Phantasmagoria 2
A Puzzle of Flesh
Game Details: Horror, 1996
Links: Moby Games, Steam, Adventure Gamers
Walkthrough Updated: 8/2/2005
Suggested Listening: Help Me Out (Ash 25)
Chapter 1
You will start in the bedroom. Look in the mirror. Now look over to the right - open the nightstand dresser and take the granola bar, screwdriver and photo of your parents. Go back to the left, then head left through the doorway to reach the front door. Take the mail from the basket, then after turning around, head right into the living room. Use the mail on yourself to read it and discover a postcard. Now turn to the left and click on Blob's cage to say hello. Pick up the Christmas party photo from the small table in the middle of the room. Cross the room and look at the bookcase - also look at the photo to the left to see the developers of this game.
Now return to the front door and try to leave, and you will realize you don't have your wallet. Go back into the living room and look under the couch to find it. Go back and get Blob, and put her under the couch. Now use the granola bar on it to lure her out (with your wallet). Now return to the front door and leave your apartment - head to WynTech.
Look at your wallet in the inventory and remove your card key. Use this on the card reader to the left, then enter the main office. Get a drink from the water cooler, then turn to the right and click on the door to learn that it leads to Warner's office. Now go to Jocilyn's cubicle (with the plants). Talk to her twice and she will agree to meet you at the restaurant later. Show her the postcard and the photos.
Next go to Tom's cubicle (with the keys). Talk to him, and show him your wallet and card key. Visit Therese in her cubicle on the right by the window. Talk to her and show her the postcard. Go to Bob's cubicle next door (with the trenchcoat) and talk to him. Go back and get another drink, then approach Warner's door again. Inside, look at Warner's desk and get the photograph. Try to open the drawer, but you will be caught and kicked out.
Go to your cubicle and sit down in the chair. Look at the picture of Blob, then look at the notepad by your keyboard. Pick up the phone and call everyone (extensions 6992, 6125, 6120, 3038 and 6996). Use your computer, and enter the password Blob. Phone Trevor again on 6125, then go to his cubicle (with the globes, next to yours). Talk to him, then show him the photos, postcard and card key. Return to your cubicle again.
Use your computer once more. Go to documents (lower left icon), then have a look at all the documents you can. Bring up the Venimen_Sagawa document in your own folder, and click on it several times to have a hallucination. Afterwards, try to use your computer again, then call Trevor on 6125. Go to his cubicle and talk to him until you head to the restaurant.
Dreaming Tree
Talk to the waiter, then talk to Trevor several times until you return to WynTech.
Use the card reader on the left, then return to your cubicle and sit down. Use your computer and go to mail (second icon at the bottom). Read all your mail, and reply to Trevor and Jocilyn's messages. Now leave the main office area, and go to the opposite room (the network room). Go into the rear right corner of the room and move the boxes out of the way to reveal a door. Try to open it, then try using the screwdriver on it. Return to your cubicle and sit down again.
Use your computer, and try to open the Venimen document. To solve the puzzle that appears, click on the letters to spell Ratboy. Stand up and go to Bob's cubicle. Talk to Bob. Visit Therese in her cubicle and talk to her. Go back to the network room, and after Therese comes, return to your cubicle again. Bring up the Venimen document and click on it several times, until you comment that it is time to leave work. Leave the office and go to the restaurant.
Dreaming Tree
Talk to Jocilyn and the waiter until you can't talk any more. Use your wallet on the bill and you will leave.
Talk to Jocilyn to complete the chapter.
Chapter 2
Walk into the bedroom and look in the mirror. Head to the front door and take the mail from the basket, then go into the living room. Use the mail on yourself to read it. Click on Blob's cage to say good morning. Use Dr Harburg's card on the phone to make an appointment, then leave the apartment and go to WynTech.
Talk to Jocilyn, Trevor and Therese in the corridor, then use the card reader to enter the offices. Enter Warner's office (using the next door down the corridor) and grab the piece of paper from the floor, then leave again. In the main office area, talk to the detective twice, then click twice on your cubicle. When the detective leaves, you will head to the restaurant.
Dreaming Tree
Talk to Jocilyn twice, then talk to Therese until she makes a dates with you - you will return to your apartment.
Talk to Blob again, and look at the bookcase in the living room and the mirror in your bedroom. Travel back to WynTech.
Enter the main offices and you will be kicked out by the detective. Go back inside again and enter the first cubicle (Tom's), and use the phone to call Warner on 6996. Go into his office and look at the photo on his desk, and the document showing on his computer. Look at the round plaque on the wall that reads Carpe Diem. Now look at the desk again and open the drawer. Take the key, then close the drawer and Warner will return.
Back outside, go into Bob's cubicle and look at his chair. Take the button, then leave here and enter the network room. Go into the far right corner and move the boxes to reveal the door. Use the key to open the door and go through. Open the filing cabinet and take the metal box you find, then open it. Leave this room and go back to your apartment.
Walk to the living room and use the metal box on yourself to open it. Take out the folder (and look at it closely in your inventory to read the document). Take out the lace dress, then click on the box again to find a locked compartment. Try using the screwdriver on it. Close the box and head to the doctor's office.
Harburg's Office
Look at the snowdome on the desk. Now talk to the doctor, and show her your photos, and the cards from Therese. Show her the file folder, then show her the lace dress twice. Show her Bob's button, then use the doctor's card on her to make another appointment. When you leave, go to the restaurant.
Dreaming Tree
Talk to Max twice about the murder, then leave and go to the club.
Talk to the bouncer, then show him your card from Therese to get inside. Talk to the person sitting at the bar. Next try to enter the restroom in the far left corner. Try to enter the pit to the far right. Return to the middle of the club and turn left to find Therese. Talk to her until she orders a drink, then drink it. When a man asks for volunteers, talk to him. You will end up back at home.
Look at your pierced navel to end the chapter.
Chapter 3
Look in the mirror in your bedroom, then walk out to the living room and pick up the phone - Warner tells you to come to work. Get your mail from the front door and return to the living room to read it. Talk to Blob in her cage, then go to work.
Head right into the network room and look at the hidden door. Take the hammer from the desk, then head to your cubicle. Watch the argument between the detective and Warner, then sit down and log into your computer. Check your email and reply to Trevor, Jocilyn and Therese. Click on the archive folder and enter the password Carpe Diem. Read the threshold document. Now go to the Memos folder and read each of the 3 documents (the passwords are Infection, Revelation and Desecration).
Phone Trevor on 6125, then Jocilyn on 6992. Go to Trevor's cubicle and talk to him, then visit Therese and talk to her twice. Go to Bob's cubicle and look at the box on his desk, then head to Jocilyn's cubicle and talk to her twice. Approach Warner's door and you will overhear a fight. Go and talk to Trevor a few more times, then approach your cubicle to have a vision. Open the door to Warner's office and you will arrive in a mental hospital.
Talk to the nurse, then look at yourself and try to open the buckle. Kick the green ball to distract the nurse, then look at yourself and try to open the buckle again. Escape through the doorway and you will wake from your hallucination. Head home.
Go into the living room and open the metal box. Look at the hammer in your inventory, then use the screwdriver on it. Use this combination of items on the metal box to open the locked compartment. Read the letter from your father, then go to the restaurant.
Dreaming Tree
Talk to Trevor until he leaves. Head to Dr Harburg's office.
Harburg's Office
Talk to the doctor, then show her the photos and cards from Therese. Next show her the file folder and piece of lace, then Bob's button and finally the letter from your father (twice). Head to the club.
Talk to the guy at the bar, then leave and head home.
Talk to Therese in the living room, then when you reach the bedroom talk to her twice more.
Chapter 4
Talk to the detective until she leaves. Look in the mirror, then go and collect the mail from the front door. Enter the living room and look at your mail. Use Dr Harburg's card on the phone to make another appointment. Talk to Blob 3 times, then look at your bookcase again, before heading to WynTech.
Enter the office area and approach Tom's cubicle, but the detective will kick you out. Travel to the restaurant.
Dreaming Tree
Talk to Trevor until he leaves, then go back to work.
Enter the offices, and try to enter Warner's office, but the detective won't let you.
Harburg's Office
Talk to the doctor until you get angry and leave. Head home.
Answer the door when someone knocks, then talk to Jocilyn until she leaves. Go back into the living room and take the hairpin from the table, then head back to WynTech.
From the main hallway, use the hairpin to pick the lock of Warner's door. Look at the desk and try to open the drawer, but it is locked. Use your screwdriver to force the lock, then take the paper and the code book that you find there, and examine them both. Close the drawer and log in to Warner's computer as yourself. Read your email from Trevor to discover the SecureCon password. Log out, the log in as Warner, using the password Carpe Diem. Select the computer icon at the lower left to access SecureCon, and increase your security level to 3. Enter the confirmation code Blacklotus. Leave Warner's office. Back in the hallway, use your card key in the reader by the glass door, then use it again in the reader near the elevator. You will reach the lower levels.
Go through the door at the end of the hall. In the next room pick up the straight-jacket, then continue through the next door. Pick up the toy truck, then go through another door. Pick up the blanket in the next hallway, then look at the door to the right. Look at the box to the right of the door, and enter the code 10958 (if you take too long to do this, Dr Marek will take you away).
You have found the underground computer room - use the computer here, and enter the password Rosetta. Talk to the aliens until they invite you to the Threshold, but do not enter it, or Dr Marek will get you. Leave the computer room and return to the main hallway, then exit WynTech and go to the club.
Talk to the girl at the bar, then turn around to find Therese in the booth. Drink the drink, then follow her to the back of the club. Show the bouncer your invitation from Therese and you will be allowed to pass. Look at the puzzle on the door - click the tiles until all the middle ones are green, then click the middle of the puzzle. Look at the chains to your right, then open the red curtains to find Therese.
Chapter 5
Talk to the detective once, then look at Blob's cage, before talking to the detective until she leaves. Look in the mirror in your bedroom twice. Get your wallet from the nightstand drawer, then go to the front door. Try to get the mail but it's not there yet. Try again and you will find a single message. Back in the living room, look at Blob's cage twice, then use Dr Harburg's card on the phone - you will go to the doctor's office.
Harburg's Office
Pick up the phone, which is hanging from the desk. Look behind the desk, then run out the door when the guard isn't looking. Head to WynTech.
Go to your cubicle and sit down. Look at your monitor twice to see your alien self. Next go to Bob's cubicle and touch his keyboard for another vision. Go to Tom's cubicle and look at his monitor. Now head into Warner's office. Log in to the computer as yourself and read your emails, then log out. Log in as Warner and read the Goldmine document in the PaulW folder. Click the Graphic button and Print the logo. Next read the Bdadress document, then leave the office and head across to the network room.
Take the card key from Trevor by searching him twice, then leave here and go all the way to the underground computer room. Log in to the computer with the password Rosetta. Talk to the aliens until they open the Threshold door. Approach the card reader and use Trevor's card with it. Press the second button from the left (the one that matches the logo you just printed), and you will enter the Threshold room.
Use the computer here, then talk to Warner until the projection of the real Curtis comes through and hits him. Talk to the projection until it begins to electrocute you, then quickly use the computer to escape through the Threshold.
Dimension X
Take some brown slime from the vertical pipes, then go down to the lower area. Capture 3 aliens here (the round one with a tail, the starfish one, and the arch-shaped one). Take some of the purple fungus another group of aliens were eating. Combine the arch and starfish aliens to make a hybrid alien, then go through the hole in the wall to reach a room filled with electricity.
Use the fungus on the glowing aliens and capture one while it eats. Use your hybrid alien on the white electricity to create a hole. Touch the green electricity, then go through the tunnel to find the real Curtis Craig's room. Approach the body and look at it.
Look at the surgical tray on the right and grab the big syringe.
Dreaming Tree
Take the gun from Jocilyn.
Look down and take the card key, then use it in the reader by the elevator.
Use the handle near your right hand to dump Therese.
Get the young Curtis to hug his mother.
Dimension X
Approach the real Curtis and kill him, then take the goo left behind. Turn around and go down the tunnel that opens up. Combine the goo with the slime you collected earlier, and use this combination on the broken pipe to repair it. Go up to the upper area. Look at the green lights on the left and insert the glowing alien where there appears to be one missing. Now look at the panel on the right.
- Connect the 4 disconnected wires at the bottom and the 3 disconnected wires on the right using the schematics shown at the bottom and left of the panel.
- Press the spiky button in the top left - it fires a laser downwards.
- Click on the ball that received the laser.
- Press the spiky button again.
- Click on the ball again.
- Press the spiky button a 3rd time.
- Look for a round button in the top right with a small red triangle - click this twice.
- Press the spiky button one last time.
- Find 3 switches near the button of the screen, and press them in the order red, yellow, blue.
- Look for a large triangular button with 3 circles within it - click this twice.
- Finally, find a small glowing ball just below and left of a much larger sphere - click this once and you will go through the Threshold.
To end the game, you can choose to become human by staying with Jocilyn, or choose to become an alien by going through the Threshold.