Kingdom: The Far ReachesKingdom: The Far Reaches

Game Details:  Fantasy, 1995

Links:  Moby Games, Adventure Gamers

Walkthrough Updated:  2/25/2025

Suggested Listening:  Give Up Now (Ash 25)

Kingdom: The Far Reaches is a 3rd person fantasy adventure game set in the lands of The Far Reaches. You play as Lathan Kandor, a young boy destined to battle the evil Black Wizard. You must travel the lands to collect pieces of an ancient amulet called The Hand, to help in your battle. The series continues with Kingdom 2: Shadoan.

Exploring Wiegard

Outskirts of Glendoe

When you arrive you will automatically notice a blind beggar.

Daelon's Mansion

You will automatically receive 3 Spells of Seeing. When given the option, choose the Spell of Understanding, then select to travel to the forest.

Treefolk Forest

Take the Wood Elf Staff when it is offered to you.

Fairy Circle

Once you hear the music, use a Spell of Seeing, then use your Wood Elf Staff - you will give it to the fairies, and they will show you a new location.

Forester's Camp

You will automatically learn some information from the woman here.

Outskirts of Glendoe

Once you reach the blind beggar, use another Spell of Seeing to learn about the Haunted Waterfall.

Huntsman's Crossroads

The Huntsman will mention the Crystal of Kaldar.

Daelon's Mansion

You will now receive 3 Spells of Understanding. When given the option, choose the Spell of Release, then select to travel to Glendoe.

Center of Glendoe

You will have a brief conversation about how you healed the blind beggar, and be told that the Guildhall will receive you.


You will automatically be sent to the Haunted Waterfall.

Haunted Waterfall

Since you came from the Guildhall, when you touch the water your lives and health will be restored.

Upper Pools

You will be given some information by the Troglitots when you arrive here.

Treefolk Forest

You will be told about a Plague Magician who is waiting in the forest.

Forester's Camp

You will automatically learn some more information about a chalice.

Huntsman's Crossroads

The Huntsman will mention the Orb of Mobus.

Outskirts of Glendoe

The beggar will tell you of a relic hidden in the Crystal Castle.

Daelon's Mansion

You will now receive 3 Spells of Release. When given the option, choose the Spell of Traveling, then head back to the map screen.

Marsh Wastes

Use your final Spell of Seeing, then pick up some Cold Fire.

Barren Rocks

When you are being smothered by the mist monsters, use the Cold Fire to escape. Examine the rock to see some ancient runes, then use a Spell of Understanding. Go along the path on the left, then use a Spell of Release to get the Crystal of Kaldar.

Huntsman's Crossroads

The Huntsman will mention the Hunting Horn.

Fairy Circle

Use the Crystal of Kaldar to escape the Plague Magician if he attacks you. The fairies will have left this area, but now you can approach the Crystal Castle. Use the Crystal of Kaldar at the castle entrance, then go inside. Click on the locked door to the right, but you cannot open it yet.

Marsh Wastes

Click on the sign to travel to a new part of the land.

Exploring Illes

Dunespeople Campsite

Use a Spell of Understanding and you will be able to proceed into the camp. Take the Onyx Seal when it is offered to you.

Shimmering Oasis

Leave here quickly without touching the water. Continue to make your way back up the map by visiting and quickly exiting different places.

Fairy Circle

Use the Crystal of Kaldar to escape the Plague Magician if he attacks you. Approach the Crystal Castle and go inside, then use the Onyx Seal to get through the locked door. Pick up the Black Mace, then leave the castle. Make your way back down the map by visiting and quickly exiting different places.

Desert Oasis

When you are confronted by 3 enemies, use the Crystal of Kaldar to defeat them. You will meet a tribe of women, and can see the Enchanted Bow - do not try to take it.

Temple of Cindra

When you are captured by the sand devils, quickly use a Spell of Release. Approach the doorway to enter the temple. Now go right and then left. Use the Black Mace to reflect the spell from Sorsabal. Continue along the path and through the next doorway. Now take the Talisman Sceptre.

Desert Oasis

You will see a message on the ground "Hills lead to temple". Show the Talisman Sceptre to the tribe of women, and you will take the Enchanted Bow.

West Sea Coast

When the creature attacks, use the Enchanted Bow to defend yourself. You will see another sign leading to a new area.

Exploring Iscar

East Sea Coast

You will see an image of Daelon, who will give you help. Continue up to the Black Keep, then go towards the archway and quickly use the Crystal of Kaldar to defeat the Plague Magician. Now go through the archway and use the Crystal of Kaldar again. Proceed through the door at the top of the stairs and take the Blood Sword. Leave through the doorway on the left.

Marelda's Hut

Head through the front door to learn some information about the blood sword and silver weed.

Hedge Maze

After you are welcomed to the maze, use your Enchanted Bow. Walk along the golden path and take the Orb of Mobus. Exit via the path on the right and you will automatically go through the Temple Ruins.

Valley of the Argent Kings

Use the Orb of Mobus and you will get the Pentacle Coins.

Drakesblood's Palace

Go through the doorway to meet a man playing a harp. Continue through the top doorway to meet the Princess and learn a random piece of information. Next go through the middle doorway to see the ancient tapestry. If your pouch has been stolen, go through the doorway immediately next to the tapestry - pull the rope here and grab the pouch.

From the room with the harp again, go through the right doorway, then through the left doorway to reach the King's chambers. Quickly use the Pentacle Coins and you will end up leaving the palace via a secret passage. Use your Bloodsword on the Silver Wheat.

Valley of the Argent Kings

Use the Orb of Mobus and you will get the Pentacle Coins again.

East Sea Coast

You will see an image of Daelon, who will give you some more help.

West Sea Coast

When the creature attacks, use the Black Mace to defend yourself.

Desert Oasis

Show the Talisman Sceptre to the tribe of women, and you will take the Enchanted Bow again.

Dunespeople Campsite

Show the Talisman Sceptre to the people here and you will sit down with them.

Lost Mines

You will meet Maluki, who offers you hospitality.

Maluki's Home

Maluki will give you more information and restore your health.

Hills Above Desert

If you are caught in a sand storm, leave and go elsewhere, then come back. Once you meet the bridge guard, give him your Silver Wheat. Cross the bridge and approach the Cloud Keep. Go to the archway and you will be given a quest that has a strict time limit. Go to the Haunted Waterfall.

Race Against Time

Haunted Waterfall

Since you came from Cloud Keep, you will be granted the power of Tide Control (accessed with the rock in the bottom right corner). Now use a Spell of Traveling.

Sea Dwellers' Pavilion

Use Tide Control. After a brief talk, take the Golden Chalice.

Drakesblood's Palace

Go inside to the room with the harp. Go through the right doorway, then the left doorway. Give the Pentacle Coins to the King again to leave through the secret passage. Use your Bloodsword on the Silver Wheat.

Drakesblood's Palace

Go inside again, but this time go through the doorway beneath the stairs and use the left doorway to return directly to Daelon's Mansion.

Daelon's Mansion

Daelon should tell you that you have everything you need.


You will automatically be sent to the Haunted Waterfall.

Haunted Waterfall

Since you came from the Guildhall, when you touch the water your lives and health will be restored. Now use a Spell of Traveling.

Hills Above Desert

Give the Silver Wheat to the bridge guard again. Cross the bridge and approach the Cloud Keep. Go to the archway and you will automatically hand over the Golden Chalice in exchange for the Hunting Horn. Go to the Valley of the Argent Kings.


Valley of the Argent Kings

Use the Orb of Mobus and you will get the Pentacle Coins again.

Black Keep

Go through the archway and use the Hunting Horn to defeat the 2 creatures. Go through the left doorway, which will now be unlocked. When you see the glowing runes, use a Spell of Understanding. Leave through the doorway on the right.

Drakesblood's Palace

Go inside to the room with the harp. Go through the right doorway, then the left doorway. Use the Runes of Iscar, then use the Bloodsword to kill the King.