put it in the reading place on the left. Go back outside and get another planet, then go back to the forging device and find another 4 planets and a telescope lens. Return to the telescope room.

Place your 8 planets on the 2 shelves, and the viewfinder in the telescope. Read the magic book, and go to "Turning Day into Night". Click on the planets in their order from the sun (Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn). Put one of your lens in the telescope and use it; find the constellation and you will get a mold. Repeat this with the other lens to get a second mold. Go back to the forging device.

Put 4 logs in the fireplace and start a fire with your magnifying glass. Put a mold in the hole on the left, then put a gold nugget on the bench. Repeat this with the other mold and you will have made 2 dream jewels. Go back to the nexus. Pull the left handle, insert 2 dream jewels and turn them to match the colors, then go through.

Fairy Retreat


Find 6 dream pieces. Get 2 telescope lens and 6 gold nuggets, then go back to the nexus, and return down the stairs to the Forging Area.

Forging Area

Enter the telescope room and open the magic book. Use the 2 lenses in the telescope, find the constellations, and get 2 new molds. Go outside to the forge and use these to make 2 dream jewels. Return to the nexus. Pull the left handle, insert 2 dream jewels and turn them to match the colors, then go through.

My Home

Faye's House

Get 6 gold nuggets and 2 tiles, then go upstairs.


Collect 6 gold nuggets and 9 tiles from here, then go through the right door.

Faye's Bedroom

Get 6 more gold nuggets and the last 3 tiles, then go back out to the hallway and down the stairs. Place all the tiles on the floor, then rearrange them to fill in the correct pattern. Now go upstairs and into the bedroom on the left.

Lyra's Bedroom

Get 3 gold nuggets and a scrap of paper from the bookshelf. Take the key from the end of the bed and use it to unlock the chest. Take the carpet from the chest and put it on the floor. Grab the ball from next to the chest. Go out to the hallway and find the doll, hot air balloon, wood doll and mask. Go to Faye's bedroom and find the doll and wood doll. Head downstairs and find the ball and wood soldier. Return to Lyra's bedroom and arrange the toys on the carpet, using the clues from the scrap of paper. Take the key from the carpet, then go downstairs and use this on the lock at the bottom of the stairs. Take the amulet from the open drawer.

Return to the nexus, pull the right lever, and go to the retreat.

Fairy Retreat


Place the amulet in the stone pillar on the right, then get into the gondola and ride across to the island.

Retreat Entrance

Find 6 dream pieces and 6 gold nuggets. Take the teardrop shape from the right and put it in the door. Zoom in on the cover, repeat the sequence that is shown, and go inside. Walk forward, right, and forward 5 times.

Tea Room

Find 6 dream pieces and 4 gold nuggets. Approach the door on the left, repeat another sequence, then go through. Now walk forward 3 times, right, forward 3 times, right, forward twice, right, forward, left and forward.

Meditation Room

Find 6 dream pieces and 6 gold nuggets. Pick up the cup, the go back through the door. Go forward, right, forward, left, forward twice, left, forward 3 times, left, and forward 4 times to find the tea room again. Approach the right door. Repeat another sequence, then go through. Now go forward, left, forward 3 times, left, and forward 4 times.

Music Room

Find 6 dream pieces and 3 gold nuggets. Also collect 4 boards, 3 mallets, 2 balls, 5 candles, 2 plates and 2 cups. Place all the boards, mallets and balls in position to complete the musical instrument, then click on it. You need to repeat 5 sequences, after clicking on each of the spheres:

  • First sphere: 1, 5, 3, 4, 2, 3, 1
  • Second sphere: 2, 3, 4, 3, 6, 5, 4, 3, 4, 2, 1
  • Third sphere: 8, 1, 1, 8, 8, 1, 1, 5, 4, 6, 5, 7, 8
  • Fourth sphere: 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 6, 5, 8
  • Fifth sphere: 1, 2, 3, 4, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 6, 5, 8, 1

Leave this room and go forward, right, forward 3 times, right, and forward 4 times. Go through the left door and go forward 3 times, right, forward 3 times, right, forward twice, right, forward, left and forward.

Put your 6 colored candles on the candelabra and you will get another plate. Leave here and go forward, right, forward, left, forward twice, left, forward 3 times, left, and forward 4 times to find the tea room again. Look at the table, and place the plates, cups and spoons in position (note the 3 different shapes for each items, they must match each other and the symbols on the table itself). Place the teapot in the middle and you will receive a teardrop. Place this in the middle door. Repeat another sequence and head through.

Head forward 3 times, left, forward twice, left, forward, right, forward twice, right, forward, left, forward 4 times, left, forward 3 times, left, and forward 4 times.

Steam Bath Tunnel

Turn all of the valves off, then continue forward. Now go forward, left, forward twice, right, forward twice, left, forward twice, right, forward twice, right, forward, left, forward twice, left, forward, right, forward twice, right, forward 5 times, right, forward, left, forward twice, right, forward twice, right, forward twice, left, forward 3 times, left, forward, right, forward twice, left, forward, right, and forward 4 times.

Lilith's Room

Find 6 gold nuggets. Examine the keyhole and you will end up with the key and a recipe. Go to the nexus and then to the herbalist's house.

Enter the kitchen. Add your Awakening potion recipe to the book and read it. Fill in the 5 words (awaken, sleep, seeds, cauldron, juniper), then do as the instructions say:

  • add lavender liquid essence to the glass
  • crush grey rose seeds and add to the glass
  • heat bitter aloe and add to the glass
  • crush juniper berries and add to the glass
  • add orange peel to the glass

Return to the nexus and go back to Lilith's Room. Use the potion on her, then talk to her until you receive another recipe. Pick up the 4 telescope lenses, then return to the nexus and go downstairs, then to the telescope room. Change to night time and use the 4 lenses to get 4 more molds. Go out to the force and make 4 dream jewels. Return to the nexus and go to the herbalist's house.

Enter the kitchen. Add your Root Shriveling potion recipe to the book and read it. Fill in the 5 words (rose, crushed, roots, lemongrass, shrivel), then do as the instructions say:

  • heat red rose petals and to the glass
  • heat lemongrass and add to the glass
  • add rose liquid essence to the glass
  • crush and heat orange peel and add to the glass
  • add grey rose seeds to the glass

Return to the nexus. Open the final gateway and go through.

Magic Tree

Pick up the 6 gold nuggets. Open the door on the left and use the potion on the teddy bear. Go back to the nexus, then to your home. Put the teddy bear next to the bottom of the stairs.