Jerry McPartlin
in Rebel with a Cause
Game Details: Adventure, 2015
Links: Moby Games, Adventure Gamers
Walkthrough Updated: 5/29/2016
Suggested Listening: Wild Hearts Meet (Ash 25)
Town Square
Look at the church door and try to open it. Now pick up the two parts of your car key from the lawn and the bin, and you will automatically go back to Wikvaya. Combine the two parts of the key in your inventory, then run after Wikvaya. Use your key in your car to leave the dream.
Locating the Demon
Luna's Diner
Talk to Luna-Lee about everything, then head to the back area. Talk to Wikvaya, who needs something strong to wake him up. Talk to Luna again, then take the coffee machine. Head outside and around to the back of the building; try to open the dumpster, but it is locked. Go inside and talk to Luna to get the keys, then go back out and use the keys to unlock the dumpster. Open the dumpster and try to put the coffee machine inside, but you end up just leaving it next to it. Examine the coffee machine to get some old grounds. Go back inside and talk to Luna to get a cup of tea. Put your coffee grounds into the tea, then use your cup of chamomile coffee on Wikvaya's cup (in front of him on the table). Talk to Wikvaya (you will get a new location you can visit). Head outside and use your car.
Knock on the gate and you will be asked to complete a song, but all of your available options are incorrect. Use your car again.
Town Square
Head into the backstage area towards the right. Head up the stairs and knock on the door to talk to Dianne, but she won't help until you get something back from the pawn shop. Get back into your car again.
Pawn Shop
Try to open the door, then look at it to see the type of lock. Now travel once again.
Go to the far end of the hallway and knock on the door to hospital room 2 and you will end up getting a special key. Head back out of the hospital.
Pawn Shop
Use your new key on the door to get inside, then take autograph card number 2 from the display before leaving once more.
Town Square
Go back to the backstage area and use your autograph card on the dressing room door so that Dianne will teach you the doo-wop. Leave again and go back to your car.
Knock on the gate and choose the option so that you sing at a higher pitch than theirs (keep trying if this doesn't work), and you will end up getting a package.
Luna's Diner
You will automatically show the package to Wikvaya. Go to the front part of the diner and talk to Ted, then try to take his lucky coins. Look at the pinball machine and unlock it with your keys, then press the red reset button. Now Ted will stand up and you can take his lucky coins. Go back to the back part of the diner and use the coins in the jukebox. After your discussion you will meet the FBI agent investigating the murder.
Talk to Wikvaya until you retrieve the letter from your car. Read the letter and you will find an old seal ring. Go and talk to Ted, who should be eating a plate of food, but won't let you take any of it. Head outside now and go around back to the dumpster. Try to take the cat, which is likely hiding behind the dumpster, but it will run away from you. Now go and look at Ted's red car out the front of the restaurant, then use it and you will release the handbrake and cause an accident. While Ted is distracted, go back inside and take his plate of bacon. Go back outside and pick up the signboard from the ground, then head back to the dumpster. Put your bacon on the ground, then when you try to pick up the cat it runs back to its hideout behind the dumpster. Put some bacon down again and put the signboard in front of the hideout. Try again, and it will run to a second hideout, which you can block with the coffee machine. Try once more and you will finally be able to pick up the cat. Go back to the front of the diner and use the cat on the exit to the north, then you will automatically leave.
Approach the motel room of the FBI agent, but you decide not to go inside yet, but inside go and find a weapon. Head back to your car.
Luna's Diner
Talk to Wikvaya again to get a recipe and a yanto root (the first ingredient). Now you must collect the other ingredients. Get into your car and leave.
Making the Recipe
Use the lucky coin in the cola machine to get a bottle of cola.
Town Square
Enter the backstage area again and talk to Mr B - he needs you to scare Dianne to get her to leave. Try to open the basement door, and Mr B will tell you to go and find the key. Head up the stairs to the stage direction area and pick up the large cloth and key #27 from next to the large mixer. Go back downstairs and use your new key to get into the basement. In here, pick up the headlight, tin can, sheet of tin and wood lathe. Leave here and combine your wood and cloth, then use this on the window outside Dianne's dressing room. Next use your sheet of tin on her dressing room door, followed by your tin can on her door. Finally use your headlight on her window. Go down to the basement again and use your broom on the ceiling to the right. Now you can head up into the dressing room and take the Freshmouth mints. Now leave here and return to your car.
Pawn Shop
Go inside and use your seal on the cigar box on the shelves to the right - you will get a number 2 billiard ball.
Family Home
Try to approach the door, then use your cat on the dog to get rid of them both. Try the front door, but it is locked. Search the flowerpot to the left, then use your new keys on the front door to get inside. Head through to the billiard parlor, then upstairs to the library. Look at the picture of your parents to see they are holding billiard balls 2 and 3. Go back downstairs and take the red number 3 billiard ball, then go back upstairs again. Take the front off the statue in the corner of the room and insert your 2 billiard balls to reveal a secret room. Enter here and take the amulet from the small set of shelves. Make your way back outside and use your car again.
Enter the hallway and keep going right until you see the locker with graffiti on it. Examine this to get key #66 and a fishing rod. Continue right and talk to Ted, then enter the adjacent classroom and take the nut from the blue box on the front desk. Go back and give this to Ted, then pick up his screwdriver. Back in the classroom, try to open the large blue cabinet, but it is locked and you need to find the key.
Town Square
Go to the other side of the square and enter the post office. Take key #34 from the notice board.
Go back to the classroom and use your new key to open the blue cabinet and get some items. While you are here, pick up the chair from the front left. Use the chair on the blackboard, then use your screwdriver on the ventilation shaft above it to get some screws. Look through the ventilation shaft to spot a book in the next room. Now combine your screws and wire, then add the battery to make an electromagnet. Combine this with your fishing rod, then use this with the ventilation shaft.
Approach the seaplane and break into it by using your screwdriver on the door. Climb inside the plane and you will be stopped by Mossy Mossborn, who wants a rhubarb pie.
Luna's Diner
Talk to Luna, but she doesn't have any rhubarb pie - she suggests asking the Spinellis.
Knock on the gate to find out that Mr B has a secret source to get more pies.
Town Square
Enter the backstage area and talk to Mr B, then talk to Fred. He needs you to get some sweetener 2-B and he will make you a pie.
Go to the classroom and search the desks to find the recipe for sweetener 2-B, then use this on the chemistry equipment on the front desk. Turn on the bunsen burner, then heat up your test tube over the flame to finish making the sweetener.
Town Square
Give the sweetener to Fred in the backstage area. Go outside and come back inside, then talk to Fred to get your pie.
Use your screwdriver on the seaplane door again and you will give the pie to Mossy (and receive the keys to the plane).
Town Square
Enter the post office and talk to Ed about becoming an employee, but he says you should see Mr B. Go across to the backstage area and talk to Mr B, who will give you a letter to deliver
Knock on the gate twice and the Spinellis agree to accept the letter if you can also give them a hair care set.
Town Square
Go to the backstage area and down into the basement. Pick up the Jimmy Lash hair care set (you need to try several times).
Use the hair care set on the gate, but apparently the grease is missing, so they still won't accept it.
Town Square
Talk to Mr B in the backstage area, who says that Ted has the missing grease.
Go to the end of the hall and talk to Ted, who will trade the grease for his lucky coin.
Use your electromagnet on the cola machine to get back the lucky coin.
Go to the end of the hall and give the coin to Ted in exchange for the grease.
Use the grease on the gate, and you will finally get your mail receipt.
Town Square
Go to Mr B in the backstage area and give him the mail receipt - he will make you a mailman. Go across to the post office and talk to Ed to receive a package for delivery.
Luna's Diner
Give the following items to Luna as per your recipe:
- yanto root
- bottle of cola
- freshmouth mints
- LOERS amulet
- ultimate game guide
- heart of the phoenix (seaplane keys)
- air mail
Wait here and Luna will give you some yanto root water.
Defeating the Demon
Enter the motel room. Open the drawer and you will automatically head back to the diner.
Luna's Diner
Head into the kitchen and you will take some of Wik's spicy hotmix. Go to the back area and you will see Wikvaya collapsed on the floor. Try to talk to him, then pick up the medicine pouch from the floor next to him. Use the medicine pouch on Wikvaya and keep talking to him until you automatically leave.
Click on the newspaper to remove it from your car's windshield. You will end up tied up to a tree. Use your pocket knife to cut your bonds, and you will chase after the demon.
Look at the lock on the gate in front of you - the last digit is 7, so you can open it with key #27. Look at the next lock - the last digit is 6, so you can open it with key #66. When you reach the floating knives, just use your pocket knife on the ropes to the left to cut them down. Now throw your yanto root water on the FBI agent and he will transform into his true demonic form.
Town Square
Quickly pour your remaining yanto root water into the glass of water in front of the demon. Now talk to the demon and ask to go to the bathroom, and you will be allowed to leave. Go back to your car so you can travel again.
Enter the classroom and pick up the despicer from the front bench.
Town Square
Go back to the backstage area, and you will automatically return to the stage. Put all the ingredients from the bench into your bowl, including the hotmix you picked up earlier from the kitchen. Click on your bowl to indicate it is ready, but you have to taste the demon's first. Use your despicer on his bowl, then eat his chilli.