The Sink Gods
Game Details: Adventure, 2022
Steam Achievements: Completed (9/9)
Links: Moby Games, Steam
Walkthrough Updated: 10/2/2022
Suggested Listening: Where There's Smoke (Ash 25)
Start a new game a choose your character:
- Play the game as Robin Robin
- Play the game as Gwendolyn Gwendolyn
Click through the next scenes until the game begins.
Temple of the Sink Gods
Look at the box on the table and rotate it left. Turn the two parts of the disc near the top to show a triangle pointing upwards, then take the gold token. Rotate the box right twice, then drag this token over the matching token slot. Rotate left and take the green lens. Rotate right twice and place this on the matching lens slot. Now rotate left and flip the switch down. Back out and enter the green portal.
Temple of Knobus
Notice the two equations on the wall here (4+2 and 3+2). Turn left and rotate both levers to a vertical position. Turn left and examine the box, then rotate it right. Grab the holy grail. Back out and turn left. Click on Knobus to see that she wants the grail, then give it to her. After she drinks, look at the note in her hand, which has a new equation (2+4).
Back out and turn right twice. Rotate the levers to be vertical and horizontal. Turn left and examine the box, then rotate it left to find another equation (1+0). Back out and turn to the right, then rotate the levers to be horizontal and diagonal. Turn left and examine the box, then rotate it left to find a new lever. Rotate this to be diagonal. Back out and turn right again. Adjust both these levers to be diagonal. Turn left and examine the box, then take the token The Gatekeeper.
Temple of the Sink Gods
Look at the box on the table and rotate it right. Drag the token over the matching token slot. Rotate left and take the blue lens. Rotate right twice and place this on the matching lens slot. Now rotate left and flip the switch down. Back out and enter the blue portal.
Temple of Spoutus
Turn right and pick up the screwdriver. Turn right twice and examine the box. Rotate the box left and notice the broken path. Rotate left again and use your screwdriver on the screw, then take the small shield. Rotate left twice more and adjust the 3 sliders to these positions: middle, top, bottom. Rotate left and the path should now be complete, so click on it, then take the key.
Back out and turn right twice. Insert your small shield on the left, then pick up the shield that falls down. Turn right again. Click on Spoutus to see that she wants the shield, then give it to her. Click on her again, then take the sword.
Back out and turn left twice, then approach the 3 squares on the wall. Insert your sword beneath the first square to see two equations. Retrieve the sword and insert it beneath the right square to see two more equations. Retrieve the sword and insert it beneath the middle square, then set the 4 numbers to 5, 3, 8 and 1. Take the brush that is revealed.
Back out again and turn right twice. Look at the large plaque on the wall here. Insert your sword in the middle section, and use your key in the bottom section. Now use your brush on the red paint. Back out and turn left, then use your brush with red paint on the flowing water. Pick up the token The Destroyer.
Temple of the Sink Gods
Look at the box on the table and rotate it right. Drag the token over the matching token slot. Rotate left and take the magnifying glass and the red lens. Rotate right twice and place the lens on the matching lens slot. Now rotate left and flip the switch down. Back out and enter the red portal.
Temple of Drainus
Turn right twice and see a series of up and down arrows near a bird cage and a fire. Turn left and examine the box. Press the buttons according to those arrows: top, top, bottom, top, bottom, bottom, top. Now take the small bird. Back out and turn right. Look at the cage and put the bird inside. Now turn the lever twice. Look at the cage and grab the dark bird. Back out and turn right twice, then give the dark bird to Drainus. Pick up the bird skull.
Turn left and see a series of left and right arrows near a plaque on the wall. Turn left twice and examine the box, then rotate it right. Press the buttons according to those arrows: right, left, right, right, left, right. Now take the rabbit. Back out and turn right. Look at the cage and put the rabbit inside. Now turn the lever twice. Look at the cage and grab the dark rabbit. Back out and turn right twice, then give the dark rabbit to Drainus. Pick up the rabbit skull.
Turn right and examine the box, then rotate it right twice. Insert your 2 skulls in the indents, then take the person. Back out and turn right. Look at the cage and put the person inside. Now turn the lever twice. Look at the cage and grab the dark soul. Back out and turn right twice, then give the dark soul to Drainus. Pick up the human skull.
Turn right and examine the box, then rotate it left. Insert your human skull in the indent. Use your magnifying glass to see a number 6 on this skull. Rotate left and examine the other 2 skulls with your magnifying glass to see the numbers 9 and 2. Back out and turn left twice. Examine the plaque, and set the numbers to 6, 2, 9. Back out again, then turn right twice. Examine the box and rotate it left, then pick up the token The Hungry Ghost.
Temple of the Sink Gods
Look at the box on the table and rotate it right. Drag the token over the matching token slot. Rotate left and take the gold lens. Rotate right twice and place this on the matching lens slot. Now rotate left and flip the switch down. Back out and enter the gold portal Priest.
Temple of Sinkus
Pick up the staff. Turn left twice and count the number of brown and red head-dress pieces (9 and 8). Turn left twice and place the staff in the indent in the floor. Examine the box and rotate it left, then press the buttons to show the numbers 9 and 8. Take the token. Rotate the box right and insert the token in the slot. Click through the final scenes Vengeance at last.
From the main menu, begin the Aftermath section A New Chapter.
Click on the agent to see you need 3 dice rolling sixes. Turn left, open the door and go through. Turn right, open another door and look into the bathroom. Open the cupboard and take the soap and screwdriver. Back out and turn right, then pick up the milk. Go forward to return to the first room.
Click on the broken piece of wall here several times to reveal a series of letters and colors that you will need later, then back out again. Turn left twice and use your screwdriver to remove 4 screws from the electrical panel. Slide the 3 conductors so electricity can pass from top to bottom, and you will see a panel open in the other room. Back out and turn left. Use your screwdriver again, then rotate the 3 conductors to complete the electrical circuit and another panel will open in the other room. Back out and click on Pipus, then give her the milk. Click on her again, and she will send pipes and water flowing into the other room.
Back out, then turn right and enter the other room. Look at the pipe puzzle straight ahead, and direct the water around to the right - this will reveal a different panel with the letters A-F. Back out and turn left, then approach the other puzzle. Tilt the platforms (from top to bottom tilt them right, left, right, left), then insert the soap on the left and it should fall through to the bottom. If you mess this up, go and get more soap from the bathroom cupboard. Once successfully, press the brown button on the new panel and watch the color order that is shown: red, blue, orange, green, yellow, purple.
Back out and turn right, then approach the previous puzzle. Based on the letters and colors behind the broken piece of wall from earlier, and the colors you just saw, press these buttons: D, F, C, E, A, B. Take the key. Back out and turn right. Use the key in the lock, and take the loaded dice from inside. Back out, turn right and return to the first room.
Look at the table and use your loaded dice with the existing dice here. Click on them and you will roll 3 sixes. Back out and turn left, then open the door. Click on Pipus, then use your scythe on the man The End.