Decay: The MareDecay: The Mare

Game Details:  Horror, 2015

Steam Achievements:  Completed (42/42)

Links:  Moby Games, Steam, Adventure Gamers

Walkthrough Updated:  11/9/2020

Suggested Listening:  Where There's Smoke (Ash 25)

Decay: The Mare is a psychological horror adventure game. It was originally available as two separate smaller adventures, and has been compiled into one package with a third chapter that completes the story. You play as Sam, a drug addict who has been institutionalized; unfortunately on the first night in the facility things go horribly wrong.

Episode 1

Look at the plate on the table and take the medicine. After the dream sequence, turn around and open your room door Get Out. Turn right and go forward, then open the door on the left to go through. Look at the small opening and pick up a partially hidden coin (1/5) from the ground on the left Got Item. Now crawl through the opening and continue down the stairs. Keep going through the red door that says "Time is an illusion". Go forward twice more, then turn right and go down some more stairs and through another door. Take the drawing from the wall here, then turn right and open another door. Go forward and take the note from the wall in front of you. Turn left and go through another door.

In this red room, look at the paintings on the right wall and remember the sequence in which they blink. Go back, then turn around and go through the door again. Continue straight down the stairs and through the door at the bottom. Examine the chair and pick up the wooden handle.

Back out, then go through the door ahead. Turn left and click on the butterfly on the door Red Butterfly. Back out, turn left and go through the door. Open the door on the right to go through. Zoom in and examine the head on the box, then click on the eyes in this order: left, right, left, left and right The Blinking Eyes. You will automatically turn around after completing this puzzle. Look in the opened compartment in the wall and take the key.

Back out, then open the door in front of you. Turn around and open the door, and you will be back at the top of the stairs. Turn right, then go forward and approach the locked door on the left. Use your key on this door to unlock it. Open the door to go through.

Open the small drawer to the right and take the coin (2/5) from inside, then back out. Turn right and take the scratched photo from the left of this wall. Examine this in your inventory and turn it around until you can detach the paper from the back and read the story (note the distances mentioned in the story: 9 meters, 6 meters, 1 meter, 5 meters). Turn right again and open the door to leave this room.

Turn around and enter the photo room again, then turn around and leave. Repeat this several more times until the table in the room collapses Broken Table. Now leave the room once more.

Turn around and open the yellow door ahead of you. Turn left and open a door, then turn left again and open the door to the left of the eyes painted on the wall. Approach the large red generator and set the dials to 9, 6, 1 and 5, then use the handle The Fan. Pick up the blood-stained envelope from the ground, then open it in your inventory to find a blood-stained key.

Turn back around and open the door. Go forward and approach the locked door on the left. Use your blood-stained key on this door to unlock it. Open the door to go through. Examine the chair and pick up the metal block. Also pick up the coin (3/5) from the floor just to the left. Back out and turn around. Take the note from the wall next to the door, then head through the door.

Continue forward, right, down the stairs and through the door. Now head right, through a door, forward twice, left and through another door. Turn left and approach the brick wall. Combine the metal block and wooden handle in your inventory The Sledgehammer, then use your sledgehammer on the brick wall Break the Wall. Look in the hole and pick up another note. Go back and turn left, then head through the door. Go down the stairs and open the door, then open the door straight ahead. Turn left and examine the door, talking to the bloody bag with these options:

  • No, I'm not your mother.
  • Who are you? The Bag

Turn right again and approach the door, then go through into a maze. Using the arrows on the 2 notes that you have collected, make your way through the maze by using the following directions:

  • left
  • forward
  • right
  • right
  • right
  • forward
  • left
  • left
  • forward The Maze

Look into the alcove on the right and look through the bars to see a clock painted on the wall (remember the positions of the hands). Go back twice and turn around, then look at the small side table. Pick up the 4 flower drawings. Back out and turn around again, then look at the dining table. Pick up the coin (4/5), then use your drawing of a flower and arrow here. Back out, turn around and go through the door (you don't have to go through the maze again).

Look at the small table here and use your drawing of a flower and eye. Back out, turn around and go through the door. You will see a vision of a chair - wait here to see the entire vision The Chair. Turn around and open the door, then turn left and open another door. Look at the right part of the table in this dark room and use your drawing of a flower and fire. Back out, turn around and go through the door. Go straight along the hallway and open the yellow door in front of you, then turn left and go through another door. Turn left, then use your final drawing of a flower and water here Master of Drawings.

Back out, then turn right and go downstairs and through the door. Look at the small opening and crawl through. Examine the clock and adjust it to match the painting you saw earlier:

  • Hour hand: 3
  • Minute hand: 7
  • Second hand: 9 Time is an Illusion

Turn around and collect the coin (5/5) from the wall on the right Coin Collector 1. Crawl through the opening again. Turn left and open the door, then turn right, go forward twice and open the red door. Continue forward and all the way up the stairs and through the opening.

Go through the door here. Turn around and examine the door on the right, then slide open the viewing window Decay Master 1.

Episode 2

Turn around and try to open the door. Turn back around again and pick up a coin (1/10) from the shelves to the left. Open the gate ahead, then turn right and open the door. Examine the ladder to the right and pick up the coin (2/10) from the floor. Take the newspaper article from the wall before climbing down the ladder. Pick up the camera from the floor on the right, and pick up a coin (3/10) from the floor on the left. Back out, turn around and climb back up the ladder.

Turn around and use your camera to see some hidden writing (1/4): "I tried to escape, the pills are making me mad" First Shot. Go forward through the door and use your camera to see the numbers "6044" spread across the paintings on the right. Examine the keypad near the door and enter the code 6044 Code Finder. Open the door to go through.

Pick up the coin (4/10) from the green table on the right. Examine the bench at the end of the room. Take key 2 from the hook on the left, then back out and turn around. Use the camera to see some more hidden writing (2/4) "Am I really dreaming?". Go through the door, then turn left, go through the gate and climb down another ladder. Head towards the door on the left and collect another newspaper article. Use your key on the locked door here and go through.

Examine the desk and take the 4 colored notes from the notice board. Open the drawer and take the coin (5/10) from inside, then back out twice and go through the nearby door. Find a coin (6/10) between the wooden slats on the left. Now look at the control panel in front of you. Numbering the green buttons 1-6 from left to right, press them in this order: 1, 3, 2, 5, 4, 6 Button Master. Turn around and open the door, then turn around and open another door. Approach the door here and take a nail (1/4) from the brick wall (the blue note in your inventory will help you find it). Go back twice and climb up the ladder.

Go forward through the gate, then turn right and go through the door. Climb down the ladder and look at the hatch in the floor, then pick up key 3. Back out and turn around, then take another nail (2/4) from the right of the wooden slats (the purple note in your inventory will help you find it). Climb up the ladder.

Turn around and go through the door, then go left and through the gate. Climb down the ladder, turn around and look down at the trapdoor. Pick up a coin (7/10) and a plate from the floor on the left. Use your key to unlock the trapdoor, then climb down. Use your camera to see some more hidden writing (3/4) "I'm dying". Head over towards the door and take a nail (3/4) from the shelves on the left (the yellow note in your inventory will help you find it). Also pick up another coin (8/10) from the floor on the right. Examine the keypad near the door and use your camera to see the rearranged numbers, then enter the code 8212 Numbers. Open the door.

Look at the table and pick up the monocle. Take a nail (4/4) from between the bars on the right (the green note in your inventory will help you find it) Nail Collector. Turn back and go through the door, then go through the white door up the short flight of stairs. Examine the painting on the wall, then remove it. Use your monocle and wait until you see the numbers "1686". Back out and examine the metal box on the right. Try to open this with code 1686, then try again with this code rotated through 180 degrees (9891) The Metal Box. Take the key from inside, as well as another coin (9/10). Back out and turn around, then go through this door and through the next door to the right. Go along the corridor and unlock the far red door with your new key, then go through to a pitch black room.

Use your camera here, then go forward to the left. Use your camera again to keep going, then use your camera a third time so you can open the door. Examine the refrigerator in the right back corner of the room, then open the door, open the box, and talk to the head inside Meet Jack. Back out, then examine the table on the left and click on the teddy bear. Use your 4 nails on the teddy bear Hurt Teddy, then pick up the plate that is revealed. Turn around and take the coin (10/10) from the left wall Coin Collector 2.

Grab the newspaper article from left of the door, then open the door to return to the dark area. Use your camera again to guide you through to the other door Jack's Body. Go along the hallway and through the far door. Turn around and use your camera to see the last hidden writing (4/4) "Please help me" Hidden Text. Climb up the ladder, then turn around and climb up the next ladder. Approach the gate and head through, then go through the next door (with the keypad). Examine the bench at the end of the room. Use your 2 plates, then zoom in further. You need to rotate the plates so that when they are superimposed over each other, they form the pattern shown at the top. From the starting position, rotate the left plate 3 times, middle plate once, and right plate 3 times. Now press the red button Plate Master.

Back away, then turn around and go through the door. Turn left and go through the gate, then turn around and go through the door. After you stand up, turn around and open the door Decay Master 2.

Episode 3

Turn around and open the door. Turn left and walk toward the small red table, then turn left and enter the bathroom. See the message "Tory was here", then turn around and leave the bathroom again. Go to the refrigerator and read both messages. Turn right towards the corridor, then approach door 2. Open the viewing window and talk to Rafael about everything. Back out, then turn around and enter door 1. Turn around and take the pocket watch, then turn around again and pick up the coin (1/10) in front of the bars on the left. Examine the box on the table and the trapdoor in the ceiling. Use the pocket watch in your inventory and a new door will appear Time Traveller. Head through the door.

Continue forward and down the stairs, then pick up a coin (2/10) from the ground and a knife handle from the chair. Go through the large double doors, then continue through the white door. Open a yellow cabinet on the left wall and take another coin (3/10) from inside. Back out twice, then go through the gate on the right. Take the coin (4/10) from the floor on the left. Head through the door on the right, then turn around and collect the coin (5/10) from above the door. Go through the door, then turn around and head through the gate. Pick up the shovel from the shelf in front of you. Turn right and head through the door beneath the red flashing lights.

Approach the table on the far side of the room, then examine the box. To open it, turn the following circles:

  • Largest circle: Turn right 4 times
  • Second smallest circle: Turn right 6 times
  • Smallest circle: Turn right once Circles

Take the key from inside. Back out and turn around, then take the coin (6/10) from the cardboard box on the left. Go through the door, then head through the gate to the left. Go over to the cabinet with "PIG" written on it and use your new key, then open the cabinet and take the flashlight and cane from inside. Back out twice, turn around and go back through the gate. Turn right and head through the door beneath the red flashing lights again. Go over to the dark room on the right and use your flashlight. Pick up the VHS tape, then back out, turn around and go through the door. Continue through the white door ahead, then climb up the new ladder that appears. Pick up another coin (7/10) from the floor, then walk towards the chair twice.

Back in your room again, turn around and open the door. Turn left and walk toward the small red table, then open the drawer and take a coin (8/10). Back out twice, turn left and enter the bathroom, then turn around and leave the bathroom again. Head to the refrigerator to see a new message. Turn right towards the corridor, then approach door 2. Open the viewing window and talk to Rafael again. Back out, then make your way through door 3. Go through the door ahead, down the stairs and through the double doors. Head up the ladder, then walk over to the hanging body. Talk to Rafael about everything Rafael's Confession. After the conversation, pick up the magnifier from the floor. Back out, turn around and climb back down the ladder. Turn around and go through the white door, then go through the gate on the right. Head through the door on the right here.

Use your pocket watch, then approach the painting and use your magnifier on it to see a message Detective. Back out and turn around, then leave the room. Turn around and go through the gate, then turn left and go through the white door. Go through the double doors, then through the door with the overhead flashing light. Look up at the trapdoor and use your cane to open it. Now pick up the yellow ball (1/4) from the ground. Go through the door, then down the stairs and through the double doors. Click on the ladder and pick up the red ball (2/4) after it drops to the ground. Go through the white door and pick up the gray ball (3/4) from the ground. Go through the gate to the right and approach the blackboard, then pick up the green ball (4/4) Ball Collector.

Now back out, turn around and go through the gate. Turn left and go through the white door, the double doors, and the door with the flashing light. Examine the box on the table again. Insert your balls into the four holes (from left to right, use gray, green, red and yellow) Colours. Take the TV key from inside the box, then back out and go through the door. Use your TV key on the red door to the right and go through.

Look at the VCR and insert your VHS tape, then watch the video using the controls that appear - you will briefly see the solution to an upcoming puzzle Zombie of the Dead. Back out and turn around, then pick up the crowbar from the left and a coin (9/10) from the right. Go through the door, then go through the double doors. Go to the other end of the room and turn around to have a conversation with the bag on the table. Now examine the trapdoor in the floor and use your crowbar to open it. Climb down the ladder.

Look at the small box on the right wall to see 4 shapes. Using the information from the video, set the shapes to the following:

  • Top left: Triangle
  • Top right: Star
  • Bottom left: Moon
  • Bottom right: Triangle Symbols

Look in the opening and take the knife blade and another key. In your inventory, combine the knife blade and knife handle The Knife. Back out and approach the next door, then unlock it with your new key and you will automatically open it. Use your shovel, then look into the hole Tory. After the conversation, look into the hole again and take the last coin (10/10) from the right eye of the skull Coin Collector 3.

Back out, turn around and head up the stairs and through the wooden trapdoor. Continue along the corridor and you will end up back in your room. Save your game. Go through the door and you will have 2 options to choose from, either take the keys Bad Ending, or use the knife and take the keys Good Ending. Either way, you will have completed the Decay Master 3.